Quote Originally Posted by zecho View Post
Okay, here it is: https://mega.nz/#!sYEiSSYA!65Dq0zyaZ...m-uqC1fXg-b-f0

It comes with the soundtrack, so you don't need a CD or files. All you do is run the unpacker in the folder you want, then run the .bat file it unpacks in that folder. It uses the source port DarkPlaces which you can read about here :https://icculus.org/twilight/darkplaces/
It's essentially exactly the same as the original release, but runs on an updated engine with more options. This is the only way I've played Quake for years; it's hard to go back after you get all the new rendering and key-binding options. If you run into any problems, there's a FAQ on the site to help and to explain some of the new options.
I played through it using darkplaces about a decade ago, it was quite a treat.