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Thread: Trump 2018 - Trump Foundation ordered to dissolve, Flynn Sentencing Delayed

  1. #1321
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    I mean, I assumed that there was some sort of deal made. It's not like I should be surprised, but I get pissed anyway once what I already believed is confirmed to be true.

    I'm so, so emotionally worn out by this, which I think this administration is banking on. Wear the people out so they don't fight too much.

  2. #1322
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    This is a SUPER easy 'NO' vote for all of the Senate Dems.

    He's probably going to be confirmed because the math isn't there unless Republicans switch over, but the most important thing we can hope for right now is that Senate Dems make the nomination process a nightmare for their GOP counterparts and show the Dem base that they're not going to compromise on this quickly. There's no downside politically for that.

  3. #1323
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    He will be confirmed. Are you upset about this pick, the future of Roe v. Wade and future decisions that will impact future generations? There is one thing you can do...Get off your ass, find a time machine and go back to 2016, suck it up and vote for Clinton.

  4. #1324
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    He will be confirmed. Are you upset about this pick, the future of Roe v. Wade and future decisions that will impact future generations? There is one thing you can do...Get off your ass, find a time machine and go back to 2016, suck it up and vote for Clinton.
    I was with you until the time machine.

    What you can REALLY do is vote for Democrats in the goddamned midterms, then make sure you vote for Democrats in every small and major election after that and get your state to protect Roe v. Wade and other attacks on reproductive rights, minorities, etc. until Clarence Thomas retires/dies. He's in his 70s so he's not going anywhere soon. If you're in a blue state, get this going now. If you're in a purple state, turn it blue. If you're in a red state, get to work and start turning it blue.

    Advocate for mailed in ballots and automatic registration at age 18. Do this in your state. Then make sure you do it in the next state over via friends, family, etc.

    No more getting caught in your feelings after the primaries and then throwing your vote away with a write-in, or a vote for the Libertarian or Green parties. No more sitting at home and not voting because you think your vote doesn't matter. No. More.

    If you have friends or family who don't vote and get in their feelings in person or on Facebook, hop into their comments and start working on changing their outlook. If you have GOP friends and family... they're fucked, so go find two friends who don't vote and get them to vote.

  5. #1325
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick_Nicholas View Post
    For a minute I was proud of Walmart for pissing off Trump supporters, and then they caved in.
    From the article:
    "Walmart has stopped selling T-shirts and baby onesies that say "Impeach 45" after the clothes sparked an outcry from supporters of President Trump."

    As they were probably drinking from their mugs that proclaim "LIBERAL TEARS" as the contents. Their hypocrisy is astounding but thankfully (for hilarity's sake) the vast majority of those mouth-breathers are far too stupid to understand what hypocrisy is and how their entire lives are defined by it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick_Nicholas View Post
    I would have actually considered getting an Impeach 45 shirt if they didn't cave in. I mean, there are some very valid reasons to impeach this bastard. From the top of my head:

