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Thread: Dexter

  1. #301
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    Very disappointed with the past few episodes. We continue to waste time on Masuka and his daughter, Quinn and Jamie and now this new protege. They better have big payoffs. Vogel lost all of her coolness. And now Hanna is back. This is the last god damn season of Dexter and it sure as hell doesn't feel like it. Time to turn it up.

  2. #302
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    Quote Originally Posted by Denim Chicken View Post
    Very disappointed with the past few episodes. We continue to waste time on Masuka and his daughter, Quinn and Jamie and now this new protege. They better have big payoffs. Vogel lost all of her coolness. And now Hanna is back. This is the last god damn season of Dexter and it sure as hell doesn't feel like it. Time to turn it up.

    I agree. The season started off with a bang, but I don't like when they put half plots in the show. I like the past Dexter seasons when Dex is dealing with a main problem throughout the entire season instead of having the brain surgeon, and now his protege.

  3. #303
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    I agree. The season started off with a bang, but I don't like when they put half plots in the show. I like the past Dexter seasons when Dex is dealing with a main problem throughout the entire season instead of having the brain surgeon, and now his protege.
    yeah, the writers just don't look like they know how should end, so they are throwing everything into this season. as a result, everything feels halfassed, and sort of up in the air.

    particular points of conflict:

    wtf happened to deb shooting the guy and stealing the diamonds / jewelery?

    miami metro isn't at all curious why the car dex took is now at the bottom of a lake?

    the brain surgeon seemed hyper focused on vogel, and supposedly knew that she had a champion, later on when dex confronts the supposed brain surgeon the bs seems surprised that dex is acting with vogel to check up on him, also he's got a fucked up m.o. if he is one and the same, his thing seemed to be feet, yet he apparently breaks that pattern of behavior and also starts brain cutting and leaving the bodies for display? maybe dex is so overwhelmed w/ deb, vogel, the padawn learner, his son, et al, but if the foot guy wasn't also the brain surgeon it would be nice to see dex question why it all isn't lining up.

    the cannibal, this felt kinda plug & play, ok for a random villain of the week, but this season could / should have so much else going on. (i'm nitpicking here)

    i know there were some time jumps, but deb goes through recovery awfully fast.

    wtf in making zach into dex 2.0 at what point would that have really seemed like a good idea to anyone.

    hannah. i may have to re-watch that episode and hope it makes a lick of sense in the 3rd or 4th viewing, it just seemed all over the map.

    quinn & jaime, matuzaka & daughter, quinn vs the exam, these are decent plots knowing this is the last season, it feels right that there should be some focus on the supporting characters.

  4. #304
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    So no Hanna titties, but we get Dexter's ass. Twice. Fucking hate this season.

  5. #305
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    What the fuck? No Yvonne Strahovski nudity? Fuck that!

  6. #306
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    That was a very awkward episode. The ending was really rushed. I actually did like the stupid humor between Dexter and Zach. But that dinner scene was pretty bad. At least judging from the preview things are going to pick up and we'll get some momentum going towards the finale. Also looks like the spoilers I read are true, so far. I wish I didn't read them now but once I start I cannot stop myself.

  7. #307
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    So this is confirmed the last season of dexter? like only 5 more episodes? sure as shit doesn't feel like it. And I 100% agree with Denim Chicken(hehe) The ending was super rushed!!! Zack got killed by the brain surgeon and mailed the brain to vogel? or did that ending reveal that Vogel is the brain surgeon?! I'm lost and confused.

  8. #308
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    Quote Originally Posted by Broadbent View Post
    So this is confirmed the last season of dexter? like only 5 more episodes? sure as shit doesn't feel like it. And I 100% agree with Denim Chicken(hehe) The ending was super rushed!!! Zack got killed by the brain surgeon and mailed the brain to vogel? or did that ending reveal that Vogel is the brain surgeon?! I'm lost and confused.
    I got the sense that she is the brain surgeon.. but who the hell knows. I was REALLY liking the humor and the banter with Zach and Dexter when they found him in the motel and thought to myself "This actually might not be that bad of an idea"... but now he is dead..... blahhhh what the fuck is up with this season??? I'm watching all the seasons over again and I'm up to season 4 right now... WHY CAN'T WE HAVE MORE SEASONS LIKE THIS????

