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Thread: Trump 2018 - Trump Foundation ordered to dissolve, Flynn Sentencing Delayed

  1. #1231
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    Maybe this is what the latest stunts have been to distract us from reading via twitter: "plan for complete reorganization of the entire federal government" taken from a page

  2. #1232
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    Quote Originally Posted by onthewall2983 View Post
    I think his true prize is the piss tape, and allegedly footage of him assaulting Melania in an elevator.
    He does claim to have the piss tape doesn't he? He was saying that this is going live in the fall... maybe he's planning to time it in the lead up to the November election? Who knows... but it's strange to claim you have something like that and not provide even a teaser snapshot. Then again, it'd be weirder for him to claim he has it and then show up empty-handed.

    Additionally, if the tape originally was created by Vladimir Putin to compromise Trump (if it really exists), then threatening to release it at all would mean fucking around with a very ruthless guy who has already demonstrated that he's willing and able to murder people who mess with his agenda.

    EDIT: aaaaand now, after Arnold did that rambling interview, Cohen has denied talking about anything with him and calls it ridiculous... which wasn't what he seemed to be doing earlier, but the whole thing was insane from the start anyway.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 06-22-2018 at 09:12 PM.

  3. #1233
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  4. #1234
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Yeah, now it’ll be like the Obama years!

    But hey, since you are currently capable of being critical of your own government now that a non-Dem is POTUS, let’s not miss this opportunity. You should look into the US Prison system and CPS. Talk about fucking up children and their families...
    I'm definitely aware of those things. Half of my posts in this thread are about my displeasure with the Democratic Party in general.

    Trump has only had the opportunity to speak ill of and treat Muslim and Latino migrants in this manner because our institutions have failed them for decades; it is this crisis that demonstrates why the duopoly of Republican and Democrat is so dangerous.

  5. #1235
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post

    Here’s a map of the highs yesterday, the first day of summer. I’m sure it was cool and breezy where ever she was wearing the jacket for her photo ops.

    the jacket is distasteful and disrespectful in any state. But, sure nitpick my not knowing where she was wearing it originally.

    EDT 2: where did she wear it then? Everything I’ve read says it was boarding her flight to and from. So when she left Texas, she wasn’t wearing it according to your not fake news sources?

    From what I can tell, she was wearing it as she boarded in DC and as she deplaned in DC - not IN Texas.

    But that's not the point. The point is how it was tone-deaf at best and downright insulting at worst. I mean, if she flew to a visit a former concentration camp and wore a jacket that said "Jews Suck" as she boarded Air Force One, would you still be going "what's the big fucking deal; she took it off before she landed". Really?

    You're grasping at straws, @DigitalChaos , and it's sad to see. You're smarter than that. Whether that jacket was worn IN Texas or not is irrelevant. Anyone trying to be an apologist for this is either naive or a moron, and frankly, I don't think you're a moron. FLOTUS (regardless of Trump, Obama, Bush, etc) has no business wearing this jacket at any time, ever, unless she intends to make the text her official statement. That's how it works when you're both a politician and a celebrity. What you say, and the sign you wear, sends a message and makes a point. She knows that, you know that, and you know that she knows that.

  6. #1236
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    i go back and forth on sarah getting kicked out of dinner i the one hand people are finally standing up to trump his racsism and lying most restaurants do have a right to refuse service on the other seems like a total troll trap they all happen to be Mexican restaurants the right loves to play thLe victim what does ETS think?

  7. #1237
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    being too nice to Conservatives - going "high" while they go "low" is part of what got us here

    kick them the fuck out

  8. #1238
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    I'd say we don't stop serving these Fascists. In fact, let's give them something.... "special"

  9. #1239
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    Quote Originally Posted by Louie_Cypher View Post
    i go back and forth on sarah getting kicked out of dinner i the one hand people are finally standing up to trump his racsism and lying most restaurants do have a right to refuse service on the other seems like a total troll trap they all happen to be Mexican restaurants the right loves to play thLe victim what does ETS think?
    As far as I'm concerned it's better to have refused them service then do something weird with their food, get the CDC or whoever involved and end up in lawsuits. These businesses will feel the heat now from conservative trolls, but it'll go away by season's end in place of something else they can get mad at.

  10. #1240
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    Quote Originally Posted by Louie_Cypher View Post
    i go back and forth on sarah getting kicked out of dinner i the one hand people are finally standing up to trump his racsism and lying most restaurants do have a right to refuse service on the other seems like a total troll trap they all happen to be Mexican restaurants the right loves to play thLe victim what does ETS think?
    I have no back and forth on this at all.

    1) Not a Mexican restaurant in the Sanders case
    2) She gets up and defends Trump's pleasure that SCOTUS ruled a restaurant can refuse to serve you because they don't like that you're gay - so what's the harm in refusing to serve her because she's the mouthpiece for the most dangerous and bigoted tyrant in America? It's not even a tit-for-tat thing. You were literally just the one screaming about how it's great that you don't have to serve someone you don't like. Well, now you know how it feels.
    3) The restaurant had already served her and PAID for her meal. They comped her! They simply asked her - privately, and politely - to leave.

    I have no problems with this whatsoever. I intend to go out of my way to eat there next time I'm in the region as a way of showing my support.

