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Thread: Sexual Abuse/Assault in the News

  1. #1171
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    I, too, was disgusted by the MJ doc, but for a different reason.
    Faceplam me if you like, but I'm still calling bullshit.

    Get you some of this:

    And don't dismiss it before watching it. This is like a REALLY deep dive into the article we were talking about, and, to me, IT'S convincing.
    I'm with you, also have you seen the tweets from Michael Jackson's niece?
    i didn’t watch the documentary though even though it was on Channel 4 because I think it would have just pissed me off. I really hate obviously emotionally manipulative things, I feel like just give me the facts cold and I’ll make up my own mind thank you.
    Last edited by WorzelG; 03-09-2019 at 01:29 PM.

  2. #1172
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    tweets from Jackson's niece, saying that they (Robson and her) were a couple for seven years, and that MJ set it up.... doesn't really dispute what Robson is claiming and, regardless of whether you believe his account or not, doesn't negate or dispute anything he's alleging in the movie.

  3. #1173
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    I really want to watch thaose Youtube videos but the "Loose Change" vibe they have makes them unwatchable for me.

    There was a Forbes article a few weeks ago (I think it was Forbes) that went into some of the same points that lady does in the first few minutes of those vids though.

    We're never going to know any truth in this whole thing. Unfortunately it's all he said he said. There will never be any solid evidence either way.

  4. #1174
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    One thing is sure: MJ had an unhealthy obsession with children, and you have to have some blinding clouds in your head to think otherwise. The parents are to blame as well for enabling these twisted stuff to happen.

    This documentary is definitely good for one thing, and that is to survey the public's reaction. One time they judge someone immidiately because "he/she always seemed like an asshole to me", the other time they defend a mentally crazy guy to the grave, because "he wouldn't do that, nu-uh!!" I think MJ has much more on his naughty list than some shitty, racist or sexist jokes posted many years ago on twitter. His legacy needs to be tarnished a little, because even if all these allegations are false (which won't be disproved by random youtube vids or tweets), he had enough proven shit on his plate already.

  5. #1175
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    Quote Originally Posted by GibbonBlack View Post
    We're never going to know any truth in this whole thing. Unfortunately it's all he said he said. There will never be any solid evidence either way.
    there’s videos of him walking around holding hands with young boys like they’re arm candy, there’s the creepy voice mail messages, there’s the collection of jewelry (including a diamond and gold engagement ring) that MJ gave one of the victims.... there’s consistent specific allegations which would have required the victims to team up to “get the story straight...”

    The idea that “he’s not here to defend himself so leave him alone” is disgusting (and I’m not suggesting that’s what you are saying, but many people are). I’ve seen a clip where he’s denying the allegations and he tries to make it a racist thing, like “people are only saying these things because I’m so successful and black.” Or maybe it’s because you have an amusement park in your back yard and you want kids to sleep in your bed.

    a friend of mine is vehemently defensive of MJ, but at least he’s honest about why; he doesn’t want to believe it because he likes his music.

  6. #1176
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post

    a friend of mine is vehemently defensive of MJ, but at least he’s honest about why; he doesn’t want to believe it because he likes his music.
    The one thing I've said to people I know regarding the documentary is that, even if you take away the abuse allegations, it hgihlights just how weird he was kids anyway.

    It's got nothing to do with honesty. I'm just saying there isn't any solid evidence, and I say that because there isn't any, not because I'm being dishonest about my reasonings.

    I'm not defending MJ at all. I have absolutely no idea what happened but my mind was changed beacuse of the Doc. Until that documentary I'd always defended the way MJ was with kids but I won't anymore. Particularly because of the bits in the documentary where a new kid would come along and he'd cast the old one aside. But I'm not going to jump from that to "He definitely fucked kids" because I have no idea if he did or not.

    I've held kids hands in public, I've bought kids jewlery, those things alone don't mean anything. And it's only an "engagemnt ring" because that guy said it was. It could just be a ring.

  7. #1177
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    One thing is sure: MJ had an unhealthy obsession with children, and you have to have some blinding clouds in your head to think otherwise. The parents are to blame as well for enabling these twisted stuff to happen.

    This documentary is definitely good for one thing, and that is to survey the public's reaction. One time they judge someone immidiately because "he/she always seemed like an asshole to me", the other time they defend a mentally crazy guy to the grave, because "he wouldn't do that, nu-uh!!" I think MJ has much more on his naughty list than some shitty, racist or sexist jokes posted many years ago on twitter. His legacy needs to be tarnished a little, because even if all these allegations are false (which won't be disproved by random youtube vids or tweets), he had enough proven shit on his plate already.
    I’m seeing a lot of experts on these matters saying that this is also showing parents that they should NEVER put their children at risk like this, and that they should always talk to their kids, have open, honest and regular conversations about what’s going on in their lives, without fear of embarrassment, etc. Putting a child in this situation without personal direct supervision is akin to neglect and abuse.

