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Thread: 2018 Midterm Elections - The Aftermath

  1. #61
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    This article makes me insanely furious but this one really pisses me off -

    Aaron | Age 25 | Atlanta, Georgia | Last Voted: 2016

    I volunteered for Bernie Sanders. I went to many rallies, I was at the first presidential debate in Las Vegas. But when he folded, then immediately went and defended Hillary, a person who he’s been campaigning against for 18 months, that just really killed it for me. I just have no respect for that. It’s the same thing on the other side. Look at Ted Cruz, who’s spent his last two years being made fun of by Donald Trump, and then we see Trump saying Cruz is the right guy in Texas to go against Beto O’Rourke. It’s just so much political theater, and it really just turned me off entirely. I wasn’t planning to vote in 2016. I was with my mom, we were at Albertsons grocery store around the corner from my house, and they were in there voting. My mom voted, and it took her literally ten seconds. She said, “You should do it,” and I said, “I don’t know, I don’t really think I want to.” And she was like, “Aaron, it just took a minute.” So I said, “Okay, fine.” I just voted for Hillary. I felt bad about it for two years. I look at it this way: That report just came out the other day about global warming, talking about how we have 12 years, until 2030, for this radical change unlike the world has ever seen. And The Hill newspaper just put out that article about how the DNC does not plan on making climate change a big part of their platform, even still. I just do not understand why I would vote for a party that doesn’t care about me in any way. They can say, “Sure, we’ll lower student interest rates.” Well, I don’t give a shit about student interest rates if I’m not going to live past 13 more years on this planet. Everyone on Twitter can be like, “Oh, we need the Democratic Senate to pack the courts.” But have they watched the Democratic Party at any time during my lifetime? They have not done anything. Like, they don’t stand for anything. And I just don’t see the point anymore. There are people that are exciting. Bernie was exciting, Cynthia [Nixon] was exciting, and Alexandria [Ocasio-Cortez] is exciting. So would I vote in the future? I don’t know. If somebody came along that was exciting like that? Yeah. Probably.

    I want to educate these morons but I also feel like they need ridicule for this nonsense, too.

  2. #62
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    one of the last HST interviews on journalism

  3. #63
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    Voted today. I feel very depressed and worried. There's a part of me that wonders if that's a good sign, because two years ago I was feeling hopeful and optimistic I'd never have to care at all about anything *he* says anymore.

  4. #64
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    233 Post(s) brain hurts looking at this. Will he say he was hacked?

    (In case it is taken down, Ted Cruz just posted a Zodiac code for Halloween)

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post brain hurts looking at this. Will he say he was hacked?

    (In case it is taken down, Ted Cruz just posted a Zodiac code for Halloween) that for real? Isn't he constantly teased about being the zodiac killer?

  6. #66
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    $20 says it's a "free publicity" stunt. Either he was hacked by one of his own supporters who wanted to make sure his name stayed in the news, or he did it himself for the same reason.

  7. #67
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    Someone decoded it already -

  8. #68
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    I think it's hilarious. Maybe he just has a great sense of humor? The free publicity doesn't hurt either.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryanmcfly View Post
    Yeah. I live in the DFW area and there are sooooo many Beto signs. Beto support here is surging. However, I went to Lubbock last weekend for a wedding and there were hardly any Beto signs. If Beto is going to win, he's going to need to convince some of the more rural Texans and the 18-25 demographic to vote. It's going to be a wild ride for sure.
    Regarding Beto: he's not going to convince people in these panhandle farming communities, period.
    Trump totally fucked over texas farmers. Then he offered them a bailout. Trump doesn't understand that these people don't WANT a fucking bailout.
    They are insulted by the idea.

    But EVEN AFTER all this bullshit, the majority of these farmers still support a straight red ticket.

    It's sad, really.

    Edit: i'm mostly talking about low income people below, not farmers

    I think it's the great deception of the republican party. They stand for "old timey values." They prey on xenophobia and racism.
    In this manner, they are able to garner support from people who would BENEFIT THE MOST from the social programs the left wants to enact.

    Worse yet, a recent poll shows that the majority of Texans support the expansion of medicaid. Medicaid is all but unobtainable here: a single mother of 2 can't receive it if she makes more than like $3500 a month.

    But our elected officials are HELLBENT on undoing ANYTHING that has to do with the ACA. Hell, our attorney general has tried to SUE THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to have the ACA declared unconstitutional.

    I also remember that, when the ACA was first enacted, texans stood to benefit the most from the program, and were also the most vehemently opposed.

