Quote Originally Posted by streetman View Post
I really hope someone at NIN addresses this!
lol yea, good luck with that. The piss-poor NIN store experience rolls on.

I ordered both poster variants, and both arrived yesterday. Thankfully, I had already started reading the increasing nightmare accounts in this thread before mine were delivered. So I am absolutely refusing to open either of mine; they can stay in the tube for the rest of their natural life, for all I care. Too afraid to look at how fucked up they might be. Just being able to say I own them and knowing they're in there is enough, at this point.

Just going to buy things like this on the open market for an increased price in the future, once it can be confirmed the item isn't bashed to shit in some way. That's an honestly better option than giving TR any more money directly, since it's highly doubtful this will be addressed at all either.

I hope as many people as possible get their money refunded for this latest debacle, and their profits take a sizeable hit. The official store's reputation is nothing short of horrendous..