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Thread: Trump 2018 - Trump Foundation ordered to dissolve, Flynn Sentencing Delayed

  1. #1381
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    trump is having to protect himself from uk protesters by erecting a big steel fence/wall thing.
    This is unprecedented, no?

    Meanwhile, he said this: I believe the people in the UK, Scotland, Ireland -- as you know I have property in Ireland, I have property all over -- I think that those people, they like me a lot

    Yeaaah. One way to for sure know that people REALLY like you is when you have to build a steel wall and post up attack dogs and shit just to go anywhere near them. Yea they like you a lot donald. Hell, we all do!!

    Last edited by elevenism; 07-12-2018 at 08:59 AM.

  2. #1382
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    this is such bullshit

    Trump is pure evil and every day we let him get away with it we sink deeper

  3. #1383
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    For the record, the post of yours I replied to was about the SCOTUS nomination and a general comment about being worn down. So that was the scope of my reply.

    To address your specific ACA issue: there are absolutely people who will be harmed more by one president over the other. There are lots of deaths that Hillary would have caused by now that didn’t happen with Trump (ex: droned children). But back to ACA, there are no easy answers anymore for a lot of things we’ve gotten ourselves into. My biggest opposition to ACA before it happened was that it gave govt another thing to hold over our heads. They now get to threaten to take it away if you don’t vote a certain way... this is NOT heathy democracy for exactly the reason in the portion of your post I am quoting. And it sucks.

  4. #1384
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    Finally a Democrat has some balls

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. #1385
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    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    Ephebophile? Predatory asshole? He's human garbage, but to call him a pedophile is, literally, hyperbole (or just inaccurate). I mention it just because it was a quick example that came to mind.

    Like I said, pedantry is a tool of fascists so this isn't a hill I'm gonna die on. But, the left is absolutely guilty of hyperbole/inaccuracy/hypocrisy because it's a terribly human set of behaviors and something we're prone to when our emotions are running high. And there are so many things that justifiably cause strong emotions.

    And again, I'm saying shit is already horrible and that we don't need to emphasize it being inaccurately horrible because it's already very horrible.

    (Yes, I'm aware that calling someone human garbage is also hyperbole. But, it's accurate.)

    ok... so let's call him a predatory ephebophile... that will clear things up...

  6. #1386
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post

    trump is having to protect himself from uk protesters by erecting a big steel fence/wall thing.
    This is unprecedented, no?

    Meanwhile, he said this: I believe the people in the UK, Scotland, Ireland -- as you know I have property in Ireland, I have property all over -- I think that those people, they like me a lot

    Yeaaah. One way to for sure know that people REALLY like you is when you have to build a steel wall and post up attack dogs and shit just to go anywhere near them. Yea they like you a lot donald. Hell, we all do!!

    I hope he talks more about "Ireland" in the same breath as the UK over the next new days. His ignorance will get him killed.

  7. #1387
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    For the record, the post of yours I replied to was about the SCOTUS nomination and a general comment about being worn down. So that was the scope of my reply.

    To address your specific ACA issue: there are absolutely people who will be harmed more by one president over the other. There are lots of deaths that Hillary would have caused by now that didn’t happen with Trump (ex: droned children). But back to ACA, there are no easy answers anymore for a lot of things we’ve gotten ourselves into. My biggest opposition to ACA before it happened was that it gave govt another thing to hold over our heads. They now get to threaten to take it away if you don’t vote a certain way... this is NOT heathy democracy for exactly the reason in the portion of your post I am quoting. And it sucks.
    Gotcha, thank you for your gracious response.

    I always worry about the SCOTUS nominations because many of the laws supporting people in our situation may be attacked the more conservative the SCOTUS gets. Which would have been the case no matter what Republican President got the chance to name a nominee. A whole lot of corporations and organizations really hate the current laws we have that protect people with disabilities, because it costs them money to do so. Businesses don't like being forced to make buildings wheelchair accessible, and they wouldn't if laws didn't exist making them do so. Schools don't like offering special education, and most wouldn't if laws didn't force them to.

    Which I understand their point of view, but without these laws we have no options. Conservative judges aren't all awful (there was a ruling in 2017 about suing for ADA violations that even the conservative members of SCOTUS were supportive of), but historically they have sided more with protecting the freedoms of organizations and businesses rather than protecting access for those with disabilities. It has gotten better over the years and I don't want to see progress lost.

  8. #1388
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    ok... so let's call him a predatory ephebophile... that will clear things up...
    I mean, it's accurate, so yes, it would clear things up in a way that probably isn't very important. Again, it was just an example that came to mind, because twitter was endless "Roy Moore is a pedophile" while stuff was going down and... he literally isn't. You said freaking out wasn't hyperbole, so I gave some examples of hyperbole, because I wasn't equating people freaking out to hyperbole. I'm not out here trying to clear up semantics on something that happened like 6 months ago. You asked for what he should be called, I answered.

