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Thread: The Thread of Creepy

  1. #241
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  3. #243
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    Groot carrying Rocket?

  4. #244
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    I check out some comics like Foxtrot and Calvin & Hobbes and the commenters all speak to the characters like they're real people, I totally don't understand the thinking there. Are you so removed from reality that you don't understand these are fictional characters?

  5. #245
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    Just spotted a big, black moth / butterfly (not sure what it is) in my home, we got it out of the house. I’m scared because this means in the cultures of Mexico and the Rio Grande, somebody will die, such as a relative. I don’t know my guys.

  6. #246
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    Oh and meanwhile, in other news: Australian authorities have exhumed the Somerton Man to try to identify him through DNA.

    Just Google it, it's a great Strayan mystery.
    The Somerton Man has been identified!


    Good job, Straya! Now, all that's left is to find out how he died and why he was on that beach. Oh and find out what happened to the Beaumont children, doggone it! That case is so heartbreaking.

  7. #247
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  8. #248
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    So what in the actual fuck?

    I mean I guess it's just filed with the rest of today's insanity, but YEEZUS. They had her in a goddamn paramedics' "body bag" and she TRIED TO GET OUT.

    So...zombie apocalypse incoming?

    I can hardly wait.
    Last edited by elevenism; 08-19-2022 at 11:00 AM.

  9. #249
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    Quote Originally Posted by GastonKappa View Post
    Just spotted a big, black moth / butterfly (not sure what it is) in my home, we got it out of the house. I’m scared because this means in the cultures of Mexico and the Rio Grande, somebody will die, such as a relative. I don’t know my guys.
    I never knew of this particular symbol, despite being a lifelong Texan with many Mexican friends and family members.

    What happens if the cat kills the moth?

  10. #250
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    I never knew of this particular symbol, despite being a lifelong Texan with many Mexican friends and family members.

    What happens if the cat kills the moth?
    Basically a greater evil kills the original one, lol

  11. #251
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    I tend to not believe in ghosts or signs, even with some experiences I've had....

    When I was young, my dad told me about a situation he was in that was quite chilling. One night when he was a boy about 10 years old, (he was on the top bunk of a bunk bed, his brother at the bottom bunk) , he woke up, kicking his brother. Except..when he looked, it wasn't his brother, but an old, pale man staring at him. My dad freaked out, but kept his cool. He shouted out to his brother, who basically said "shut up and go back to sleep" . My dad never went back to sleep, and, eventually, the man was just...gone. The next morning, he questioned his brother on why he didn't wake up to help him. His brother said, "I peeked, your legs were hanging over the edge of the bed." My dad said, "Those weren't my legs, I'm telling you, someone was in here last night!" . Right as he said that, their mom came in, crying. "Boys, I know you didn't know him well and he doesn't live around here, but your grandfather died last night. " She showed them a picture. It was him! My grandmother didn't believe the story, but his brother eventually did.

    The crazy thing about that story is, a year or so before my dad told me that, I woke up one night and went to the bathroom. As I was walking across the hallway, I could have sworn that on the opposite end of the hallway a pale white man turned the corner into my direction. I screamed like a lunatic and ran to my parent's room, where I told them what I saw. My dad went to check and there was no one there. The next morning, we found out the landlord downstairs died that night. When my dad told me his story, I wonder if I "inherited" that "gift" of seeing dead people or something.

    There was an interesting situation on my mom's side too. This occurred when my mom was a little girl. My grandmother (mom's side) and her sister were very close. They lived in a two family house together almost their entire lives, my grandmother on the top floor and my aunt on the bottom. If they weren't spending time together in each other's apartment, they were on the phone together. They'd usually start the day by calling each other. One morning, my grandmother called my aunt. She said, "I had the weirdest dream last night. Father Balmen (their priest) came over and brought flowers over, and you were sad." My aunt said "You have got to be kidding. I had a dream last night that an ambulance came to the house, the paramedic had flowers, and you were crying." Literally at this moment, my cousin (who lived with my aunt) screamed. My grandmother's mom (who lived with my aunt) died in her sleep. Shortly after, the ambulance came to pick her up, Father Balmen (who was tipped from my grandfather, and who was unaware of the dreams) came to visit the house, and, seeing this, their neighbors brought over flowers from their garden.

    Then there was this month. My mom and grandmother both have always said they hate August because it reminds them of death. My grandmother's mom passed in August, as did my grandfather. In fact, both of my grandparents passed in the very house I live in. My grandfather died in my arms. Well, I was sitting reading a book the other night and I glanced over and noticed something out the corner of my eye. The chain link lock on my door slid all the way to the side, and all the way off to unlock. I live alone. I have no idea how it happened. Instead of getting freaked out, I shrugged. My mom, of course, said "it's your grandparents saying hello...oh I hate August!"

    Anyway...I'm still skeptical. Or, is it denial? hmm..

  12. #252
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    It’s creepy that she’s dressed like his mom, right? It’s even the same necklace.

  14. #254
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    Is it ? I mean those people burn through a bazillion different outfits in their lives, there's bound to be some repetition between generations, and the only similarity I see is that they both wear a green dress ? The color, the cut are all very different, it doesn't even seem to be the same fabric... ?
    I agree about the necklace and earrings, but that's it ?

  15. #255
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    They're different shades of green and the earrings are different. Nothing really creepy IMO.

  16. #256
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    A couple of nights ago, I was awakened by a woman screaming, like, AT my window, except at the END of the scream, it became inhuman.

    I sometimes, in different stages of sleep, hear someone speak loudly into my ear and wake up, but I know that's just my brain after years of lucid dream work.
    So then, I was wide ass awake, assuming it'd been what I just described.

