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Thread: Trump 2018 - Trump Foundation ordered to dissolve, Flynn Sentencing Delayed

  1. #1351
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    I'm having a hard time grasping your point here. I know what you're suggesting - and I think it's wrong. When you have a narcissistic, sociopathic serial liar running the show, you have every reason to think that his next move will be a disaster.

    If people had shown up to protest and Trump went "Merrick Garland," you think they'd blindly start shouting his nomination down? No. A *few* idiots might, but there will always be idiots of all political orientations.

    But you're talking about a pick that will very likely have severe detrimental consequences for literally decades to come - decidedly more so if yet another justice leaves / dies before he's out of office. I think people who have seen Trump's operations as both a horrible politician and a worse businessman / human being are wholly justified in being preemptively concerned for whatever far-reaching moves he's been mistakenly allowed to make.

    I get that to you it feels extreme - but given the precedent thus far, I'm not so quick to agree.

  2. #1352
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    So, a redirect to republicans. Got it.
    Well, I am glad that the panic machine is no longer dominated by the white, cis, patriarchy of Fox News. We have now achieve proper diversity within that political apparatus. All of the left is on that dick now.
    Libertarians = Republicans, with this look on their face when they're called out on it.

  3. #1353
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    You don’t actually want a discussion, though.
    If i wanted to make statements and not provoke discussion, i'd have kept my twitter account.

    You want your nonsensical way and you want to provoke your way into getting it.
    Wrong. I want to discuss things without it devolving into apopleptic "FUCK TRUMP SHIT DAMN IT TRUMP ARGH!!" every other post, because that is not constructive, and yet it seems like the only thing many people here are interested in doing.

    Your claim that Hillary is as bad as Trump was short sighted in 2016. It’s fucking crazy to say it now.
    Wrong again. We are involved in 5 actual combat situations across the globe and at least 2, maybe three Cold Wars that, judging by her statements and voting record, Hillary had no intention of pulling us away from. She also would have made ZERO civil rights progress with a Republican majority in Congress, and so she would resort to executive orders like Obama, and these would then be torn apart and ruined just like the ACA. All of the things Trump is doing can be (and have been many times) legally challenged, and if there wasn't a Republican majority spurring him on, he would get nothing accomplished at all.

    The Supreme Court, immigration, alienating our allies, pardoning horrific people, “many sides,” destroying the environment, colluding and/or being compromised by Russia, starting a trade war, rolling back financial regulation, and so on.
    Immigration is broken, and it needs fixed, and nobody was going to fix it. People needed to see how bad it really was, and even though it took a slimeball doing slimeball shit to do it, people are finally waking up and taking action. People are engaged like never before. Under Hillary, we would have the same level of apathy we've had for decades, and the suffering would continue. And if you think a Republican majority in Congress would have accepted ANY Supreme Court nomination from Hillary, then maybe you should remember Obama and how we ended up with Gorsuch. None of this is cut and dry, and reducing it to "well, things would be better under so-and-so" is refusing to actually address the problems.

    Not only do you not want a discussion but there’s none to be had here.
    Not with you, apparently. But fine, whatever. Just like any time someone posits an outlier opinion, obviously that person is just trolling and deserves a good ol' group beatdown. You folks enjoy your Trump bashing pity party. Don't forget to vote in the midterms, because your opposition definitely will.

  4. #1354
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    So like I said, nonsensical. Topped with weak whataboutism sauce.

  5. #1355
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    So like I said, nonsensical. Topped with weak whataboutism sauce.
    In other words, "TL;DR, i think demo is a troll so fingers in my ears neener neener neener you're so dumb haha look at this dummy".

    Guess i expected too much, again.

  6. #1356
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    Yeah for some people it could be the “end of the world”. Issues like immigration and abortion access affect the poorest of people. Decisions by the SCOTUS affect lives. It is urgent.

