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Thread: Trump 2018 - Trump Foundation ordered to dissolve, Flynn Sentencing Delayed

  1. #1741
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    whites know there times as the majority demographic is coming to an end. this is evident in the fox ranting wuth the whole demonizing of immigrants and no whites. it's also about the republican party as a whole. most i9magants and minorities tend to vote democratic the republics see their grip on power as slipping. clear in the gerrymandering and voter suppression going on look after the election of Obama the republications attempted to broaden their tent. and quickly. found they had some power left in playing the race card again. with Obama is going to give away everything to "the others" phones, healthcare, take your hard earned thing be your neighbors in your gated communities. see it's not only equal opportunities but equal access to opportunities. a lot of kids don't know what the best colleges are what a divided is what having a lawyer on retainer is and most household didn't have WiFi and internet access. with trump he doesn't even attempt to hide his beliefs his rallies are loud and they mistakenly see this as a majority view. but if you look deeper. things like nike going with Colin. don't think for a second nike didn't spend millions on research. and if you think fox viewers buy sneakers your sadly wrong. i think young people are much more accepting. have longer history of black and Latino classmates and worked side by side with other cultures. we still have a long long ways to go with racism in America. it takes a long time to reset long held beliefs especially given the long history of how people like blacks have been portrayed in the media since media began. republicans know they are a dying breed.look the days of old white rich men are coming to a close. look i don't want one party i want two but f differing views and ideas we work best when we have multiple inputs of ideas and views. look I'm hoping trump will have the same effect that"W" did. which is idiots should not be elected president. regardless of their last name or if he would be "OK to have a beer with"

  2. #1742
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    man, i love this bit from the new book....
    “Rudy, you’re a baby,” Trump told the man who is now his attorney. “I’ve never seen a worse defense of me in my life. They took your diaper off right there. You’re like a little baby that needed to be changed. When are you going to be a man?”

    kind of incredible how trump treats everyone around him like pure shit, but they're all such pathetic sycophants that they just accept it.

  3. #1743
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    See, this is why context matters. My statement was based purely on the information given.
    It is not my job to give you context when I introduce something that shows a powerful moment. It is up to you to find that context or introduce it yourself. The picture speaks for itself, and Mr. Guttenberg was already giving quotes about how Kavanaugh disregarded him before I posted it.

  4. #1744
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    Ohhhh boy.

  5. #1745
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    I mean, when your party lies in bed with people like Alex Jones, he's gonna show up with entitlement. Rubio earned all of that.

  6. #1746
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    Does anyone else actually like Rubio after watching that? I mean, I thought he handled it like a champ.

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  7. #1747
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    Does anyone else actually like Rubio after watching that? I mean, I thought he handled it like a champ.

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    Heh, nope.

  8. #1748
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    Does anyone else actually like Rubio after watching that? I mean, I thought he handled it like a champ.
    Wish he showed that much gumption when 17 people were gunned down in his home state at a school. Fuck him and his delusions that he's still a potential presidential nominee one day. He deserves no credit ever, only constant public shaming and then to get voted the fuck out soon.

  9. #1749
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    We live in the wildest times. The Times published an anonymous op-ed from a senior official in the Trump Administration about all the work they do to oppose him from inside.

  10. #1750
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    with woodwards book out again with accusations of being unhinged an an idiot. here's how i think this will go down. mid terms will go badly dems will regain one or both houses. with this and can not accused of any partisan political shenanigans he will present all the evidence to Trump. he will be asked to resign. this resignation will come with two conditions1) no one will go to jail that includes Trump his family and possibly associates. 2) all Mueller deviance will be sealed based on national security this will include evidence of collusion the Steele dosia basically anything that could damage the trump name or brand. they will claim early onset of dementia the market will crash and pence will be left to deal with Trumps mess the same way Obama had to deal with "w's" mess and in two years Americans will trust fox news and the republicans much like Lucy holding the football for charlie brown and we'll all get on our knees and pray "we don't get fooled again!"

  11. #1751
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    Eh, not even remotely impressed with whoever wrote that NYT op-ed. Look at this nonsense...

    Don’t get me wrong. There are bright spots that the near-ceaseless negative coverage of the administration fails to capture: effective deregulation, historic tax reform, a more robust military and more.
    lol, yeah, "bright spots," uh huh, sure thing. Damn right you're not part of the real resistance.

    There are no "adults in the room" at the Trump white house. All of these people suck. They may dislike Trump simply due to his personality, but they have no moral or political convictions worthy of admiration. They still believe in the same horrific politics, more or less. They just wish that this was all being presented in a more pleasing fashion. Fuck that. These "sensible conservative" types hope they can draw a neat little line between them and Trump so that, should the need arise, they can all pretend that he's just some wacko and they were the reasonable ones all along, and in fact, maybe they were downright heroic in their efforts to manage Trump. It's bullshit. People need to see through this posturing and call this shit out when they see it. They're all part of the same continuum of right wing idiots. Trump is the just the logical continuation of everything they've spent a lifetime building their political platform on: demonizing immigrants and Muslims, worshipping corporations at the expense of everything else, shitting all over the environment, fucking over the working class, happily turning creepy conspiracy theories into political capital, and so on. This fucking party spent decades bringing us to this point, so no, they don't get to wash their hands of Trump. When he finally implodes, they're all going down with him.