    Like, my point is that people will repeat inflammatory stuff that isn't correct when they're frustrated and impassioned. That it's an incredibly human behavior, but something the left is (also, like the right, like everybody) absolutely guilty of, and on a broader scale it's problematic and harmful.

  9. #1389
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    That toothpaste is out of the tube and will never be put back again thanks to Trump.

    Wait, is that hyperbole as well? Shit. It's a narrow path out here.

  10. #1390
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    I feel like I made a very simple and uncontroversial point, that I explained thoroughly. I'm all for y'all giving me shit in the form of "bUT hYPERbolE" but if what I was actually trying to say was somehow unclear def let me know and I'm happy to elaborate.

  11. #1391
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    I definitely understand the point about hyperbole and how it undermines the left more often then it should, but I don't really think the Roy Moore ephebophile thing is the best example -- if you ask most people if they consider someone in their 20s or 30s going after a 15yo a pedo, they're going to say yes.

    It just makes me think of the time I first heard of Milo Yiannopolous "technically" endorsing "ephebophilia and NOT PEDERASTRY YOU DUMB LIBCUCKS!". Most people had already made up in their minds that he was endorsing some creepy behavior and just referred to him as the P word.

  12. #1392
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    Yeah, you're right. If I thought it was gonna be such a thing I'd have taken longer to think of a different example, honestly. Though I also mentioned the cake ruling and I think that was better. I get why people jump to using the word, but words still have meaning. But yeah. I also think that's a valid parallel to draw, the Milo thing.

  13. #1393
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    So those twin propeller helicopters (like from Evangelion) are flying over my office every 5mins, so its either to do with the racist wotsits visit or 2nd Impact is occurring*...

    *I realise this is a VERY specific reference so most of you can ignore this as the ramblings of a shut in otaku

  14. #1394
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey View Post
    So those twin propeller helicopters (like from Evangelion) are flying over my office every 5mins, so its either to do with the racist wotsits visit or 2nd Impact is occurring*...

    *I realise this is a VERY specific reference so most of you can ignore this as the ramblings of a shut in otaku
    Chinook. Yeah seen a few over the City today. Going for a walk at lunch to see what’s about and who I give the finger to (hopefully)

  15. #1395
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    It's not the extreme that I am pointing out. It's the indiscriminate outrage. Everything and anything is immediately the end of the fucking world, and its to the point they are prepped in advance to catch any possibility to cast that type of light on it. It's the same bullshit we saw from Fox News, and it absolutely waters down any legitimate gripes people DO have.
    white cishet guy who will never
    be abused or fired for being gay or trans
    be denied an abortion
    be denied a child in adoption for being gay
    be harassed and attacked in public for being black or latinx
    be shot by a cop for being black
    be deported
    be torn apart from your family or put in a cage

    tells everyone else "don't panic, Trump isn't the end of the world"
    and mocks those who do panic about Trump and his policies being a matter of life and death for them

    not enough eyerolls in this world for you

  16. #1396
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    Oh look, it’s sense that you can’t refute so you insert a pithy comment. Who’s the lazy one?

  17. #1397
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Oh look it’s that tired old shit. You can’t get any more lazy.
    your whole "libertarian" philosophy is self-serving
    you believe the shit you spout not because it's remotely true but because it supports, maintains, and enables your privileged status in society
    at the expense of the less privileged
    over and over again
    and you are complicit in the suffering of those less privileged than you

    I have zero respect for you
    your bad faith is an ETS fixture at this point

  18. #1398
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  19. #1399
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    The defendants worked for two units of the GRU that "engaged in active cyber operations to interfere in the 2016 presidential elections," Rosenstein said. One unit stole information using spearfishing schemes and hacked into computer networks where they "installed malicious software that allowed them to spy on users and capture keystrokes, take screenshots and exfiltrate or remove data from those computers."
    At what point do we start to question if they were actually successful in hacking the election software to alter the outcome of the election?

    He was doing so abysmally in the polls, what if he really didn't win?

    I remember reading articles about how each state has their own voting software, and each one manages their own security. If the Russians were successful in altering the outcome of the actual votes, even by small amounts in key states, that could account for the surprising results.

    What the hell would happen if Meuller found evidence of that and could prove that the results of the election were incorrect? Honestly, it really doesn't seem like a stretch at all to think that's a very real possibility at this point.

  20. #1400
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    I love @Seth Abramson 's thread about this:

    Of note: The Kremlin DIRECTLY RESPONDED to Trump's public call to try to get Clinton's "missing" emails WITHIN HOURS of him making the request—WITHIN HOURS. Either Trump was coordinating OR he KNEW he had sufficient pull with the Russians that his words could have this sort of effect.