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  7. #1357
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    It's not the extreme that I am pointing out. It's the indiscriminate outrage. Everything and anything is immediately the end of the fucking world
    MAN, shit is REALLY BAD. This is bad. This is fucking insane. I didn't like Bush Jr, Sr, or Reagan, but this IS FUCKING DIFFERENT.

  8. #1358
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    It's not the extreme that I am pointing out. It's the indiscriminate outrage. Everything and anything is immediately the end of the fucking world, and its to the point they are prepped in advance to catch any possibility to cast that type of light on it. It's the same bullshit we saw from Fox News, and it absolutely waters down any legitimate gripes people DO have.
    But everything you're pointing out is directly related to the SCOTUS pick, which is a huge deal and people were (and are) justified in being worried about it. That's not "anything and everything". People were simply preparing for a very specific piece of bad news - which, unsurprisingly, is exactly what they got.

  9. #1359
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demogorgon View Post
    In other words, "TL;DR, i think demo is a troll so fingers in my ears neener neener neener you're so dumb haha look at this dummy".

    Guess i expected too much, again.
    I read it and summarized. Never called you dumb. Say, did you read what I wrote?!

    I expect way too much too; like reason, for example.

  10. #1360
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    Look: I know that taking one single still photo can remove context. But this just feels too perfect a symbol of the entire world political climate right now.

  11. #1361
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    Before anyone asks: It's backwards because it's in French.

    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO /ˈneɪtoʊ/; French: Organisation du Traité de l'Atlantique Nord; OTAN)

  12. #1362
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    It’s always “different” and just about everything the govt does is life impacting. Nominating this SCOTUS candidate is not measurably different from any recent history.
    but it's NOT always fucking insane. This is "different " in a way that feels fucking insane, and to have to explain that difference (even in superlative but vague terms) makes me feel even more fucking insane

  13. #1363
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    Digitalchaos, a reality tv Star with no idea what he's doing is president and he's now telling our closest allies to fuck off. I dunno... this seems kinda "new and exciting " yeah? It's also terrifying but if that's your thing...

  14. #1364
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    I mean, I absolutely agree that the hyperbole the left gets into is dangerous and bad. I think we're already really fucked without getting even more worked about extra possible shades of being fucked.

  15. #1365
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    At this point, freaking out is NOT hyperbole

  16. #1366
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    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    I mean, I absolutely agree that the hyperbole the left gets into is dangerous and bad. I think we're already really fucked without getting even more worked about extra possible shades of being fucked.
    I'm pushing back on this only because I'm guilty of this myself -

    A lot of us got really complacent from 2008-2016 and we're 100% paying for that now. We showed up for elections every four years instead of really paying attention to Congress, and we ended up letting a lot of this come to fruition because Obama was president. It wasn't enough. We made progressivism reliant on Obama vetoing efforts to repeal Obamacare and giving the presidency too much power. They had a 30 year plan and it's now hitting it's ultimate goal. I still don't think enough people are freaking out enough, honestly.

  17. #1367
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    At this point, freaking out is NOT hyperbole
    No, I mean literal hyperbole. Like, "Roy Moore is a pedophile" and "the cake ruling is a huge blow for gay rights" and parroting summaries that prioritize emotional impact over accuracy. Because shit is bad enough without needing hyperbole. I said what I said.

  18. #1368
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    I try not to get into it too much these days, because pedantry is a tool of fascists. So while I find people copping to a lot of strategies they get butthurt about the bad guys utilizing, like hyperbole and doxxing and playing telephone with headlines, I do recognize that overall impact matters and I don't want to detract from shit too much.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lt. Randazzo View Post
    I still don't think enough people are freaking out enough, honestly.
    I think shit is really bad. I don't think taking stuff seriously and being loud about it is equivalent to bad hyperbole.