    I fucking LOVE texas. I'm a Texan first and an American...i was going to say 2nd, but i REALLY don't want to be part of this country AT ALL.
    I love our rebellious spirit. Texas is home. It's in my blood, literally, as my ancestors were here when texas was still a country.

    But we are currently, on the whole, misguided. I DO expect that to change, at least to some degree, sooner than later.

    If we can't change people's minds about social conservatism, we need candidates who will be socially conservative and fiscally liberal.

  10. #70
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    just reading a huffington post article of national enquirers smear on ted cruz again i find trump to be an utter idiot. he does have away of using media to his advantage. and although people find it worthy of wrapping fish or lining birdcages. i still gets eyeballs. i n almost every grocery checkout stand in America. and you may not read it but still sits in your subconscious. imagine the outrage if you drove by a billboard the read trump is a fraud. now i am curious how they are still in business? i do think it is subscription based. and i know checkout lane realeastate is not cheap.

  11. #71
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    Remember that time when Ted Cruz tweeted some porn

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    If we can't change people's minds about social conservatism, we need candidates who will be socially conservative and fiscally liberal.
    You need to get a Democratic Governor who can at least fix the voting system, then worry about all of the rest. Your voting system is FUCKED. F U C K E D. Intentionally fucked-up stupid. Voters choosing straight-ticket Democrat who look on the screen to verify their votes are seeing that they voted for TED CRUZ. They complain, and nothing is done. With Republicans in charge, nothing will change. Gerrymandering and cheating and computers weighting the system in the Republicans' favor will continue.

    Even if every non-Republican went INDEPENDENT in Texas right now, it wouldn't make one damned bit of difference if the Republicans are cheating.

    And the Republican voters LIKE that because they vote for two single issues: Guns and abortion.

    The only way that anybody BUT a Republican has a chance of winning the Governor's and Secretary of State race (to fix the election system, probably the MOST important races in Texas) is: Get crossover votes (note: this does not mean a Dem who is pro-life) re guns and abortion. It's how Democrats won in other Red states.

    Other areas in the country focused more on jobs as the key issue, but Texas? Guns and abortion. The right is brainwashed into believing that ALL people who aren't Conservative hate all guns and run screaming from them in the other direction. There is an entire Twitter UNIVERSE out there with people talking about how, if there is a "REVOLUTION," the poor stupid "Libtards" will be completely unarmed and the Conservatives will be the only ones with guns.

    This is why a lot of black folk are doing the opposite: When there is an uprising of racism, disarming is NOT the thing to do. Especially when their ancestors have been hung from trees. They sure as shit ain't aiming to go through that, again.

    That's why they point to when the NRA supported gun control when the Black Panthers had weapons.
    Last edited by allegro; 11-01-2018 at 01:31 PM.

  13. #73
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    See this message from Oprah Winfrey and Maria Shriver:

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    You need to get a Democratic Governor who can at least fix the voting system, then worry about all of the rest. Your voting system is FUCKED. F U C K E D. Intentionally fucked-up stupid. Voters choosing straight-ticket Democrat who look on the screen to verify their votes are seeing that they voted for TED CRUZ. They complain, and nothing is done. With Republicans in charge, nothing will change. Gerrymandering and cheating and computers weighting the system in the Republicans' favor will continue.

    Even if every non-Republican went INDEPENDENT in Texas right now, it wouldn't make one damned bit of difference if the Republicans are cheating.

    And the Republican voters LIKE that because they vote for two single issues: Guns and abortion.

    The only way that anybody BUT a Republican has a chance of winning the Governor's and Secretary of State race (to fix the election system, probably the MOST important races in Texas) is: Get crossover votes (note: this does not mean a Dem who is pro-life) re guns and abortion. It's how Democrats won in other Red states.

    Other areas in the country focused more on jobs as the key issue, but Texas? Guns and abortion. The right is brainwashed into believing that ALL people who aren't Conservative hate all guns and run screaming from them in the other direction. There is an entire Twitter UNIVERSE out there with people talking about how, if there is a "REVOLUTION," the poor stupid "Libtards" will be completely unarmed and the Conservatives will be the only ones with guns.

    This is why a lot of black folk are doing the opposite: When there is an uprising of racism, disarming is NOT the thing to do. Especially when their ancestors have been hung from trees. They sure as shit ain't aiming to go through that, again.

    That's why they point to when the NRA supported gun control when the Black Panthers had weapons.
    Only thing I'll add is to also elect more Dems to the state legislature, but this is exactly correct. There are also PLENTY of numbers and evidence that supports the fact that Texas is a low-voter turn out state. Much of that is gerrymandering on the rest of it is just the state making it hard for folks to register to vote. Those fixes start with local government and shifting the balance there. Texas, IMO, is a purple state that could turn blue down the road.

