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Thread: Sexual Abuse/Assault in the News

  1. #781
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    Did you watch what I was talking about? 1,000% guarantee the answer is no, and yet, you still felt it was necessary for you to speak on it.

    Sorry if you think me hating MRA shit is fucked. Perhaps examine why you feel that way.

    Edit - Perhaps the disconnect is that you are taking things I post and interpreting them to mean I am referring to one specific situation, when I am not. Hannah's piece is speaking about cultural issues, and in that context, the reputations of men absolutely, 100% matter more than the lives and safety of women. People, with the rare exception, will not outright say that, but they show that they believe it by what they choose to support and argue against. This thread is about more than one thing, and it seems as if you are taking cultural commentary as personal attacks.
    Last edited by Sarah K; 07-02-2018 at 06:27 PM.

  2. #782
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  3. #783
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    Quote Originally Posted by Helpmeiaminhell View Post
    Holy God, this one is especially fucking bat shit crazy, isn't it?
    The Wolfpack vs the Feldfam.

    Sadly, I don't have a very hard time believing these accusations. The "angels" thing has always struck me as REALLY strange.

    And it's likely a cyclical thing, wherein Feldman became an abuser (and drug victim) because HE was abused.

    I wish I could believe that he was being falsely accused because Hollywood wants to silence him, but I think that if that was the case, it would be people other than his own "angels" making the accusations. That's a pretty far fetched conspiracy theory.

    I'm disgusted with Feldman but also kind of feel sorry for him.
    Last edited by elevenism; 07-03-2018 at 03:11 AM.

  4. #784
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    The whole Angels thing seemed very cult like to me, bizarre. Looks like I will never witness first hand the hilarity of a Corey's Angels show

  5. #785
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  6. #786
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    "I have a daughter. I have a stepdaughter. I would never do that."

    Shut the fuck up, Andy. This (my rant) has nothing to do with the allegations and their credibility level. This has everything to do with the tired old notion that you can only respect women if you have some woman in your life that you love. "Oh, my mom's dead and I don't have any sisters, so I don't think sexual assault would be wrong." That's the message you're sending.

    It doesn't matter who you know or who's in your family, you un-funny cockwomble. That has literally nothing to do with sexual abuse, period. Every woman in my family could drop dead tomorrow and that wouldn't suddenly mean that I don't respect women anymore.

  7. #787
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    edit: wrong thread

  8. #788
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG View Post
    The whole Angels thing seemed very cult like to me, bizarre. Looks like I will never witness first hand the hilarity of a Corey's Angels show
    A couple of the former Angels are on my fb. They have some interesting stories about him to say the least lmao.....One girl showed me text messages where he was demanding in capital letters that she come over to his house at 3AM to "rehearse" for the band and when she blew it off, he started screaming at what a piece of shit she is and how he will ruin her career in Hollywood...The dude is whacked

  9. #789
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    Quote Originally Posted by Helpmeiaminhell View Post
    A couple of the former Angels are on my fb. They have some interesting stories about him to say the least lmao.....One girl showed me text messages where he was demanding in capital letters that she come over to his house at 3AM to "rehearse" for the band and when she blew it off, he started screaming at what a piece of shit she is and how he will ruin her career in Hollywood...The dude is whacked
    Oh Jesus dude. So you're coming up on first hand evidence of this insanity. Crazy.

  10. #790
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    Quote Originally Posted by Helpmeiaminhell View Post
    A couple of the former Angels are on my fb. They have some interesting stories about him to say the least lmao.....One girl showed me text messages where he was demanding in capital letters that she come over to his house at 3AM to "rehearse" for the band and when she blew it off, he started screaming at what a piece of shit she is and how he will ruin her career in Hollywood...The dude is whacked
    i don’t understand how he has this much money to do this shit? He wasn’t in that many films and it isn’t like his career took off into adulthood (although I guess that’s why he’s taking money from his ‘angels’

  11. #791
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG View Post
    i don’t understand how he has this much money to do this shit? He wasn’t in that many films and it isn’t like his career took off into adulthood (although I guess that’s why he’s taking money from his ‘angels’
    Dude cashed out over 270 grand from suckers on that go fund me shit he did

  12. #792
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    Andy Dick is an asshole and I'm not surprised he would do something like this. He has become nothing but trouble lately.

  13. #793
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    Quote Originally Posted by thevoid99 View Post
    Andy Dick is an asshole and I'm not surprised he would do something like this. He has become nothing but trouble lately.
    isn't he completely responsible for giving brynn hartman coke which led to her murdering phil hartman? he's always been a piece of shit.

  14. #794
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    Rob Sheridan claimed to have been groped by Andy Dick.

