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Thread: Trump 2018 - Trump Foundation ordered to dissolve, Flynn Sentencing Delayed

  1. #961
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    kind of funny but just reading a ray Bradbury story called " the rock cried out". about a couple in central America on vacation. when nuclear attack befalls north America, they are typical arrogant American's don't speak the language criticize the local customs such siestas being lazy. it's about their attempt to return home. i love Bradbury's subtle politicizing and overt like Fahrenheit 451 and subtle like "on the other foot. my point being all things are temporary and there may come a day when north America is is no longer habitable either through natural disasters such as the Yellowstone super volcano, or economic disaster or combination like the dust bowls of the 30's so not a good idea to seal yourself off and build walls kind of like buying a car without having a license. just food for thought

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  3. #963
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    Reverse pyschology? I had my suspicions based on the headline alone, and his tweet confirmed it. He saw what happend to Moore and he knows that it would be possible to happen again. WV should be a cakewalk win for the GOP, but if they put up an even bigger shithead than normal, they might actually lose. Trump's just trying to get GOP voters to pressure the biggest shithead out of the race so that a less awful shithead can still walk away with the vote come midterms.

  4. #964
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    Also, I'm really confused about something:

    They're reporting that Mueller may have to basically go dark leading up to the midterms in order to ensure there's no appearance of attempting to bias the election.

    So........that whole FBI think about her emails in October 2016.....WTF was that about then?

  5. #965
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    kind of curious what the whole Giuliani thing is about. reverse trolling? water testing? sometimes i feel like it's a campaign of chaos with trump. say something totally out outrageous then see how people react. but to say things he might have paid of other women or won't respond to a Muller subpoena? maybe interesting article from a while back

  6. #966
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Reverse pyschology? I had my suspicions based on the headline alone, and his tweet confirmed it. He saw what happend to Moore and he knows that it would be possible to happen again. WV should be a cakewalk win for the GOP, but if they put up an even bigger shithead than normal, they might actually lose. Trump's just trying to get GOP voters to pressure the biggest shithead out of the race so that a less awful shithead can still walk away with the vote come midterms.
    No, Trump is for real on this. Blankenship is nutsy kookoo, calling McConnell “Cocaine McConnell” calling him a “Swamp Captain” who’s created millions of jobs for “China people.” He’s gone after McConnell for being married to a Chinese woman and for having a Chinese family. Blankenship went to prison for killing a bunch of coal miners.

    Trump says vote for Jenkins or Morrisey. Jenkins a the current Republican in the House, on the House Appropriations Committee. Morrissey is the current Attorney General for WV.

    There are possibly enough stupid people in WV to vote for Blankenship, although it’s not likely since he killed a lot of coal miners. I think Trump is getting pressure from McConnell to put the word out, just to be sure.
    Last edited by allegro; 05-17-2018 at 10:23 PM.

  7. #967
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    No, Trump is for real on this. Blankenship is nutsy kookoo, calling McConnell “Cocaine McConnell” calling him a “Swamp Captain” who’s created millions of jobs for “China people.” He’s gone after McConnell for being married to a Chinese woman and for having a Chinese family. Blanenship went to prison for killing a bunch of coal miners.
    That was exactly my point. This definitely isn't reverse psychology as allegate was suggesting.

  8. #968
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    I think I was confused by “I had my suspicions (of reverse psychology) and his tweet confirmed it”

  9. #969
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    Sorry, I'll put a blatant /s on my posts in the future. :P

  10. #970
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I think I was confused by “I had my suspicions (of reverse psychology) and his tweet confirmed it”
    Yeah, re-reading my post, it wasn't even close to clear. I should rethink posting here on minimal sleep.

    And in other news, CT has now become the tenth state to pass a law that says their electoral votes will go to the winner of the national popular vote - although it's not guaranteed to actually go into effect, it's a good step forward. Hilariously, it's apparently got the support of the Cheeto himself, who said that the "popular vote is easier to win".

  11. #971
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    Connecticut state Senate passes bill giving electoral votes to presidential candidate who wins popular vote
    The move puts the state in a position to become the 11th, in addition to Washington, D.C., to join an interstate compact to pool their Electoral College votes for the candidate who wins the popular vote.
    If I'm reading this right, they need just as many electoral votes as you do to become president and then it becomes a national thing instead of local...right?