  8. #1178
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    I smiled as I watched that piece of shit lie and whine like a little bitch in that clip. Gonna be so sweet to see him go down for this and die in prison.
    R. Kelly's CBS meltdown has a name, says researcher: 'That's DARVO'

    You might have felt any number of emotions while watching R. Kelly melt down during his CBS interview with Gayle King this week: surprise, outrage, sympathy, confusion. Definitely a few moments of anxiety about King’s safety, watching her maintain her perfect posture and composure while Kelly towered over her, flailing his arms.

    Jennifer Freyd was a little more blase than the rest of us. “It’s kind of predictable, sadly,” she says.

    Granted, Freyd, a professor of psychology at the University of Oregon, has a sense of academic detachment on her side. She has studied responses like Kelly’s for decades. In fact, she coined a term for the behavior pattern he exhibited in King’s interview: DARVO, an acronym for deny, attack, and reverse victim and offender. In other words, as King said to Kelly during one of his outbursts, “You sound like you’re playing the victim here.”

    That, Freyd says, is exactly the point. “I’m glad she labeled it, because that’s exactly what he’s doing.”

    During the course of the CBS interview, he maintained his innocence by first denying that he had had sex with underage girls, then moved on to attacking his accusers as liars and suggesting they planned to ruin his career. Eventually, he got around to talking about how he was constantly being victimized because of his “big heart.”

    “I just thought, ‘That’s DARVO.’” says Freyd. DARVO, as she explains on her website, is “a reaction perpetrators of wrongdoing, particularly sexual offenders, may display in response to being held accountable for their behavior.” Avoiding accountability, she says, is key for the accused — and the best tactic for achieving that goal might be to become a victim.

    Switching places with the victim, Freyd’s research has shown, not only loosens the bonds of responsibility for the perpetrator, it muddies the waters with a confusion that is so insidious it often extends to the victim’s own perception. “We know that it can lead victims to blame themselves. It can lead both parties to blame the victim, but even worse, I strongly suspect that it discourages other people from coming forward with their own accounts, because it looks extremely unpleasant to be on the receiving end of that kind of response.”
    Last edited by allegro; 03-10-2019 at 12:22 PM.

  9. #1179
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    @GibbonBlack I'm not trying to insinuate where you're coming from, though I can see how it would come across that way. This is more in response to the outpouring from the MJ-Defense-Force that I've seen come raging out in response to the documentary. Many of these people won't even admit that his behavior towards kids was even wildly inappropriate. Many of these people are heavily invested in the notion that the allegations are impossible. He's a saint to them. When the first trailer for the documentary came out, the like to dislike ratio of the youtube clip was more slanted to dislike than practically anything I've seen... People were already viciously attacking the alleged victims before they'd even seen the documentary. The way they were framing the two accusers and referring to them, you'd think they were the ones accused of the molestation charges.

    It's almost like trying to have a theological debate with an evangelical. There's something unique about the shared devotion of many Michael Jackson fans, and I'd say it crosses over more into the realm of fanatic. I'm not saying everyone who disputes the allegations is in that camp, but there's a shockingly large number of them.

    Quote Originally Posted by GibbonBlack View Post
    I've held kids hands in public, I've bought kids jewlery, those things alone don't mean anything. And it's only an "engagemnt ring" because that guy said it was. It could just be a ring.
    It could, but Safechuck claims that the gold and diamond ring was given to him during a mock wedding ceremony... and the holding hands thing... Sure, if you're the guardian for a child in a crowded area you hold their hand to keep them close and safe. This wasn't like that. This was him taking young boys to industry events, and they're the child of strangers, and that child is sleeping in his goddamn bed!

    EDIT: and I was thinking about it, and if it was in the documentary, maybe I missed it (I still haven't finished the second part, though I'm very near the's really draining). What about those reports from the Santa Barbara police that claimed they found a secret compartment in Neverland Ranch containing animal torture/gore videos and damning pornographic photos... I saw an online thread where a defender of Jackson was claiming that report was disproven, but when I just tried to look online, the only thing I could find "disproving it" was an article where members of the Jackson estate were calling it slander.

    I'm not sure what motive the police would have to slander a dead man.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 03-10-2019 at 02:23 PM.