    1. Firing the person investigating him for obstruction of justice.
    2. Holding children for ransom to pay for his wall (remember when holding children hostage was considered a bad thing?).
    3. Using campaign money to cover up an affair he had (don't forget that there was a Democrat who did pretty much the same thing, and had his political career killed over it).
    4. Did he ever release his tax returns? If so, then you can scratch this one off.
    5. Downplaying the prominence of Neo-Nazis at the Unite The Right rally (the "very fine people" comment).
    6. Mueller investigation has resulted in several indictments, five guilty pleas, and one prison sentence (which apparently means nothing to Trump supporters who deny the Russia thing).
    7. His response to Hurricane Maria.
    8. Repeatedly almost getting us into nuclear wars with his tweets.
    9. His tweets in general.
    10. The travel ban.
    Special mentions go to his sexual misconduct allegations and his constant attempts to undermine the free press. Sure, he insists the allegations are complete lies, even though he was sued for sexual harassment about two decades before his campaign AND bragged about being able to get away with it, but despite other people (including politicians) with allegations losing their careers, Trump is still getting away with it. Also, the way he calls negative stories about him "fake" indicates that he simply does not like people saying mean things about him, even when most of them are true. Additional special mentions go to him alienating our allies and praising dictators for their "leadership" style. If any Democrat were to do at least one of those things (especially one of the top three) the GOP would be screaming for impeachment. But yet, the GOP is too spineless to stand up to Trump.
    The problem, though, is that of most of those wouldn't be considered "high crimes and misdemeanors" and for the others that potentially could be, it'd be a tough sell (especially since W got away with many of the same things). As much as I dislike Trump and would love to see him and his insufferable family go down in flames, being a clueless, lying asshole isn't illegal (at least while not under oath). And since his base is made up of certifiable idiots who will follow him to the ends of the Earth no matter what he says or does and the House and Senate are controlled by the Republicans, it doesn't matter. Remember that Bill Clinton wasn't impeached for being a philanderer, he was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice.

    Regarding the tax returns: that's not a law. In fact, it's completely illegal to release someone's tax returns without their authorization. They're private documents. It's just a precedent done by most presidents since the 70s as a show of good faith to prove they're not bought by any corporations or foreign entities...or that they're not lying about their "fortunes."
    Last edited by klyrish; 07-10-2018 at 02:05 PM.

  6. #1326
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  7. #1327
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    find a time machine and go back to 2016, suck it up and vote for Clinton.
    That would be a terrible idea, and she was a terrible candidate. Shit, they were all terrible, but this was one of those situations where there was literally no "lesser than two evils".

  8. #1328
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demogorgon View Post
    That would be a terrible idea, and she was a terrible candidate. Shit, they were all terrible, but this was one of those situations where there was literally no "lesser than two evils".
    Honest question -- how do you feel Hilary was on par with Trump in terms of "evil"?

  9. #1329
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demogorgon View Post
    That would be a terrible idea, and she was a terrible candidate. Shit, they were all terrible, but this was one of those situations where there was literally no "lesser than two evils".
    If nothing else but the SCOTUS, I disagree.

  10. #1330
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    Hilary is not as evil as trump. She would not interfere with a woman’s right to choose. She would not separate children from parents at the border. Come on with that lesser of two evils shit.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  11. #1331
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    She would not interfere with a woman’s right to choose.
    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    I wonder if she would have supported a right to chose to have the child had Gennifer Flowers refused that abortion money from Bill.

  12. #1332
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    Hey, how about people stop blaming Hillary for Bill's shitty behavior? Women are not responsible for the poor choices of men.

  13. #1333
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    Hey, how about people stop blaming Hillary for Bill's shitty behavior? Women are not responsible for the poor choices of men.
    I don't blame Hillary for Bill, i blame Hillary for being herself and only paying lip service to minorities in order to get votes. She was thoroughly disconnected from the needs of her voting base, she was in favor of the same sort of anti-Soviet old world prejudices that have led to our current issues with Russia, and she was in favor of continuing to embroil the US in the many wars and regime changes that would not have happened if this country had not been dropping boots first into everyone else's business. She is part of the old guard that got us into the situation where somebody like Trump somehow looks like the better option to those casting the Electoral votes. There are millions of people better qualified and less abrasive than Trump that could have (and should have) gotten the chair instead of him, and Hillary Clinton was not one of those people. And don't even for a second try to say i'm against her being President because she's a woman, because that is patently ridiculous. Plenty of women would have made a better candidate than Hillary, and you can't tell me that we should overlook all of her various flaws simply because she's a woman and "women deserve to be President", because that is a bullshit copout.

  14. #1334
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    If the choice is continued shitty Dem status quo or Trump...

  15. #1335
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    Like "Oh would you rather eat a shit sandwich, or a shit sandwich that is on fire who will burn your house down beforehand. Tough choice."