  15. #795
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    Quote Originally Posted by FernandoDante View Post
    Rob Sheridan claimed to have been groped by Andy Dick.
    Looooots of people have claimed to be sexually harassed and assaulted by Andy Dick. There's a video somewhere of Joe Rogan talking about how Dick is constantly exposing himself to random folks and grabbing people who don't want him to touch them. He sounds like an absolute trainwreck dumpsterfire of a human. I don't believe a single word out of his mouth in his own defense, this is just the sort of thing he would do.

  16. #796
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    Quote Originally Posted by eachpassingphase View Post
    Looooots of people have claimed to be sexually harassed and assaulted by Andy Dick. There's a video somewhere of Joe Rogan talking about how Dick is constantly exposing himself to random folks and grabbing people who don't want him to touch them. He sounds like an absolute trainwreck dumpsterfire of a human. I don't believe a single word out of his mouth in his own defense, this is just the sort of thing he would do.
    I knew my twitter memory had to be good for something.

  17. #797
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    isn't he completely responsible for giving brynn hartman coke which led to her murdering phil hartman? he's always been a piece of shit.
    I never knew that. If that was true. Then fuck that piece of shit.

  18. #798
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    isn't he completely responsible for giving brynn hartman coke which led to her murdering phil hartman? he's always been a piece of shit.
    I was seriously about to mention this too. I never ever liked Andy Dick (I find him annoying as hell and don't think he's funny at all), but ever since I read about that story and his altercations with Jon Lovitz over the matter, I've hated Andy Dick with a passion. Phil Hartman was awesome.

  19. #799
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    Quote Originally Posted by thevoid99 View Post
    I never knew that. If that was true. Then fuck that piece of shit.
    Eh, it's kind of 'thing' in that group of comedians that seeped out into becoming a thing normal people with 0 knowledge of the situation now have strong opinions on. Andy Dick is an absurdly unfunny creep but Brynn Hartman was a grown-ass woman in control of her own actions. It's one thing for close personal friends to hold a grudge about something like that, but it seems kinda fucked up for the public at large to put something like that on a dude who, for all we know, may have just been getting high with a friend. This is in no way a defense of anything Andy Dick's ever done - but as a current drug addict, I feel like it's totally nuts to have that buck stop with anybody but the drug addict themselves.

  20. #800
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    @Harry Seaward - I know what you're saying, but the story I heard/read was that she had been sober (at least when it came to drugs) for several years and he (Andy) "reintroduced" her to cocaine and made her relapse after she'd had a big fight with Phil earlier that night, where he'd threatened to leave her if she started using again. Then she went out and got fucked up with Andy Dick, came home, shot her husband in the head twice (and a third time in the side), blew her own brains out, and left their children as orphans. Eight years later (in 2006), Andy Dick approached Jon Lovitz in a restaurant and said "I put the Phil Hartman hex on you; you're the next one to die." Lovitz then smashed his face into the bar. Deservedly so, because why the fuck would you say something like that to someone who'd been a close friend of a guy who was murdered by their wife after she got fucked up with you??

  21. #801
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonic_discord View Post
    @Harry Seaward - I know what you're saying, but the story I heard/read was that she had been sober (at least when it came to drugs) for several years and he (Andy) "reintroduced" her to cocaine and made her relapse after she'd had a big fight with Phil earlier that night, where he'd threatened to leave her if she started using again. Then she went out and got fucked up with Andy Dick, came home, shot her husband in the head twice (and a third time in the side), blew her own brains out, and left their children as orphans. Eight years later (in 2006), Andy Dick approached Jon Lovitz in a restaurant and said "I put the Phil Hartman hex on you; you're the next one to die." Lovitz then smashed his face into the bar. Deservedly so, because why the fuck would you say something like that to someone who'd been a close friend of a guy who was murdered by their wife after she got fucked up with you??
    He said that to Jon Lovitz and Lovitz knocked him the fuck out. I don't blame Jon Lovitz for doing that. Fuck Andy Dick. I guess this is why I don't see him in films or TV often and maybe that is why Ben Stiller hasn't worked with him in nearly 20 years.

  22. #802
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    Perhaps the disconnect is that you are taking things I post and interpreting them to mean I am referring to one specific situation, when I am not. Hannah's piece is speaking about cultural issues, and in that context, the reputations of men absolutely, 100% matter more than the lives and safety of women. People, with the rare exception, will not outright say that, but they show that they believe it by what they choose to support and argue against. This thread is about more than one thing, and it seems as if you are taking cultural commentary as personal attacks.
    Yes, that seems incredibly likely to be a big part of the issue. I definitely was a bit tunnel-visioned these past few pages, forgetting that this is also a much more general thread. But I mean... I feel like I'm not entirely to blame for any confusion when you don't quote anybody and sometimes certain things are aimed at certain people and sometimes it's a general comment lol. All I have to work with are context clues. But yes, people really need to reassess their actions sometimes. Trust me, I don't particularly enjoy the company I happen to keep by holding this view. But there are just a few topics about which I always try to be as thorough and nuanced (and often defensive at the start) as possible in explaining my view because I know how close it is to a lot of other views that suck. So I wasn't trying to whine about people being mean or facepalming me, I just wanted to make sure I was expressing my point as accurately as I could and the response I was getting really pushed me toward thinking I wasn't doing it well.

