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Thread: Random General Questions

  1. #181
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    I mean, honestly as long as Benadryl Crimpysnitch keeps talking, I don't care. He can get it.

  2. #182
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    I will be portraying a magician in a play and I have to do some impressive stuff with a deck of cards. Can anyone recommend some cool and easy card tricks?

  3. #183
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    Random General Questions

    Go to a magic shop; the cool and impressive card tricks use special decks.

    The card tricks I know using a regular deck are far too involved for a stage during the course of a play.
    Last edited by allegro; 10-02-2013 at 11:09 PM. Reason: typed on iPhone with no glasses yikes

  4. #184
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    Are there ever and truly valid reasons to refuse to show your ID to the cops? I've seen videos on YouTube of people arguing about why they have the right to refuse to show their IDs, but the threat of getting arrested and incarcerated doesn't seem to be worth it at all. Even just seeing a few seconds of those types of videos make my skin crawl. Whenever I see them refuse to show the police their ID, it's as if they're saying, "Please arrest me!"

    @allegro - I'd also think you'd have a lot of know-how on this question, considering that you work in law. Aren't you also a lawyer BTW? (Or worked with lawyers?)
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 10-02-2013 at 11:08 PM. Reason: I messed up some words/sentences... the usual. =P

  5. #185
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    @Kris Dunno, I don't do much criminal law. I think it's SMART to show ID to cops. Because, you know, they're cops.

  6. #186
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    Are there ever and truly valid reasons to refuse to show your ID to the cops? I've seen videos on YouTube of people arguing about why they have the right to refuse to show their IDs, but the threat of getting arrested and incarcerated doesn't seem to be worth it at all. Even just seeing a few seconds of types of videos make my skin crawl. Whenever I see them refuse to show the police their ID, it's as if they're saying, "Arrest me! Please!"
    kris, i have seen you ask a lot of questions on this board in various different places. i am now convinced that you are, in fact, an alien, attempting to assimilate into human culture. or you're real-life castiel from supernatural. either way, i'm glad you're around.

  7. #187
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    @eversonpoe - Thanks for the compliments, and that was the very first time I heard that. I've actually had friends compare me to Stan from South Park when it came to my questioning, or some hybrid between Elaine and Kramer from Seinfeld, but either way, it's always nice to feel welcome.

    I'll still admit that some of my questions were/are over the top, TMI, or no-brainers sometimes, but that's also because I have so many thoughts/emotions going off at once, and I'd most likely be better off doing something productive IRL, or even going to sleep. All-nighters and sites like ETS sometimes go hand in hand.

    And yeah, I see where you'd go with the alien part. I guess being a bit of an outsider for quite some time will inevitably do that to you.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 10-02-2013 at 11:41 PM.

  8. #188
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    my husband is like this sometimes, and he reminds me of that scene in Home Alone where the kids are loading into the airport van and that neighbor kid is talking with the van driver.

    "You guys going out of town? We're going to Orlando, Florida.
    Well, actually, first we're going to Missouri to pick up my grandma.
    Do you know that the McCalisters are going to France?
    Do you know if it's cold there?
    Do you know if these vans get good mileage?"
    Last edited by allegro; 10-02-2013 at 11:31 PM.

  9. #189
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    What a coincidence as that scene instantly reminded me of my childhood. Oh yes, I was definitely that kind of kid all right.

  10. #190
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    My mom and I have used "Do these vans get good gas mileage?" as a non-sequitur in the past. Love that movie.

  11. #191
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    kris, i have seen you ask a lot of questions on this board in various different places. i am now convinced that you are, in fact, an alien, attempting to assimilate into human culture. or you're real-life castiel from supernatural. either way, i'm glad you're around.
    This exactly! I actually want to reply to you @Kris , more often, but I tend to overthink shit aswell as soon as I sit down. Alot of the time I'm like: "His he really asking that? god damn!", but you know what? Although I facepalm in the most positive way I like the fact that you are actually keen on getting answers and want to live a better life and have a better understanding of things. It's though to get there for some, but in fact it's quite easy when you are where you want to be and look back and realize: there's not much to it. I did struggle alot in the past, but not overthinking and just doing while listening to your guts is what got me far in the end. Friends, jobs and the girls. Still things won't come with a single flick of the finger, but they sometimes do if you keep pushing. So yeah, come and get them, you crazy being from space! They are all waiting!

  12. #192
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlb View Post
    This exactly! I actually want to reply to you @Kris , more often, but I tend to overthink shit aswell as soon as I sit down. Alot of the time I'm like: "His he really asking that? god damn!", but you know what? Although I facepalm in the most positive way I like the fact that you are actually keen on getting answers and want to live a better life and have a better understanding of things.
    Wow, now that truly is a first for me. It's all good and understood, but yeah, when you did that, you might've caught some questions I've written when I felt out of it, or questions I didn't really think through, especially before I deleted them. It just goes back to why I think it's only better to post when I'm feeling happy and comfortable. I don't blame you for thinking that even at the slightest, because even I do that to myself, and at least you said in the most positive way, so that just can't be a thing.