  12. #972
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    Connecticut state Senate passes bill giving electoral votes to presidential candidate who wins popular vote
    If I'm reading this right, they need just as many electoral votes as you do to become president and then it becomes a national thing instead of local...right?
    The care and control of their election (state) is still local instead of Federal (per the Republic) but, yeah, they keep the same number of electoral votes; the only difference is how they use them. It's basically a first step toward abolishing the electoral system.

    And with the gerrymandering that's happening, and the sparsely-populated states with relatively few tax dollars commanding way too much influence, it's probably time.
    Last edited by allegro; 05-07-2018 at 04:36 PM.

  13. #973
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    That was exactly my point. This definitely isn't reverse psychology as allegate was suggesting
    starting to wondering if like movies music and other arts politics has genres. and Trump has us entering the shock politics era? just thinking out load or typing, which with this keyboard is semi literal

  14. #974
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    so are we going to talk about Trump pulling us out of the Iran Nuclear Deal? I mean, I guess we knew he was going to do it because he repeatedly demonstrated that he didn't understand it but hated it because it was part of Obama's legacy... but how is this going to play out? Realistically, it's just such a global diplomacy cluster fuck I'm just bewildered.

  15. #975
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    All I know is that oil prices will rise up. This is another in the series of fuck-ups made by Il Doucheness.

  16. #976
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    Fucking Nunes ... OF CALIFORNIA ... is calling for the impeachment of Rosenstein and Sessions.,_2018

    So this guy in BUTTFUCK California is the HEAD of the House INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE and is moving to DESTROY the Russian investigation.
    Last edited by allegro; 05-08-2018 at 09:14 PM.

  17. #977
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    Here’s a Tweet from yesterday:

    Waiiiiitttt a minute...

    Trump is threatening to pull out of the Iran deal.

    Russia wants to sell new weapons to Iran.

    The NRA is funded by Russia.

    Oliver North is the new President of the NRA.

    Oliver North previously sold weapons to Iran.

    See where I’m going here?

  18. #978
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  19. #979
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    Speaking of Trump and tweets, the guy has literally called negative media coverage of him "fake" and is suggesting he wants to take action against it. In his world that we have to live in, Trump is perfect in every way and anyone who dares says otherwise is flat-out lying. We must bow down to and worship our supreme leader no matter what or face consequences if we do so much as disagree with him. I don't know about you, but his recent statement on the "fake news" media makes it extremely obvious to me that he desperately wants to be a dictator and his loyal followers won't care.

  20. #980
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    wanted to respond warning this response has several youtube links, don't expect anyone to watch them all. I tend to be a carious person by nature, and at any given moment i'll be aggressively barrelling down one ra at rabbit hole or another. again my apologizes for this post bouncing all over the map. so this is really scary be have a sitting president that contently lies and screams fake news at the same time. this got me looking at the physiology of lying it turns out when need seconds to process between fact and fiction so if you are constantly lied to it kind of acts as a buffer overflow

    more later

  21. #981
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick_Nicholas View Post
    Speaking of Trump and tweets, the guy has literally called negative media coverage of him "fake" and is suggesting he wants to take action against it. In his world that we have to live in, Trump is perfect in every way and anyone who dares says otherwise is flat-out lying. We must bow down to and worship our supreme leader no matter what or face consequences if we do so much as disagree with him. I don't know about you, but his recent statement on the "fake news" media makes it extremely obvious to me that he desperately wants to be a dictator and his loyal followers won't care.
    He’s not handling this “President” thing well. When he wasn’t President, and was simply “Real Estate Mogul and Television Personality,” he was a regular guest on the Howard Stern show, he was a NYC social “Man About Town,” politicians were kissing his ass for donations, and all the media loved him.

    Now, NYC hates him, the only media outlet that isn’t giving him shit is Fox News (but, really, the media gives all Presidents shit; Trump isn’t used to getting any shit at all, and when he did get shit he fired back with little recourse). When you’re a businessman, lying can be just par for the course; when you’re President, you’re under a CONSTANT microscope. He is NOT used to that.

    And, he has to live in the White House, instead of the Trump Tower Penthouse (where he’s lived for over 30 years).

    Not too long ago, I was watching some thing on TV where they asked Trump “what would you tell your younger self?”