  11. #1241
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    the immigrant issue is far from over this will become a midterm wedge issue. history has shown the party that holds the presidency loses seats. the only one not to do this was strangely enough was "W" and most attribute that to 9/11. look up something called the mice utopia experiment. hold on to your lids.I'm going to give trump a compliment he is savvy at media manipulation. if you look at what he was able to do with the national enquirer 90% of people will say I will never read that rag. you do see the cover every-time you buy groceries. so something as silly as " ted Cruz's father killed JFK or Hillary's heath. you might both of those might seam off the wall but combine the two and if in passing you'll go i saw something about that without having any fact or real information. so phoning into Howard stern or doing a comedy central roast. people assume 'well he must be an alright down to earth guy, look he's willing to go on theses show's and be goofed on? but he's never actually goofed on and we don't know what the stipulations were form him to be on such shows? the art of deception is a deep and heavy topic so pay attention and don't get played.

  12. #1242
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    here's a fun video

  13. #1243
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    Restaurant owners, take notes from this person.

  14. #1244
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    The Travel Ban clears the final hurdle: Looks like it's the law of the land now.

  15. #1245
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    This is one of the top reasons why I voted for HRC despite being a Bernie supporter. The Supreme Court seat that was held hostage by Turtlefuck McConnell was all too important to lose.

    We cannot make the same mistakes in November. There’s never a perfect candidate but there’s ALWAYS a better candidate.

  16. #1246
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    I forget...did the dems have a "nuclear option" that they could have used to force Garland through? As much as I hate political BS, I think right now I'd say that I was okay with them using that in order to get the fucking job done.

  17. #1247
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    The Democrats would have to grow a spine first. This stupid "high road" crap is getting them killed.

  18. #1248
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    I forget...did the dems have a "nuclear option" that they could have used to force Garland through? As much as I hate political BS, I think right now I'd say that I was okay with them using that in order to get the fucking job done.
    No, because Mitch McConnell has been the leader of the Senate since Jan. 2015 when the GOP took back the senate in the 2014 midterms. McConnell refused to have a hearing for Garland and held the seat hostage until the 2016 election. Democrats in the senate were powerless to prevent this since they did not have a majority. McConnell then nuked the filibuster after Democrats invoked it, meaning that Gorsuch only needed a 51 vote majority instead of 60 votes for confirmation. Gorsuch was confirmed with a 54-45 vote with zero GOP defections.

    Senate Dems were powerless throughout this whole process because of the 2014 midterms. This will happen again unless we take back the Senate in 2018, which means that some of us who have Red State Dems up for reelection this year need to get out of our feelings and reelect them.

  19. #1249
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    They might have been powerless in terms of the rules, but man were they meek about it out in public. Obama for one, never once used his bully pulpit the way he could have. He's not built for it, and the whole country is paying now b/c he never once tried to break their back and make them pay with the voters. Same goes for Dem leadership. They should have been, and should be now, out there every single day and night shouting to anyone who will listen in the media and on social media about how awful these monsters on the right are, and how they need to be voted the fuck out.

    Instead we get the weak willed nonsense and handsitting that we mostly see from Dems in control of the party. And then Maxine Waters says something right and NOT kinda crazy for once, and her own party shits on her for it over and over again. CLUELESS. it's time to BREAK THEIR BACK, not play games.

  20. #1250
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    This is one of the top reasons why I voted for HRC despite being a Bernie supporter. The Supreme Court seat that was held hostage by Turtlefuck McConnell was all too important to lose.

    We cannot make the same mistakes in November. There’s never a perfect candidate but there’s ALWAYS a better candidate.
    well, breaking news... justice Kennedy has announced he's retiring... god help us

  21. #1251
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    We’re fucked.

  22. #1252
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    Yeah the court is already terrible with him on it. It's going to be absolutely savage now. He couldn't wait 2 years???

  23. #1253
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    MCCONNELL on the Senate floor: "The senate stands ready to fulfill its constitutional role by offering advice and consent … we will vote to confirm justice kennedy’s successor THIS FALL."

    Also saw Trump saying that he wants to fill it as soon as possible when asked if he would wait until after Nov. when the new congress is established. Can you smmmmeeeeellll the hypocrisy? Sheesh, if this doesn't drive the point home that elections have consequences

  24. #1254
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    We just got to the moment where the collision finally happened. We've been watching it happen in slow motion and now it's hit its apex.

  25. #1255
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    Thinking about this SC vacancy is making me sick. Shit is about to REALLY go off the rails.

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  27. #1257
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lt. Randazzo View Post
    We just got to the moment where the collision finally happened. We've been watching it happen in slow motion and now it's hit its apex.
    Yeah, I remember reading sometime around the election during the last SC debacle someone laying out a worst-case scenario that is basically coming to fruition, where its not enough to imagine having to put up with 4 or more years of this, but imagine decades of Trump's influencing the direction of things.

  28. #1258
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    2018 Mitch suddenly has no recollection of 2016 Mitch.
    Last edited by cdm; 06-27-2018 at 02:56 PM.

  29. #1259
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    Thinking about this SC vacancy is making me sick. Shit is about to REALLY go off the rails.
    Same, old friend. Same.

  30. #1260
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    Never forget.

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