    Quote Originally Posted by sonic_discord View Post
    @Harry Seaward - I know what you're saying, but the story I heard/read was that she had been sober (at least when it came to drugs) for several years and he (Andy) "reintroduced" her to cocaine and made her relapse after she'd had a big fight with Phil earlier that night, where he'd threatened to leave her if she started using again. Then she went out and got fucked up with Andy Dick, came home, shot her husband in the head twice (and a third time in the side), blew her own brains out, and left their children as orphans.
    That's entirely possible! But it's also possible that the stories about the events leading up to the deaths are the blurry, angry, horrified recollections of a bunch of comedians who probably weren't all that clear headed themselves in the late 90's. I don't know, and the two people who know for certain are dead.

    But let's say I accept this telling of events as accurate for the sake of discussion - offering drugs to a friend you know is trying to stay sober is a dick move for sure. It's something that happens to every drug addict who tries to get clean at some point, but it's scummy. Nevertheless, being deservedly labeled a shitty friend is a world apart from being labeled as directly responsible for the death of a beloved public figure who was in reality killed by an insane person.

    I'm generally the most sympathetic person I know in respect to treating drug addicts as human beings. I get into arguments with people addicted to hard drugs about it. I regularly call people out for being sociopaths when they post on the local news stories about increasing Narcan stock that "We should just let them die." I'm relatively extreme in my beliefs that all drugs should be legal, that drug addicts should be given the opportunity to use in a safe and clean environment, and that people shouldn't have their lives destroyed for possession of an amount of drugs that's clearly for personal use. I'm not sure how many of you have had these conversations with your average American, but let me tell you - the average person absolutely thinks that using drugs is worthy of death. Full stop. It's horrifying what level of barbarity is completely commonplace among society. I like to think that we're maturing on this topic as a society but in my heart I know that any real change in mindset will be glacial. I can't imagine we'll see very much progress on this front in my lifetime.

    Regardless, that was just an aside for some context because I realize how it looks now that I've taken two viewpoints that might come across as weirdly conservative to people who don't know me. I just believe that the personal freedom to choose how you get yourself fucked up also has to come with the consequences of making that choice, good or bad. I could never imagine for one second blaming somebody else for my decision to use drugs. I might hold a grudge if I was clean for a while and a friend just pestered and pestered until I gave in, but I just can't say that this friend then deserved the blame for anything terrible I did during a relapse.

    Eight years later (in 2006), Andy Dick approached Jon Lovitz in a restaurant and said "I put the Phil Hartman hex on you; you're the next one to die." Lovitz then smashed his face into the bar. Deservedly so, because why the fuck would you say something like that to someone who'd been a close friend of a guy who was murdered by their wife after she got fucked up with you??
    Hey, you won't get any defense of that shit from me. Andy Dick fully deserved getting roughed up over that - that's some evil fucking shit. And yeah, there's a reason everybody in Hollywood has an opinion of Andy Dick and very few are flattering. He's clearly got some immense mental health issues, but if you've heard him speak you know that he's not brain dead. He knows what a shit he is, there's no excuse for him continuing to act this way after however many decades he's been at it.

  23. #803
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    "I have a daughter. I have a stepdaughter. I would never do that."

    Shut the fuck up, Andy. This (my rant) has nothing to do with the allegations and their credibility level. This has everything to do with the tired old notion that you can only respect women if you have some woman in your life that you love. "Oh, my mom's dead and I don't have any sisters, so I don't think sexual assault would be wrong." That's the message you're sending.

    It doesn't matter who you know or who's in your family, you un-funny cockwomble. That has literally nothing to do with sexual abuse, period. Every woman in my family could drop dead tomorrow and that wouldn't suddenly mean that I don't respect women anymore.
    That’s flawed logic, though.

    - I don’t put salt in my food, therefore I eat healthy

    There is no corelation there, cause not putting salt in food doesn’t mean that person is not deep-frying the shit about everything they eat.

    In the same way that having female relatives doesn’t mean that person respects women and would never harm one... we can all agree that every single rapist and abuser of women has had at least one woman in their lives (their own mother).

    But also, that statement doesn’t mean in any way that putting salt in food means they have unhealthy eating habits.

