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Thread: Trump 2018 - Trump Foundation ordered to dissolve, Flynn Sentencing Delayed

  1. #1081
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    again the rights full on hipocracy always makes me smile (i guess is the word) smirk i guess is better, look SB dropped the "C" bomb, i get that offends people. look ABC/Disney is a huge corp that just made a huge amount of money catering to a black audience with black panther I think the shocking is the speed they moved, i think the crazy age we live in most people should handover their phone to their PR rep. look I don't think Rosanne is all there as a friend once said," not only is she a couple shy of a six pack, she is missing the little plastic thingy that holds it all together". I'm look I'm tired of excuses for bad behavior starting with trump, she made her apologizes lets move on. lets instead focus on why and what she said like invanaka's dad policies ripping families apart because someone was born at an arbitrary place on the globe. that somehow doesn't gel with your insides snowflake, some days I'm glad I don't have a voice. Because i would have given no apology.

  2. #1082
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    This is pathetic

    It's sad to see that if some of you were in the same position, you wouldn't of apologize.

    Because this is fucking immature, disrespectful and downright stupid for her to call someone, i don't fucking care who it was, something like this.

    I don't care about if there was double standards or not, i don't care what political party she was, she could of been the new fucking hip party down at the supermarket for all I care and i don't care about the fact that she said it to the first lady in the sense that she deserved it

    You people are better than this, you can poke fun or whatever...but theres a fucking limit and calling anyone a cunt is well over the fucking limit.

    Now i await the comments about me being "a special snowflake in need of a safespace"

  3. #1083
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    We've seen that there is no limit to the horrible things that Trump and his family will say about all sorts of people. Why should ANYONE have to apologize to them? He and his family have no respect for what it means to be in a position of power and prominence. They deserve whatever mockery they receive.
    Last edited by BRoswell; 06-02-2018 at 01:41 PM.

  4. #1084
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    Thing is guys, this isn't the first time Samantha Bee has used the word. There's a major "squirrel!" moment happening here.

  5. #1085
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Thing is guys, this isn't the first time Samantha Bee has used the word. There's a major "squirrel!" moment happening here.
    Yep. She's known for being crass, so it shouldn't come as a shock to anyone. This is definitely meant to be a distraction though, just like all of the bullshit surrounding Roseanne.

  6. #1086
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dryalex12 View Post
    This is pathetic

    It's sad to see that if some of you were in the same position, you wouldn't of apologize.

    Because this is fucking immature, disrespectful and downright stupid for her to call someone, i don't fucking care who it was, something like this.

    I don't care about if there was double standards or not, i don't care what political party she was, she could of been the new fucking hip party down at the supermarket for all I care and i don't care about the fact that she said it to the first lady in the sense that she deserved it

    You people are better than this, you can poke fun or whatever...but theres a fucking limit and calling anyone a cunt is well over the fucking limit.

    Now i await the comments about me being "a special snowflake in need of a safespace"
    Speaking of being better than this: Wouldn’t have. Could have. There’s no “of” involved here.

    This keeps me from taking you and your argument seriously but let’s say I do take your argument seriously. There’s problems there too. It’s not a double standard in this case with Roseanne. Racism is not equal to profanity. Ivanka isn’t the First Lady. How many shirts were the LCDs wearing during the run up to the election with horrible words describing HRC? How many times has Trump used “cunt?” How many times has he spoke inappropriately about Ivanka? Fuck him. Fuck his supporters. Fuck his shitty family.
    Last edited by Swykk; 06-02-2018 at 02:08 PM.

  7. #1087
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    Something I’ve also seen people try to say to make it look like Sam’s language was somehow so haneous is that it’s the president’s daughter, I actually saw someone on Facebook ask “what if someone on Fox called one of Obama’s daughters that word?”
    Ivanka is a grown woman. She is not a child. She is not some innocent person in this administration. SHE HAS A POSITION IN THE WHITE HOUSE. Her inaction politically combined with her tone-deaf photo op with her kid during the explosive discussion about the administration tearing children from their mothers with no indication of when it ever they will be reunited, yeah that makes her a feckless cunt. I said it. They can fuck off with this outrage over it. Trump’s base is just pissed that we were mean to the crowned princess of the US.

