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Thread: Cyberpunk 2077

  1. #181
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    I dig it. The bugs really take away from it though. Its basically a non-apocalyptic fallout (bugs included). Part of me wants to put it down until they sort it out. There's a good game there. Should've delayed it indefinitely though.

  2. #182
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    Still runs like butter on the Series X. 15 or so hours in, and finish The Heist mission and it hits me with the opening credits? LOL that was just the prologue? Yeesh, I've spent too much time doing side shit, already level 13 with street cred at 23.

  3. #183
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    Pretty much, we sold you an unfinished game and prevented reviewers and others releasing footage on last gen consoles from unlifted embargoes because we knew how shitty it was going to be lol.

    The inconsistent experience is so frustrating at times. One night it will run just fine with minor bugs, the next, it is the complete opposite for me. The game bugged out and wouldn't let me into Lizzies garage or whatever so I had to start all over again. Tried everything I could to get the game to trigger and it just would not happen. Last night, I got back to where I was but it was not a smooth experience.
    Last edited by Self.Destructive.Pattern; 12-14-2020 at 11:18 AM.

  4. #184
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    yeah, they deserve everything they're getting.

  5. #185
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    Update: Just hard crashed my PS5 THREE fucking times in over an hour. I'm done.

    Also... Thanks Brian for this thread.
    Last edited by Self.Destructive.Pattern; 12-14-2020 at 12:20 PM.

  6. #186
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    I really hope whoever at the top of CDPR made the choice to release it in this state head's fucking roll. With captain hindsight, this should have JUST released on PC, the console versions should have been delayed to when the next gen versions were out (there's a reason they haven't told us when they are ready) sure they'd have been a fallout, but it would have been a whole lot more manageable then the clusterfuck it is now. ALOT of people's first experience with this will have been the broken version on PS4 and XBONE, and you can't get that back. With this they have done serious damage to their reputation, and it will take a fucking lot to get people back on side.

    Personally i'm flip flopping between getting the refund. I can play it (i'm not all that bothered by graphics) but the bugs (as funny as some are) REALLY take you out of the experience and i'm just wondering "if i wait for next gen it'll be a much better time" ...but i do like the game, so do push through?!

  7. #187
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    What sucks is I want to play through this game, but it is literally preventing me from doing that. I'm going to take a deep breath and try again when I get home later, but it isn't looking good.

  8. #188
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    What sucks is I want to play through this game, but it is literally preventing me from doing that. I'm going to take a deep breath and try again when I get home later, but it isn't looking good.
    I know how you feel! Last Thursday/Friday it was unplayable for me. I hope it's in a state where you can enjoy it for now at least.

  9. #189
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  10. #190
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    Even the dystopian future game is broken... at least it's on-brand for 2020.

  11. #191
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    Well I spoke with customer service at Best Buy and got a refund cancellation for this (they claim UPS lost the package). I am getting steelbook in mail since it was already shipped and the 10.00 gift certificate, which I'll use on a 4K copy of Tenet this Tuesday to ensure I got the money without revocation (doubt there will be for digital goods). I bought it at Walmart today and I just installed it and now I'm reading this press release statement. Least they acknowledge how atrocious it is but clearly it should've been delayed for a 4th or 5th time so it could get its shit sorted out.

    I'm confident it will work eventually and I already blew the money so fuck it, I'll back burner it until CDPR has it fixed and running. I got enough games to play in the meantime anyways in my backlog.

  12. #192
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    Been playing on my base ps4. Seems to run smoother after the 1.04 patch. Before that I didnt think I'd be able to get through it....it was really bad. It's a real bummer that things turned out this way because there is a really fun, engaging game here. Overall I'm enjoying my time with it, despite all the bugs and my system crashed twice.

    Just imagine how great it would have been if it shipped perfectly.

  13. #193
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    I started it last night and made it to V’s apartment. No bugs, glitches, frame rate stuttering, crashes or issues in that hour of gameplay. Knock on wood.

  14. #194
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    oy, what a shit show.

