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Thread: God Break Down the Door - first single

  1. #691
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    Quote Originally Posted by StockAvuryah View Post
    Well I don't know. I have friends interested in NIN who thinks it's great. Mainly thanks to the fact that it's very different. Purely anecdotal, but it just depends on the circle. Seems great if it is original, unexpected and divisive. As long as its 100% what T&A want to share with us.

    Youtube has still 1k dislike, which is sizeable. But who cares about the general opinion anyway.. Anybody can just blurt whatever the moment the track is out. And then go on with something else.
    I've checked and there's a 1/12 of dislikes, which is actually not that great. If you check other NIN videos on the official channel you'll see it's got almost the lowest rate. Came Back Haunted, which also met some criticism, is a bit lower and the video certainly alienataed some viewers. As I said before, well stablished bands tend to get a vast majority of likes by default on youtube, so every dislike counts here.

    Not that I really care, and I think it's an ok song, but far from having met a great deal of enthusiasm among listeners and the youtube rating doesn't disprove it.

  2. #692
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    i have to admit, nine inch nails is such a house hold name that i never care whether they get good buzz, i just hope that i love every release. i assume they will fade in and out of popularity, as they have before.

  3. #693
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    I think that beyond Ghosts I-IV, which was very much marketed clearly as an instrumental only, niche release, that NIN hasn't taken as many musical risks to widen their sound palette as they used to after The Fragile. I'm not sure if the drop off in sales or some of the criticism of TF made Trent revert to the more straight-ahead sound of With Teeth or if he was always going to do something more straightforward, and not explore so much.

    But it's really cool to hear something as strange and different as GBDTD or even "The Lovers," from them, even if it isn't always met with unanimous approval. GBDTD genuinely doesn't sound like almost anything in their catalog, except maybe some elements of "Driver Down." So, beyond the maybe significant downvotes, I'm glad it was made. It shows a discographically pioneering side to NIN that I haven't really seen in a long, long time.

  4. #694
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    sorry for jumping on the wagon so late but i'm fully in love with this sound and general vibe. i'm on board

  5. #695
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    Posting in here because the Bad Witch thread was closed...just checked up on the tracking for my shipping notification that I received for my Bad Witch vinyl order, and although I received the notification on the 14th, and it says it is scheduled to arrive on the 18th, the tracking says it actually has not shipped yet and that just the label was created.

    So....I assume that means I won't be receiving it tomorrow unless there is some super fast shipping haha. Bit of a bummer, I was looking forward to giving it a spin tomorrow after work, but I guess tuesday or wednesday will suffice.

  6. #696
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    Yeah, looks like they made all the labels on Thursday, because that's when most people got notifications, but they're not actually shipped out yet. Hopefully Monday they'll all go out and arrive quickly.

  7. #697
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    That "Remove the pain" outro is still one of the coolest bits from the whole trilogy.

  8. #698
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    Quote Originally Posted by Microwave Jellyfish View Post
    That "Remove the pain" outro is still one of the coolest bits from the whole trilogy.
    the bassline that comes in is just...unghhhhh so fucking good

  9. #699
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    As much as I liked this track, it's even better in the album sequence. The whole thing structurally is like a mini TDS ... starts off very aggressive, moves into a strangely jazzy place, keeps getting weirder and then it ends on a comparatively calmer and conventional note, and it really turns on PTGP and GBDTD.

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