  8. #1088
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    Maybe I'm lost here, I suppose you guy have a point. I'll be honest, I have no fucking idea who Bee is, I don't pay attention. It's probably why I tend to stay out of trying to talk about politics because more often then not, I have no idea what the fuck im saying and I try to make sense out of what little I actually know. I guess that's what happens to me, I see something I think is wrong morally....but I fail to see the bigger picture of whats going on. So I do apologize for that. I guess I'm just stuck in the "can't we all just get along" that it kinda.......blocks me from thinking....well....seeing anything else.

    Still, I think there are better ways of trying to get your point across...that's just how I am, my devil's advocate works in weird ways, and honestly, I wouldn't change it. But I guess I should just stick with what I do know instead of trying to make it seem like I know what I'm doing, I honestly thought I got over that.

    Again, I apologize

  9. #1089
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dryalex12 View Post
    I don't pay attention.
    That much is obvious.

  10. #1090
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dryalex12 View Post
    I guess I'm just stuck in the "can't we all just get along"
    I used to be like that. Honest, I’m a tree-hugging hippie. Literally. But what is going on right now goes far beyond “can’t we all just get along”. You gotta be able to call bullshit when you see it.

  11. #1091
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    I know, and it was my ignorance for not seeing it. I fucked up, I will always call myself out when I have made a mistake. I fuck up, we all do sometimes, and I know I can learn from this. I can call bullshit, and tbf, when I wrote that, I had just woken up like 5 minutes ago, so I was still a bit groggy. Bare in mind that the reason why I dont like to pay attention to it is because it causes unnecessary stress on me. I'm already on edge about my mental health, I dont need any more stress than I already have. Maybe im ignorant and a coward for that, I dunno, just how I am.

    Im not afraid to call out bullshit, far from it, ive done it many times on here. But I also need to learn what the fuck is going on before I call out my bullshit...which obviously, I didn't do here.

    Long story short, I fucked up, plain and simple.

  12. #1092
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRoswell View Post
    That much is obvious.
    It happens. A lot of the times with me is that i tend to over think or try to make too much logic or try to use too much "common sense" that it becomes really stupid. It honestly sounded fine in my head which is really common with people with Aspergers like me (not sure if Void has that problem)

    All you have to do is call me out on how full of shit i am and I'll agree with you more often than not. It might take a few but i usually see my errors.

  13. #1093
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    Okay just listened to a Trump address moaning about obstruction of the Democrats to his appointments - like Obama never had Republican obstruction??? Also he says they’re denying the will of the people - uhh you lost the popular vote mate even with Russian help - fuck off Trump

  14. #1094
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    i've lost all faith in our current concept of democracy and government, to see show's that i once respected like meet the press to have Rudy go on and argue that a president can't obstruct justice, pardon anyone and do whatever he wants sounds a lot like a dictatorship to me? but i guess i'm wrong. i'll put my head back and hope we come to our collective senses soon but i don't have much hope.

  15. #1095
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    There's no way Rudy actually believes that the president can't obstruct justice. He just says what Trump tells him. Wasn't Rudy the only other one shameless enough to throw around the term Spygate?

  16. #1096
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    I have a question I’d really like the answer to. I see/get jumped by a lot of HRC supporters on Twitter due to my support of Bernie Sanders. I understand they (likely a knee jerk; not looking at the whole picture reaction) blame him for the election results and yet even though I voted for her to avoid Trump, I’m still dismissed as a Bernie Bro. They really hate him and seem to forget Jill Stein. Is this just sour grapes on their part as I have been thinking? Is it typical Wasteland Twitter? Or have I missed some valid criticism of Bernie? I really do still believe he was the only candidate that gave a shit about us. He definitely had trouble connecting with minorities but I don’t know why. His policies would have benefited them. He was right there supporting the civil rights movement.

    I recognize this is unlikely but I’d like for us to come to some sort of resolution so that when November comes, there isn’t all this awful infighting. Maybe it is just rabid hatred (I was called “Just as bad as Trumpers” and I’ve seen this type of inaccurate venom thrown at many others too) but I might be missing something valid too (no politician is perfect).

    So did I miss something?
    Last edited by Swykk; 06-04-2018 at 08:48 AM.

  17. #1097
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    wow, the new US ambassador of germany is a real jerk, a mean clown. And an ugly piece of shit.

    on the other hand, the whole Trump administration is a collection of the dumbest, most mean and ugliest humans on earth. And every one of them fulfils all three characteristics. Fricking amazing!
    Last edited by baudolino; 06-04-2018 at 06:48 AM.