  16. #1336
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    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    If the choice is continued shitty Dem status quo or Trump...
    ...then there is NO choice. They are/were both bad in their own ways, and Trump is the pile we ended up getting stuck in. We needed real change. Obama promised it, and then came face to face with a Republican majority in Congress and ended up politically impotent. Hillary would have ended up in the same situation, and nothing would have changed for the better. The midterms are the real battleground. Trump is meaningless if a Congress of qualified elected officials can shoot down every single shitty thing he wants to sign into law.

  17. #1337
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demogorgon View Post
    She is part of the old guard that got us into the situation where somebody like Trump somehow looks like the better option to those casting the Electoral votes.
    I don't think you understand the electoral. THEY aren't the ones who said "yeah, Trump looks like the better option". They cast their ballots by their state's popular vote. And the popular vote, nationwide, went to Clinton's favor by about 3,000,000. Blame the broken, antiquated system - not Clinton.

  18. #1338
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    I actually just made that dark, twisted "joke" with a few other people. "Hey, let's put the immigrant kids in a cave and threaten to drown them; maybe then they'll get reunited with their families". I'm sad that very few people understood my point.

  19. #1339
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    They cast their ballots by their state's popular vote. And the popular vote, nationwide, went to Clinton's favor by about 3,000,000.
    The logic you are presenting here says that Clinton won the election. Since clearly that didn't happen, then perhaps it's YOU who doesn't understand the electoral system. I tried explaining this before the election, but none of you listened. The states are supposed to cast electoral votes based on their states popular votes, true, but they don't HAVE to. Many states have penalties for going against the popular vote, usually a fine of only about $1000, while others actually require it, as in the all or nothing states. There have been 4 occasions in US history where states voted differently from how their popular votes did, so while it is extremely uncommon, it isn't impossible. In the 2016 election, the Electoral College voted for Trump by a rather large margin. Your representatives stabbed you all in your collective back.

  20. #1340
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    Quote Originally Posted by sinspots View Post
    I wonder if she would have supported a right to chose to have the child had Gennifer Flowers refused that abortion money from Bill.
    I do not wonder that at all. I wonder why you would even make this statement. You could go after her for many things. She's a rich person who got richer while being a powerful politician. This comment/question is bizzare.

    OF COURSE the trump thread has turned back to Hilary. Whenever we do this, Trump is happy. let's not do this.

  21. #1341
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demogorgon View Post
    ...then there is NO choice. They are/were both bad in their own ways, and Trump is the pile we ended up getting stuck in. We needed real change. Obama promised it, and then came face to face with a Republican majority in Congress and ended up politically impotent. Hillary would have ended up in the same situation, and nothing would have changed for the better. The midterms are the real battleground. Trump is meaningless if a Congress of qualified elected officials can shoot down every single shitty thing he wants to sign into law.
    "Well, they're both bad and I want to make sure that I feel good about who I vote for because I want to be able to say that I hated them both and that they were both bad. I didn't feel good about either of them."

    You're saying that your feelings are more important than banning people from entering the US because of their religion, they're more important than letting ANYONE serve in the military regardless of their gender and immigration status, that they're more important than rising healthcare costs because a political party blew a $1.5 trillion hole in our deficit so they could give tax breaks to their rich friends and corporations, that they're more important than keeping families together who are trying to escape MURDER in their home countries, and that they're more important than equal rights for all genders and races.

    At least you ​feel good.

    Get. Out. Of. Your. Feelings.

  22. #1342
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    Quote Originally Posted by eachpassingphase View Post
    I'm so, so emotionally worn out by this, which I think this administration is banking on. Wear the people out so they don't fight too much.
    Been saying this since day one... at the time, I was sure it was Bannon's strategy to eliminate useful discourse via protest fatigue... I think that may have been the one easy lesson Trump took with him after giving him the boot, because he's ramped it up to a degree that is preposterous.

