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Thread: Trump 2018 - Trump Foundation ordered to dissolve, Flynn Sentencing Delayed

  1. #361
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    To fit a hooker that small, he must have an awfully tiny...erm........

    BRB, vomiting at that mental image.
    That one or the back of his head? *shudder*

  2. #362
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    "Some" people say, huh? To borrow a tweet I saw downstream there: So there are some veterans who think this will fix their problems? How, exactly?

  3. #363
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post

    "Some" people say, huh? To borrow a tweet I saw downstream there: So there are some veterans who think this will fix their problems? How, exactly?
    he so want's to be a dictator, he wanted a military parade for inauguration then denied it, beginning the avalanche of lies
    Last edited by Louie_Cypher; 02-07-2018 at 06:02 PM.

  4. #364
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    i find this true and funny

  5. #365
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    Man, 30, who hacked Sarah Palin's personal email in 2008 and posted her details on 4chan, dies from complications related to progressive multiple sclerosis

    Daily Mail · 12h

    The man who guessed the password on Sarah Palin's personal email account and posted details online when she was a nominee for vice president in 2008, died last week in California.
    I can't wait for the conspiracy theories that Sarah Palin did it. Oh wait, she's not Hillary Clinton.

  6. #366
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    Quote Originally Posted by Louie_Cypher View Post
    i find this true and funny
    I don't know why but the line "He threw a cheeseburger at me and screamed FAKE NEWS!" cracked me up.

  7. #367
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    I heard he was at South Korea at the Olympics with Kim Jong-Un and they were having beers.

  8. #368
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    FBI to Trump: "This memo attacking the Dems is a national security issue".
    Trump: "So? Publish it."

    FBI to Trump: "This memo from the Dems offering a rebuttal is a national security issue."

    I miss the days of hypocrisy where you at least had to wait weeks/months/years to see someone look like a total partisan hack and an ass clown. Guess the instantaneous nature of this makes it a little easier to track though.

  9. #369
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    Where the hell is @Khrz ??

  10. #370
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    There almost needs to be a Trump Speculation thread where we get to make predictions on what chaos and mayhem Trump will inflict on the American public this week. I also thought about a Trump Twitter thread where you post actual Trump tweets and then how you yourself would respond to them, without the fear of the secret service knocking on your door. I have got a few responses to some of his recent tweets, he wouldn't like the responses but I think other people would find them funny.

  11. #371
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sister Midnight View Post
    I also thought about a Trump Twitter thread where you post actual Trump tweets and then how you yourself would respond to them, without the fear of the secret service knocking on your door.
    Something tells me that if you're going to post something that would draw the attention of the secret service, it doesn't matter if it's on Twitter or a message board...

  12. #372
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    Trump 2018

    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Something tells me that if you're going to post something that would draw the attention of the secret service, it doesn't matter if it's on Twitter or a message board...
    Friendly reminder: don’t do it.

    ETA: don’t do it on ETS. I don’t care what anyone does on twitter or elsewhere.

  13. #373
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    Before I deleted my Twitter account, I yelled at the President in his Twitter feed all the time. People expressing dissent aren’t arrested in this country; our Constitution protects us, even if we express our dissent directly at the President in his Twitter feed.

    See also:

    The idea that people are getting into trouble on Twitter or attracting the attention of the very expensive Secret Service for yelling at the President or even for calling him names is incorrect (and somewhat impossible considering the anonymous nature of Twitter).

    (He didn’t block me, but I blocked him for a while because I was sick of his tweets via other people showing up in my feed.)

    I deleted Twitter for a reason; if I start seeing the Cheetoh’s stupid Twitter ramblings here, then no place is safe.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-12-2018 at 11:41 AM.

  14. #374
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sister Midnight View Post
    There almost needs to be a Trump Speculation thread where we get to make predictions on what chaos and mayhem Trump will inflict on the American public this week. I also thought about a Trump Twitter thread where you post actual Trump tweets and then how you yourself would respond to them, without the fear of the secret service knocking on your door. I have got a few responses to some of his recent tweets, he wouldn't like the responses but I think other people would find them funny.
    Or you could stop being so obsessively hateful and try to do something politically constructive, because frankly, your angst about the man is exhausting.

  15. #375
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    Says the closet Trump supporter

  16. #376
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demogorgon View Post
    Or you could stop being so obsessively hateful and try to do something politically constructive, because frankly, your angst about the man is exhausting.
    Despising an objectively sexist and racist old fuck with way too much power, and being politically constructive, aren't mutually exclusive. Ranting online doesn't automatically mean you're doing nothing in real life to help your cause. You're making assumptions.