  18. #1098
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    @Swykk there was a misinfo Russian-bot social media spam misrepresentation of Bernie supporters. I interacted with a few. Jill Stein did her part without help, but there was a big campaign to portray the average Sanders supporter as a Bernie bro or Bernie or Buster. The most egregious example was when Roger Stone starting touting around that Harlan Hill guy, a "former Bernie millennial turned Trump supporter." I know some people who were duped by this shit, but they fall in the conspiracy theory camps... which is why it wasn't surprising to see Harlan Hill make an appearance on info wars

  19. #1099
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    My sincerest hope is that 50-100 years from now, when kids are learning about the presidents in a textbook, this guy will fall in with the rest of the ones that no one remembers. When was the last time you heard someone other than a history buff talk about President van Buren?

    This would be the best possible outcome for this presidency. His ludicrous attempts at policy fail miserably, and aside from setting the precedent of being the first truly unstable person to ever accidentally occupy the office, his tenure has no lasting impact on the nation and future generations learning nothing about his stain on our government. Partly because I hope he never achieves any of his agenda, and partly because I know that if there's an afterlife, he'd be beyond furious to be forgotten and shrugged off.

  20. #1100
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    i find it very scary the memo that was released RG's latest Sunday parade that stated, the president is above the law and can pardon himself. at this point i wonder if we are headed for a dictatorship or civil war. both i wound not care for

  21. #1101
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    Whenever I hear our dumbass dictator say he can pardon himself. All I can think of is this:

  22. #1102
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    I have a question I’d really like the answer to. I see/get jumped by a lot of HRC supporters on Twitter due to my support of Bernie Sanders. I understand they (likely a knee jerk; not looking at the whole picture reaction) blame him for the election results and yet even though I voted for her to avoid Trump, I’m still dismissed as a Bernie Bro. They really hate him and seem to forget Jill Stein. Is this just sour grapes on their part as I have been thinking? Is it typical Wasteland Twitter? Or have I missed some valid criticism of Bernie? I really do still believe he was the only candidate that gave a shit about us. He definitely had trouble connecting with minorities but I don’t know why. His policies would have benefited them. He was right there supporting the civil rights movement.

    I recognize this is unlikely but I’d like for us to come to some sort of resolution so that when November comes, there isn’t all this awful infighting. Maybe it is just rabid hatred (I was called “Just as bad as Trumpers” and I’ve seen this type of inaccurate venom thrown at many others too) but I might be missing something valid too (no politician is perfect).

    So did I miss something?
    People cannot blame progressives for voting for Bernie & then Jill Stein over Hillary. Those two candidates line up with our views on how things should be done, and they came and chased us for our vote. It is not the voters job to go to the politician. It is the politician's job to fight for my vote and convince ME to vote for them. Hillary did barely anything to come chase our vote. And the concessions she made/scraps she threw our way seemed like afterthouhgts anyway.

    Furthermore, Hillary didn't campaign heavily enough in any way in the three crucial Midwest/Rust Belt states that ended up swinging the electoral college votes to Trump. Trump DID. He went and campaigned in Wisconsin, Michigan, PA and Ohio alot. I hate that monster as much as the next guy, but one thing you can't knock about him was his campaigning effort that summer and fall. Yes it was mostly bc of the erection he gets from the crowd adulation, but he still did the work. And that's why he squeaked out a few dozen thousand more votes than her in those crucial states: he was there talking to the voters, and she wasn't.

    Don't waste your time arguing with ANYONE on Twitter, nevermind Hillary supporters. Gross. I would imagine any Hillary supporter who would go out of there way to argur with you in Twitter is not an issues-oriented voter/follower, and enjoyed her cult of personality more than anything else. There certainly wasn't much in Hillary's excuse for an agenda to get any non-rich/non-establishment person excited.

    How can anyone not watch videos like this one and not be inspired by Bernie?

    What a leader he's going to be for us. Can't wait till he's the candidate in 2020. Only people I can see topping him are Biden or Warren. Warren would be fantastic too.

  23. #1103
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post

    I feel like this is the beginning of the end.
    Dude, I was just thinking the exact same thing.
    The president can pardon himself. It's ok for him to kill people. Censorship is cool.

    You can't put the genie back in the bottle with some of this shit I don't think.

    I'm really, seriously getting scared and I don't know if there's a way out of this that doesn't end in some sort of violence.

    This might really, seriously be the beginning of the end.