  12. #1752
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lt. Randazzo View Post
    It is not my job to give you context when I introduce something that shows a powerful moment. It is up to you to find that context or introduce it yourself. The picture speaks for itself, and Mr. Guttenberg was already giving quotes about how Kavanaugh disregarded him before I posted it.
    That wasn't an attack directed at you. That was a general statement about "news" being shared in the form of single photographs and virtually no text to accompany it. I see it from both parties all the time on Facebook - shitty memes being passed around that are taken out of context and get people all ruffled up over nothing. I made a quick observation and walked it back as soon as I got more info. Millions of other people would immediately form an opinion and let nothing change it, regardless of what information is presented afterwards.

  13. #1753
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    I think the fact that the fucking NYT would publish an anonymous Op-ed is the most fascinating part of all of this. That is truly a sign of the wild ass times.

    The person who wrote it is a shitbag.

  14. #1754
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    Wish he showed that much gumption when 17 people were gunned down in his home state at a school. Fuck him and his delusions that he's still a potential presidential nominee one day. He deserves no credit ever, only constant public shaming and then to get voted the fuck out soon.
    Right on. I was mostly kidding. I wanted him to deck jones from the get go.

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  15. #1755
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    I think the fact that the fucking NYT would publish an anonymous Op-ed is the most fascinating part of all of this. That is truly a sign of the wild ass times.
    ha, yeah, true. I wonder who it is.

    There's one theory that it's Pence because he used the word "lodestar" in his speeches recently.


  16. #1756
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    Yeah, it sounds like some asshole getting his ducks in a row for a book deal (or worse yet, a Presidential bid) if/when the ship goes down. This is truly the golden age of the grift.

  17. #1757
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mantra View Post
    ha, yeah, true. I wonder who it is.

    There's one theory that it's Pence because he used the word "lodestar" in his speeches recently.

    I doubt it was Pence. Trump can't fire Pence, so fear of losing his job isn't realistic, which is why the NYT was supposedly OK with posting it anonymously.

    Could be a co-ordinated effort though. Some high ranking republican who's testing the waters to try and start gauging how much people would accept President Pence.

  18. #1758
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    This op-ed is horseshit "bravery" nonsense that told us nothing new.

  19. #1759
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    the road to tyranny is long & insiduous - roger waters (i think, at least he repeated it). you will know we are in deep shit when trump wins a 2nd term. the big middle (& southern) stupid is well....big & stupid. not everyone there but enough where we are so fucked. to me looks like the democrats are going to bicker amongst themselves & totally blow the election. praying for a miracle.

  20. #1760
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    Donald Trump is the most sound-minded president, ever.

  21. #1761
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    kind of funny about the leak if it was pence although given how many people in the white house trump has dissed could be anyone who can't wash the trump stink off and can't get a panelist job on fox. which could be kellyanne or even Sarah who after lying on a daily basis might have trouble finding a job after l.a.t.e. long after the trump empire. based on the meuller report which we may never see i don't if pence could be charged with anything, other than not reporting a crime although not enough leagle knowledge to correctly say which would live us with president Orin hatch and that just sounds crazy
    Last edited by Louie_Cypher; 09-06-2018 at 01:48 PM.

  22. #1762
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    So regarding the anonymous NYT letter, I've wondered if trump himself had someone write it, to further the martyr image he has cultivated among his base. The timing sure is convenient, wrt the release of the book excerpts.

  23. #1763
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    I sincerely hope Trump does this. Maybe turn it into a reality show.

  24. #1764
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    Twitter just permanently banned @RealAlexJones and @InfoWars, citing breaches of their abusive behavior policy.

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  26. #1766
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    post was eaten don't his supporters think he needs help?

  27. #1767
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    So regarding the anonymous NYT letter, I've wondered if trump himself had someone write it, to further the martyr image he has cultivated among his base. The timing sure is convenient, wrt the release of the book excerpts.
    Nah, Trump would never do this.

    The op-ed doesn't really distract from the Woodward book. If anything, it kind of makes the book look even more legitimate by backing up some of the stories, such as the claim that Trump's aides do things to try and "manage" and undermine him (e.g. swiping papers off his desk, etc). The op-ed claiming that there is essentially a "two track presidency" contributes to the image that Trump isn't really in charge, and he would never want that. This whole thing makes Trump look fucking weak and ineffective. He looks like a bumbling fool who is surrounded by people who pretend to get along with him when they're talking to his face but then turn around and talk shit about him behind his back and make their own plans. Also, that "adults in the room" line is clearly stating the author's belief that Trump is a child.

    There's just no way in hell Trump would want people to view him in this light. Trump wants everyone to be in awe of him. He wants to be looked up to and admired for being "like, really smart." That's why he's so furious about the op-ed.

  28. #1768
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    and forget the "anonyMUSH" thing... what the fuck is he rambling about with that "they put he but that was probably a little disguise so it's a she?" What in the actual Princess-Bride shell-game fuck is this?

  29. #1769
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    Meanwhile, Trump told Woodward that (what is accurate is that) "Nobdy's ever done a better job than i'm doing as president. That i can tell you."

    I heard the audio of this on the news and just, my mom and i just lost it. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. i mean, for FUCK'S SAKE.

    A group of political scientists in a study in February ranked Trump as the worst president in american history. they ranked presidents on a scale of 0-100, and trump got 12 or 13 out of 100.

    To be fair, they ran the same study with only republican political scientists. Trump did a little better, coming in at number 40. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

  30. #1770
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    Quote Originally Posted by sarah k View Post

    we live in the wildest times. The times published an anonymous op-ed from a senior official in the trump administration about all the work they do to oppose him from inside.

    t r e a s o n ?

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