  15. #195
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    I had to see for myself, so I downloaded the PS4 version. I stayed in this one general area just to see how my base PS4 would run the game. My description explains everything that I encountered.

    Plus, it just keeps getting worse. Conference call showing they pretty much didn't care about the last gen versions.

    They admit to paying more attention to the PC and next gen versions. So why would you announce the game on last gen consoles? There had to be someone in the room that brought up "Let's scrap this and make it for next gen only." But I think their system was too implemented to change everything and start from scratch. This all just stinks.
    Last edited by Self.Destructive.Pattern; 12-15-2020 at 03:08 PM.

  16. #196
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post

    I had to see for myself, so I downloaded the PS4 version. I stayed in this one general area just to see how my base PS4 would run the game, I had to see for myself. My description explains everything that I encountered.

    Plus, it just keeps getting worse. Conference call showing they pretty much didn't care about the last gen versions.

    They admit to paying more attention to the PC and next gen versions. So why would you announce the game on last gen consoles? There had to be someone in the room that brought up "Let's scrap this and make it for next gen only." But I think their system was too implemented to change everything and start from scratch. This all just stinks.
    I entertained getting it, but all I have is a PS4 slim. Glad I didn't. They should really be ashamed.

  17. #197
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    They were riding some huge waves of gamer highs too from The Witcher and Keanu and now...wow.

  18. #198
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    Should’ve just cut ties with the current gen consoles for sure. Just like PC gaming, just say it’s for next gen and be done with it. Though I do get the fact that it’s 2020. Piss off any subset of gamers (who are mostly the shittiest most self-entitled people alive) and get shit on for that instead of this. PC games do it all the time, ‘you need bare minimum _____ to even play it.’ Sure, to be expected, many will whine...but definitely should’ve gone that route here.

  19. #199
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    I have it on ps5 and I was at the scene where you’re in yorinobu apartment and for some reason the game couldn’t find one of the clues even when my curser was right on top of the clue- his tablet, I did this for like 45 minutes and looked online to see where I went wrong, fun fact I was right the whole time, it was the tablet, the game glitched out and when I restarted the game I found the clue the second the game rebooted, if that make sense to anyone reading this lol. Stupid tablet couldn’t be detected. I’m starting to like the game though I haven’t played it much.

    Also, this game feels very much like a computer game on a console, the text in the menu are so tiny I have to put my reading glasses on to read. Fuck man it’s just the little things in the game that are pissing me off

    Is there a way to update the game on ps5 yet?
    Last edited by Rdm; 12-15-2020 at 04:59 PM.

  20. #200
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    I'm getting bombarded with ads from Stadia saying to buy the game and I'd get a Stadia controller plus a Chromecast Ultra for free, a $100 value. I'm on the fencepost on it.

    also it's hilarious that I'm on a Chromebook, in Chrome, and it says I spelled Stadia and Chromecast wrong.
    this deal ended abruptly when it was reported that this was the best way to play the game and suddenly it was selling like gangbusters.

  21. #201
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rdm View Post
    Is there a way to update the game on ps5 yet?
    Do you mean another patch? Or the next gen upgrade. The next patch isn't coming until January, and the next gen upgrade is nowhere in sight. You should be able to change the size of the text in settings.

    I am playing atm, and so far two crashes tonight. I will admit this has to be my funnest play through so far. Doing random side missions and running around in random areas to get a better feel of the game. I'm digging it as of now, and the story is getting better. But this game is exhausting to play still and do not rely on autosaves since they keep messing up so I'm manually saving every time I get somewhere.

    The more I'm diving in, the more little new details are coming to light. There are instances where if you hang around the cops and other NPC's long enough in certain situations, they turn into side missions and even dialogue choices.

  22. #202
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    I guess I'm waiting till I hear that this is fixed. I have other stuff to play, but as I'm going through Final Fantasy 14 and just the intense amount of depth and quest stuff in here, it's so weird to hear that a game that isn't even online is having glitches where you can't complete questlines because of undiscovered glitches. Either way, there's so many people playing it, I'm sure their bug report is nuts right now, but will probably be fixed soon enough, and hopefully by then I'll have a PS5 and there will be a PS5 version

  23. #203
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    Do you mean another patch? Or the next gen upgrade. The next patch isn't coming until January, and the next gen upgrade is nowhere in sight. You should be able to change the size of the text in settings.

