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Thread: Bad Witch LP, out June 22 (thread pt 3) SPOILERS

  1. #901
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    I know most of you have received the album so you are aware of the personnel on each track, but could it be possible that the voice heard on over and out is Atticus. Seems very unlikely but you never know

  2. #902
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    'Shit Mirror' is the beat that's stuck in my head when I'm not actively listening to BW!

    TR/AR think it's hard to recognize themselves today; but I think in reality they are finding it hard to relate to who they were yesterday. If you cannot relate to yourself from yesterday or today then damn.... who are you.

  3. #903
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    Half way through Ahead of Ourselves. I’m getting reminded of Prick’s The Wreckard in all the best ways.

  4. #904
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elrickooo View Post
    I know most of you have received the album so you are aware of the personnel on each track, but could it be possible that the voice heard on over and out is Atticus. Seems very unlikely but you never know
    I don’t get why people can’t accept that’s Trent’s voice. Trent even said he sings in that register on this album.

  5. #905
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pbgut View Post
    Where's the cool new video. I need a new NIN video. A performance video or a cutting edge deepfake of Trent as his younger self being a huge jerk for "Shit Mirror." Gimme something.
    Yeah it’s time for a performance/rehearsal video. We deserve it.

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  6. #906
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    Yeah it’s time for a performance/rehearsal video. We deserve it.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Give me one for Shit Mirror or an awesome jam video for Over And Out and I'll swoon.

  7. #907
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elrickooo View Post
    I know most of you have received the album so you are aware of the personnel on each track, but could it be possible that the voice heard on over and out is Atticus. Seems very unlikely but you never know
    Has Atticus ever been known to sing on the projects he works on?

  8. #908
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    Quote Originally Posted by snaapz View Post
    'Shit Mirror' is the beat that's stuck in my head when I'm not actively listening to BW!
    Mine too. Except when I get to the lyrics I sing "GOT A NEW DANCE AND IT GOES LIKE THIS". idk why

  9. #909
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elrickooo View Post
    I know most of you have received the album so you are aware of the personnel on each track, but could it be possible that the voice heard on over and out is Atticus. Seems very unlikely but you never know
    They finally found that De-British-izer plugin for him?

  10. #910
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    When you guys compared Trents voice on some of the tracks to Bowie and Murphy I was kinda afraid that would sound too off-putting to enjoy the songs, tbh, but Trent does a great job here, actually.

  11. #911
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    I hope the weird bowie singing thing dies with this record. Like, he can sing and everything and it's not really bad but.

    I just don't like it. At all.

  12. #912
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    I wonder if the extra lyrics in GBDTD were ever going to be sung and then paired down or scrapped. I also wonder the same for INFTW.

  13. #913
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    I just listened to it, and it’s fucking flawless.

    DYNAMICS, layers, unpredictable, flows flawlessly, Trents vocals are awesome, BASS, anxiety... it’s a dark trip.

    This one goes on top of the shelf, above everything else in NIN’s catalogue.

  14. #914
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    Has it been 100% confirmed that there are Variants to the cover artwork? Can anyone post a pic comparing the physical variants?

  15. #915
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    This album on its own flows very well and super easy for me to just dive back into. All the songs mesh well together and like it's been said already GBDTD sounds even better in context with the others. Its length definitely left me wanting to hear more of this style of nin but its better than feeling like it wore out its welcome.

    Thematically for Bad Witch, I wonder if Trent has read up on anything involving the physicist Michio Kaku. The interview at made me think of Kaku's types of civilizations concept when Trent is talking about where we're headed. Here is a youtube vid of Michio explaining it.

  16. #916
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    Yeah the more I listen to this, it's easily in my top five albums of the year so far.

  17. #917
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    Shit Mirror sounds like the "solo" from Gave up had a child with getting smaller, no you don't and last
    and it sounds beautiful

  18. #918
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    just dropped by to say that "over and out" is super-fantastic on headphones. i really got heavy goosebumps, something i am actually too old for.
    wrong forum maybe, i know: but i would love to see nine inch nails on egotrip in berlin, playing nearly only new material. <3
    all in all (the three e.p.'s, or albums) are clearly the best since "the fragile". by far in my opinion. especially on headphones.

  19. #919
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    Quote Originally Posted by notsoprettynow View Post
    just dropped by to say that "over and out" is super-fantastic on headphones. i really got heavy goosebumps, something i am actually too old for.
    how can you be too old to have a strong emotional reaction to something? that's weird.

  20. #920
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    “I’m not from this world” is my top atm

    Couldn’t find a physical copy in record stores this lunchtime

  21. #921
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    Ian Astbury on song credits for 'Shit Mirror"....How much longer must I wait for the Robert Smith/Trent Reznor collab...Or Dave Gahan and Trent

  22. #922
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    Merchbar just said “due to unforeseen manufacturing delays” the Spotify white vinyl won’t ship until “the week of June 25.”

  23. #923
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    File under: Extremely predictable...
    Attached Images Attached Images

  24. #924
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    I know I'm going to need to listen to Bad Witch a lot more times while giving it more time, but it certainly jumped at me even faster than Not The Actual Events and Add Violence. I also always liked how overall anticipations and chills upon a new Nine Inch Nails album has always remained the same for me. As much as this might look like an exaggeration, it sort of gives me that feeling when I listened to NIN for the very first time in my life back in 2002 every time Trent releases a new album. It's one of the biggest reasons as to why I ever became a fan and why still I keep coming back for more.