    Frankly, the man being in office is exhausting. I can barely turn on the morning or evening news or any talk radio program because I'm immediately filled with very real, physical symptoms of anxiety when I hear his voice - or sometimes even just hearing someone use the word "President" with his name after it. Yes, really. Every day I fear for my friends possibly being deported. Every day I fear for my parents losing their health insurance. Every day I fear that he's going to say something that will spark a literal war with another country. Every day I fear my better half's rights as a woman will be set back centuries. Every day I fear that he's going to continue to slash funding to things that help keep the earth from spiraling deeper into a polluted state we can't recover from. Every day I fear that someone on the Supreme Court will retire or die and it'll be stacked to a 6-3 conservative tilt for decades to come.

    So sorry that our angst on a message board has mildly inconvenienced you. Can't imagine how terrible that must feel.

  17. #377
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    Lets hope this is nothing. I'd hate to see how the idiot would retaliate if it's a serious attack:

    EDIT: No hazard.

    (thank god)

  18. #378
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Before I deleted my Twitter account, I yelled at the President in his Twitter feed all the time. People expressing dissent aren’t arrested in this country; our Constitution protects us, even if we express our dissent directly at the President in his Twitter feed.

    See also:

    The idea that people are getting into trouble on Twitter or attracting the attention of the very expensive Secret Service for yelling at the President or even for calling him names is incorrect (and somewhat impossible considering the anonymous nature of Twitter).

    (He didn’t block me, but I blocked him for a while because I was sick of his tweets via other people showing up in my feed.)

    I deleted Twitter for a reason; if I start seeing the Cheetoh’s stupid Twitter ramblings here, then no place is safe.
    I remember President Obama saying something to the affect of "protect our institutions" that is not a direct quote but close to that. At the time I wasn't sure what he meant by that, I totally get it now. Russia investigation into the Trump administration, then Trump administration questions the integrity of the FBI and DOJ.

    I don't need to tell you that Trump wipes his ass with the Constitution, I'm sure we will get our first amendment rights back with the next President, because Trump used the second amendment to shoot the first amendment.

    The idea behind the trump twitter thread that I am no longer going to do (apparently one of the moderators here doesn't want it) was to post an actual trump tweet and follow it up with your personal snarky hopefully funny responses. The idea behind it was out of humor, I figured most of the members here would have fun with it there seems to be only one Trump supporter here so we all could have a good laugh at our totally insane toddler in chief.

    I actually did a search last night I searched "angry Trumo Tweets" and WOW!!! there were so many, some I had never read before. Some of them have a built in punchline even though he didn't intend it to be funny. There was one where he was going off on God calling God overrated and that God is the Meryl Streep of overrated. I was thinking does he realize he is the leader of the republican party.

  19. #379
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sister Midnight View Post
    Says the closet Trump supporter
    I didn't vote for him, and I never had any intention of voting for him. You're missing the mark.

  20. #380
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post

    So sorry that our angst on a message board has mildly inconvenienced you. Can't imagine how terrible that must feel.
    This is what I'm talking about. You instantly jump to a position saying I must be terribly put out or upset in an attempt to make it something personal. Nowhere did I say you had no right to dislike the man; he has a huge list of obviously negative qualities. I get that. But sitting around making shitlists for him on anonymous forums, as Sister Midnight was suggesting, isn't something politically responsible people do. It's something that Trump would do. Make assumptions, toss insults, congratulate yourself, and live in fear of what happens next. That's 100% pure Trump behavior.

  21. #381
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demogorgon View Post
    I didn't vote for him, and I never had any intention of voting for him. You're missing the mark.
    I live in a world if I wanted to get away from Trump I couldn't, he dominates the news cycles 24-7 and goes out of his way to say incendiary comments to distract the general public from his legal troubles with regards to Obstruction of Justice and Collusion with a Foreign government. Now you could tell to just ignore it, which is exactly what I could say to you about my posts. You have the option to ignore my posts, but you have been trolling me for weeks now. I know I'm gorgeous but I'm just not into you.

    Since you seem to be advocating "taking action" and you say you are not a Trump supporter, what is it that you are doing? please enlighten us, because so far all I have seen from you is somebody that is trolling a message board and trying to start shit.

  22. #382
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sister Midnight View Post
    but you have been trolling me for weeks now.
    First off: um... what? The number of times I've responded to you directly or even quoted anything you've said over the course of your entire history here can be counted on one hand.

    I know I'm gorgeous but I'm just not into you.
    This is beyond juvenile. What are you, 14?

    Since you seem to be advocating "taking action" and you say you are not a Trump supporter, what is it that you are doing? please enlighten us, because so far all I have seen from you is somebody that is trolling a message board and trying to start shit.
    You obviously haven't paid attention (what a shocker...) to the many, many times IN THIS VERY THREAD where I have advocated doing two very important things: voting heavily in the midterm elections, and making a concerted effort to vote for qualified Independent candidates who aren't locked into the two party system. Trying to out-Trump the supreme troll himself is exactly what he wants you to do, because the more hateful and emotionally charged you look, the more it galvanizes his base. Trying to call me out for a political stance that I don't have isn't going to do you any favors.