    I will also admit that some of my questions were rhetorical, hypothetical, or just to see what other people think as I've had a habit of comparing things. However, I can see more and more why some people don't like those types of questions. And in some cases, I really am unaware of how many social components work. (Which would make me understand why some people would think or even ask me why in the hell would I ask such questions as I've had people tell me stuff like that IRL.)

  13. #193
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    You don't have to appologize and I did not mean to sound harsh. Quite honestly, it takes some balls to ask. Most people will lock themselves up and dwell on their shit thinking all that is happening to them is inevitable and a punishment from god. You don't do that and it's great! I just want to point out that you shouldn't worry too much. You WILL look back and ask yourself: Why did it matter back then? I can guarantee that!
    Last edited by dlb; 10-03-2013 at 09:08 AM.

  14. #194
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    Shooting in Washington... Here come thr crazies.

  15. #195
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    Shooting in Washington... Here come thr crazies.
    Is this a question?

  16. #196
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    Statement. It's on the news now. At the gym, so I kept the post kinda minimal. Figured it'd be posted sooner than later.

  17. #197
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    So, I'm wondering if it was posted on the old ETS, but either way..

    There was an art/artist thread that I believe October_Midnight started wherein there were prints of weird glowing deer/elk-like creatures
    on people's roofs, standing in the woods, etc...
    Anyone have any information as to what I'm talking about? I should PM O_M...

    In addition to this, I'm looking to expand my art/print collection past the few nine inch nails lithos I have, any suggestions? I'm looking for
    something contemporary and kind of hinged on the darker side of things...

  18. #198
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    Statement. It's on the news now. At the gym, so I kept the post kinda minimal. Figured it'd be posted sooner than later.
    Have you tried the news part of the forum...?

  19. #199
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    So, is this normal?
    Today I was thinking that if a person pulled a gun on me and demanded my wallet.. I'd say no.
    I've been feeling like my life up to this point has been a pretty big disappointment to me and probably my family as well.
    I have no career path, no romantic prospects, dwindling confidence, etc.. And I've spent my entire life fighting through
    shitty relationships that have reaffirmed what I've always thought in the back of my mind. That I'm probably honestly
    not good enough for people to see me worthy of investing in..
    So, while I'm absolutely not suicidal.. I don't think I'd really try to save my life by giving up the wallet..

  20. #200
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    Quote Originally Posted by pigpen View Post
    So, is this normal?
    Today I was thinking that if a person pulled a gun on me and demanded my wallet.. I'd say no.
    I've been feeling like my life up to this point has been a pretty big disappointment to me and probably my family as well.
    I have no career path, no romantic prospects, dwindling confidence, etc.. And I've spent my entire life fighting through
    shitty relationships that have reaffirmed what I've always thought in the back of my mind. That I'm probably honestly
    not good enough for people to see me worthy of investing in..
    So, while I'm absolutely not suicidal.. I don't think I'd really try to save my life by giving up the wallet..
    i have had the same thoughts, and i feel the same way.

  21. #201
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    Quote Originally Posted by pigpen View Post
    So, is this normal?
    Today I was thinking that if a person pulled a gun on me and demanded my wallet.. I'd say no.
    I've been feeling like my life up to this point has been a pretty big disappointment to me and probably my family as well.
    I have no career path, no romantic prospects, dwindling confidence, etc.. And I've spent my entire life fighting through
    shitty relationships that have reaffirmed what I've always thought in the back of my mind. That I'm probably honestly
    not good enough for people to see me worthy of investing in..
    So, while I'm absolutely not suicidal.. I don't think I'd really try to save my life by giving up the wallet..
    You're depressed and you need to get help. Sitting home alone doesn't help either. You are of value. I can remember you posting really happy pictures of yourself. You're Ina bad spot and you are the one that can bring you back to telling the dude with the gun to fuck off, you want to live. You need to reach out for help. Drink less, get some activity in your life, even a walk around the block.

    You too @Big Fat Matt

  22. #202
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    Re: Random General Questions

    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    You're depressed and you need to get help. Sitting home alone doesn't help either. You are of value. I can remember you posting really happy pictures of yourself. You're Ina bad spot and you are the one that can bring you back to telling the dude with the gun to fuck off, you want to live. You need to reach out for help. Drink less, get some activity in your life, even a walk around the block.

    You too @Big Fat Matt
    This. I've been on that fence about as far back as I can remember. It took me a long time to figure it out. It's also the reason I work myself into the ground. I don't do well with free time. I should probably find better ways to deal with it but keeping busy with anything really seems to help.

    I had been going to a counselor but haven't for a bit because I've been too busy lately. Though at the end of the month when I drop my other job because its just not feasible now that I'm moving I plan to go back. It is a weird mind fuck in a way but it helps.

