Quote Originally Posted by Mantra View Post
Yeah, I just don't buy this theory that the EC somehow prevents the situation where a small number of states dominate the elections. That is literally the exact situation that we face every single election. All that changes with the EC is that it switches what those states are. So rather than the election being dominated by CA, NY and TX, our elections instead are dominated by OH, PA, and FL. How is that better in anyway whatsoever?
this is a huge problem. it's def time for a congressional congress. although people smirk when i say this. to put simply time to move our democracy into the the 21st century. there our a ton of things to review examine, 2nd amendment, private money gerrymandering 13th amendment, electronic voting machines. not to throw shade the founders did an amazing job. but maybe just me. but the intentions were that it would be a living document.