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Thread: Not The Actual Events: schizophreniasdiary

  1. #151
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBang View Post
    Okay, so the only way this isn't a total shit show is if that post was made by Trent in 2011. Considering Trent said he was inspired by the past and by a daydream for the start of these EPs I hope to god that that was some kind of random blog that he authored. If not, that whole inspiration thing was BS and most was borrowed from some random person's online rants. Maybe I'm overreacting but this just doesn't sit right to me.

  2. #152
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    My only thought on this is regardless who made the initial posts, by putting the direct quotes from the blog to the official as well as hidden song lyrics, Trent indicated it's fine for us to dig and investigate.

  3. #153
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    My project for today is to get in touch with WordPress for whatever clarification they can give us.

    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

  4. #154
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    just a quick update on the SN collection: we have 23 useful entries so far and it seems more and more obvious that those codes are all:

    - 8 characters
    - capital letters and numbers
    - randomly generated
    - they all refer to Model N°: sCAVEdx-24.0.0
    - the codes are unlikely to repeat themselves but with only 23 entries it is difficult to say
    - they all look very much like download codes (same 8 characters structure, except for the capital letters)

    So what if EP3 is out there somewhere, ready to be downloaded?

    I remember this was one of the earliest hypothesis last summer..For this reason I'm not publishing the raw data as of yet, but if anyone want to have a look you can send me a PM

    If you haven't done it already please fill the form here:

  5. #155
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    psst the reason people are saying it is NOT an ARG is because a rep from 42-entertainment flat-out said they had nothing to do with it, nor did anyone in the NIN camp. i don't think they would blatantly lie. if they had worked on it, and it had anything to do with an ARG, we would have gotten a cryptic reply that didn't answer the question and encouraged us to dig deeper.

    (their reply was posted earlier in this thread, sorry i'm lazy)

  6. #156
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    Shame on you NIN. Shame on you. Using a schizophrenic's intellectual property and passing it off as your own without any credit. Shame on you.

    I'm taking this to the mass media.

  7. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    psst the reason people are saying it is NOT an ARG is because a rep from 42-entertainment flat-out said they had nothing to do with it, nor did anyone in the NIN camp. i don't think they would blatantly lie. if they had worked on it, and it had anything to do with an ARG, we would have gotten a cryptic reply that didn't answer the question and encouraged us to dig deeper.

    (their reply was posted earlier in this thread, sorry i'm lazy)
    Maybe it’s not an ARG. Maybe there are bits and pieces hidden here and there that expand the concept of the EPs. NTAE’s physical component is full of cryptic messages and things that we couldn’t figure out when we first found them. Maybe now that this blog has been found we can make sense out of those “clues”?

    Or maybe it’s nothing, but I doubt they would lead us towards that wordpress page for nothing. At the very least they did it so we could add a few new layers of depth to the concept behind the EP.

    Plus all the different versions and settings of the control panels in Add Violence...

    Lots of maybes.

  8. #158
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    Quote Originally Posted by Victor Newman View Post
    Shame on you NIN. Shame on you. Using a schizophrenic's intellectual property and passing it off as your own without any credit. Shame on you.

    I'm taking this to the mass media.
    Lmao dude, chill out! We don't know who the site belongs to, there's no proof anyone took someone's intellectual property without credit. TR may have created the site himself, but feel free to take it to the mass media, it'll get a ton of fans playing along. /eye roll

  9. #159
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    To summarize:

    It can't be an ARG because the website was made in 2011 and not used until recently.

    It can't be an ARG because 42 Entertainment said it wasn't them.

    Making that website would have taken all of 15 minutes, and Trent didn't release those Deviations tracks for twenty years after he made them. He's used old song bits for new projects (like Saul Williams) years after he made them. What's so hard to believe about him making this wordpress for this project in 2011 and not using it until recently?

    42 Entertainment (the original ARG company from Year Zero) said it wasn't them doing this. Is that evidence it isn't an ARG, or just more evidence that this time it's Trent's ARG? The guy who constantly looks for ways to do things himself? The guy who said of the Year Zero TV show "I should have just written the thing myself"?

    But I'm sure those Serial Numbers, the schizophrenic website found by following hidden text in the album art, and the strange auditory patterns in the new music are not an ARG this time. THIS TIME it's just Trent being a sloppy plagiarist!

    come ooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnn

  10. #160
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    Quote Originally Posted by arsenic View Post
    just a quick update on the SN collection: we have 23 useful entries so far and it seems more and more obvious that those codes are all:

    - they all refer to Model N°: sCAVEdx-24.0.0
    My model number is 24.0.00, is that what you meant?

    I couldn't help but think it looks similar to an IP address, which could be a connection to where to use those download codes, but when I searched for 24.0.00 on Google I just found a twitter feed full of what looks like infected Japanese text.

    It's all in Thai.