    So, while having a mother, a wife or girlfriend, and/or daughters is not a guarantee of any kind of behaviour, doesn’t represent proof of respect towards women, it doesn’t imply that not having women in your life means you don’t care about women.

  24. #804
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    Quote Originally Posted by tremolo View Post
    That’s flawed logic, though.

    - I don’t put salt in my food, therefore I eat healthy

    There is no corelation there, cause not putting salt in food doesn’t mean that person is not deep-frying the shit about everything they eat.

    In the same way that having female relatives doesn’t mean that person respects women and would never harm one... we can all agree that every single rapist and abuser of women has had at least one woman in their lives (their own mother).

    But also, that statement doesn’t mean in any way that putting salt in food means they have unhealthy eating habits.

    So, while having a mother, a wife or girlfriend, and/or daughters is not a guarantee of any kind of behaviour, doesn’t represent proof of respect towards women, it doesn’t imply that not having women in your life means you don’t care about women.
    that's the whole point. it shouldn't matter whether or not you have women in your life to whom you are close — respecting women as human beings and not treating them simply as sex objects / things to conquer is something that everyone should do simply because they are people.

    your salt analogy is ridiculous.

  25. #805
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    Yes... Women deserve respect because they are whole people, not because of their association and relationships with men.

  26. #806
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    Quote Originally Posted by tremolo View Post
    That’s flawed logic, though.

    - I don’t put salt in my food, therefore I eat healthy

    There is no corelation there, cause not putting salt in food doesn’t mean that person is not deep-frying the shit about everything they eat.

    In the same way that having female relatives doesn’t mean that person respects women and would never harm one... we can all agree that every single rapist and abuser of women has had at least one woman in their lives (their own mother).

    But also, that statement doesn’t mean in any way that putting salt in food means they have unhealthy eating habits.

    So, while having a mother, a wife or girlfriend, and/or daughters is not a guarantee of any kind of behaviour, doesn’t represent proof of respect towards women, it doesn’t imply that not having women in your life means you don’t care about women.
    Let me try this again:

    "I have a daughter, so I know not to rape someone." Having a daughter is now the reason he knows rape is bad.
    "I have never had a daughter." What's missing from that statement? A reason to know that rape is bad. That 100% says that his reason for knowing rape is bad is that he has a daughter. It doesn't mean he WILL rape someone. But it DOES mean that he doesn't see a reason not to.

    Still confused?

    "I have a daughter, so I know rape is bad."
    "Women are people, not objects, and they deserve respect and to not be sexually assaulted or raped."

    See? Now, regardless of who he knows (or doesn't know), he's acknowledging that rape is awful. Period.

  27. #807
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    that sort of defense isn't too far removed from "i wouldn't rape anybody. My MOTHER was a woman!"

    It really isn't if you think about it.

  28. #808
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    Sexual Asshatery in the News

    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    that's the whole point. it shouldn't matter whether or not you have women in your life to whom you are close — respecting women as human beings and not treating them simply as sex objects / things to conquer is something that everyone should do simply because they are people.

    your salt analogy is ridiculous.
    It’s just as ridiculous as the statement that what that idiot said implies that not having a woman in your life means you don’t care for women at all.

    They teach that in highschool.

  29. #809
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Let me try this again:

    "I have a daughter, so I know not to rape someone." Having a daughter is now the reason he knows rape is bad.
    "I have never had a daughter." What's missing from that statement? A reason to know that rape is bad. That 100% says that his reason for knowing rape is bad is that he has a daughter. It doesn't mean he WILL rape someone. But it DOES mean that he doesn't see a reason not to.

    Still confused?

    "I have a daughter, so I know rape is bad."
    "Women are people, not objects, and they deserve respect and to not be sexually assaulted or raped."

    See? Now, regardless of who he knows (or doesn't know), he's acknowledging that rape is awful. Period.
    There is no corelation/causality.

    “It’s sunny, so I go to the beach.”

    That doesn’t imply in any way that when it’s not sunny I don’t go to the beach.

    I agree 100% with you that the first statement (knowing rape is bad (or not to rape) cause he has a daughter) is completely absurd and that not raping should come from empathy, decency, values and just common sense. I’m not arguing that point at all.

  30. #810
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    Quote Originally Posted by tremolo View Post
    There is no corelation/causality.

    “It’s sunny, so I go to the beach.”

    That doesn’t imply in any way that when it’s not sunny I don’t go to the beach.

    I agree 100% with you that the first statement (knowing rape is bad (or not to rape) cause he has a daughter) is completely absurd and that not raping should come from empathy, decency, values and just common sense. I’m not arguing that point at all.
    Okay, let me try this one more time, because you're not getting it.

    "The stove is turned on, so I know I can't touch the burners."
    "The stove is turned off."

    After reading the first sentence, what does the second sentence imply?

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