    I remember after me and my long term ex broke up I actually set an alarm to get out of my apartment and just so I wouldn't wallow the whole day before work. Even if it was just to get some coffee or whatever. Just getting out and about usually helped to break the monotony of burning holes in my brain.

    I've more or less accepted this is how my brain is wired, but at least I kind of know how to bypass some of the circuitry. Also when I do get down or whatever I try not to dwell on it too much. I just accept that for however long, usually a day at most, I'll be a bit of a crabby patty, and it will pass. I by no means have it licked but I find it helpful.

  23. #203
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    To be honest, just writing that out helped..
    I was in an alright mood today, which hasn't been the case in a while. I kind of feel lost, though.
    Like, without a purpose or role in the world around me.. I'm just some guy, and maybe that's normal and I should
    be happy to be where I am, but I have no context for that, I'm simply suffering in the thought that I should be
    more than this.
    I've also found that answers like "Aww man, don't worry about it, lots of people blah blah blah" do nothing for me
    since it's so painfully clear that we're all going through life alone, in our own heads, having our own experiences,
    expecations, etc. I find that kind of isolation overwhelming, but in a strange way, kind of comforting..

  24. #204
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    Yeah, people trying to help but comparing your situation to others' never, ever helps. And I also, believe that we are fundamentally alone, which is why sharing and talking is so fucking important.

    But get help man, sort shit out. Because very few are suicidal until one evening they just want to turn the whole world off. There are reasons why you feel like that, and you can postpone the next wave, but it will come back forever, it's a tide.

    Really, call for help, sort it out, get it off your chest and start to examine it like the nasty parasite that it is.

  25. #205
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    That's kind of an issue for me. Not knowing what "it" is, where it comes from, or how to deal with it.
    I push people away, isolate myself because my past has kind of shown me that they're going to leave
    anyway, so why put myself in that position.
    I once heard a comedian say that if the first 30 years of someone's life have been shitty, chances are
    that THAT'S how it's going to be.. I laughed, but on the inside I completely sunk. Like my life had just
    had the curtains closed, and my path laid out before me.. Like, Yep, you know how it's been so far, and
    chances are it's going to remain that way..
    I KNOW I have the ability to change things, and yada yada yada, but sometimes, isn't it just going to be
    true? You know, like, maybe not everyone is good enough to find someone to share their lives with..
    I know that's hopelessly sad and depressed, and it's not something I'm convinced of, but I mean, there's
    a possibility of that.. and it scares me.

    I'll be completely honest, I know exactly what the issue is, I always have. I'm fat, hairy, constantly sweating, etc.. Everything
    society bags on. And that has completely crippled me.
    Sorry to totally fucking derail this thread with this.. I just feel good writing this SOMEWHERE...

  26. #206
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    Had a long response but tapatalk owned my ass.

    I can relate in my own way. Though I've been lucky to have spent time relationship wise with a couple amazing women. Both times were after I'd kinda wrote that possibility off. I'm still not sure but I'm no longer completely despondent on the issue.

    You just need to summon the rock fury present in the pic's you put up. As cliche as it sounds confidence is key. Some lady would be into what you got going on. And really most dudes are probably pretty nasty in their own way. My trouble is now that I'm seemingly more attractive to the ladies is that I'm not sure how to respond.

    Also my minimalist lifestyle choices plauge me, as as long as I have a roof over my head and my few meager possessions I'm good. To be clear I don't currently drive, have a tiny efficiency with minimal furniture, and other than a stack of books not much else. All of which have been challenged these last couple years. It's really about being a good person and not so much a "good guy." if that makes sense.

    I've found most people who stay alone choose to. Either way you choose own it. My mom never really had any long relationships that I remember and she told me it was her choice, I don't agree it was the best but she seems OK with it. I thought I could do the same but I'd rather not. Like I told a friend a while back, if a bridge troll such as myself can find intermittent success anyone can.

    That's the jist of what I had the first time. Shit sucks and I'm by no means out the black, but now that I'm older I have more experience and less fucks to give. So its easier to put into perspective, but that's where I basically was a good part of my life up into my twenties. And really just until these last couple years after me and the ex broke up. Kind of no hope no fear deal.
    Last edited by Pillfred; 10-30-2013 at 05:35 PM.

  27. #207
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    Quote Originally Posted by pigpen View Post
    I'll be completely honest, I know exactly what the issue is, I always have. I'm fat, hairy, constantly sweating, etc.. Everything
    society bags on. And that has completely crippled me.
    Don't let your physical attributes rule your world. If you know that some are bad, take that one step to change that. Then another then another. If you look at it as this big giant mountain to climb, you'll never take the first step.

    And yes, pretty much derailed the random thread. Way to go dude

  28. #208
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    So how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tutsy pop?

    Sad I know but hey I'm trying...

  29. #209
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pillfred View Post
    So how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tutsy pop?

    Sad I know but hey I'm trying...

  30. #210
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pillfred View Post
    So how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tutsy pop?

    Sad I know but hey I'm trying...
    Mr. Owl said 3.

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