  11. #161
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    Trent is not naive enough to assume he'd get away with repurposing someone else's writing without proper credit, especially given the extra step of adding unsung lyrics / words to the PC that only bolsters the connection between the song and the blog.

    That being said, having the forethought to post a blog yeeeeeeeeeears ahead of time to add context to a future album is batshit crazy and about 98% implausible.

  12. #162
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrpapercuts View Post
    To summarize:

    It can't be an ARG because the website was made in 2011 and not used until recently.

    It can't be an ARG because 42 Entertainment said it wasn't them.

    Making that website would have taken all of 15 minutes, and Trent didn't release those Deviations tracks for twenty years after he made them. He's used old song bits for new projects (like Saul Williams) years after he made them. What's so hard to believe about him making this wordpress for this project in 2011 and not using it until recently?

    42 Entertainment (the original ARG company from Year Zero) said it wasn't them doing this. Is that evidence it isn't an ARG, or just more evidence that this time it's Trent's ARG? The guy who constantly looks for ways to do things himself? The guy who said of the Year Zero TV show "I should have just written the thing myself"?

    But I'm sure those Serial Numbers, the schizophrenic website found by following hidden text in the album art, and the strange auditory patterns in the new music are not an ARG this time. THIS TIME it's just Trent being a sloppy plagiarist!

    come ooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnn

  13. #163
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    My Serial Number, TLFMSU7P, shows up on this list of... stock exchanges?

    When I click my number, it says it "currency pairs" with eurusd

    Does anyone have an ADD VIOLENCE SN# starting with eurusd?

  14. #164
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    Quote Originally Posted by arsenic View Post
    just a quick update on the SN collection: we have 23 useful entries so far and it seems more and more obvious that those codes are all:

    - 8 characters
    - capital letters and numbers
    Done, chief. Is it odd if mine doesn't have any numbers?

    Anyway, it's good to be reminded I have these PC thingies, been a while since I last had a glimpse at them.

    Quote Originally Posted by joplinpicasso View Post
    This is either one of the coolest or one of the most disappointing or weird things to happen to NIN recently.
    It may lead to unrealised expectations or unexpected results upon investigating.

  15. #165
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdm View Post
    Trent is not naive enough to assume he'd get away with repurposing someone else's writing without proper credit, especially given the extra step of adding unsung lyrics / words to the PC that only bolsters the connection between the song and the blog.

    That being said, having the forethought to post a blog yeeeeeeeeeears ahead of time to add context to a future album is batshit crazy and about 98% implausible.
    I propose it wasn't forethought, it was the opposite - a project he was going to do back then, and just didn't get around to because of all the film stuff, and then recently went "Hey! I still have that old wordpress kicking around! Let's put it to work!"

    Just like he did with the extra tracks from Deviations he used on Saul Williams. He didn't make them seven years earlier with forethought of using them as rap music backgrounds in the future, it was the other way around - he was digging through unused stuff from his past.

    Looking at it that way, when you figure the guy does quite a bit more than we ever see (Sex Dwarf cover, anyone?), it's not so batshit at all.

  16. #166
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrpapercuts View Post
    I propose it wasn't forethought, it was the opposite - a project he was going to do back then, and just didn't get around to because of all the film stuff, and then recently went "Hey! I still have that old wordpress kicking around! Let's put it to work!"

    Just like he did with the extra tracks from Deviations he used on Saul Williams. He didn't make them seven years earlier with forethought of using them as rap music backgrounds in the future, it was the other way around - he was digging through unused stuff from his past.

    Looking at it that way, when you figure the guy does quite a bit more than we ever see (Sex Dwarf cover, anyone?), it's not so batshit at all.
    Lets assume that's true (which it may be, I have no idea)...just because there is a rich backstory connecting multiple EPS and albums doesn't necessarily mean it's an elaborate, participatory ARG.

  17. #167
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    Late to the party here, but I'll add my two cents worth...

    There's just no way that this blog isn't something to do with Trent. If it turns out that he did actually stumbled across a random crazy person's postings and nicked whole chunks for lyrics (and artwork too) then I swear I will eat my (NIN logo baseball) hat. Sincerely.

    God knows what it might be directly linked to, ARG wise, but all I can think of is the Song Exploder interview and Trent's rare openness with regards to the dark old days, and the references to online 'sharing' culture. What sort of processes did he go through before deciding to revive Nine Inch Nails? Presumably a lot of this stuff has been on his mind for a while. Sure it's a bit nuts to think that he has planned some big game going back to 2011, but it's not unreasonable to think that he's been developing songs and ideas over that length of time. I look forward to seeing how this pans out anyway, and I'll dig out my Add Violence serial number later.

  18. #168
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    Hmm. Found another "odd coincidence".

    Searching for my serial number lead me to this list of what looks like stock exchange info online, including my serial number tlfmsu7p

    Searching for sCAVEdx lead me to this site
    where a small "Bathroom and Beyond" company was searching for logo designs.
    They list three logos that they like:

    Scave - DX investments
    Ekobudis - Integrated building systems
    Leut268 - Caviar group

    As far as I can tell, neither Scave - DX Investments, nor the other two companies, are real.

