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Thread: 2018.06.13 - Las Vegas, NV @ The Joint

  1. #1
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    2018.06.13 - Las Vegas, NV @ The Joint

    Just posting this a little early so you can post your feels as soon as the show is over.

    For the plebs not attending the show, you can post your thoughts in the tour discussion thread.

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  2. #2
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    Wow. Truly the deep cuts setlist. IAOA def the highlight for me.

  3. #3
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    Show was amazing!!! I loved that they opened with metal. So worth the trip. My only complaint is it didn’t go on forever.

  4. #4
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    I have no words for what I just saw, I love this band and all the wonderful people it has led me to knowing so so much, let’s all do this again in 2 days

  5. #5
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    Audio accomplished!!!!!!!

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  6. #6
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    I thought it was amazing. Great set list, great performance. Sounded amazing. One of the best NIN shows I’ve ever seen.

    Heading back to my room I spoke to a few people and I was surprised at how many of them were unimpressed with the lack of an encore. Didn’t bother me.

  7. #7
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    i can die happy knowing that he listened to my request and didn't fucking play closer and the set was perfect without it

    thank you trent

    fuck encores
    Last edited by laststepdown; 06-14-2018 at 02:27 AM.

  8. #8
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    That. Was. Amazing. Some songs I’ve waited forever to see, and some I haven’t seen in ages. Great show, great people up front (except for ‘drunk girl who spills drinks on neighbors’ and ‘guy who sings out of tune and screams Fuck louder than all other words’.), so glad I made it work.

    Can’t wait for Friday.

  9. #9
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    Even Deeper into IDNWT. Seriously good set list full of surprises. I’m excited for this tour

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBang View Post
    Just posting this a little early so you can post your feels as soon as the show is over.

    For the plebs not attending the show, you can post your thoughts in the tour discussion thread.

    A post shared by on

    Thanks for reposting my girlfriend’s ig post

  11. #11
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    Just got back to my hotel room. I love my NIN pit boots but god damn I needed to take them off hours ago.

    I'll probably have to type out my thoughts in full tomorrow. Or after I land in Buffalo Friday morning. Or I'll just keep rambling here.

    I showed up and found a couple walking around in Physical World shirts and stopped them to ask where the fuck I was going. We chatted for a bit, I feel bad for not remembering their names, but they offered a pair of earbuds up in their hotel room because I forgot mine at my hotel room across town.

    Then, I ran into m0reta (sorry again that I totally forgot to text you that I was on my way!) and she took care of me, knew where to go and introduced me to some more amazing people in the VIP GA "line" area. Which we renamed the "Emily's friends" line. Security was mostly nice, cracked a few jokes with us and everything, probably the best experience staff-wise I've had at a show.
    It was finally time to go in to get our tickets and such, we had to go in one at a time because they were still doing the soundcheck and didn't want us to hear any of it. At the same time, the merch booth was finally being set up, and we got to glimpse really really quick at what they had for us. I asked them when they'd be open for sales, hoping we could get our merch BEFORE doors. "I heard you may be ready at 6?" "No, not till 7". So I knew right away I'd be doing my usual "go get merch after the show and hope they still have what you want in the size you want (which worked out more than perfectly, as I got the sleeveless shirt in a large... then another one in an XL just in case it shrinks. That thing is SOFT AS FUCK and I WILL WEAR IT FOREVER). But the best part of seeing the merch a little early was I saw when they were opening the package of the foil posters. Say what you want about it, but unless you see them in person, you don't know how beautiful they were. Cellphone pics DO NOT to it justice, that thing is gorgeous. I wasn't able to get one, partially because it was $100 but also because I chose rail spot over merch booth.

    So, got our tickets, and were re-lined up... directly in front of this Nickleback display. Thought that was hilarious. Especially with that funny meme bootleg shirt that made rounds recently with the NIN logo and "Nickleback Is Neat" under it. It was then that I ran into heavenly bearded, signed his shirt, and our little group of new friends grew and grew. Met someone else from Western New York!

    Forward to going inside the venue, everything was handled very well, and I went between being ON the rail in front of Robin and being one back holding the push. Helped hold a spot for a bit, meanwhile a guy we nicknamed "Meatloaf" made all of our lives kinda hell for a while. When he came over, he was already very visibly intoxicated beyond the level someone should be for the show we were about to experience. He came over, drunkenly yelling about how he loves Meatloaf (the band, apparently he doesn't care for the food) and was one of those overly touchy "yeah my man it's all good" kind of guys who tries to squeeze onto the rail. That wasn't happening, and we all made sure of it. He almost started a fight with one guy who was just asking him to stop spilling his drink all over everyone (we sniffed it at one point, it was some hard liquor, really strong shit). Finally a combination of Meatloaf's friend trying to convince him to head back and not push his way up, and another guy swooping in, he was gone. No idea what happened to him, but if he was anywhere in the pit during that show, with how drunk he was, he couldn't have lasted long.

