Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
Yeah, hi. That was me. I have been a fan of maynard for a long time. i've heard more than one creepy story about him in the 20+ years. There's some on the internet and a few grapevine type stories. They may not be true but there's definitely quite a few and I know i'm not the only one who's heard them.

I do think hiding in the back from your fans is rather cowardly and doesn't make me want to shell out for his shows. He's long been overrated imo. Plenty of rapists stand at the front of the stage so no, I don't think that alone makes him a rapist.
See, stories, hearsay, feelings and assumptions are not exactly the strongest grounds to stand on when accusing someone with a crime like this.

What you think of his music, stage presence, interviews... everything that amounts to the artistic image/narrative he or any other musician chose to feed the public is of no relevance for what he as a person and human is like and it's not your/our business to drag this into a discussion like this.