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Thread: The NIN Summer Tour 2018 Spoilers Thread!

  1. #361
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    Quote Originally Posted by sheepdean View Post
    Reptile being a tour staple is blowing my mind
    I have seen Nine Inch Nails live eleven times to date, and every single show has featured Reptile. I'd call it a curse but that would imply it's a bad thing!

    Basically every tour since Self-Destruct has seen it rear its head on setlists - clearly Trent has an enduring affection for it.

  2. #362
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  3. #363
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toadflax View Post
    It's funny that songs like Branches/Bones and Shit Mirror are new - meaning Trent recorded the vocals within the past two years - and he's still not keen on singing parts of them live, but again, I'd rather he do it that way than not at all (especially Shit Mirror, which sounds pretty damn great with Robin).

    That said, it'll be interesting if this opens the door to the band revisiting some songs they haven't played in a long time just because Trent isn't comfortable with the vocals anymore. We're In This Together and Last are two I remember him specifically making that comment about (and no doubt Happiness In Slavery lives in the same area).
    I think there's a big difference between recording a couple of takes where he can rest his voice as long as he wants between them & having to do it in the middle of a NIN set & still having to finish the show.

    Although I do like that Trent is willing to do what he thinks serves the song vocally for the studio version without regard to whether or not he can pull it off every night live.

  4. #364
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    Quote Originally Posted by skullboy0 View Post
    I think there's a big difference between recording a couple of takes where he can rest his voice as long as he wants between them & having to do it in the middle of a NIN set & still having to finish the show.

    Although I do like that Trent is willing to do what he thinks serves the song vocally for the studio version without regard to whether or not he can pull it off every night live.
    Oh, definitely. The fact that Trent can go out and scream as much as he does every night is impressive enough.

    Agreed. Like, there are songs on this trilogy that will probably never be played live because they wouldn’t translate at all, and I’m totally okay with that.

  5. #365
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toadflax View Post

    P.S. I remember loving the Fragile tracks 1-4 opening in Vegas but thinking the whole time, "nah, there's no way they're doing the whole album; he can't sing We're In This Together anymore."
    I think Robin;s vocals work well on Shit Mirror and burning Bright. I don't think it would work as well on WITT. Trent could just sing it in a lower key like he did with Last and Somewhat Damaged.

  6. #366
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    She's Gone Away was played at the Webster Hall show I was at last summer. Here's my video of it (yes I'm shameless):

    i reckon you know this as we saw each other after, but you've got me in the lower right corner of this video, fist pumping away on occasion. i thought the song sounded AMAZING, kind of a shame this is it so far.

  7. #367
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    Quote Originally Posted by sheepdean View Post
    Reptile being a tour staple is blowing my mind
    Quote Originally Posted by Deacon Blackfire View Post
    I have seen Nine Inch Nails live eleven times to date, and every single show has featured Reptile. I'd call it a curse but that would imply it's a bad thing!

    Basically every tour since Self-Destruct has seen it rear its head on setlists - clearly Trent has an enduring affection for it.
    According to nintourhistory, it's the 13th most played NIN song to date (above Burn, even) and has been played on every tour since 1994. I've been fortunate enough to see it 9 times live.

  8. #368
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryanmcfly View Post
    I think Robin;s vocals work well on Shit Mirror and burning Bright. I don't think it would work as well on WITT. Trent could just sing it in a lower key like he did with Last and Somewhat Damaged.
    Yeah, I think the lyrics of WITT are too personal and integral to the song to let someone else sing it.

    Maybe they just bring out a stool and have Trent sing this version:

  9. #369
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    I’ve been wanting to hear WITT live for so long I have simply given up. I traveled to Paris to see them in 2007 and they had been playing it that tour but not that night. A girl can dream!

  10. #370
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    From the couple performances I've heard, it sounds like he was straining to sing it even in a lower key, so that might explain why it hasn't been performed since then.