    @elevenism - your points are valid and please don't misinterpret this critique as me trying to discount you, but the last thing progressivism needs is more blue dog democrats. No more Joe Manchins.

  15. #75
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    Joe Manchin is a GREAT example. (A Democrat who caucuses with Republicans in order to win elections. See also: DINO.)

  16. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    You need to get a Democratic Governor who can at least fix the voting system, then worry about all of the rest. Your voting system is FUCKED
    I agree, but I think you are overestimating the control that i, personally, have over these things
    @ltrandazzo , I think you're right. I think Texas IS already a purple state. If we weren't gerrymandered to hell, things would definitely be different.
    Also, brother-man, I know you aren't trying to discount me and I LOVE discussing these things.
    @allegro , DEFINITELY. A pro-gun dem who is a social centrist could get the job done.

    I'm SO glad you guys have an understanding of the truth about Texas politics. I don't think many people do.

  17. #77
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    Also, I've spent my entire life around Texans and in texas. And Ted Cruz is about the least texan guy in the state.

    He is a fucking poseur. He can't pull off a cowboy hat and boots. I can, and I have 1" plugs in my ears and 2 foot long hair.

    Ted Cruz is so disgustingly fake. Texas is a state of mind, and/or a genetic thing. Cruz has neither.

  18. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Cruz has neither.
    and yet...

  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    and yet...

  20. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by ltrandazzo View Post
    Only thing I'll add is to also elect more Dems to the state legislature, but this is exactly correct. There are also PLENTY of numbers and evidence that supports the fact that Texas is a low-voter turn out state. Much of that is gerrymandering on the rest of it is just the state making it hard for folks to register to vote. Those fixes start with local government and shifting the balance there. Texas, IMO, is a purple state that could turn blue down the road.

    @elevenism - your points are valid and please don't misinterpret this critique as me trying to discount you, but the last thing progressivism needs is more blue dog democrats. No more Joe Manchins.
    my opinion democratic views are very popular popular, my view is dem's are always running to the right. claiming to be moderate name one moderate republican. they have huge branding problem. not being able to shake myth's like liberal media. tax and spend. roger knew what he was doing and had advised Nixon the television was the future. you can say well the left has msnbc or CNN. but they don't near the viewership of fox. look i know the have to cater to advertisers. there are 6 companies that control every thing you see. so if you think. they are going report unbiased on this no more than they are going to start sending you checks.sorry to always rant here but I find it important people see what's happening.

  21. #81
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    I really like this approach. I hope it comes to fruition.

    Democrats say house majority would mean investigative barrage; not impeachment

    One of the things that has driven me mad is the ability for everyone in the administration to get a free pass because the party isn't going to investigate and punish themselves. Every time someone gets caught breaking ethics rules, for example, it's up to...well...themselves to hand out any sort of punishment. So they don't. I would LOVE to see that shift.

  22. #82
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    Watching Obama stump for Gillum and Nelson in Florida and some crazy asshole hecklers are screaming shit at him and interrupting him.


    My Mom was on the phone asking me last night, “these conservative Trump people, why are they so MEAN? So heartless and so uncaring? Do they only care about money?”

    Well, that and hate and fear and guns.
    Last edited by allegro; 11-02-2018 at 01:55 PM.

  23. #83
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    Trump now complaining that the pipe bombs "incidents" and synagogue shooting interrupted GOP's momentum for the mid-term.

    Coming straight from POTUS' mouth. Can't make this shit up.

  24. #84
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    Early voting by young people, many who are likely first time voters, is up by FIVE HUNDRED PERCENT in texas.

    I strongly doubt 18-25 year olds figured into the poll numbers we have for Beto/Zodiac, as seniors are the largest voting bloc by FAR.
    And studies have shown that young people are likelier to vote blue than red. Also, shit: if you were 19 and didn't know a whole lot about politics, would you vote for the impish old cunt, or the young guy who was in the punk rock band with a future members of The Mars Volta and At the Drive In?

    Combining these things makes me think Beto DEFINITELY has a chance!

  25. #85
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    God, I hope so.

    G and I will be up ALL NIGHT on election night, with pizza and wine, and hopefully not in need of CPR or an ambulance due to stress. Might have to get out the BP machine to check G's BP, LOL.