    MSU7P, the last part of my SN, takes you here:

    This appears to be more stock information. There is a phone number listed, I called it, and someone answered with an American accent saying they were Sam at Deutschbank. So I think it's a real stock exchange? I've never traded and don't know the first thing about this tech.

    I'm curious if those other two "companies" could lead to anything, or if someone with knowledge of stocks and stock exchanges could probe for something odd in the stock info.

    Also interesting because it matches the "technobabble obfuscation" going on with the Add Violence machine, is that googling for sCAVEdx also brings you to my new favorite subreddit, here
    Last edited by mrpapercuts; 02-23-2018 at 09:52 AM.

  19. #169
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdm View Post
    Lets assume that's true (which it may be, I have no idea)...just because there is a rich backstory connecting multiple EPS and albums doesn't necessarily mean it's an elaborate, participatory ARG.
    Right, but the fact that Trent is on record saying he wants to do another one, and the fact that we have a bunch of clues that lead to a website, I mean... starting to look pretty likely that it's an ARG.

  20. #170
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    Does anyone else have serial numbers that tie to stocks or investment info?

    Is there a place where we could find stock/investment info on the following two companies, if they exist?

    Ekobudis - Integrated building systems
    Leut268 - Caviar group

  21. #171
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    I was just checking the physical component to find the serial number and it seems to be Year Zero related with references to the Presence. Also I found out that in June 2011 the YZ tv series was still progressing. Wonder if this blog was related to that? Not sure if 42 entertainment were still involved though

  22. #172
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    After a while, Leut 268 brought me here. What the fuck is this??

  23. #173
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG;396486I found out that in June 2011 the YZ tv series was still progressing. Wonder if this blog was related to that?
    Great info, that could help explain away "but it was made in 2011! How can it be ARG!"

  24. #174
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    Quote Originally Posted by Celerian View Post
    Someone has to have access to the snapshots/database. Assuming it does have something to do with an ARG related to the EPs, then it wouldn't surprise me if they have some sort of connection to people at Wordpress and They explain what they're doing, provide some timestamps to the relevant parties at both sites, and a database update could easily make it look like it was legitimately posted and scraped from back in 2011.

    The other option of Trent lifting lyrical lines from this really random blog post doesn't sit right with me. Nothing is what it seems, and these are not the actual events.

    For those of you still doubting, there is no question that the Wayback Machine's copy was captured in May 2011.

    You can definitely falsify a capture date, but it would require specially making an archive and submitting it to a collection used by the Wayback Machine (which is impossible without an IA admin giving access). If this were the case, the admin wouldn't provide access to the alexacrawls collection, as any slip-up in that collection would cause havoc.
    Alexa wouldn't co-operate, and would instead tell them to go ask IA.

    If this were IA working with somebody, it'd instead be submitted under a low-contents collection, or under widecrawl/webwidecrawl (much less likely).
    Last edited by SirTerryWrist; 02-23-2018 at 10:03 AM. Reason: HEY TURNS OUT IT DIDNT QUOTE LOL

  25. #175
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrpapercuts View Post
    After a while, Leut 268 brought me here. What the fuck is this??
    Apparently it's the report published in 2009 about this event:

  26. #176
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrpapercuts View Post
    Right, but the fact that Trent is on record saying he wants to do another one, and the fact that we have a bunch of clues that lead to a website, I mean... starting to look pretty likely that it's an ARG.
    I'm not saying you're wrong...just that I'm not anywhere close to convinced.

  27. #177
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdm View Post
    I'm not saying you're wrong...just that I'm not anywhere close to convinced.
    Oh sure. I'm not much interested in convincing anybody. I just like to gather the evidence for both sides.

    As far as I can tell, unless I'm missing something, we have evidence it's not an ARG:

    Site made in 2011
    42 Entertainment says it's not them

    and that's it.

    Evidence for it being an ARG:
    TR on record saying he wants to do another ARG, but better
    Hidden text lead to a website containing references to the source material - just like last ARG
    Everyone who buys Add Violence physical component gets sent different serial numbers for some reason, without any idea what they are for

    Looking at those two columns, seems pretty clear the more likely outcome (to me) is that this is an ARG and the Add Violence codes will lead somewhere.

  28. #178
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    If this is some random person's blog would they not have said something by now?

  29. #179
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    Also, if this is indeed an ARG that random instagram post Trent made of 'nescient' would sort of make sense as some kind of taunt/tease.

  30. #180
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    Just as an aside, regarding the Serial Numbers for the Physical Component all beginning with the number '24' - I'd direct your attention to the Year Zero Numbers, all of which begin with 24.

    Entry can be found here on ninwiki -

    I'm not even slightly convinced that there's an ARG here, but thought it was interesting.

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