    Had some great "PIT friends" chats otherwise, we all shared our dog photos. Queen Kwong was good, apparently heavier than last time she opened for NIN (this was my first time seeing them). At one point the lead singer just kept bashing her tambourine on the stage until it flew into pieces, one of which landed on the floor just short of the rail. I'll be checking them out on my flight home.

    Then, the show starts. And stops. Sorry guys, I jinxed it. The screens went black, the smoke was pouring out, but it was taking loner than usual. I joked "and then the house lights come up, just kidding!"
    ...and then the house lights came up, smoke stopped, and screens went back to ads.
    Ok, take 2, show actually starts.
    "Oh god yes Pinion... wait... is this... now it's Hesitation Marks! Eater of Dreams what?


    Before I could wrap my head about Metal being the fucking opening song, Me, I'm Not starts. Saying I love this song is an understatement. It's my favorite song off Year Zero, and easily in my top lists, but I've only sen it twice. Once was at Made in America, where the camera man obscured my view so I couldn't get into it, and the second was NIN/Soundgarden, where I had a shitty seat high up. You just can't enjoy some of these songs from a seat more than halfway from the stage.

    The Beginning of the End! Yes! I was hoping the current state of... everything would get us some Year Zero, and it just kept coming with Survivalism. By the end of the night it honestly felt like a protest concert, and it was great!

    March of the Pigs, ok yep time for the BIG push. I think this is when I was finally popped from "both hands on the rail around the person in front of me holding back the pit" to "one hand on the rail slowly being slid between her and Mr. Bearded. Even standing sideways, that song is always a good time.

    I was happy we got The Lovers, ever since the interview where Trent explained that song, I don't know how to explain the feeling, but even having not been through addiction myself I feel a very strong emotional connection to it, and getting that live, it was one of those moments you don't forget.

    Find My Way finished up the TWO SONG slow portion. I've never seen such a short slowdown section.

    Then back to the high-energy with Burn, which I always headbang way too hard for and end up sore from.

    It was 100% worth not listening to God Break Down the Door when it was released because hearing it first live, that was beautiful. I hear the Bowie influence everyone was talking about right away, it was beautiful and really felt like a kind of reaction to his death. And god the chaotic parts, live, were amazing. More of that please Trent. More.

    Letting You, like a lot of songs from that time, had a particularly hyper-relevant feel to it now, especially in the context of the rest of the setlist. I've never rocked so hard for it, and it's always been my favorite song off The Slip.

    Gave Up I think was the part of the show where the front row was basically blinded and we could only see white and Robin's outline. And what an outline it was, lol.

    Trent made a comment along the lines of "this song I wrote when I was in a really bad place" and played Even Deeper, and while anything off The Fragile is always welcomed (Trent we love that album please give us more of it live!) it really fit well with the "someone said they want us to play more deep cuts" vibe the whole show had. And yes, we love the deeper cuts. At some point in the show Trent said that they were just going to play what they wanted to play. If this show was the setlist that you want to play, please continue. Only play what you want. Because that was just beyond words!

    I have to paraphrase an amazing story that completely ruins the aggression of I Do Not Want This. One of my photography professors in college ran a music magazine with her partner back in the 80's and 90's called B-Side. They covered NIN from their first tour until I think Outside with Bowie. In that time, they talked with Trent quite a bit, and were invited out to meet with him and listen to the demo tape he had of TDS. They didn't have anything to listen to it on out there other than in their car, so they drove around and listened a few times I think like a night or so before their interview with him. The next part of the story I will never forget, they got to I Do Not Want This and made a joke about how "so that's why this album took so much longer to put out, Trent was busy trying to 'fuck everyone in the world'." So now its ruined for all of you, too. You're welcome. (No but honestly it's still a great song, especially live!)

    I'm Afraid of Americans, another song that somehow became more relevant that we probably ever imagined it would be. Especially when followed by Less Than (which I had been hoping so hard for them to pay tonight, by far my favorite "single", probably since like Terrible Lie).

    I'll be honest, Came Back Haunted was probably the "low point" with all things considered, I mean when every song is 10/10 and you get a 9/10 it's technically the low point. Even though it's not my favorite song, they did an amazing job.