  24. #1104
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    people have been saying "it's the beginning of the end" since the beginning of the whole Trump debacle
    or: "Trump is falling apart"
    but that's how he maintains power, jumping from one crisis to the next
    giving his critics false hope that he's imploding
    and he's about to go down

    and still it grinds on
    and will grind on
    until it's done
    which might take much much longer than we hoped

    I am shitting myself that Doug Ford is going to win Ontario this week
    Trumpism is part of a whole global movement of conservative nationalist populist shit
    which I fear is going to get a lot worse before it starts to get better
    Last edited by aggroculture; 06-05-2018 at 03:35 PM.

  25. #1105
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    Okay, I'm going to say it now, and I'm not going to apologize: feckless cunt (Trump, obviously, and not the woman who calls her out).

  26. #1106
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    He's pardoning all sorts of people all because Kim Kartrashian probably gave him a hummer and a free copy of Mr. Kartrashian's new album.

  27. #1107
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    Quote Originally Posted by thevoid99 View Post
    He's pardoning all sorts of people all because Kim Kartrashian probably gave him a hummer and a free copy of Mr. Kartrashian's new album.
    For what it's worth, I believe pardoning Johnson was 100% appropriate. The likely reason WHY he did it (because another kiss-ass celebrity asked him to) is what bothers me.

  28. #1108
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    people have been saying "it's the beginning of the end" since the beginning of the whole Trump debacle...

    Trumpism is part of a whole global movement of conservative nationalist populist shit
    which I fear is going to get a lot worse before it starts to get better
    Oh dude.
    I don't mean the end of trump and trumpism.
    I'm talking about the end of society as we know it, and I'm NOT being hyperbolic at this point.

    You're talking about the whole thing taking "longer than we thought;" I'm suggesting that it's not going to end AT ALL.

    because see, these people who have been emboldened and the ideas that have been normalized? I don't think they're going anywhere.

    I see a future that may include the assassination of a leftist president, the government using lethal force on protesters, the possibility of state censorship and the utter breakdown of the fabric of the United States.

    And God help us if a terror attack unites people behind trump.
    Last edited by elevenism; 06-06-2018 at 04:37 PM.

  29. #1109
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post

    I see a future that may include the assassination of a leftist president, the government using lethal force on protesters, the possibility of state censorship and the utter breakdown of the fabric of the United States.

    And God help us if a terror attack unites people behind trump.
    To be fair:

    -I guessed at Obama being assassinated, or at least someone giving it a serious try. I was sure it was going to happen. I'm obviously beyond relieved that I was wrong about that.
    -I'm amazed we haven't heard a credible threat against Trump yet. For the amount of hatred that man has stirred up, I'm shocked that no one has even attempted anything. (And to be clear: as much as I hate him, I'm also glad that I'm wrong about this. I do not want to see a president assassinated, period.)
    -If a major terror attack happened on Trump's watch, I'd be shocked to see it unite people. He can't handle a ham sandwich. I think he'd botch the response so bad that only his most racist asshat supporters would follow him, while the ones who are at least starting to see their mistakes would cringe at his reply. (I use the "major" qualifier here because we've already had several terror attacks here since he was elected.)

    He's pushing hard for state censorship (he's literally gone to court to fight for the right to block people from trying to reach him on twitter, he's told scientific agencies that they're not allowed to use actual scientific phrases in their work, etc). Police are already killing people so I think the "lethal force on protesters" part is here.

    It's really hard to see a light at the end of this tunnel. Given that his run has emboldened more racist bigots to run for other offices and it's given media a regrettable "need" to give said people publicity, it looks like it'll get worse before it gets better. But once he's out of office - and remember, someday he will be out of office - I hold onto the hope that both the left and right will breathe a collective sigh of relief and forge ahead on a path of reasonably intelligent discourse and policy making. I feel you; it's really hard to imagine that. But his numbers are shit, more and more GOP members are speaking out against him, and yesterday Democrats made their 42nd red-to-blue flip in a state legislative seat since Trump took office - this time in a pretty deeply red district. There is hope - we just need to remember that hoping isn't going to get us anywhere. Red or blue, we need to be as active as we can to get Trump out of office (again, to be clear, in a legal and nonviolent way).

  30. #1110
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    Good points @theimage13 and I REALLY hope you're right about a future path of "reasonably intelligent policy making."

    Now that you mention it, i, too, expected Obama to be shot, specifically when he got out of his car on inauguration day.
    Luckily those fears were unfounded.

    I've got some more grim thoughts with which I could continue this discussion, but again, I REALLY hope you're right.
    And I think I'm gonna leave it at that.

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