  21. #1401
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    I've been thinking more and more about this and doing a lot of reading. There were exit polls with huge discrepancies compared to the actual results. There is proof that they've attempted to hack the companies that make the voting machine software. He was polling so terribly before the election. The electronic voting results have been hacked in other countries. I don't think he really won.

    I also think Mueller knows he didn't win, and has told a few people in congress, who are keeping it quiet because they know the chaos that would result if the public knew. Trump himself would decry it fake news, and the country would likely erupt in a civil war, caught between those who think he's not legitimately president and those who think it's fake news/witch hunt.

    That could explain the Republicans stance of letting everything he does go. If they're looking at their options as Trump or an all out civil war, that might explain why they're letting him get away with so much crap.

    I think he lost, and I think they know that.

  22. #1402
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    It's also curious that he won every swing state he needed to, even though he was projected to lose them all... but I digress... who knows, the timing of everything today is insane. If Trump goes ahead with his private one on one with Putin at this point, fuck everyone who doesn't have an issue with it

  23. #1403
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    It's also curious that he won every swing state he needed to, even though he was projected to lose them all... but I digress... who knows, the timing of everything today is insane. If Trump goes ahead with his private one on one with Putin at this point, fuck everyone who doesn't have an issue with it

  24. #1404
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    Well, fuck Sarah Sanders... but come on Republicans!!! Aren't you the "party of Reagan?!?!" Nobody should be ok with this.

  25. #1405
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Well, fuck Sarah Sanders... but come on Republicans!!! Aren't you the "party of Reagan?!?!" Nobody should be ok with this.
    Yes, these are the people that fear monger about socialism but are in bed with the communists.

  26. #1406
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    not enough eyerolls in this world for you
    So, DC and I are veeeeeery different people. I'm a queer woman who struggles with mental illness (though I'm white, cis, able-bodied, and at this stage of my life, middle class, and that contributes to a hell of a lot of privilege). My politics are closer to democratic socialism than anything else. I'm pro-identity politics and unions and all the things.

    And I think there is a reasonable point within that quote from DC, though I disagree with most of what he posts. I can guarantee you that he and I disagree drastically about what constitutes "legitimate gripes" and that he'd likely dismiss most of what I think are.

    Shit right now is really fucking bad. And that takes a toll on people. Striving for objectivity and managing our energy isn't detracting from shit being really fucking bad. And I even believe people are entitled to just like... vent and be stressed. So when I say "manage our energy" hey nobody misinterpret that as me saying calm down, thanks. I'm talking about like, caring for ourselves and each other.

    Like, the cake thing, since that didn't lead to a pointless adventure in semantics: Yes, it was a narrow ruling. Yes, it is a symptom of a political climate that can and will and has had catastrophic consequences for queer people. To be hurt, and angry about another chip in the edifice of queer people being regarded as full people in this country is incredibly understandable.

    But also, to the publishers, to the people sharing the information, there is a responsibility to not frame that shit as "huge blow to gay rights, supreme court just said doing this is totally cool now" because someone is gonna see that, and their stomach is gonna drop, and they're gonna be terrified. Not because it chips away, but because they're having a gut reaction to something that was presented in full severity, inaccurately. Shit is bad enough. Doing that is harmful. I can't fathom that being viewed as fine.

    And I'm over here saying it's a thing humans on any side of the issue are almost universally guilty of (just like collective outrage, doxxing, shit like that) at some point, but I care more about people who share my views trying to be careful that we know where the information we're sharing comes from and that we're not creating more fear than we need when shit is already terrifying.

    Someone said (on tumblr, probably) that "we're well past 'first they came for'" and I agree with that.
    Last edited by playwithfire; 07-13-2018 at 04:21 PM. Reason: also I just quoted the end of your thingy, that wasn't me being antagonistic or taking that as aimed at me, I like ya

  27. #1407
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    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    So, DC and I are veeeeeery different people. I'm a queer woman...
    Oh GODDAMNIT. I thought you were a queer MAN.
    And now that I think about it, I knew you were a woman at one point but forgot.

    Fuck. I'm 99% certain I've called you dude, man, and or bro in the past: please forgive me!!! :/

  28. #1408
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    Oh, I like gender-variant forms of address, it's fine.

  29. #1409
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    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    Oh, I like gender-variant forms of address, it's fine.
    thank god!

  30. #1410
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    Welp, it looks like Trump is about to cut health care protections for trans people. Which means that gender reassignment surgery may not ever happen for me and for tens of thousands of trans people. And doctors and hospitals will legally be able to discriminate against us again.
    Last edited by theruiner; 07-13-2018 at 10:52 PM.

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