  9. #309
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    Quote Originally Posted by Broadbent View Post
    So this is confirmed the last season of dexter? like only 5 more episodes? sure as shit doesn't feel like it. And I 100% agree with Denim Chicken(hehe) The ending was super rushed!!! Zack got killed by the brain surgeon and mailed the brain to vogel? or did that ending reveal that Vogel is the brain surgeon?! I'm lost and confused.
    I think this points to her. I wondered back a few episodes if it could be her, as it seems no definitive guy was caught who was the brain surgeon. All I could think of when she was sitting at the table with the 3 was Hannibal Lecter. I kept wondering what was in the food.

  10. #310
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    Right, so...

    a) Vogel had a son who ABSOLUTELY fit the profile of the brain surgeon and who had supposedly died (but the body was unrecognisable), yet did not think it relevant enough to mention earlier?

    b) Hannah McKay's face is plastered all over Miami and she is being actively hunted, and she wears a !!bright pink sexy dress!! LOOK HERE GUYS!

    Last edited by Alexandros; 08-26-2013 at 09:55 AM.

  11. #311
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    Ha I know it really seems like they're not even trying anymore. How about a hair cut? Or a color change? Something?

    And I know this show has been filled with ridiculous coincidences, contrivances, holes etc, but I think my favorite now is Dexter having a picture of a 12 year old Saxon aging it 40 years, saying it could be "everybody, anybody" and then on his first try changing hair color and adding a 5 o'clock shadow and ding ding ding!: Hey that looks like Cassie's boyfriend. Incredible. At least have him try a few things and like rub his eyes or something like its some kind of tedious challenge.

    I also am not a fan of the brain surgeon as the final big bad Dexter faces. Should have saved the season 2 plot line as the final season. 3 episodes to change my mind.

  12. #312
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    The last couple of episodes in the coming attractions looks like it really picks up... but why so late?? There were so many filler episodes this season.

  13. #313
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    Seems like next ep, someone big is gonna get it.

  14. #314
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    Hey, the writers finally realized the end of the show is coming soon!

  15. #315
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    Fucking kill somebody.

  16. #316
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    I think Vogel will kill someone. Maybe she will kill Dexter to protect her son. There is no guarantee that Dexter gets out of this alive.

  17. #317
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    I have a feeling that he is going to get more distracted than he already is and will get caught. I think he is going to get lazy with the Marshall and have to end up killing him under severe circumstances, or get caught by him. I just would really like to see some motivation on how this is all going to end.. it seems like they brought Vogel's son in awfully late. I would have loved to see David's creepy ass face throughout more of the season.

  18. #318
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    Good to see that the show is finally starting to pick up a bit. It is not the epic finale I was hoping for, but I'm at least entertained.

  19. #319
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    I thought the episode was only meh. Hannah is just dumb. How she's been able to function in society pre-dexter is beyond me. She didn't even put on a hat when she took Harrison to the clinic. The make up between quinn and deb was also just too clean and easy. It's clear the writers didn't know what to do with all the time allotted for the final season.

  20. #320
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    I thought the episode was only meh. Hannah is just dumb. How she's been able to function in society pre-dexter is beyond me. She didn't even put on a hat when she took Harrison to the clinic. The make up between quinn and deb was also just too clean and easy. It's clear the writers didn't know what to do with all the time allotted for the final season.

    Yes! I'm not one too complain about something not being realistic, but honestly what the fuck. If you're a wanted fugitive don't you think it wouldn't be a bad idea to I don't know atleast dye your hair or something. This plot hole is almost making me not want to watch.

  21. #321
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    I just watched the last episode, and I think I need to rewatch it.

    I think they wanted me to care about Vogel, and find the Brain Surgeon menacing. I didn't do either thing, so clearly I have failed as a viewer and will try to do those things if I watch again.

