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Thread: Trilogy (NTAE, Add violence, Bad Witch) playing order/theories

  1. #151
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    “Dear World,” and “God Break Down the Door” go quite well together.

  2. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pbgut View Post
    Just wanted to add that while HM was intended to be a look back at his younger self and the TDS era and reflect on where he is now, the trilogy to me seems to be more of its actual successor in terms of sound and spirit: it's unusual (especially Bad Witch), it's aggressive, normal sounds are twisted quite a bit to the point where they're half unrecognizable, and there's a sense of a narrative. HM really grew on me as an album and I like it as a whole, but conceptually it feels like a first draft on an idea that he explored with a two-tiered idea about where both he and society is now much more intriguingly sonically and lyrically on the trilogy.
    I agree with you this trilogy sounds more like a follow up to TDS than HM ever did. HM to me sounds like the "line begins to blur" between HTDA and NIN. I might be alone in that thought, but I'm very happy to see this return to a more abrasive, and twisted sounding world they created here with the trilogy .

  3. #153
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    Read this in a very interesting article about Bowie's Lodger :

    Low was, in Bowie’s own words, “Isn’t it great to be on your own, let’s just pull down the blinds and fuck em all”, a celebration of self-pity.
    “Heroes” saw the individual begin to fight back, but still from a passive-aggressive, me-against-the-world standpoint.
    It’s only with Lodger that Bowie realises that to survive in any meaningful sense, he has to engage with society, and with the rest of the human race.

    Reads like an apt description of some other trilogy, isn't it ? But the conclusion here is different.

  4. #154
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    That’s good insight. I like the connection.

  5. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bachy View Post
    “She’s Gone Away” transitions incredibly well with “I’m Not From This World.”
    My playlist of the trilogy will have these tracks together like this.

  6. #156
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    I feel like im going to spend way too much time organizing my perfect mix

  7. #157
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    A post shared by on

    It May Not Be For You

    The Lovers
    Less Than
    Play The Goddamned Part
    Dear World,
    God Break Down The Door
    She's Gone Away
    I'm Not From This World
    The Idea Of You
    Shit Mirror
    Ahead of Ourselves
    Burning Bright (Field on Fire)
    This Isn't The Place
    Not Anymore
    The Background World
    Over and Out

  8. #158
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    Took some tips from some of you all's mixes and restructured my previous one. Just finished it, and thoroughly enjoyed it.

    1. Branches/Bones
    2. Dear World,
    3. Less Than
    4. The Idea of You
    5. Play The Goddamned Part
    6. The Lovers
    7. Shit Mirror
    8. Ahead of Ourselves
    9. This Isn't The Place
    10. God Break Down The Door
    11. The Background World (seconds half omitted)
    12. She's Gone Away
    13. I'm Not From This World
    14. Burning Bright
    15. Not Anymore
    16. Over and Out

  9. #159
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    Here's my attempt:

    1. Branches/Bones
    2. Less Than
    3. Ahead of Ourselves
    4. Dear World,
    5. The Lovers
    6. Play the Goddamned Part
    7. She's Gone Away
    8. Shit Mirror
    9. God Break Down the Door
    10. This Isn't the Place
    11. Not Anymore
    12. The Idea of You
    13. I'm Not of This World
    14. Burning Bright (Field on Fire)
    15. The Background World (4:05 Version)
    16. Over and Out

    Like most other playlists in this thread, I was going with songs that would flow into each other well, and spreading out the fast songs/slow songs/instrumentals out a bit. I think that if the 3 EPs were released as 1 LP (71 mins long, about 5 mins longer than TDS and YZ), it would be the best NIN album since The Fragile hands down.

    Some cool moments I noticed:

    - The order of NTAE and AV songs remained mostly sequential, but the BW songs ended up being mixed up the most because of their chaotic and unconventional nature (aside from having Over and Out as the closer).
    - The end of Dear World fades perfectly into The Lovers due to the dream-like feel of the latter song.
    - The ringing sound throughout She's Gone Away comes back again at the end of Shit Mirror and end of God Break Down the Door.
    - The very end of Shit Mirror has a sound like someone inhaling, so I placed God Break Down the Door after it because it fits right in with the saxophone to start.
    - The most difficult song to find the right place for in the playlist was The Idea of You for some reason.
    - The sequence of Burning Bright fading into the Background World (shortened to 4:05) transitioning into Over and Out is a heavenly mix of NIN of past, present, and future.
    - If this was a conventional LP, my choice of singles would be She's Gone Away, Less Than, Shit Mirror, and the Background World.