  19. #1369
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    ... or maybe it’s the panic machine that’s got you worn out? It’s weird watching all the lefties go full Fox News and not even recognize it. It’s gonna make for a wonderful future. Especially when they completely refuse that reality when presented with blatant evidence.
    So here's some context that might help you understand where I'm coming from, I hope you don't hear hostility in my words here because that's really not what I'm trying to go for.

    My youngest child is severely disabled. She had a stroke right before she was born, a severe one that normally results in death, but she survived with profound physical and intellectual disabilities. It just happens sometimes, and there's nothing you can do about it. My pregnancy was perfectly healthy up until that point, so nobody could have predicted it. There are some very serious, personal implications for our family depending on how things pan out politically over the next few years.

    My husband and I both had good jobs with health insurance when she was born, we had ZERO debt, savings, and a retirement fund. A lucky coincidence was that my career was in managing group homes for adults with developmental disabilities, so despite the shock, I was well-prepared emotionally for this. If any family should have been able to handle this situation without worrying about what the government does, it should have been ours.

    However, nobody is ever really prepared for a situation like ours. Our lives changed pretty rapidly, and now we depend on certain laws, organizations, and institutions that our current administration is openly opposed to and attacks. We have no other options, and people with far more power and influence than we do get to make calls that directly affect us.

    What our government does as it pertains to health care is scary for us, because our daughter can die as a result of those actions. What our government does as it pertains to education is scary for us, because our daughter can be mistreated in school (or just be denied an education) as a result of those actions. That fear isn't the result of kneejerk responses on our end: I've seen this play out. Many of my former clients grew up in a time when people with disabilities were denied basic care and dignity. I've seen what happened when some of these protections don't exist for people like my daughter. The laws that we have now have changed things for the better, and I don't want them to return to the way they were before. But when the secretary of education can't affirm her support for things like IDEA, and other politicians are talking about dismantling the ACA, that's scary. I don't think it is irrational to be afraid of those things.

    What reality am I refusing? Show me the evidence that my daughter is better off with this administration in power than she would have been with Clinton and I'll believe you. Seriously, I'm not being facetious and I'm not trying to be unkind to you. I would love to know that my daughter is better off with Trump as president so that I could stop worrying. I have plenty to worry about without that. If you can show me proof that my family has nothing to be afraid of from Trump, his friends, and other Republicans, then that would be a weight off my shoulders.

    I agree that Hilary Clinton was not a politician I believed had a ton of integrity, and I wasn't happy with her nomination. But my family doesn't have the luxury of taking a stand on principle.

  20. #1370
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    Quote Originally Posted by eachpassingphase View Post
    So here's some context that might help you understand where I'm coming from, I hope you don't hear hostility in my words here because that's really not what I'm trying to go for.

    My youngest child is severely disabled. She had a stroke right before she was born, a severe one that normally results in death, but she survived with profound physical and intellectual disabilities. It just happens sometimes, and there's nothing you can do about it. My pregnancy was perfectly healthy up until that point, so nobody could have predicted it. There are some very serious, personal implications for our family depending on how things pan out politically over the next few years.

    My husband and I both had good jobs with health insurance when she was born, we had ZERO debt, savings, and a retirement fund. A lucky coincidence was that my career was in managing group homes for adults with developmental disabilities, so despite the shock, I was well-prepared emotionally for this. If any family should have been able to handle this situation without worrying about what the government does, it should have been ours.

    However, nobody is ever really prepared for a situation like ours. Our lives changed pretty rapidly, and now we depend on certain laws, organizations, and institutions that our current administration is openly opposed to and attacks. We have no other options, and people with far more power and influence than we do get to make calls that directly affect us.

    What our government does as it pertains to health care is scary for us, because our daughter can die as a result of those actions. What our government does as it pertains to education is scary for us, because our daughter can be mistreated in school (or just be denied an education) as a result of those actions. That fear isn't the result of kneejerk responses on our end: I've seen this play out. Many of my former clients grew up in a time when people with disabilities were denied basic care and dignity. I've seen what happened when some of these protections don't exist for people like my daughter. The laws that we have now have changed things for the better, and I don't want them to return to the way they were before. But when the secretary of education can't affirm her support for things like IDEA, and other politicians are talking about dismantling the ACA, that's scary. I don't think it is irrational to be afraid of those things.