    I am playing atm, and so far two crashes tonight. I will admit this has to be my funnest play through so far. Doing random side missions and running around in random areas to get a better feel of the game. I'm digging it as of now, and the story is getting better. But this game is exhausting to play still and do not rely on autosaves since they keep messing up so I'm manually saving every time I get somewhere.

    The more I'm diving in, the more little new details are coming to light. There are instances where if you hang around the cops and other NPC's long enough in certain situations, they turn into side missions and even dialogue choices.
    I was able to increase subtitles but not the description/or any text in the menu which are incredible tiny and hard to read if you’re sitting on the couch. I do like the game so far and I’m enjoying it but there’s parts that are exhausting, I agree 100 percent. I just met Johnny for the first time and wow it’s fun playing as him.

  24. #204
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I guess I'm waiting till I hear that this is fixed. I have other stuff to play, but as I'm going through Final Fantasy 14 and just the intense amount of depth and quest stuff in here, it's so weird to hear that a game that isn't even online is having glitches where you can't complete questlines because of undiscovered glitches. Either way, there's so many people playing it, I'm sure their bug report is nuts right now, but will probably be fixed soon enough, and hopefully by then I'll have a PS5 and there will be a PS5 version
    Definitely the best way to go.

  25. #205
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rdm View Post
    I was able to increase subtitles but not the description/or any text in the menu which are incredible tiny and hard to read if you’re sitting on the couch. I do like the game so far and I’m enjoying it but there’s parts that are exhausting, I agree 100 percent. I just met Johnny for the first time and wow it’s fun playing as him.
    That sucks! Didn't notice it was limited. Johnny has been the highlight so far.. You can tell Keanu really went all in with his performance.

  26. #206
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rdm View Post
    I was able to increase subtitles but not the description/or any text in the menu which are incredible tiny and hard to read if you’re sitting on the couch.
    All things considered, HUD/UI scaling is something that will probably be patched in. I thought perhaps it was something exclusive to 1440p, but it looks like there's nothing (so far).

  27. #207
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon View Post
    All things considered, HUD/UI scaling is something that will probably be patched in. I thought perhaps it was something exclusive to 1440p, but it looks like there's nothing (so far).
    Hopefully !

    I know this is a newb question but what is crit chance mean is video games? This is the second game I seen that terminology.

  28. #208
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rdm View Post
    Hopefully !

    I know this is a newb question but what is crit chance mean is video games? This is the second game I seen that terminology.
    Haven't played CP2077 so I'm just going off what I remember from other games. It's RPG jargon and If I'm understanding it correctly (even i struggle with this stuff sometimes) you're basically rolling a dice each time you deal damage. So out of however many times you hit your target you have a percentage chance of doing some high damage.

    Depending on your gear and/or skills it changes whether your chances will be higher or lower.

  29. #209
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rdm View Post
    Hopefully !

    I know this is a newb question but what is crit chance mean is video games? This is the second game I seen that terminology.
    Critical chance increases your ability/frequency to score a critical hit, which typically does 1.5x - 5x the damage of a standard attack.

    Critical damage increases the amount of damage you do with critical attacks, taking you closer to that 5x damage of a standard attack.

    There is currently a bug where identical damage mods do not stack across multiple pieces of clothing. This means that you'll want to vary your crit damage and chance mods (i.e. +15% on one mod, +5% on another, etc.). If you have identical percentage modifiers on every piece of clothing, they stop stacking at a certain point (before a soft or hard cap). This is marked as a display bug for the time being, but there is not a target dummy to practice on to be sure.
    Last edited by Jon; 12-17-2020 at 05:19 AM. Reason: clarify, brotha!

  30. #210
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    So i was half right LOL ^

    Much better explanation.

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