  10. #160
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    I made this cover for my playlist called "Cold and Black and Inifinite" using the poster of the tour and the back cover of Bad Witch.

  11. #161
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    Both Trent and Atticus nod in enthusiastic recognition when Kerrang! mentions the artist Mark Rothko, who was highly prescriptive about the way in which his paintings were displayed in terms of a room’s layout and lighting being conducive to the experience, though they have simpler wishes for the way in which people listen to Nine Inch Nails – even if it seems tricky in the age of shuffled playlists and short attention spans.

    “I’d like people to listen to it how it was intended to be listened to,” says Atticus. “We didn’t put them in a randomiser: a lot of thought went into their order, and there’s meaning throughout the three; within each release and then over the arc of all three. There’s a reason that Branches/Bones starts Not The Actual Events and there’s a reason that Over And Out ends Bad Witch, and they’re connected. I don’t know if anyone will listen to it like that, but that is obviously the hope.”

    “You’ll find if you do take the time to listen to it sequentially, there is an incredible amount of thought that’s gone into that for the discerning listener,” adds Trent. “There is a riddle there; there is a purpose; there’s an intent; there is careful thought of the order of the songs. They were written in that way, they were mixed that way. We’re not demanding that you do that, but this is the type of art that interests us and that we choose to make.”

    “It’s not said with any pomposity,” adds Atticus, by way of clarification.
    “Well, a little bit of pomposity,” laughs Trent. “Because, you know what? Fuck how you listen to music now: that’s how I feel about it. I don’t give a shit if that’s the way it is and music should be free. Fucking go crazy, man. But that’s not the art we make. If you don’t want to listen to it, I don’t give a fuck. Don’t come to the show – I don’t give a shit. I don’t.”

  12. #162
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    Quote Originally Posted by katara View Post
    What? You mean that there was an incredibly obvious answer this whole time? That the music was presented in it's intended form?

    Sounds unlikely. I'm sure we'll figure out the intended order eventually.

  13. #163
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    I can accept that Trent & Atticus intended the trilogy to be heard in the order it was released AND think that it's fun to see what happens when you mix all the tracks into a certain order. I don't know why this is a "this or that" situation for some people. None of us are looking for the REAL album or some key to an ARG. It's just an interesting "what if" exercise for us that has yielded some enjoyable results.
    Last edited by BRoswell; 07-25-2018 at 12:02 AM.

  14. #164
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    It gets really interesting if you mix the tracks and put them all on a CD in that particular order. I did that and I must say, it is such a fun experiment and pretty convenient when playing it in a long car ride at night.

  15. #165
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    You can go back pages in this thread and find people talking about some "alternative ending" and how the reversed TDS tracks *must* fit into Trent's intended playing order somehow. It's cool to do this just for fun but there's definitely at least a few people who literally thought there was a secret tracklisting they had to unlock or something lol. This happened with the release of the newest Death Grips album too. Literally not even a day after the album dropped people were rearranging things trying to find the "real" tracklisting. I don't understand it.

  16. #166
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    Quote Originally Posted by Airbornefeline View Post
    You can go back pages in this thread and find people talking about some "alternative ending" and how the reversed TDS tracks *must* fit into Trent's intended playing order somehow. It's cool to do this just for fun but there's definitely at least a few people who literally thought there was a secret tracklisting they had to unlock or something lol. This happened with the release of the newest Death Grips album too. Literally not even a day after the album dropped people were rearranging things trying to find the "real" tracklisting. I don't understand it.
    Lol no, nobody said that, you're spinning it how you want. It can fit, you can prefer it this way, whether they thought of it or not. But if things exist they have a place, a purpose, a meaning, you can interpret how you want. If you don't understand it, that's no big deal. That's alright.

    (There may be like one guy alone thinking, omg of course it's a super deep puzzle, but he's forgotten already. Let's not put down interpretations of art down as this kind of thing. I know it's hard to decipher when not used to it.)
    Last edited by StockAvuryah; 07-25-2018 at 06:01 PM.

  17. #167
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    Quote Originally Posted by StockAvuryah View Post
    Lol no, nobody said that, you're spinning it how you want. It can fit, you can prefer it this way, whether they thought of it or not. But if things exist they have a place, a purpose, a meaning, you can interpret how you want. If you don't understand it, that's no big deal. That's alright.