  23. #383
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demogorgon View Post
    First off: um... what? The number of times I've responded to you directly or even quoted anything you've said over the course of your entire history here can be counted on one hand.

    This is beyond juvenile. What are you, 14?

    You obviously haven't paid attention (what a shocker...) to the many, many times IN THIS VERY THREAD where I have advocated doing two very important things: voting heavily in the midterm elections, and making a concerted effort to vote for qualified Independent candidates who aren't locked into the two party system. Trying to out-Trump the supreme troll himself is exactly what he wants you to do, because the more hateful and emotionally charged you look, the more it galvanizes his base. Trying to call me out for a political stance that I don't have isn't going to do you any favors.
    I'm not giving you the satisfaction of having a little flame war on a message board, you're obviously trying to start shit.

  24. #384
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sister Midnight View Post
    I'm not giving you the satisfaction of having a little flame war on a message board, you're obviously trying to start shit.
    I'm not, but, you believe what you want. *shrug* Only one of us is tossing insults and flame around, and it isn't me.

  25. #385
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    I am infuriated by trump's SNAP proposal. He wants the government to decide precisely what items people receive in food aid, and to force us to be stigmatized by going to a gov't location to pick it up. SURELY poor people are starting to understand that this piece of shit doesn't have their interests at heart, right?

  26. #386
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    I am infuriated by trump's SNAP proposal. He wants the government to decide precisely what items people receive in food aid, and to force us to be stigmatized by going to a gov't location to pick it up. SURELY poor people are starting to understand that this piece of shit doesn't have their interests at heart, right?
    Yeah, I'm pretty livid about that one. One of my dearest friends is a multiple grant-winning PhD who relies on SNAP because the pay for adjunct professors is below the poverty line. It's why I laugh and roll my eyes any time I hear a K-12 teacher at a public school complain about their "low" $40-45k a year starting salary with 100% free health care and guaranteed 3% annual raises. Try teaching three classes a semester for a grand total of - if you're lucky - about $6,000 (TOTAL, not per class) and not having any health insurance. Sorry, that's beside the point. The point is that this person is going to be absolutely fucked if SNAP gets slashed, as will a lot of other people.

  27. #387
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    I am infuriated by trump's SNAP proposal. He wants the government to decide precisely what items people receive in food aid, and to force us to be stigmatized by going to a gov't location to pick it up. SURELY poor people are starting to understand that this piece of shit doesn't have their interests at heart, right?
    Yeah but Congress insiders are saying it’s DOA. CONGRESS decides budget stuff, not the President. Doing something like this, ESPECIALLY during a midterm year, is political suicide.

    My mom has senior citizens in her building (over 70) who net less than $950 per month in Social Security, and they make “too much” for SNAP, so they have to rely on local food banks and the kindness of neighbors.

    Anyway, the whole thing has Grinch Mnuchin written all over it:

    Donald Trump's Nasty Budget summarized:
    - Cuts Medicaid by $300 billion
    - Cuts Disability programs by $70+ billion
    - Cuts SNAP by $213 billion
    - Cuts spending to the EPA
    - Inflates the National Debt

    Oh yeah, and still no Russian Sanctions!!
    Last edited by allegro; 02-13-2018 at 10:42 AM.

  28. #388
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    The budget isn't even final yet and congress is already replacing its media visibility with the immigration debate, which I'm sure was part of the plan all along. Smoke and mirrors. The system Congress is using for the debate looks fair on the surface, with every proposal being considered, but it seems like a massive way to burn time, to me. This should have happened months ago when Trump first announced ending the program. I'm still holding out some positive feelings that something semi-solid and worth enacting might come out of the debates though.

  29. #389
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Yeah but Congress insiders are saying it’s DOA. CONGRESS decides budget stuff, not the President. Doing something like this, ESPECIALLY during a midterm year, is political suicide.

    My mom has senior citizens in her building (over 70) who net less than $950 per month in Social Security, and they make “too much” for SNAP, so they have to rely on local food banks and the kindness of neighbors.

    Anyway, the whole thing has Grinch Mnuchin written all over it:
    He's just too proud to admit he doesn't want the job.

    The fact that people inside the WH are the ones actively fanning the flames on the Porter scandal, angling to take Kelly down with it, ought to cause a lot more speculation than it is. It’s not like this administration has any trouble with just dismissing bad behavior by men and moving on.
    Seriously, it sounds like someone is trying to get Kelly removed by the backdoor. Schemes upon schemes.

  30. #390
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    They all signed a two-year budget deal a couple days ago, this is just smoke and mirrors to make the Porter abuse scandal go away.

    And what about the Russia sanctions?
    Last edited by allegro; 02-13-2018 at 01:09 PM.

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