  11. #371
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRoswell View Post
    From the couple performances I've heard, it sounds like he was straining to sing it even in a lower key, so that might explain why it hasn't been performed since then.
    Yeah, when they played it in '07, he said in an interview something like, "I don't know why I chose to record those vocals at the top of my register, and now I'm trying to do it live."

    One of the many reasons we'll likely never get The Fragile live in its entirety.

  12. #372
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toadflax View Post
    Yeah, when they played it in '07, he said in an interview something like, "I don't know why I chose to record those vocals at the top of my register, and now I'm trying to do it live."

    One of the many reasons we'll likely never get The Fragile live in its entirety.
    Tyler Spencer of Electric Six does this too, he records many songs in falsetto and then live can't hit anything without wrecking himself

    Art an' shit, innit

  13. #373
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    We’re In This Together is lying in wait for the inevitable Still tour arrangement

  14. #374
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    Quote Originally Posted by frankie teardrop View Post
    i reckon you know this as we saw each other after, but you've got me in the lower right corner of this video, fist pumping away on occasion. i thought the song sounded AMAZING, kind of a shame this is it so far.
    Of course. I will always be in awe of how close we were for the show. I've been to Webster Hall a million times and up front there plenty, but man it just felt euphoric when we walked in and only your row of people was in front of me for a NIN show. I was almost shaking. Couldn't believe it.

  15. #375
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toadflax View Post
    It's interesting to see Trent and Maynard to start handing over more difficult vocals to other members of the band (or in some cases just change the notes to something more manageable). On one hand, it's a sad reminder that they're not the young bucks they once were, but on the other, it's preferable to them just retiring those songs. It's funny that songs like Branches/Bones and Shit Mirror are new - meaning Trent recorded the vocals within the past two years - and he's still not keen on singing parts of them live, but again, I'd rather he do it that way than not at all (especially Shit Mirror, which sounds pretty damn great with Robin).

    That said, it'll be interesting if this opens the door to the band revisiting some songs they haven't played in a long time just because Trent isn't comfortable with the vocals anymore. We're In This Together and Last are two I remember him specifically making that comment about (and no doubt Happiness In Slavery lives in the same area).

    P.S. I remember loving the Fragile tracks 1-4 opening in Vegas but thinking the whole time, "nah, there's no way they're doing the whole album; he can't sing We're In This Together anymore."
    Happiness in slavery? I don't think the vocals have anything to do with that one. He sang it almost every night in 1994 with no problem and I'm not even sure where the issue would be. The "slave screams" part? That's Robin anyway. I think that songs gone because it just doesn't resonate with him anymore

  16. #376
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toadflax View Post
    According to nintourhistory, it's the 13th most played NIN song to date (above Burn, even) and has been played on every tour since 1994. I've been fortunate enough to see it 9 times live.
    5 out of 8 for me. 3 just nin, 1 with Bowie and 1 with Peter Murphy. Which is the same amount of times as Closer (assuming we don't count Closer to God) aka that song everyone knows

  17. #377
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    2 out of 7. I finally got to see Reptile at Panorama and Webster Hall last year. Fucking amazing.

  18. #378
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    Of the 4 times ive seen NIN, ive never seen Reptile, Burn or Eraser

  19. #379
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle View Post
    Happiness in slavery? I don't think the vocals have anything to do with that one. He sang it almost every night in 1994 with no problem and I'm not even sure where the issue would be. The "slave screams" part? That's Robin anyway. I think that songs gone because it just doesn't resonate with him anymore
    Maybe. I only included it in response to tricil's original post about wanting to hear Robin sing it.

  20. #380
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    I just wanted to say that the most recent setlist is one of the fucking best they've ever done, as far as I'm concerned. So jealous. And so excited for September and October.

  21. #381
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    I say this every tour cycle, I just want to hear Happiness In Slavery.

