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Thread: Trump 2018 - Trump Foundation ordered to dissolve, Flynn Sentencing Delayed

  1. #1831
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    the rising conservative/fascist/authoritarian tide is global - from Rodrigo Duterte to Doug Ford: my feeling is that Canada will swing rightwards too

    I think I've come to accept that instead of enjoying the years left to me they will be spent in some kind of struggle against fascism that we will all be involved in over the next years and decades because this fight is about to get uglier and uglier as the right refuses to concede power

    the numbers are against them: there are more liberal and left voters in the US, who are denied power because of gerrymandering/voter suppression/first past the post electoral systems and electoral colleges etc. In Canada, in Ontario Doug Ford has 40% of the vote - 60% of voters did not want him - and now he's rigging the coming election in Toronto.

    they won't go down without a fight, and the left has to be prepared to get a lot dirtier if they're going to reverse this trend

  2. #1832
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    the rising conservative/fascist/authoritarian tide is global - from Rodrigo Duterte to Doug Ford: my feeling is that Canada will swing rightwards too

    I think I've come to accept that instead of enjoying the years left to me they will be spent in some kind of struggle against fascism that we will all be involved in over the next years and decades because this fight is about to get uglier and uglier as the right refuses to concede power

    the numbers are against them: there are more liberal and left voters in the US, who are denied power because of gerrymandering/voter suppression/first past the post electoral systems and electoral colleges etc. In Canada, in Ontario Doug Ford has 40% of the vote - 60% of voters did not want him - and now he's rigging the coming election in Toronto.

    they won't go down without a fight, and the left has to be prepared to get a lot dirtier if they're going to reverse this trend
    I've heard from a few people that they suspect the USA is headed towards a civil war. Gerrymandering, Russian hacking, fake news....these are all things that make people think their vote doesn't matter.

    And those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.

    And to be fair, let's take Doug Ford over to the Canadian politics thread.

  3. #1833
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    But is that working for them? Can they get the votes they need while playing it safe and sitting on their hands, waiting for mueller’s investigation to end? In order for there to be a blue wave, they need to fight a little dirtier and inspire people to support the fight. Obama and the fbi kept quiet about Russian interference during the election and look where that got us. Trump keeps saying “witch hunt” but they’re finding witches. The dems should use that the way the republicans would. Like a weapon. (How many Benghazi hearings did they have?)
    Meanwhile the senate is acting like nothing is illegitimate about the president and confirming his scotus nominations is business as usual.
    I feel the opposite regarding how the Dems have been pushing Kavanaugh in his SCOTUS hearings and think they did about as well as you can when you're the party who is in power over nothing. The pushes for honesty and setting up Kavanaugh to lie about things that are less egregious than raping someone when you were in high school now takes away all of his credibility around what Dr. Ford has brought forth with her claims.

    The GOP had Benghazi hearings because they controlled the house and the senate even though Obama was still president. They could push their agenda since they were in charge of all of those committees. Once the Dems get back in power, expect them to do the same thing. Right now, they can't, because they don't have control on what the chairs of those committees have hearings on.

    The other thing regarding Mueller - hinging our campaign strategy to win seats in the house and senate on the Mueller investigation is super super dangerous. Bob Mueller isn't going to save the country with the final results of that investigation, especially when all he can do is basically put out a report of his overall findings and leave it to congress to figure out what to do with it. Also, we have to brace for the possibility (although I imagine it's slight) that this investigation doesn't turn up what we're hoping it will. The impeachment eagle isn't going to save us. The Russia stuff is one facet of the corruption of Trump - the other facets are the Republican party trying to take away healthcare, passing tax cuts for their rich buddies, and not checking the president with all of their bad policies around tariffs, immigration and disaster relief.

  4. #1834
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    it's nice to see the Dems fight...I wonder how long it will last

    in 1991 *after* hearing Anita Hill's testimony, a Democrat-controlled senate, with 11 Democrats voting in favor, confirmed Clarence Thomas, a Republican-nominated judge who has done nothing but put out conservative rulings for 27 years, to SCOTUS.

  5. #1835
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    Thinking outloud, I'm wondering why the GOP wants to keep pushing Kavanaugh through when they have 20 or so more names from that Federalist society list that they've been using. I guess it's because Kavanaugh is a Republican operative and they know that if they get him through, then they can really legalize their agenda? I think the question of how important it is will be answered as we head towards next Monday's hearing. Right now, they're saying it's worth it, even as voters are watching them this close to the midterms.

  6. #1836
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    Wow. Never saw this before:

  7. #1837
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    Load of Russia investigation documents being declassified:

  8. #1838
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demogorgon View Post
    Load of Russia investigation documents being declassified:
    there might be a more nefarious motive behind this putey just poisoned the manger for pussy riot this could reveal sources and any counter intelligence agents we currently have in Russia even off any witnesses, i originallly thought they were going to run with a deep state narrative look i don't think any unredated infomation should be released regarding an ongoing investigations there are reason for these laws

  9. #1839
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    You know it was a big big day in NIN world when this thread hasn't been updated for this long.

  10. #1840
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    Trump has a mushroom-head penis with Yeti pubes
    Last edited by botley; 09-19-2018 at 05:28 PM.

  11. #1841
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    someone finally wised up and hid his phone under the daily briefing

  12. #1842
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    Trump has a mushroom-head penis with Yeti pubes
    Well, now Mario Kart is forever ruined for me.