  10. #1180
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    I can't see Oprah putting her ass on the line if this stuff wasn't true. MJ is/was an incredible cultural icon.

    The documentary is really hard to watch, I've only gotten through the first part.

  11. #1181
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    @GibbonBlack I'm not trying to insinuate where you're coming from, though I can see how it would come across that way. This is more in response to the outpouring from the MJ-Defense-Force that I've seen come raging out in response to the documentary. Many of these people won't even admit that his behavior towards kids was even wildly inappropriate. Many of these people are heavily invested in the notion that the allegations are impossible. He's a saint to them. When the first trailer for the documentary came out, the like to dislike ratio of the youtube clip was more slanted to dislike than practically anything I've seen... People were already viciously attacking the alleged victims before they'd even seen the documentary. The way they were framing the two accusers and referring to them, you'd think they were the ones accused of the molestation charges.

    It's almost like trying to have a theological debate with an evangelical. There's something unique about the shared devotion of many Michael Jackson fans, and I'd say it crosses over more into the realm of fanatic. I'm not saying everyone who disputes the allegations is in that camp, but there's a shockingly large number of them.

    It could, but Safechuck claims that the gold and diamond ring was given to him during a mock wedding ceremony... and the holding hands thing... Sure, if you're the guardian for a child in a crowded area you hold their hand to keep them close and safe. This wasn't like that. This was him taking young boys to industry events, and they're the child of strangers, and that child is sleeping in his goddamn bed!

    EDIT: and I was thinking about it, and if it was in the documentary, maybe I missed it (I still haven't finished the second part, though I'm very near the's really draining). What about those reports from the Santa Barbara police that claimed they found a secret compartment in Neverland Ranch containing animal torture/gore videos and damning pornographic photos... I saw an online thread where a defender of Jackson was claiming that report was disproven, but when I just tried to look online, the only thing I could find "disproving it" was an article where members of the Jackson estate were calling it slander.

    I'm not sure what motive the police would have to slander a dead man.
    This conversation is exactly my point though. It's never going to be proven either way, it's just everyone's own interpretation of what we do know.

    But I do agree with you about the diehards. Even if there were video evidence those morons would still defend him

  12. #1182
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    Quote Originally Posted by GibbonBlack View Post
    This conversation is exactly my point though. It's never going to be proven either way, it's just everyone's own interpretation of what we do know.
    of course, but that’s not uncommon in rape/molestation cases generally. There’s usually no concrete evidence... in one YouTube comment I read on the Leaving Neverland doc debunk video, someone said something along the lines of “this is why I don’t believe accusers without evidence, and that includes Kavanaugh and Jussie Smollett.” There’s a lot more evidence here than in most cases, the writing is on the wall, and even still the people who are suggesting the accusers be heard are getting death threats.

    But I do agree with you about the diehards. Even if there were video evidence those morons would still defend him
    yep, and they’re desperate to shut down discussion. Seriously, most people like me (who fall in the more indifferent camp when it comes to his music and legacy) aren’t going to play this game...

  13. #1183
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    They were talking on the radio this morning about the dude who found another tape of R Kelly. He said he happened to be looking across his VHS collection and came across it. Happen to? Yeah, right. XD Why the hell would you keep something like that? And why would you want to even have yourself identified to it and have a lawyer to do a press conference? He should've just mailed it to the police with a no-return address. He must have something else going on.

  14. #1184
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyvicky View Post
    They were talking on the radio this morning about the dude who found another tape of R Kelly. He said he happened to be looking across his VHS collection and came across it. Happen to? Yeah, right. XD Why the hell would you keep something like that? And why would you want to even have yourself identified to it and have a lawyer to do a press conference? He should've just mailed it to the police with a no-return address. He must have something else going on.
    Yeah that whole tape thing is SUPER iffy to me! If it IS him then great, he can't whine about hard evidence...still questions need to be asked about the person who was in possession of it...

  15. #1185
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    Proof of Amber Heard's abuse of Johnny Depp (warning: very disturbing and NSFW). Something about this didn't sit right once I heard she had a prior DV claim.

  16. #1186
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    Whoa, how come we didn't hear about the hand part?

  17. #1187
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    Quote Originally Posted by onthewall2983 View Post
    Proof of Amber Heard's abuse of Johnny Depp (warning: very disturbing and NSFW). Something about this didn't sit right once I heard she had a prior DV claim.
    Not sure this is sexual asshattery...this is straight up violence. Feels like this belongs in random headlines or random celebrity headlines.