    Only. I think this is the first time I've seen it without some sort of cool visuals, and I'll say it doesn't need them. Song is solid as fuck with the minimalistic setup.

    Wish started and it honestly felt like a second build to peak before a slower section that never came. The energy the band and pit were giving off was insane.

    Head Like a Hole. Wait, it's ending? Did he just SKIP The Hand That Feeds? Is the 3 H's dead? Then maybe 2 seconds later, I wasn't thinking about any of that. This was my 16th show and I've never experienced HLAH quite like that. I don't know if it was the pacing and energy of the entire setlist building to it, or if it was the complete "FUCK TRUMP" mindset it all had me in, but that was intense.

    Ugh, to be completed later. The only thing I've done since I got back was take off my boots and I'm dead. I'm very dead. But what happened after the show, thanks to some amazing NIN fans and cashing in all of my NIN show karma (which I talked about to my PIT friends before the show, funny enough), I had probably just as amazing of a time after the show.
    I'm so happy the birthday girl (flower?) got the best birthday gift ever.

  12. #12
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    If u were in the pit, i think i was between those same two people. I probably annoyed folks by yelling holy shit before everyone song except 'Hole.

  13. #13
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    Sample from last Night Enjoy !!!!! https://vocaroo.com/i/s0A6DbWg3mKa

  14. #14
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    I don't have anything nearly as eloquent as @sickamongthepure and I don't want to seem hyperbolic, but last night's show was ninety minutes of writhing ecstasy!

  15. #15
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    So I had some time to think about it and I feel that this setlist was a setlist for true fans. I loved every minute of it and there were some deep cuts I haven't heard in almost a decade.

    Having said that, I'm not sure how great that was for new/mainstream fans. The stageshow is super minimal and is stripped down even more than 2017, with a million strobe effects. I don't think the people around me knew any of the non-mainstream songs on that setlist, and I sure as fuck know that they didn't know he opened with a Gary Numan cover.

    Anyway, as always I'm glad I went and am super jealous of you people also going on Friday and Saturday. I take solace knowing that I'll be able to catch them 6x in December without having to spend all this money on transportation/lodging.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheRealNs1 View Post
    So I had some time to think about it and I feel that this setlist was a setlist for true fans. I loved every minute of it and there were some deep cuts I haven't heard in almost a decade.

    Having said that, I'm not sure how great that was for new/mainstream fans. The stageshow is super minimal and is stripped down even more than 2017, with a million strobe effects. I don't think the people around me knew any of the non-mainstream songs on that setlist, and I sure as fuck know that they didn't know he opened with a Gary Numan cover.

    Anyway, as always I'm glad I went and am super jealous of you people also going on Friday and Saturday. I take solace knowing that I'll be able to catch them 6x in December without having to spend all this money on transportation/lodging.
    Yeah, with as sad as I am that I fly out tonight, I know Red Rocks is going to be great.

  17. #17
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    People in the taxi line yesterday - "that show was good but Red Rocks was better."

    Red Rocks is definitely a bucket list venue for me.

  18. #18
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    Was kind of hoping for this kind of thing at the hotel room key and pin!

  19. #19
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    Excellent show and loved the fact that Closer/Hurt was no where to be found. It’s nice to see things changed up a bit.

  20. #20
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    Hello, Decade-plus lurker, first time poster.

    Wednesday night was my 6th NIN show and really I couldn’t have asked for more as far as performance, presentation, and choice of songs. I could only make it to the first two nights in Vegas, probably could have done one more but had already made travel plans before the third was announced. I have to say even after seeing Saturday’s setlist, Wednesday was still everything I could ask for in a contemporary for the fans set.

    The vibe Wednesday was aggressive, the banter came late and it was pointed. Including what I believe was a deliberate choice to skip an encore (“going to play what we want”) or the H trinity. Compared to Friday where he introduced the band, the banter was more casual, and the show was played a litltle closer to the chest. While it was happening, about 3 songs in, the thing that crossed my mind was “this is the change in format I’ve been hoping for”. It didn’t end up being quite as dramatic of a reinvention as I initially thought it might be but that’s fine. Friday night/Staples NIN is still fucking excellent and an unstoppable machine. It felt vulnerable and special.