    Trump said: “Don’t run for President.”
    Last edited by allegro; 05-10-2018 at 09:57 AM.

  22. #982
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    I'm going to ask a question hedged in logic and theory, as opposed to subjective opinion ;

    There's traditional (via force), rational (via ballot box and law) and charismatic authority

    Which two sound bad, and which does your boy use?

  23. #983
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    Ladies and gentlemen: not Photoshopped

  24. #984
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    Ok so a couple of pages back when I was wondering if what RG said was a gaffe or a strategy?
    Now I think what they were trying to do was get out ahead of the revelation that the hush money is tied to Russia.
    They were trying to cut their losses.

    "Ok I paid her off but I Promise I Don't know anything About any Russians. Witch Hunt!"

  25. #985
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    Also, sorry for double post, but why in the fuck does this idiot randomly capitalize words? It's like he knows some of the words should be capitalized but he doesn't know which ones.

    See above: "...then Voted... "

    It's fucking Maddening. Sad!
    Last edited by elevenism; 05-13-2018 at 01:36 AM.

  26. #986
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Also, sorry for double post, but why in the fuck does this idiot randomly capitalize words? It's like he knows some of the words should be capitalized but he doesn't know which ones.

    See above: "...then Voted... "

    It's fucking maddening. Sad!
    First: I don't know if it was intentional, but your last line reads exactly like something he would write. Well done and/or yikes.

    But second: as someone who tends to just be a curious person in general, I've always wondered about that myself. Does he have no grasp of our language at all? Does he have one, but can't get over some sort of mental illness that clouds his ability to think rationally? Yes, I know we've been over this already with his (now disgraced) doctor proclaiming him in good mental health. But what gets me is how random the capitalization seems to be. It takes extra effort to reach the shift key and change the status of a letter, so he's clearly (or so I would think) making a conscious decision to alter certain letters, but it often feels like there's no rhyme or reason to which letters he changes. Sometimes it makes sense - like if he's trying to make something a rally cry, he might do it. Witch Hunt! Fake News! Shit like that. But sometimes, it seems to be just ridiculously random words.

    If there's a conscious reason, I wish I could figure out what it is. And if it's an unconscious thing and he's just randomly butchering grammar without meaning to, then frankly, that worries me.

  27. #987
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    First: I don't know if it was intentional, but your last line reads exactly like something he would write. Well done and/or yikes.
    yeah it was on purpose :P
    Last edited by elevenism; 05-10-2018 at 06:27 PM.

  28. #988
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    what gets me is how random the capitalization seems to be. It takes extra effort to reach the shift key and change the status of a letter, so he's clearly (or so I would think) making a conscious decision to alter certain letters, but it often feels like there's no rhyme or reason to which letters he changes. Sometimes it makes sense - like if he's trying to make something a rally cry, he might do it. Witch Hunt! Fake News! Shit like that. But sometimes, it seems to be just ridiculously random words.

    If there's a conscious reason, I wish I could figure out what it is. And if it's an unconscious thing and he's just randomly butchering grammar without meaning to, then frankly, that worries me.
    I've noticed this too. For me, it's been a little less baffling; my dad does the same thing, and I've always pointed out certain parallels between how my father constructs his authority in running his business and how Trump constructed his politically. My dad is always making claims that anything he's selling is "the best" or "finest in the world." Grandiloquent, boasting claims like that. His website will say things like "We are Proud to Offer you this Wonderful merchandise." There's consistently inconsistent, incorrect capitalization all over the place. It's fucking maddening. Has made me wonder if it's connected to narcissism or something.

    Hate comparing my dad to Trump. He's a much better, far more honest dude (and who isn't...) and we have a good relationship, but I can't help but see things like that.

  29. #989
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    there was a link i posted the Joe Rorgan experience and matt tiabbi was on two of my favorite political commentators anyway it was mentioned that he had been filling prescriptions for "diet pills" for like 17 years, do to a metabolic unbalance or some shit and since his doctors office was raided and the white house physician now gone is it possible the president is on meth?

  30. #990
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    Sometimes the random capitalization makes me feel like I'm reading a ransom note from a deranged kidnapper.

    ThE FAKe NEwS mEdia WILL be HeLd Acc0unTable!

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