  13. #1843
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  14. #1844
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    This puts a lot of pressure on Murkowski.

  15. #1845
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    Amazingly, even if Kavanaugh eventually gets booted, I still see them somehow just nominating and ramming through someone even worse. Such is the pessimism that the entire GOP has bestowed unto me.

  16. #1846
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    water wet from waters point of view

  17. #1847
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Amazingly, even if Kavanaugh eventually gets booted, I still see them somehow just nominating and ramming through someone even worse. Such is the pessimism that the entire GOP has bestowed unto me.
    Let me introduce you to Amy Coney Barrett! She is awful and was part of a group of Christians known as People of Praise who "swear a lifelong oath of loyalty, called a covenant, to one another, and are assigned and are accountable to a personal adviser, called a “head” for men and a “handmaid” for women. The group teaches that husbands are the heads of their wives and should take authority over the family."

    Mind you, just because it might be an eventuality that Trump gets to fill this seat with an awful person doesn't mean that we shouldn't fight like hell to prevent it. Also, Bart Karvanar (thanks Erin and Alyssa from Hysteria for that) is a terrible liar and a horrible person and definitely shouldn't be rewarded with a lifetime appointment to the nation's highest court.

  18. #1848
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lt. Randazzo View Post
    Let me introduce you to Amy Coney Barrett! She is awful and was part of a group of Christians known as People of Praise who "swear a lifelong oath of loyalty, called a covenant, to one another, and are assigned and are accountable to a personal adviser, called a “head” for men and a “handmaid” for women. The group teaches that husbands are the heads of their wives and should take authority over the family."

    Mind you, just because it might be an eventuality that Trump gets to fill this seat with an awful person doesn't mean that we shouldn't fight like hell to prevent it. Also, Bart Karvanar (thanks Erin and Alyssa from Hysteria for that) is a terrible liar and a horrible person and definitely shouldn't be rewarded with a lifetime appointment to the nation's highest court.
    Oh, don't get me wrong. I know we have to fight like hell and not give up. I'm just not expecting to see anything come of it.

  19. #1849
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    one of the many things that pisses me off about trump is everything has become this weird partisan tribal battle. like turning football into some democrats vs republican thing. look ,Kavanaugh was hand trump to stupid to do any research Mitch even warned him about the pick. far to partisan to be on the supreme court. the only thing trump heard was a president cant face any criminal charges. look i wouldn't let trump pick out car washes, much less a lifetime appointment.

  20. #1850
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    If you want to see how far America has fallen, we have Trump as a President, and our SUPREME COURT will have a justice like this. People need to start taking these positions seriously, or we're fucked. Nothing is taken seriously anymore.

  21. #1851
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  22. #1852
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    Quote Originally Posted by Louie_Cypher View Post
    far to partisan to be on the supreme court
    Gorsuch wasn't? Garland was, according to the GOP.

  23. #1853
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    Rosenstein suggested he secretly recorded Trump and discussed the 25th Ammendment:

  24. #1854
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    Between this and the ongoing Muller investigation still ongoing, Trump's attack on the person accusing his Supreme Court pick of sexual assault isn't JUST an attempt to discredit her, but also an obvious distraction from what may do him in if the Democrats were to take back power after November. Trump knows how to distract people by using sensitive issues to his advantage. If someone were to take his Twitter away from him, he would lose a lot of his power.

  25. #1855
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    Things are about to get worse for Kavanaugh -

    Avenatti says this isn't the client he was talking about -

  26. #1856
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick_Nicholas View Post
    Between this and the ongoing Muller investigation still ongoing, Trump's attack on the person accusing his Supreme Court pick of sexual assault isn't JUST an attempt to discredit her, but also an obvious distraction from what may do him in if the Democrats were to take back power after November. Trump knows how to distract people by using sensitive issues to his advantage. If someone were to take his Twitter away from him, he would lose a lot of his power.
    it also semi motivates his base to which loves to play the victim to. goes with whole deep state nonsense and democrats as evil, which is is why he is using it at his nuringburg/ campaign rallies. his approval rating is still in the dumps he needs a political win the more forthe rich/tax cuts are not playing well. moat people are not going to show up for the midterms look mueller is closing especially with resent Cohen knowledge dump a large loss in november could not only be disastrous for trump but the republican party as a whole so thursday is going to be very big

  27. #1857
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    Meanwhile, trump is moving 260 million from cancer research and HIV prevention to pay for his concentration camps for immigrant immigrants children.

  28. #1858
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    Quote Originally Posted by Louie_Cypher View Post
    it also semi motivates his base to which loves to play the victim
    Yeah, this really is true. It's funny cause they're the ones who are always whining about "professional victims" anytime someone speaks out about something that's not right, whether its BLM or feminists or whatever, but the truth is that they're the ones who love to feel like victims. I've seen it play out over and over. There's some kind of projecting going on there. That's why they're always so eager to claim that they're free speech martyrs, and why they're always dreaming up new conspiracy theories. They're addicted to the drama of it all, the daydream that they're David fighting against Goliath.

  29. #1859
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  30. #1860
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    I haven't seen more yet, but when I was reading everything earlier it seemed like a total shitshow, with a ton of contradicting stories and a bunch of media people saying he didn't actually resign, he was fired, or rather it's expected that he'll be fired today. Did they sort all that shit out yet? What's the story?

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