    I loved the slow-burn pacing at the start. Missed the 2017 tour so first time for me seeing the band since Atticus joined and hearing any of the new EP songs so that was fucking awesome. Pinion/Eater of Dreams was a GREAT way to set the mood. As soon as they started playing Metal, I knew the setlist was going to be insane. Then the 3 song suite from Year Zero where Me, I’m Not got an updated rock band presentation. Beginning of the End sounded killer, The Lovers and FInd My Way pulled me back in after the moshing that erupted during Survivalism and MotP. Burn is one I haven’t seen a lot and made me very happy to scream along to. God Break Down the Door live debut was a highlight for me. Trent’s singing on this sounds even better live. It reminded me of 90s UK rave music. Musically pretty aggressive which made for an excellent segue into Letting You and Gave Up, the band was ripping through songs at this point. Even Deeper was the next holy shit I can’t believe they’re playing this moment. I Do Not Want This is played live so seldom it took me about 10 seconds to register what was happening but it was absolutely the high point of the entire night and they should play it more. I’m Afraid of Americans was another surprise and really cool to see. Less Than, Came Back Haunted, Only was an epic trilogy of singles and played really well into each other. By the time they got to Wish and HLAH I was starting to feel the wear of standing most of the day and moving so much I was gasping for air through all the sweat. I know I’ll see these two again in September, but it was a fine conclusion to the show, and honestly I was ready to leave at the end so the lack of an encore didn’t bother me as much as others.

    I had a group of six friends in Vegas for a friend’s bachelor party trip that the show happened to fall on. So I had a hotel for part of the week which in part prompted my decision to travel for these shows. Two of my friends are both pretty big fans, but not die hard, collecting, wrist tattooed fan like myself. So they know the main albums well but maybe not some of the deep cuts, and they both said they loved the set either way, and still enjoyed the material they didn’t know. But 3 of my other friends that went who like the band, but are a little more casual said they had a good time but not enough to stay for the whole show. (I think they left somewhere around I’m Afraid of Americans). At least one was disappointed to not hear Closer, Hurt, Thtf, Piggy. Songs I’ve seen 4 or 5 times each and could do with or without. I loved the stripped down lighting and visual element, but I think for first time or casual fans it helps tie everything together more to see it with an elaborate light show.

    This was my second time being in the pit after Tension 2013 at the 1st Bank Center which is a much bigger floor. Got to the venue around 5:30 and ended up about 6 rows back from the rail. I’ve mostly seen them at seated only venues in Colorado. Red Rocks and Fiddler’s Green. Loved it and did it again Friday but I was glad there I had a day to recover. Doing Saturday night would have been brutal. Next I will post a shorter review of the 15th in the other thread. This one was a bit long but I had to show some love since the 16th seems to be getting all of it. THIS is how you come back after a 6 month break from touring.
    My friend who was there took a boat load of pictures at this show and put them in a Google Drive folder, so I’ll just leave this here:

    Last edited by josepfine; 06-18-2018 at 05:35 AM.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by sick among the pure View Post
    Forward to going inside the venue, everything was handled very well, and I went between being ON the rail in front of Robin and being one back holding the push. Helped hold a spot for a bit, meanwhile a guy we nicknamed "Meatloaf" made all of our lives kinda hell for a while. When he came over, he was already very visibly intoxicated beyond the level someone should be for the show we were about to experience. He came over, drunkenly yelling about how he loves Meatloaf (the band, apparently he doesn't care for the food) and was one of those overly touchy "yeah my man it's all good" kind of guys who tries to squeeze onto the rail. That wasn't happening, and we all made sure of it. He almost started a fight with one guy who was just asking him to stop spilling his drink all over everyone (we sniffed it at one point, it was some hard liquor, really strong shit). Finally a combination of Meatloaf's friend trying to convince him to head back and not push his way up, and another guy swooping in, he was gone. No idea what happened to him, but if he was anywhere in the pit during that show, with how drunk he was, he couldn't have lasted long.
    He lasted a lot longer than you think. He somehow made his way to Atticus's side of the pit and was just as drunk and obnoxious as you described. He almost got pulled out by security for knocking around a smaller woman whilst trying to push his way to the rail near me, but his friend pulled him back before security could grab him.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by DRanged691 View Post
    He lasted a lot longer than you think. He somehow made his way to Atticus's side of the pit and was just as drunk and obnoxious as you described. He almost got pulled out by security for knocking around a smaller woman whilst trying to push his way to the rail near me, but his friend pulled him back before security could grab him.

    UGH we were all hoping that his friend managed to pull him back to watch the show from the back of the pit so he wouldn't bother anyone else. I'm sorry he just migrated toward you and other fans just trying to enjoy the show. I wish security HAD pulled him out, I was about to call them over when he moved on.

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