Quote Originally Posted by valiantsteed View Post
Everyone meaning a bunch of cunts. It is one thing to critique creative choices, the season is far from perfect, but people are straight turning on the show, starting petitions to get it remade? (pure idiocy) And basically creating all kinds of made up narratives about why Martin is god, and these two are fucking up his work, with no context to the conversations that were had, what it is to come in future books, and designing a complete revisionist history in regards to everything that has come before, basically stripping them of all of the good work they have done to this point.

It's clear it's not about anything other than the final 6 not living up their own personal precisely crafted expectations and having a fucking tantrum about it. Entitled babies for the most part, but at least it's a credit to quality and the investment in the show to this point. If an artist paints a picture you don't like, do you ask them to redraw it? I think it's fair to suggest reasons why it is not sitting well with you, but that also should not ruin the 7 paintings before that either.

The final 6 episodes have been captivating and edge of your seat, and full of points to discuss, which I view as a positive, even when a few of the choices may feel strange or far off the mark. The Last Jedi did not ruin Star Wars (much to many a manbaby chagrin), as much as it made some brutally poor choices, and 6 episodes (which were still excellently made on a technical level) did not all of a sudden ruin Game of Thrones or prove Weiss and Benioff inept and incompetent, as GoT is one of the most impressive series ever produced, for many different reasons, and that will never change.

Star Wars will be in very capable hands with these two.

As far as Confederate, which apparently is still in development, this is not some white wet dream for the south to imagine a place where slavery still exists. If you took two seconds to do any research, or were familiar with their work, or even with the types of stories HBO has always tried to tell, you would have known that. Through different perspectives, and by subverting different tropes, you will be able to make some interesting statements on the current climate and that should always be encouraged in art. Two of the main writers on the show, the Spellman's, are black, and have specifically said they will continue to challenge those constructs with a purpose (there will be no whips, no plantations, etc).

But it's ok, call them tools (maybe they actually are? I don't know), trash their work which you have not seen, and call them incapable of taking on a franchise after building this last one into the biggest TV show of all time, because hey, you get to come off as righteous for about two seconds. Its the trendy thing to do, after all. Tell us again how you never watched the show!
you seem to have missed the part where i said i wasn't attacking you, because you're acting very personally offended by my takes (which i admit are a bit over the top, it's in my nature). and again, not mocking or attacking you here, just trying to have a discussion.

aaaaaanyway, i never watched GoT because several people who know me very well warned me not to as it contains many things i would find upsetting in a way that would offset my enjoyment of the show, and there's enough entertainment out there to fill up my time. i just never cared that much to check it out.

i am glad that they seem to be going in a better direction with Confederate than i thought would happen when i initially heard about it. the crack about "two seconds to do research" is something that i feel like people throw out a lot in an argument and sometimes it's valid. in this case, i was going off what i knew in order to have a discussion. clearly things have changed since i last heard about it.

i do totally agree with your first two paragraphs, like 100%. it's the same people who tried to petition trent to remove "everything" from hesitation marks. not everything is meant to cater to every single person, and not every artist is going to consistently deliver stuff you like. and when that happens, you move on! not sure why people are so up in arms about it :/