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Thread: God Break Down the Door - first single

  1. #541
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    Why isn’t anyone talking about the God reference? I think that’s the most relevant thing here.
    Not whether it’s an LP or EP.
    Not his crooning like Bowie.

    Nine Inch Nails has always represented a very anti-God, anti-religion perspective, and for the first time really....

    Trent is asking for God’s help to break down the door?
    A God mention in song title?

    Woof. Missing the bigger story here.

    I need more thoughts on things that matter.
    And more shutting the fuck up about shit that doesn’t.
    Last edited by Buzz; 05-22-2018 at 10:02 AM.

  2. #542
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    God Break Down the Door - first single

    Quote Originally Posted by Buzz View Post
    Why isn’t anyone talking about the God reference? I think that’s the most relevant thing here.
    Not whether it’s an LP or EP.
    Not his crooning like Bowie.

    Nine Inch Nails has always represented a very anti-God, anti-religion perspective, and for the first really....

    Trent is asking for God’s help to break down the door?

    I need more thoughts on things that matter. And more shutting the fuck up about shit that doesn’t.
    I posted this way up the thread. But the short answer is: Trent does believe in God, but (as you would expect from the lyrics, some of which are personal and others which are about a character, like on TDS), he's not a fan or a member of any particular religion.

    The songs that do sound pretty anti-religion still seem to be about a betrayal of faith, which would require there to be some kinda faith in the first place to be betrayed. Like "Terrible Lie" or raging against the hypocrisy of right-wing Christianity in "Heresy," or about "God himself" reaching his arm through to push you down on "The Wretched," they don't question the existence of God, but the nature of him/it and why existence is so punishing. And then there are much more recent songs like "Find My Way" where there's a very uncontroversial affirmation of faith (oh dear Lord, hear my prayer).

    "Heresy"'s famous line about god being dead is actually printed as "your god is dead," in the lyric sheet, meaning the God of the religious right, even though the "your" is only sung once at the end.

    Here's a quote from an article:

    Brody Dalle: T-Dog, do you believe in God?

    “I do. I take comfort in thinking there’s some purpose and higher power of some sort. I’m not affiliated with any particular religion but that gives me some sense of comfort. I’ve had some dark days through the years and been through some shit that makes me think there is some reason here and it’s beyond just physics and biology.”


    I'm not religious, and the idea of a God doesn't make much sense to me, but I do find myself kind of searching for something like what he describes there after having some really, really rough times myself. It seems like it would be a comfort.
    Last edited by Pbgut; 05-22-2018 at 09:55 AM.

  3. #543
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    Find My Way has him saying “Lord my path has gone astray” and he’s mentioned in interviews from the past 8 years that he’s got a belief in some form of a higher power. You can be anti-religion and anti-dogma but still have some sort of personal belief system, and I’d be willing to hazard a guess that being a recovered addict boosted that belief in something being out there.

    Terrible Lie has always come across to me as a turmoil-based relationship with a god you struggle to believe in and The Wretched references the feeling of “God himself” oppressing you. The idea of a higher power opening the floodgates leading to answers you don’t want is pretty intimidating IMO and not really at odds with anything from NIN before.

  4. #544
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pbgut View Post
    I posted this way up the thread. But the short answer is: Trent does believe in God, but (as you would expect from the lyrics, some of which are personal and others which are about a character, like on TDS), he's not a fan or a member of any particular religion.

    The songs that do sound pretty anti-religion still seem to be about a betrayal of faith, which would require there to be some kinda faith in the first place to be betrayed. Like "Terrible Lie" or raging against the hypocrisy of right-wing Christianity in "Heresy," or about "God himself" reaching his arm through to push you down on "The Wretched," they don't question the existence of God, but the nature of him/it and why existence is so punishing. And then there are much more recent songs like "Find My Way" where there's a very uncontroversial affirmation of faith (oh dear Lord, hear my prayer).

    "Heresy"'s famous line about god being dead is actually printed as "your god is dead," in the lyric sheet, meaning the God of the religious right, even though the "your" is only sung once at the end.

    Here's a quote from an article:

    Brody Dalle: T-Dog, do you believe in God?

    “I do. I take comfort in thinking there’s some purpose and higher power of some sort. I’m not affiliated with any particular religion but that gives me some sense of comfort. I’ve had some dark days through the years and been through some shit that makes me think there is some reason here and it’s beyond just physics and biology.”


    I'm not religious, and the idea of a God doesn't make much sense to me, but I do find myself kind of searching for something like what he describes there after having some really, really rough times myself. It seems like it would be a comfort.

    This is way more interesting than the other crap people are talking about.