    Fuck, this show went way downhill.

  22. #322
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    I think I have said this before but everything just seems so rushed and thrown in my face. The last 4 episodes (besides some good scenes) have been boring and some of the worst episodes of Dexter I have ever seen. Sorry to say because the season started out so well and meandered into a boring, rushed mess. The last couple of episodes look fantastic... but since this is really it for the show, I was expecting some more jaw droppers and at least a recurring main character to die or do something drastic that changes the whole pace of the show. Meh... wishful thinking now.

    Who wants to bet something happens to Deb??

  23. #323
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    well they're obviously trying to set it up so that it seems like with Dexter gone Deb will actually end up thriving..maybe Dexter will die/get caught and Deb will raise Harrison, get back with Joey and back on the force. But that would be too easy..maybe they'll all die!

    I agree that these last few episodes have been terrible though and its a real shame cause I don't even care what happens anymore. Couldn't give a shit about Vogel and her son. would be a bit sad if they killed off Harrison however.

  24. #324
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    Can't wait to never have to watch this show again.

  25. #325
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    Dexter will sacrifice himself. (2 seasons too late)

  26. #326
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    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post
    I just watched the last episode, and I think I need to rewatch it.

    I think they wanted me to care about Vogel, and find the Brain Surgeon menacing. I didn't do either thing, so clearly I have failed as a viewer and will try to do those things if I watch again.

    Fuck, this show went way downhill.
    agreed on vogel.

    i did find the Brain Surgeon menacing, fundamentally he's as resourceful as dex and does not have the code to limit him. how the story this season has involved him is a bit of a mystery though, as far as what he really wants or what his endgame is.

    likewise i think the writers dropped the ball here, they tried to give all of us the impression that he was wrapped up weeks ago, but that was the wrong guy, and never really explained why a group of folks (ie a psychopath expert vogel, a formerly good cop deb, and dexter - all fell for the wrong guy and didn't have any second thoughts on it)

    when the brain surgeon killed zach - that was a "yes" moment for me, and a sign of some redemption for this season, yet it has mostly been dull.

    of all the directions the show could have gone, it fels like they took the path of least resistance, dex doesn't seem to have much of a need / desire to kill, even his vocalizations about protecting vogel seemed half hearted.

    miami metro is still a complete side show and of no consequence to dex's operations - there was so much potential there and it just feels wasted.

    the marshals looking for hannah is at least a step in the right direction, but again seems to fail in the execution.

    this last episode did have some good elements to it, but it felt like is was mostly filler stuff, not hey this whole show ends in 2 weeks...

    this show used to be masterful at ratcheting up the tension on dex who was usually struggling with multiple challenges, this season those moments of tension have largely been missing, or too quickly resolved.

  27. #327
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    Dexter's definitely not what it used to be, but did you happen to catch Michael C. Hall on The Daily Show? He came off like a serial killer playing an actor who plays a serial killer as an elaborate ruse.

    Dude is fucking creeepy!

  28. #328
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    It's not the worst season. It's actually pretty good.
    Problem is, this is the final season. It should not be just good. It should be exceptional.

  29. #329
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    It's not pretty good. It's terrible. It's full of half assed plots, there's little to none character development, random killings appear just for shock value or cliffhanging. Actions don't have consequences. Not to mention those terrible terrible plot holes and every character acting ridicolously stupid.

  30. #330
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    They could have made something really incredible with Zack and the relationship that him and Dexter were finally making; I was actually really liking the way they conversed since it gave a more humorous, refreshing touch to the season. There was NO reason to kill him whatsoever.

    Biggest problems IMO:

    -Killing off Zack

    - Introducing Saxon way too late

    - Bringing fucking Hannah back into the picture

    Really cannot believe this is it... the episodes lately have been so predicable it makes me want to gag. I watched seasons 1-5 again and when you watch those seasons compared to this one??? It makes season 8 look really bad.. Especially seasons 4 and 5.

    Where the fuck did THIS emotion go??

    Last edited by Self.Destructive.Pattern; 09-17-2013 at 06:24 PM.

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