    What reality am I refusing? Show me the evidence that my daughter is better off with this administration in power than she would have been with Clinton and I'll believe you. Seriously, I'm not being facetious and I'm not trying to be unkind to you. I would love to know that my daughter is better off with Trump as president so that I could stop worrying. I have plenty to worry about without that. If you can show me proof that my family has nothing to be afraid of from Trump, his friends, and other Republicans, then that would be a weight off my shoulders.

    I agree that Hilary Clinton was not a politician I believed had a ton of integrity, and I wasn't happy with her nomination. But my family doesn't have the luxury of taking a stand on principle.
    I cried the day after the election thinking about what he would do to healthcare. I’m so sorry you are dealing with so much. I really wish empathy was a conservative value. I really wish it wasn’t this way.

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  21. #1371
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    Where are you @allegro ?

  22. #1372
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    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    No, I mean literal hyperbole. Like, "Roy Moore is a pedophile".
    well, what is the preferred name for this kind of scumbag then?!

  23. #1373
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    well, what is the preferred name for this kind of scumbag then?!
    Ephebophile? Predatory asshole? He's human garbage, but to call him a pedophile is, literally, hyperbole (or just inaccurate). I mention it just because it was a quick example that came to mind.

    Like I said, pedantry is a tool of fascists so this isn't a hill I'm gonna die on. But, the left is absolutely guilty of hyperbole/inaccuracy/hypocrisy because it's a terribly human set of behaviors and something we're prone to when our emotions are running high. And there are so many things that justifiably cause strong emotions.

    And again, I'm saying shit is already horrible and that we don't need to emphasize it being inaccurately horrible because it's already very horrible.

    (Yes, I'm aware that calling someone human garbage is also hyperbole. But, it's accurate.)
    Last edited by playwithfire; 07-12-2018 at 03:10 AM.

  24. #1374
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    Hey guys. It’s me again with something that definitely isn’t worth getting worked up about:

  25. #1375
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    Hey guys. It’s me again with something that definitely isn’t worth getting worked up about:
    Nothing to panic about here. Nope.
    This shit enrages me. Why? Why? WHY!!!

  26. #1376
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    Because they’re fucking evil people that want it to be 1953.

  27. #1377
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    let's be real Obama was only progressive, during and leading up to elections, healthcare was a republican plan gitmo didn't close we were still in Iran and Afghanistan, was hands off leading up to the election did little or nothing leading up to the elections said next to nothing leading up to the elections, there was maybe a blip about russain interference, i think he was far to self aware, and worried about how history would view him, sprinted from public view when done. you would think Benghazi ans the emails would have been enough for the DNC to think twice. But it's all about the donations and Bernie was anti war and anti wall street and there's no money in that. as Adrian said," burned by the fire we made". maybe maybe this will wake people up but I doubt it. we'll see what things look like after the midterms. again the scariest kind of stupid is stupid is stupid that thinks it's smart

  28. #1378
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    Because they’re fucking evil people that want it to be 1953.
    So the date on that article is last September. Where did you see the link?

  29. #1379
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    So the date on that article is last September. Where did you see the link?
    Retweeted last night by a few on my timeline. Good catch.

    Every day it’s some fresh hell so it’s like I’ve trained myself to be ready for it. My mistake on this one.

  30. #1380
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    Retweeted last night by a few on my timeline. Good catch.

    Every day it’s some fresh hell so it’s like I’ve trained myself to be ready for it. My mistake on this one.
    In your defense, I was upset about this when the article came out.I searched Facebook and found a few posts from friends.

    Since it’s old news, it’s been in the bucket of horrible things we already know. The admin having a stance on being gay is hateful and not without consequence.

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