NIN Store Update: Since I used this forum to complain about the horrific experiences I had with the previous store distributors, I feel obligated to say something about the "NEW" NIN Store. I know it's not likely for people to post positive experiences (since that's what we expect), but I wanted to say that I'm very happy with my recent experiences. I did have some problems recently, but they were all the delivery service's fault. NIN Store was very responsive to my e-mails, and they quickly fixed the problems that arose. When my package was lost by the post office (or UPS? I don't remember), they expedited a second set. And we all know the small issue with the pins being numbered wrong... and I recently received an additional set of corrected pins! So in the end, I received everything I ordered (it was a big order), and I even received extra "gifts" when the first order was lost. Most importantly, everything arrived in perfectly MINT condition, including the vinyl (which was very well protected).
Again, THANK you NIN for making the right choice, and to the new distributor for their great customer service. I honestly could not be happier and as long as they keep up the good work, I will continue to support NIN and buy from the official website (except for CDs, which I have to buy from Amazon since my closest music store is 4 hours away and doesn't sell them).
Thank you, thank you, thank you!

PS: I'm sure everyone noticed the difference between the distributors based on the lack of complaints on this message board, compared to previously...