    Is this album going to be not an affirmation of God, but kind of a grown persons acceptance?

  5. #545
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    God Break Down the Door - first single

    Quote Originally Posted by Buzz View Post
    This is way more interesting than the other crap people are talking about.

    Is this album going to be not an affirmation of God, but kind of a grown persons acceptance?
    Trent mentions that the whole trilogy is about trying to find their (I guess NIN's, he doesn't specify) current identity and how they fit into the world now on that new Zane Lowe interview. And how Bad Witch is a rejection of whatever "easy" or "self-destructive" answers they found to those questions on the earlier EPs.

    So, to me, taking that literally, GBTDT is a rejection of the idea that any answers to NIN's (or perhaps music's or art's) value in this high tech, STEM focused, anti-liberal arts world will be found "here," perhaps meaning "here in this framework we've been looking at these questions of our worth in" or maybe "here on Earth in the physical, non-spiritual world." He's asking, I think, for a higher power (whatever that is, exactly, I don't know) for a revelation or an epiphany, because he has failed to find any meaningful answers to his inquiry, and (maybe) feels purposeless, trapped or doubtful of his place in the world as it is in the late early 21st century.

    I'm personally not smart enough to be a computer programmer or anything like that. As a kid, in the 90s, I naively thought the old world of retail stores, the humanities, and music (which is so important to me) would coexist beside the new world of where engineering was a very visible structure supporting newer ways of socializing and networking, maybe out of naive, scared hope. Instead, the world I grew up in is rapidly disappearing, and I find myself feeling like an old man in the first half of my 30s at times. I weirdly relate to the questions posed by Trent, who's about 20 years older than me.
    Last edited by Pbgut; 05-22-2018 at 10:22 AM.

  6. #546
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pbgut View Post
    He's asking, I think, for a higher power (whatever that is, exactly, I don't know) for a revelation or an epiphany, because he has failed to find any meaningful answers to his inquiry
    I think this is absolutely right on.
    I don’t want to get into a long winded diatribe about God and morality, or claim to know the artists mind.
    I see this as kind of a formal acceptance of a higher powers wisdom.
    He went looking for the answers elsewhere but found silence.
    Ironic that he’s now looking to Gods help to break down the door.
    A formal submission really.
    Last edited by Buzz; 05-22-2018 at 11:08 AM.

  7. #547
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    I've just received an official download link from <>. on 5/23 of all days. (sorry, its just that ETS' conspiracy theories are infectious)

    and i still like this song very much.
    Last edited by baudolino; 05-23-2018 at 07:00 AM.

  8. #548
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    Well, a sad thing happened. I started the song again, and I didn't want to finish it. I don't feel it's a bad song. It's not a song I care to listen to. Usually, NIN songs always feel better "in context", so I might listen to it again in the next couple of months. But right now, I don't want to play this song.
    Last edited by PhoenixML; 05-23-2018 at 10:22 AM.

  9. #549
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    Quote Originally Posted by baudolino View Post
    I've just received an official download link from <>. on 5/23 of all days. (sorry, its just that ETS' conspiracy theories are infectious)

    and i still like this song very much.
    Same. A bit late but still nice.

  10. #550
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhoenixML View Post
    Well, a sad thing happened. I started the song, and I didn't want to finish it. I don't feel it's a bad song. It's not a song I care to listen to. Usually, NIN songs always feel better "in context", so I might listen to it again in the next couple of months. But right now, I don't want to play this song.
    So, you didn't hear the amazing ending to the song, then? That's the best part and sounds like "classic NIN" at the end (including the singing). If you're denoted to this band enough to post on a message board, maybe you should try giving the song at least one entire chance? Just a friendly suggestion, maybe you still won't like it, but that ending is killer.

  11. #551
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maximilian View Post
    Gotta say, after numerous listens I don't like this track at all. I would say I like 90% of all NIN songs. I feel like this is just an homage to Bowie and not a single. Still looking forward to the album (of course).

    is 'a warm place' less of a homage? jw

  12. #552
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    Oh, I meant "I started the song again"

  13. #553
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    Quote Originally Posted by laststepdown View Post
    is 'a warm place' less of a homage? jw
    I'd say that's more of a rip-off that wasn't pursued in litigation. Either way, I prefer teitan's version.

