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Thread: The ADD VIOLENCE Serial Number Discussion

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
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    The ADD VIOLENCE Serial Number Discussion

    These quotes are taken from the Not The Actual Events: schizophreniasdiary topic. Mods, please edit this first post if I've missed any information. All quotes are in order from the Schitzophreniasdiary topic.

    Quote Originally Posted by nmitchell86 View Post
    So what if NATE is like the inner mind's eye of a mentally disturbed person and AV is like how the system controls him? NATE is like, "here is evidence of things that never happened" and AV is how they control this person's mind. The 3rd EP could be this person awaking to actual reality of Year Zero a bummer ending or could be total self destruction, who knows. TR suggested the 3rd EP will make everything come together and make sense. I bet their is still something out in the wilds of the internet about the AV machine that has not been found yet. I really think our serial numbers from AV manual are some how connected to one another in a cypher type code kind of like MD5 hash or something.
    Quote Originally Posted by arsenic View Post
    I don't think we've actually tried to collect a large quantity of serial numbers to see if there are some similarities between them. I like the idea that they might be hash of some sort or, or that there might be some sort of order linking one PC' serial number to the other

    edit: we're now collecting the SNs. Please fill the form here:
    Quote Originally Posted by arsenic View Post
    okay, let's try to do this! Submit your SN here:

    Once we'll have enough SNs I'll export the results and I'll post them here for everyone to see and analyse. No emails and personal data other than the SN will be collected
    Quote Originally Posted by arsenic View Post
    just a quick update on the SN collection: we have 23 useful entries so far and it seems more and more obvious that those codes are all:

    - 8 characters
    - capital letters and numbers
    - randomly generated
    - they all refer to Model N°: sCAVEdx-24.0.0
    - the codes are unlikely to repeat themselves but with only 23 entries it is difficult to say
    - they all look very much like download codes (same 8 characters structure, except for the capital letters)

    So what if EP3 is out there somewhere, ready to be downloaded?

    I remember this was one of the earliest hypothesis last summer..For this reason I'm not publishing the raw data as of yet, but if anyone want to have a look you can send me a PM

    If you haven't done it already please fill the form here:

    Quote Originally Posted by mrpapercuts View Post
    My Serial Number, TLFMSU7P, shows up on this list of... stock exchanges?

    When I click my number, it says it "currency pairs" with eurusd

    Does anyone have an ADD VIOLENCE SN# starting with eurusd?

    Quote Originally Posted by mrpapercuts View Post
    Hmm. Found another "odd coincidence".

    Searching for my serial number lead me to this list of what looks like stock exchange info online, including my serial number tlfmsu7p

    Searching for sCAVEdx lead me to this site
    where a small "Bathroom and Beyond" company was searching for logo designs.
    They list three logos that they like:

    Scave - DX investments
    Ekobudis - Integrated building systems
    Leut268 - Caviar group

    As far as I can tell, neither Scave - DX Investments, nor the other two companies, are real.

    MSU7P, the last part of my SN, takes you here:

    This appears to be more stock information. There is a phone number listed, I called it, and someone answered with an American accent saying they were Sam at Deutschbank. So I think it's a real stock exchange? I've never traded and don't know the first thing about this tech.

    I'm curious if those other two "companies" could lead to anything, or if someone with knowledge of stocks and stock exchanges could probe for something odd in the stock info.

    Also interesting because it matches the "technobabble obfuscation" going on with the Add Violence machine, is that googling for sCAVEdx also brings you to my new favorite subreddit, here

    Quote Originally Posted by mrpapercuts View Post
    Does anyone else have serial numbers that tie to stocks or investment info?

    Is there a place where we could find stock/investment info on the following two companies, if they exist?

    Ekobudis - Integrated building systems
    Leut268 - Caviar group

    Quote Originally Posted by mrpapercuts View Post
    After a while, Leut 268 brought me here. What the fuck is this??

    Quote Originally Posted by FieldOnFire View Post
    Just as an aside, regarding the Serial Numbers for the Physical Component all beginning with the number '24' - I'd direct your attention to the Year Zero Numbers, all of which begin with 24.

    Entry can be found here on ninwiki -

    I'm not even slightly convinced that there's an ARG here, but thought it was interesting.

    Quote Originally Posted by hannahdriley View Post
    Mine does, it leads here:
    Does anyone have a way to get a group chat going?

    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
    Quote Originally Posted by mrpapercuts View Post
    Dug out my Add Violence vinyl. It has two numbers hand scratched onto each side.

    Side A has

    Side B has

    I'm fairly certain the BOO____-01-A number is a standard vinyl identification number, but the other one seems odd.

    I am checking my other vinyls to see what they have. Does everyone have these same numbers? They are located around the center ring and can be seen by tilting the record under light.
    Quote Originally Posted by 2020k View Post
    Yeah, I'm confused on this too. I think there were just some users who thought that maybe since there is a Wordpress Blog out there that's been around since 2011 and is 99.9% connected to the NINEP world, that it's possible that if we look at patterns in the serial numbers that we all have, that there may be a clue as to where to go next. I think the serial number topic should have its own thread, so I'm making one and will edit with the link when it's up.

    That being said, the only search result my serial number brings up is stock related and goes to here.
    And here we are. I'm not really in this rabbit hole at all, I just wanted a thread separate from the Wordpress topic. I am not the one collecting serial numbers and I really just think they're going to turn into eventual download codes for something when the third EP is announced. So, I haven't forked my code over yet (but I'll do so if we start seeing a more concrete pattern). Enter your code at your own risk, obviously, though I don't think there's really much of a risk at all.

    Right now, it seems like some of the serial numbers link to Stock Exchanges, which doesn't surprise me, because Stocks have seemingly randomized letters and numbers. However, I doubt this is a thing because if Trent didn't get permission from companies to use their stock abbreviations, I'm sure those asshole Fortune 500 companies would find a way to sue his ass strictly in the name of signing their name with a capitalistic Capital G. Finding inspiration from a Wordpress is one thing, but fucking with rich companies with lawyers is another. Any members here involved in stocks that could shed some light?
    Last edited by 2020k; 02-23-2018 at 04:51 PM.

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