    * Andrew Gillum and Bill Nelson in Florida
    * Beto O'Rourke in Texas
    * Stacey Abrams in Georgia
    * Getting rid of Devin Nunes in California
    * Kyrsten Sinema in Arizona
    * "Ironstach" Randy Bryce taking Paul Ryan's seat in Wisconsin's First District
    * Tony Evers taking the Governor seat from Scott Walker in Wisconsin
    * Lauren Underwood in Illinois' 14th District
    * Lauren Kelly for Governor in Kansas


    G and I voted on Monday. We ran into Democratic 58th District State Representative candidate, Bob Morgan, shook his hand, and he thanked us for voting. Really nice guy. We ran into him again on the way out, as the poll location (our police headquarters) was closing, and I said "I can't wait until Tuesday" and he said, "God, ME NEITHER!" and we all laughed. (Of course, we voted for him.)

    We also again ran into a really nice high-school-aged girl who has been tirelessly stumping for Illinois State Senate candidate Julie Morrison, door-to-door, then again at the polling location. So glad to see young people so involved.

    G and I then went grocery-shopping and it wasn't until I got home that I realized that I'd grabbed and applied an "I voted" sticker en espaņol.
    Last edited by allegro; 11-02-2018 at 07:55 PM.

  26. #86
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    I will be taking a Xanax and going to bed early Tuesday.

    On the night of the general, I started watching returns. As it became increasingly clear that I was witnessing a tragedy unfold, I did something I've literally never done: drank. I mean, I love a good beer with dinner. But I drank for the purpose of escaping, which in my 30+ years I had never done (and haven't again since). I can't put myself through that again, so Tuesday (and election night 2020) I will be doing everything in my power to call it an early night - that is, to be in bed before results even START coming in. I'll deal with it in the morning instead of subjecting myself to the slow burn.

  27. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    I will be taking a Xanax and going to bed early Tuesday.

    On the night of the general, I started watching returns. As it became increasingly clear that I was witnessing a tragedy unfold, I did something I've literally never done: drank. I mean, I love a good beer with dinner. But I drank for the purpose of escaping, which in my 30+ years I had never done (and haven't again since). I can't put myself through that again, so Tuesday (and election night 2020) I will be doing everything in my power to call it an early night - that is, to be in bed before results even START coming in. I'll deal with it in the morning instead of subjecting myself to the slow burn.
    I think this Tuesday is going to be different, though. I mean, I REALLY hope it's going to be different; so many people are voting early, the early voting and registrations are setting RECORDS.

    2016: I had something of a premonition. I had a hotel room booked for a celebratory party with food and a fireplace and expensive champagne, but I had some weird "feeling" a few days ahead of time, and canceled it and opted to stay home and call it a quiet night, and then of course watched as it all went so terribly wrong, but my "intuition" was right.

    My "intuition" this time is more hopeful. Not certain, mind you, but hopeful.

    A really good friend of mine used to drink box wine (gah) every election night like it was the biggest night ever; he died at 52 of liver failure. Every election night, I think of him. RIP, Jay.
    Last edited by allegro; 11-02-2018 at 10:04 PM.

  28. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Watching Obama stump for Gillum and Nelson in Florida and some crazy asshole hecklers are screaming shit at him and interrupting him.


    My Mom was on the phone asking me last night, “these conservative Trump people, why are they so MEAN? So heartless and so uncaring? Do they only care about money?”

    Well, that and hate and fear and guns.
    was watching the young Turks they send this one poor lady out to all the trump rallies this one guy said his sister was some stupid liberal in Washington state he actually said, if there was a civil war and she was on the wrong side he would shoot her in the face. his own sister. they are so blinded by rage and hate there is no longer reality. the whole caravan thing has turned into a comedy. he doesn't even attempt to tell the truth anymore. they'd be better off becoming Scientologists at least they could claim tom cruise and john Travolta as one of their clan i guess it's Klan
    Last edited by Louie_Cypher; 11-02-2018 at 09:55 PM.

  29. #89
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    Oof. Sorry to hear about your friend...that's rough

    I feel like I was one of the few people who called 2016. Every time someone said he'd fail, he only got further. One of my friends is a political strategist in FL and is amazing at analysis and told me in October 2015 that the guy *couldn't* - not wouldn't, but couldn't - win the primary. He's helped elect Democrats to historically Republican seats. He knows how to read things....usually. As soon as I saw him blow that call, I knew we were dealing with something different.

    Granted, I'm prone to pessimism. I very frequently employ the "expect the worst so you can be pleasantly surprised if something else happens" mentality. So while I kind of expected the outcome, I didn't necessarily believe that it would happen, if that makes sense.

  30. #90
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    Yeah @theimage13 ,it's a trip. My mom called it too, from the get go. As soon as she saw the PRIMARY debate, she called it. My wife and I laughed at her. A newscaster bet her life trump wouldn't win.

    This time I think we've got a good chance. And with Beto, I don't expect him to win, but will be SO thrilled if he does. And I think he has a chance.

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