    Quote Originally Posted by Demogorgon View Post
    The logic you are presenting here says that Clinton won the election. Since clearly that didn't happen, then perhaps it's YOU who doesn't understand the electoral system. I tried explaining this before the election, but none of you listened. The states are supposed to cast electoral votes based on their states popular votes, true, but they don't HAVE to. Many states have penalties for going against the popular vote, usually a fine of only about $1000, while others actually require it, as in the all or nothing states. There have been 4 occasions in US history where states voted differently from how their popular votes did, so while it is extremely uncommon, it isn't impossible. In the 2016 election, the Electoral College voted for Trump by a rather large margin. Your representatives stabbed you all in your collective back.
    Dude, yes, EVERYONE living through this nightmare understands the electoral college bullshit anachronistic system. We got a good intro to how bad it could fail us when it elected Bush Jr.

    Yes, it's only happened 4 times.... and TWO OF THOSE TIMES have happened since I was old enough to vote. Maybe something is happening, I dunno technology or something, that is allowing this system to be abused as a numbers-game that the founders didn't anticipate?

    Also, STOP with this "both candidates were equally awful" narrative. You could pull that out of your ass before we saw the fallout from the Trump disaster we're trekking through, but not now. At the point, you can't just say "hey, both options were bad." At this fucking point, you need to tell me what kind of nightmare fucking situation we'd be living in that could possibly parallel this shit if Clinton had won.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 07-11-2018 at 11:27 AM.

  23. #1343
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lt. Randazzo View Post
    "Well, they're both bad and I want to make sure that I feel good about who I vote for because I want to be able to say that I hated them both and that they were both bad. I didn't feel good about either of them."

    You're saying that your feelings are more important than banning people from entering the US because of their religion, they're more important than letting ANYONE serve in the military regardless of their gender and immigration status, that they're more important than rising healthcare costs because a political party blew a $1.5 trillion hole in our deficit so they could give tax breaks to their rich friends and corporations, that they're more important than keeping families together who are trying to escape MURDER in their home countries, and that they're more important than equal rights for all genders and races.

    At least you ​feel good.

    Get. Out. Of. Your. Feelings.
    No, that is not what i was saying at all, and you can kindly stop projecting a whole bunch of negativity at me, because none of that is true.

    I 100% believe in freedom of speech and freedom of religion as far as it does not infringe on those freedoms belonging to someone else. I 100% believe that a person's gender has no bearing on whether they are eligible for employment, military service, or anything in life really, because humans can do anything if they work hard enough at it. I am 100% PISSED OFF about the state of healthcare in this country because i come from a family of medical specialists and i have seen the steady decline of the various systems first hand for my entire life. I also 100% believe that people seeking asylum in this country should be granted a fair opportunity, and i 100% believe that humans of all genders, races, creeds, etc. should have equal rights under whatever flag they choose to live by.

    So, since you obviously don't know a single real fact about me at all, how about you SHUT THE FUCK UP.

  24. #1344
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demogorgon View Post
    No, that is not what i was saying at all, and you can kindly stop projecting a whole bunch of negativity at me, because none of that is true.

    I 100% believe in freedom of speech and freedom of religion as far as it does not infringe on those freedoms belonging to someone else. I 100% believe that a person's gender has no bearing on whether they are eligible for employment, military service, or anything in life really, because humans can do anything if they work hard enough at it. I am 100% PISSED OFF about the state of healthcare in this country because i come from a family of medical specialists and i have seen the steady decline of the various systems first hand for my entire life. I also 100% believe that people seeking asylum in this country should be granted a fair opportunity, and i 100% believe that humans of all genders, races, creeds, etc. should have equal rights under whatever flag they choose to live by.

    So, since you obviously don't know a single real fact about me at all, how about you SHUT THE FUCK UP.
    Your feelings seem to be more important than all of that since you've advocated not voting for a candidate that would've protected many of those things. I think I know enough.