  18. #1188
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    Quote Originally Posted by onthewall2983 View Post
    Proof of Amber Heard's abuse of Johnny Depp (warning: very disturbing and NSFW). Something about this didn't sit right once I heard she had a prior DV claim.
    I didn't realize that abused people couldn't also commit abuse against their alleged abuser. SHOCKING!!!!!!!!!!

  19. #1189
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Not sure this is sexual asshattery...this is straight up violence. Feels like this belongs in random headlines or random celebrity headlines.
    If true, it pokes obvious holes in her being a #MeToo champion.

  20. #1190
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    Quote Originally Posted by ltrandazzo View Post

    And you know what? I'm fucking pissed about this because one of my favorite comic writers, Gail Simone, just did a great Red Sonja run. Fuck Bryan Singer.

    Well, it looks like Singer was fired:

    One of the best part of the Oscars this year was watching Bohemian Rhapsody win and having absolutely no one thanking Singer.

  21. #1191
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kodiak33 View Post
    I can't see Oprah putting her ass on the line if this stuff wasn't true. MJ is/was an incredible cultural icon.

    The documentary is really hard to watch, I've only gotten through the first part.
    I got through the 1st part and half of the 2nd part last night. To me, it’s obviously true. And I’m guessing that MJ, himself, was sexually abused.


    What I can’t get out of my head is the vulnerability of those little boys who weren’t protected by their parents. The parents had intuition, bad gut feelings; they should have trusted their gut and protected their children over pleasing some famous guy. I don’t want to play the blame game here, Jackson was ultimately to blame, but this really is a cautionary tale for parents: DO NOT ever allow your children to be around people without your having an open trusting conversation about what’s going on. And your child should NOT be staying with let alone sleeping with a grown man “friend.”

    Child sexual abuse happens FAR more often than people know. I can count ON BOTH HANDS all the friends, family and coworkers I’ve known who were sexually abused as children. By relatives, babysitters, neighbors, physicians, friend’s family, the guy who owned the candy store, the list goes on. “Stranger Danger” is a crock of shit. The biggest danger are the ones you know.

    Watch your kids.
    Last edited by allegro; 03-22-2019 at 12:02 AM.

  22. #1192
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    Meanwhile, front page story of the Chicago Tribune today:

    New report reveals 'horrifying scale' of child sex abuse, naming nearly 400 accused Catholic clergy in Illinois

    Attorneys who represent victims of sexual abuse by priests have released what they say is the most comprehensive list yet of Catholic clergy with ties to Illinois who have been accused of misconduct against children.

    The list includes about 400 priests and lay people who at one time served in parishes or schools or otherwise worked in the state, with accusations spanning more than a half-century. That number far exceeds the roughly 200 priests who already have been publicly identified by Illinois’ six Catholic dioceses, including the Chicago Archdiocese.

    “The data reveal the horrifying scale of priests sexually assaulting minors to the present day,” the report said. “Perhaps most shocking among the discoveries is that some perpetrators were intentionally transferred and retained in trusted positions with direct access to children even after they were known to sexually abuse children.”

    Many of the priests named in the new report already have been publicly identified in news stories and court records, even if they don’t appear on dioceses’ official lists. The dioceses generally used different standards for publicly identifying priests, in some cases omitting clergy when claims against them could not be substantiated or when an allegation was made after the priest died.

  23. #1193
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    Re Michael Jackson:

    Wade Robson’s dad hanged himself in 2002. Jordy Chandler’s dad shot himself in the head in 2009.

    Gymnast Kyle Stephens was sexually abused by family doctor Larry Nassar; Nassar, ex-USA gymnastics doctor, molested over 100 gymnasts. Stephens’ parents didn’t believe her when she told them. Later, Stephens’ dad committed suicide.
    Last edited by allegro; 03-21-2019 at 11:32 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post

    *I can.

  27. #1197
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    Honestly shocked that it took this long for the Biden shit to blow up.

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    Daddy Biden X-D

  29. #1199
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    If anyone is familiar with William Francis from the band Aiden or more recently William Control, apparently he has had sexual abuse allegations against him which i hadn't actually heard about until today.

    So all this surfaced almost a year ago, the altpress link below has a lot more details. I'm not sure what might trigger folks so i won't post that stuff here and you can use your own discretion if you wish to look into it further.

    Anyways i saw him posting these videos on youtube which is what brought all of this to my attention in the first place, i was just curious what others in this thread might happen to think about the whole thing and if they were following along with any developments or what the outcome of these allegations were.

    Here's one of the videos, i won't post them all. You can find his channel for more.

  30. #1200
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    Fuck that dude.

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