  14. #554
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    This was added to the bbc radio 6 music morning show “just added” playlist yesterday

  15. #555
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maximilian View Post
    I'd say that's more of a rip-off that wasn't pursued in litigation. Either way, I prefer teitan's version.
    It was more or less an accident. Even trent thought "this has to be something bowie wrote, there's no way i could of done this". So it was an accidental rip off

  16. #556
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dryalex12 View Post
    It was more or less an accident. Even trent thought "this has to be something bowie wrote, there's no way i could of done this". So it was an accidental rip off
    As it's not even the same thing, it's more an accidental direct inspiration or something

  17. #557
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    I've only heard this track once and it's not bad. I'm kind of digging what he's doing here. There's definitely a David Bowie vibe going on. But it still has this creepy, haunting atmosphere to it. It'll take me a few times to really get into it, but I like that it's something different and totally unexpected.

  18. #558
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    First listen - what the hell?
    Second listen - damn, this is repetitive

    Each additional listen I’ve enjoyed the track more and more. I’m still trying to limit how often I listen, because I tend to burn out on the singles before the albums come out.

  19. #559
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    Quote Originally Posted by Papagolash View Post
    It's not good, at all. One of the worst NIN songs ever IMO. If it turns out that this was an unreleased Bowie track from the Blackstar recordings and he was covering it, that would make sense. It's still a terrible song.

    OK after listening to it quite a few times now in headphones via youtube, I might have overreacted just a tad. What did it was this is so jarring, hearing him sing and sound like that. It just took a bit to acclimate to. I think that's par for the course actually, I think he's sang in a new different way on each EP.

  20. #560
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    It's not uncommon that Trent Reznor has released sort of the "poppy, doesn't quite sound like most of the record it belongs to" track before a full release, or something that feels really different than what you're used to and sets aside as a more unique experience on the record ... I'm guessing this is just in that thought process. if anything it has lots and lots of people talking and thinking about it. Better to polarize the fanbase than be totally predictable (even if that is gonna be awesome).

  21. #561
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    Quote Originally Posted by Papagolash View Post
    OK after listening to it quite a few times now in headphones via youtube, I might have overreacted just a tad. What did it was this is so jarring, hearing him sing and sound like that. It just took a bit to acclimate to. I think that's par for the course actually, I think he's sang in a new different way on each EP.
    That's a couple people now who've gone from absolutely hating the song to enjoying it over the course of the past week. Pretty cool. I was actually surprised anyone had formed any kind of opinion the same day the song leaked. People weren't giving it time to cook. If I see a complicated movie and someone asks me what I think right when the credits roll, my response is often, "I have no idea yet." I have to see if I'm still thinking about it in the morning, contemplate what I think certain elements meant, and generally just get some space from it before I can really start to form an opinion. I liked the song right away, but it felt a little flat at first, whereas somewhere into the first 5-10 listens, something clicked, and I got excited.

  22. #562
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    Excited for the song? Yeah I think so, for sure.

    Excited for the entire record? Holy shit, yes.

  23. #563
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    Is it possibly too much to hope for Perfect Drug finally getting played live, if he's now putting out music that's kind of sort of vaguely reminiscent of that period? A boy can dream.

  24. #564
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    Quote Originally Posted by halo eighteen View Post
    Is it possibly too much to hope for Perfect Drug finally getting played live, if he's now putting out music that's kind of sort of vaguely reminiscent of that period? A boy can dream.
    I'd wager that there is a pretty good chance that a few bars from The Perfect Drug will get tagged into performances of God Break Down The Door. See Closer/The Only Time or Sanctified/Sunspots.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk

  25. #565
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    "Perfect Drug" medley with "Driver Down" into "God Break Down" would be epic!

  26. #566
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    "Perfect Drug" medley with "Driver Down" into "God Break Down" would be epic!
    Just perfect drug live would be epic! But it could only be done once and then shelved... Forever.

  27. #567
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    Quote Originally Posted by nmitchell86 View Post
    Just perfect drug live would be epic! But it could only be done once and then shelved... Forever.
    It will be played. The transition to the quieter coda that has proved problematic will just be the entire band chanting "transition" over the rhythmic static noises.

    I listened to the song yesterday after taking a self-imposed break. Still very cool.

  28. #568
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    Quote Originally Posted by Papagolash View Post
    OK after listening to it quite a few times now in headphones via youtube, I might have overreacted just a tad. What did it was this is so jarring, hearing him sing and sound like that. It just took a bit to acclimate to. I think that's par for the course actually, I think he's sang in a new different way on each EP.
    Even though I've liked it from the get-go, I do feel it's much better via headphones compared to listening in my car (despite a decent car audio setup).

  29. #569
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    remove the pain and push it back in

  30. #570
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZeroSum View Post
    remove the pain and push it back in
    I like this lyric in particular. I can see it meaning:
    -End the pain by inserting the needle (relapsing into drugs)
    -The cylce of feeling pain, relief, pain, in life. Never being free from what haunts you.

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