  25. #1345
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lt. Randazzo View Post
    I think I know enough.
    No, i don't think you do. But trying to have a discussion with any of you is like smashing my face against a brick wall. I can't believe i'm saying this, but i actually miss allegro's contributions here, because at least she'd engage in open conversation.

  26. #1346
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demogorgon View Post
    The logic you are presenting here says that Clinton won the election. Since clearly that didn't happen, then perhaps it's YOU who doesn't understand the electoral system. I tried explaining this before the election, but none of you listened. The states are supposed to cast electoral votes based on their states popular votes, true, but they don't HAVE to. Many states have penalties for going against the popular vote, usually a fine of only about $1000, while others actually require it, as in the all or nothing states. There have been 4 occasions in US history where states voted differently from how their popular votes did, so while it is extremely uncommon, it isn't impossible. In the 2016 election, the Electoral College voted for Trump by a rather large margin. Your representatives stabbed you all in your collective back.
    That's the whole point. Logic DOES say she won. By millions and millions of votes.

    MY representatives honored my vote for Clinton. They didn't stab me at all. In fact, no one got stabbed - every state's reps voted for their respective state's winners. The reps did their job...but the job they're doing is for a damaged system.

    I do understand how the system works. I also understand how a horse and buggy works, and I understand that it can't get me across the country as quickly as a car. Understanding HOW something works doesn't mean that it DOES work.

    And citing extremely slim historical precedent doesn't really help any. We need to talk about things from a realistic perspective here. And the reality is that millions fewer voted for the "winner" of the election in a deeply broken and unnecessary system.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    ... or maybe it’s the panic machine that’s got you worn out? It’s weird watching all the lefties go full Fox News and not even recognize it. It’s gonna make for a wonderful future. Especially when they completely refuse that reality when presented with blatant evidence.

    Would you like me to duplicate those signs in my back yard and get back to you in five minutes? Is this like the time that people were freaking out because liberals burned a sign that said "free speech" or something? Fuck your straw man.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Demogorgon View Post
    No, i don't think you do. But trying to have a discussion with any of you is like smashing my face against a brick wall. I can't believe i'm saying this, but i actually miss allegro's contributions here, because at least she'd engage in open conversation.
    "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I miss thoughtful and well-researched conversations from an extremely knowledgeable person".

    Yeah, I can't imagine why anyone would miss that.

  29. #1349
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demogorgon View Post
    No, i don't think you do. But trying to have a discussion with any of you is like smashing my face against a brick wall. I can't believe i'm saying this, but i actually miss allegro's contributions here, because at least she'd engage in open conversation.
    You don’t actually want a discussion, though. You want your nonsensical way and you want to provoke your way into getting it. You’re far from the first to do this here. Your claim that Hillary is as bad as Trump was short sighted in 2016. It’s fucking crazy to say it now.

    The Supreme Court, immigration, alienating our allies, pardoning horrific people, “many sides,” destroying the environment, colluding and/or being compromised by Russia, starting a trade war, rolling back financial regulation, and so on. This isn’t difficult!

    I very publicly supported Bernie Sanders (voted for him in the primary), know that Hillary and the DNC fucked him and I STILL voted for her in the election because she’s STILL EONS BETTER THAN TRUMP.

    Not only do you not want a discussion but there’s none to be had here.
    Last edited by Swykk; 07-11-2018 at 12:12 PM.

  30. #1350
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    It's a fucking straw man. Get to the real point, Republicans want a conservative pick, they want it regardless, and YES, we don't want Trump to pick another seat, no matter what. That's cutting the shit, so cut the shit. McConnell admitted that he was proud of opposing Obama's SCOTUS pick, and now he wants to support Trump's ASAP.

    No amount of "look at this liberal with their makeshift sign" is going to distract from that reality.

    ALSO, are we watching this insane approach to the NATO summit? JESUS CHRIST!? Please, someone, tell me how much worse Hillary Clinton would be handling this?
    Last edited by Jinsai; 07-11-2018 at 12:16 PM.

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