    (There may be like one guy alone thinking, omg of course it's a super deep puzzle, but he's forgotten already. Let's not put down interpretations of art down as this kind of thing. I know it's hard to decipher when not used to it.)
    Lmao you're not only terrible at reading comprehension based on your entirely off-base assessment of me "putting down interpretations of art" but also so fucking unnecessarily condescending. Not even just in this specific post, it's a pretty common thing for you from what i've seen. I'm adding you to my ignore list.

  18. #168
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    It's no different than people doing remixes. It's just a different way of interpreting released material. You don't have to "get it", but I think putting people down for trying it out is pretty lame.

  19. #169
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    I don't see where I put anyone down for doing this in the slightest. I literally said it's "cool to do this for fun". You guys seem to be skimming over that part and adding something else to what i said entirely lol.

  20. #170
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    Thanks for that Kerrang link. Wow.

    Also, I recently listened to the full trilogy in chronological order during a car ride. It ends up having a more dour and depressive arc than I'd like...but it is tremendously impressive.

  21. #171
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    Not The Analog Events

    Pinion/Halloween (Intro)
    Shit Mirror (No Mutation)
    Not Anymore
    Dear World
    Play The Goddamned Part
    God Break Down The Door
    Burning Bright (Field On Fire)
    Less Than
    The Idea Of You
    Ahead Of Ourselves
    She's Gone Away
    The Lovers
    I'm Not From This World
    The Background World (tape runs out)

    analog reinterpretation made for fun, to fit on a single side of a cassette. tries to tell a alt story. small easter eggs within. enjoy!

  22. #172
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    when i put this together, my one restriction was that the tracks had to run in the same sequence as their original runs on their own eps/lp. it gave me grounding to think of an over-arching beginning-middle-end. in total, these 16 songs really encompass some of nine inch nails' most diverse body of work, and they work so incredibly well together.

    shit mirror
    ahead of ourselves
    dear world,
    less than
    play the goddamned part
    god break down the door
    she's gone away
    i'm not from this world
    the lovers
    this isn't the place
    the idea of you
    over and out
    burning bright (field on fire)
    not anymore
    the background world

  23. #173
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    It's been a while since I've visited here, but it's good to be back. Anyways, I spent a good few hours actually putting together an alternate playlist just as a fun experiment to change it up from time to time, and to kind of give the experience a different flavor. I didn't expect there to be a whole thread of people here doing that exact thing, but I had hoped, and you lovely people have not let me down!

    So, my goal was just to try and make a fun alternate playlist that flowed really well together, that starts off with the more up front and direct heavy hitters, but then flows into the more moody experimental pieces, while still being broken up with some faster and more aggressive songs in the latter half just to keep the flow interesting and not backload the 2nd half with nothing but slower songs. I also required that all the songs be included and uncut from their original form. Also, I wasn't too concerned with lyrical continuity, as I feel the original order is the definitive order, and this list is not intended to replace that or anything. I just wanted an alternative order that also just "feels right" to accomodate for varying moods. Although, truth be told, the lyrics may have unintentionally flowed in a weird way too, I just still haven't really dug too deep into the lyrics to the BW songs yet to say for sure.

    Some fun, unintended coincidences came up when I grouped the tracks up this way. The album flows similarly to the way Year Zero does for me, with a couple exceptions (which is cool because they both have 16 tracks). Also, She's Gone Away being positioned the way it is in this playlist made the parallels to Reptile feel even more apparent to me. Lastly, I really debated over how I was going to close the playlist out with Over And Out and The Background World being both top choices, but for the overall flow I was going for, I was surprised but fully enjoy putting O&O before I'm Not From This World and TBW, just because of the positioning of everything that came before. It ends up creating this false ending effect before INFTW creeps in to let you know it's not over yet, and it flows nicely into TBW which of course is also a brilliant closing song in it's own right and the long stretches of static recall the ending of Hurt. Hope you guys enjoy it if you try it.

    1. Branches/Bones
    2. Shit Mirror
    3. Less Than
    4. Dear World,
    5. God Break Down The Door
    6. Ahead Of Ourselves
    7. The Lovers
    8. This Isn't The Place
    9. Not Anymore
    10. The Idea Of You
    11. Play The Goddamned Part
    12. She's Gone Away
    13. Burning Bright (Field On Fire)
    14. Over And Out
    15. I'm Not From This World
    16. The Background World

  24. #174
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    1. Branches/Bones
    2. Dear World,
    3. She’s Gone Away
    4. The Idea of You
    5. Burning Bright (Field on Fire)
    6. Less Than
    7. The Lovers
    8. This Isn’t the Place
    9. Not Anymore
    10. The Background World
    11. Shit Mirror
    12. Ahead of Ourselves
    13. Play the Goddamned Part
    14. God Break Down the Door
    15. I’m Not from This World
    16. Over and Out

  25. #175
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    I made another alt playlist, because why not make one that is an alternate soundtrack to Lost Highway? It combines tracks from the OST, The fragile (outtakes), and the trilogy.