    Then, it happened again. And again. And again.

    Each sound was like a woman screaming as if she was being fucking MURDERED for about five seconds, but descended into an equally horrifying, utterly inhuman GROWLING noise for the final 2-3 seconds.

    My cat, who was sleeping next to me had jumped up, ears back, and was staring at the window.

    You guys know those "skinwalker audio recordings" online? They're always off in the distance, and I always figure "ok, this is a hoax or an animal."

    Well...yeah. This shit was SOOOOOOOOOO loud. It sounded like it was pressed up AGAINST my window.

    Now. I spent my young childhood on four acres of land outside of Amarillo, except for when we were WAY out in the country on the family farm.
    I know animal noises. I grew up with them.
    This was absolutely NOT a cat, bobcat, dog, barn owl, dying jackrabbit, coyote, or ANYTHING I've ever heard.
    I mean, I could possibly, albeit begrudgingly, be convinced that it was like, a fucking ELK, or a mountain lion or something, but what would...how would such an animal get into our LOCKED backyard, in a small town?
    And, again, it sounded like it was standing UPRIGHT, AT the goddamn widow.

    I've seen many "ghosts" and "shadow people" in my life, specifically in this house. I don't even usually mention it anymore, unless someone sees it WITH me, or there is some type of physical evidence.
    I'd do the same with this sound, but my cat, DB Cooper, was with me, and in fight or flight mode.

    There's one more creepy thing: a few years ago, I met this homeless train hopping Plains Indian kid in his early twenties. It was freezing, and I was bored and had some wine, so I asked if he wanted to come here and eat with me, and have a few drinks, and sleep in a spare room.
    As we drank, the subject eventually turned to skinwalkers. He told me that people didn't understand what skin walkers actually ARE: he explained to me that they are evil PEOPLE who make a deal with dark forces, in return for certain abilities, including shape shifting into animalistic creatures, he told me the native term, which I can't remember, and a bit more.

    I pressed him, but he said we had to stop talking about them, or they would come for us. He told me not to even THINK of them, EVER.
    I thought he was fucking with me, but then his gaze locked with mine. The fear in his eyes was SO fucking real, and we're talking about a hardcore freight hopper with daggers on his belt and in his boots.

    Anyway, that night, night before last? I WAS talking about that dude, and skin walkers, to the Mrs.

    I think I might be a believer, now, because I just cannot find a way to rationalize this.
    Last edited by elevenism; 12-15-2022 at 08:40 PM.

  17. #257
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    That sounds a lot like some sleep paralysis cases I've had. It's also possible your own demeanor may have changed. IE blood pressure, breathing etc. and this could have spooked your cat. They are pretty perceptive.

    I grew up in the fucking WOODS and I used to sit outside late at night and just listen to all the sounds. I've heard it all and yet I am still sometimes surprised at the fucked up sounds animals can make.

    You know me, always the skeptic. But hey for every Mulder there needs to be a Scully right?

    Then again you could just be right. But if that's the case I want to know why I never get to see any of the cool shit.

  18. #258
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    I know you said it wasn't an animal noise, but this popped into my mind as I was reading it:

    Also, I heard this one night, woke me up and scared the shit out of me, looked out the window and saw two fighting. Sounded just like this:
    Last edited by versusreality; 12-16-2022 at 04:08 PM.

  19. #259
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    Quote Originally Posted by versusreality View Post
    I know you said it wasn't an animal noise, but this popped into my mind as I was reading it:

    Also, I heard this one night, woke me up and scared the shit out of me, looked out the window and saw two fighting. Sounded just like this:
    Ok, so...it wasn't an animal noise I've ever HEARD. And, to be fair, and i'm responding to you, too @burnmotherfucker! , I mean..., it wad most likely some sort of animal, but god DAMN it was horrifying, and disturbingly human/inhuman.
    (And for the record, as a 22 year veteran oneironaut who has lucid dreams damn near every night, with much experience in purposely INDUCING sleep paralysis, i can guarantee you I was wide ass awake).

    I do live in a 2 square mile truck stop town, in the Great High Plains, which is surrounded by prairie and farmland on all sides for at least 30 miles, so, naturally, animals abound.

    I was wondering about some kind of big ass BIRD. We have these "Turkey Vultures" up here, but I've never seen or heard one.
    I'm wondering if big ass raptor birds scream like that.

    Foxes...I'm SURE there are foxes. I've seen foxes. And damnit, I thought those fox videos would be the answer, but I just listened, and this noise was wildly different.
    I WILL allow that ONE of those raccoon screams was similar: the most human sounding one.
    But I honestly...I feel like this was one animal. And it was SO much louder than any raccoon noise I've ever heard.

    PERHAPS, though, a big ass raccoon jumped on the air conditioner, and decided to make the craziest noise it could make.

    I'm going to keep looking for "skinwalker" recordings and especially the animal sounds that debunk them, and maybe I'll figure it out.

    Edit: Everything in Stratford is about Elks: Elks are the football team, Elk pharmacy, Elk Shop, etc.
    Except, those elks supposedly don't live here, anymore, and moved to the mountainous areas of texas, due to over hunting and urbanization.

    But i just found this gem on a page about the Texas elk: "People spotted elk in the Texas Panhandle near Dallam County in recent years."

    Dallam County is like 20 miles from here. It borders Sherman County. Suppose one of these ultra rare, not 100% confirmed to be here anymore, Texas Elks DID saunter into town?!
    That is would be an entirely different kind of strange.

    Last edited by elevenism; 12-17-2022 at 12:00 PM.

  20. #260
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    sweet Jesus that’s creepy

  22. #262
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  23. #263
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    Taylor Swift is Barbie.

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