    Vessel, Ruiner, The Becoming, Down In It or Sin would suffice tho.

  22. #382
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    These last few posts have made me want to check my nin tour history profile (I love that site) and there are songs I’ve completely forgotten I’ve seen live. My memory is not what it used to be

  23. #383
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    Quote Originally Posted by SM Rollinger View Post
    So, how many of these summer festivals are getting live streamed?
    I'd say there are possible live streams or other TV broadcasts for:

    Rock Werchter
    NOS Alive
    Sonic Mania

    Red Bull TV streamed both Roskilde and Montreux Jazz Festival in 2016 and 2017, but I don't see any indications that they are doing so this year.

  24. #384
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRoswell View Post
    From the couple performances I've heard, it sounds like he was straining to sing it even in a lower key, so that might explain why it hasn't been performed since then.
    Quote Originally Posted by Toadflax View Post
    Yeah, when they played it in '07, he said in an interview something like, "I don't know why I chose to record those vocals at the top of my register, and now I'm trying to do it live."

    One of the many reasons we'll likely never get The Fragile live in its entirety.
    I still like the live version alot. I feel like it hits harder.

    Enough about WITT though, we need Happiness in Slavery to return, especially since Atticus is there and Robin is now going ham on vocal duty. Just bust that shit out to close a show, throw something across the stage, I want to see it again.

  25. #385
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    They could make a really noisy electronic version of Happiness in Slavery.

  26. #386
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryanmcfly View Post
    really noisy electronic version of Happiness in Slavery.
    Yes please!

    Actually - when did they sneak bits of HIS into TGD? I remember it being a thing at some point.

  27. #387
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChipRock View Post
    Yes please!

    Actually - when did they sneak bits of HIS into TGD? I remember it being a thing at some point.
    I believe they did that in 2007 or 2008.
    Last edited by ryanmcfly; 06-27-2018 at 09:17 AM. Reason: punctuation

  28. #388
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nellyrific View Post
    These last few posts have made me want to check my nin tour history profile (I love that site) and there are songs I’ve completely forgotten I’ve seen live. My memory is not what it used to be
    I had the same reaction when I was perusing mine recently. How is it possible that I've seen some songs multiple times (Suck, La Mer) without so much as a faint recollection? I'd happily swap a few instances of those for some negative memories that persist despite my best efforts...

    But back on topic - while we're praying for miracles, I'll throw in a good word for the live debut of My Violent Heart. Every time I remind myself of its existence, I'm surprised by its relative obscurity.

  29. #389
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    Quote Originally Posted by roolfdriht View Post
    I had the same reaction when I was perusing mine recently. How is it possible that I've seen some songs multiple times (Suck, La Mer) without so much as a faint recollection? I'd happily swap a few instances of those for some negative memories that persist despite my best efforts...

    But back on topic - while we're praying for miracles, I'll throw in a good word for the live debut of My Violent Heart. Every time I remind myself of its existence, I'm surprised by its relative obscurity.
    Exactly. I looked it up when a poster mentioned Eraser. I know I’ve heard it live but maybe once or twice - nope, 8 times! It’s definitely a bummer that this is what my brain won’t retain.

    I love My Violent Heart and it would be great to hear it live. It would be cool to have some Ghosts stuff back in the set list and I’d love to hear Sin again. Easily one of my favorites.

  30. #390
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    Quote Originally Posted by roolfdriht View Post
    I had the same reaction when I was perusing mine recently. How is it possible that I've seen some songs multiple times (Suck, La Mer) without so much as a faint recollection? I'd happily swap a few instances of those for some negative memories that persist despite my best efforts...

    But back on topic - while we're praying for miracles, I'll throw in a good word for the live debut of My Violent Heart. Every time I remind myself of its existence, I'm surprised by its relative obscurity.
    My Violent Heart was the first NIN song I put on my MySpace profile. Would have been right before Year Zero came out. That song would be dope live.

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