    1. Nine Inch Nails - One Way To Get There (02:44)
    2. Nine Inch Nails - Driver Down (05:18)
    3. Nine Inch Nails - Burning Bright (Field on Fire) (05:49)
    4. Nine Inch Nails - Dear World, (04:06)
    5. Nine Inch Nails - The Idea of You (03:27)
    6. Nine Inch Nails - She’s Gone Away (05:59)
    7. Nine Inch Nails - THE LOVERS (04:09)
    8. Nine Inch Nails - Play the Goddamned Part (04:51)
    9. Nine Inch Nails - God Break Down the Door (04:15)
    10. Nine Inch Nails - Last Heard From (02:06)
    11. Nine Inch Nails - Videodrones-Questions (00:44)
    12. Nine Inch Nails - The Perfect Drug (05:15)
    13. Nine Inch Nails - White Mask (03:22)
    14. Nine Inch Nails - I'm Not from This World (06:41)
    15. David Bowie [mix by T. Reznor] - I'm Deranged [Reprise] (03:46)

  26. #176
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    I've discovered a secret behind the new trilogy. It is going to require more studying and attention to detail before I can present this. I can't decide if I should make a video or a detailed post. Either way, it's going to require some work.

    I can't stop myself from at least saying this much because the passion and excitement of this is killing me. And this is the first place I would ever come with NIN content.

    If I had a way of contacting Trent Reznor, I would approach him before posting anything online about this.

    Stay tuned.

  27. #177
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsectGod View Post
    I made another alt playlist, because why not make one that is an alternate soundtrack to Lost Highway? It combines tracks from the OST, The fragile (outtakes), and the trilogy.

    1. Nine Inch Nails - One Way To Get There (02:44)
    2. Nine Inch Nails - Driver Down (05:18)
    3. Nine Inch Nails - Burning Bright (Field on Fire) (05:49)
    4. Nine Inch Nails - Dear World, (04:06)
    5. Nine Inch Nails - The Idea of You (03:27)
    6. Nine Inch Nails - She’s Gone Away (05:59)
    7. Nine Inch Nails - THE LOVERS (04:09)
    8. Nine Inch Nails - Play the Goddamned Part (04:51)
    9. Nine Inch Nails - God Break Down the Door (04:15)
    10. Nine Inch Nails - Last Heard From (02:06)
    11. Nine Inch Nails - Videodrones-Questions (00:44)
    12. Nine Inch Nails - The Perfect Drug (05:15)
    13. Nine Inch Nails - White Mask (03:22)
    14. Nine Inch Nails - I'm Not from This World (06:41)
    15. David Bowie [mix by T. Reznor] - I'm Deranged [Reprise] (03:46)
    I'll give it a listen, thanks for sharing!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  28. #178
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    NIN released the official artwork and playlist of the Trilogy:

    No alarms and no surprises.

  29. #179
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    I mentioned earlier that I've come across something special regarding the new trilogy. I tried to post this on YouTube a few hours ago after sitting on this for a week and deciding a video format would be best to present it. However, it was immediately blocked for copyright reasons both visually and musically.

    Does anyone know the best method of getting this online for people to see? I tried contesting the copyright, but was immediately denied. YouTube just doesn't seem like it will cut it.

    I'm excited to get this out there!

  30. #180
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    Quote Originally Posted by RevolvingSheep View Post
    I mentioned earlier that I've come across something special regarding the new trilogy. I tried to post this on YouTube a few hours ago after sitting on this for a week and deciding a video format would be best to present it. However, it was immediately blocked for copyright reasons both visually and musically.

    Does anyone know the best method of getting this online for people to see? I tried contesting the copyright, but was immediately denied. YouTube just doesn't seem like it will cut it.

    I'm excited to get this out there!
    Honestly I've been waiting to see what this may be after the other post. You can always upload to Google drive and share the video publicly. Otherwise there is a multitude of video hosting sites out there

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