    So far, Shit Mirror, Ahead of Ourselves and Over and Out have become instant favorites.

    And altogether, what an even more impressive way to wrap up the trilogy before Pretty Hate Machine turns 30. This ride just keeps getting better and better.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 06-22-2018 at 04:15 PM.

  25. #925
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    how can you be too old to have a strong emotional reaction to something? that's weird.
    in terms of fandom i probably mean

  26. #926
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    Seeing these Facebook comments about how much Bad Witch sucks is giving me the same feeling of disdain I feel towards others when they say With Teeth is the best NIN album (I enjoy most of With Teeth, and absolutely love parts of it, but come on...). Do these people even like this band? Have they even thought about what the band *does*, and what makes NIN unique, like, at all?
    Last edited by ZeroSum; 06-22-2018 at 04:25 PM.

  27. #927
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    Seems to me that a lot of those fans just want what I call "angry white boy" music. They just want something they can play loud while they pretend that they're in one of those shitty Fast & The Furious films.

  28. #928
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    so, i broke down and listened to my MP3 download because i stayed home sick today, i've been feeling miserable, and i couldn't wait another day to go pick up the vinyl from my parents' house.

    it's definitely my favorite of the trilogy, and also feels like a perfect and natural conclusion to the trilogy. every song had something a little different to offer, much like the two EPs, which i loved; it doesn't feel like there's any repetition, only forward momentum. shit mirror is such a good opener, ahead of ourselves is fucking brutal, play the god damned part is an incredible instrumental and there's SO MUCH SAX i fucking love it. god break down the door feels even better snuggled in the middle of this album, i'm not from this world is one of the creepiest things i've ever heard (i kept picturing one of the creatures from the descent dragging a limp but not quite dead body along the cave floor), and over and out is one of the most beautiful songs i've heard in a while—i started crying as soon as the vocals came in.

    i'm glad i listened because i'm feeling a bit better than i had been all day. this album is truly remarkable and i can't wait to listen to it over and over again.

  29. #929
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    My initial thoughts, after waiting for the audio:

    About a month ago I wrote

    If Bad Witch is long enough to qualify as an LP as opposed to an EP, I have a hard time imagining any of the tracks will be instrumental. And if it does include any instrumentals, it will be the first installment of the trilogy to do so. With Atticus being part of NIN now, I feel like Trent's vocal presence has an even more important role in defining Nine Inch Nails versus scoring work. Which is not to say that they won't write instrumentals under Nine Inch Nails - just that I don't think Bad Witch will contain any. But we'll see I guess.
    So I just want to give myself a moment of acknowledgment for being as wrong as possible. And I'm grateful that I was.

    Both Play The Goddamned Part and I'm Not From This World are, to my ears, a completely different experience than Trent and Atticus's scores. There are some similar textures and sound but these pieces are really imposing and demanding of the listener, emphasizing they are a narrative in and of themselves and not designed to dress another medium like the soundtrack material. Daring, immersive, and extremely creepy

    It's not easy to be the best opener of the trilogy but I think Shit Mirror wins. It's as aggressive as Branches/Bones, catchier than Less Than, and unsettles as it gets stuck in your head. The bathroom floor line is incredibly disturbing and was a perfect way to display the sheer toxicity coursing through this record.

    Ahead of Ourselves is basically the thesis of the record as described in the recent interviews and it's as awesome as it is furious and despairing. God damn.

    I waited to listen to God Break Down the Door within the album and after seeing so many Bowie comparisons when it was originally released, it was so, so different than what I was expecting. Extremely hypnotic and striking in its unearthliness. Another track that had me thankful for just how "out there" the whole trilogy has been.

    I thought Not The Actual Events was going to be the most avant garde of the trilogy but I'm stoked to, again, be proven completely wrong. This thing is dense and disturbing and propulsive and seductive until the finale of Over and Out, which just hit me as this fittingly depressive, apathetic coda to the whole trilogy. You have the answers, but they just leave you gutted and wondering why you even bothered trying to find them, why you're even bothering to keep breathing.

    I think it's safe to say, with the whole trilogy before us now, that explores many of the same themes of Hesitation Marks in the exact opposite direction. Both deal with the tension between current Trent Reznor and his old self-destructive tendencies, but the trilogy of Not The Actual Events - Add Violence - Bad Witch represents a drastically different, much darker and more horrifying expression of this conflict, one with a particularly nihilistic climax. Trent has always mined incredibly painful spaces mentally for his art, and it's something I've always admired and respected about him, something that makes the art more real and powerful. But even with that in mind, when I listen to his rationale behind Not The Actual Events or the Song Exploder podcast on The Lovers or this entire album, all over again I am ridiculously impressed by how persistently he drives to examine the ugliest corners of his brain in his quest for artistic honesty.

    It's brilliant music but a very ugly place to throw yourself into mentally, especially with a wife and four kids. But then again, having a wife and four kids as the world goes insane probably makes the darkest parts of yourself a little less frightening to explore.

    So yeah, this trilogy is amazing, and we're so lucky to have Trent and Atticus making music at all, let alone such challenging and powerful work. Off to listen to this a lot of fucking times.

  30. #930
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    The instrument that starts up around the 00:40 mark in “I’m Not From This World” sounds like it came straight out of the video tape from The Ring.

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