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Thread: 11/08/2022, The Midterms, aka build on 2020 aka The Election Thread

  1. #3781
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckrh View Post
    You want to get really scary? How about Trump running with Marjorie Taylor-Greene for VP. Trump kicks (statisically likely) & she ends up president. We're talking the end of days here....
    I'm thinking Trump (if he is the nominee) runs with someone from PA.

  2. #3782
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    Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy raps to Eminem’s “Lose Yourself” at the Iowa State Fair on August 12, 2023. (Chip Somodevilla / Getty)


  3. #3783
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post


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  6. #3786
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    I used to gather and analyze data for a living for several years. And it bugs me when the media cherry-picks data re elections, not to report the data but to INFLUENCE the election results; because the latter is what they’ve been attempting, for many years.

    This poll sample: 1500 U.S. Adult citizens (1303 registered voters)

    (Number of voters in 2020 U.S. Presidential Election: 154.6 million)

    Survey Mode: Web-based interviews

    Look at all of the answers to the questions in the poll.

    2. Do you have a favorable or an unfavorable opinion of the following people?

    Donald Trump: Very Unfavorable: 46%, Very Favorable: 24%

    Joe Biden: Very Unfavorable: 44%, Very Favorable: 17%, Somewhat Favorable: 24%

    Look at Number 9 on this poll.

    If election for president were held today, who would you vote for:
    The Democratic Party candidate: 42%
    The Republican Party candidate: 41%

    The people in this poll aren’t serious people; their answers are all over the place. If you truly analyze their answers, they’re far too inconsistent to take seriously.

    Remember the 2012 Presidential Election? Romney’s people were SO confident in national polls and in their own polling, they went out and spent a small fortune in fireworks for the celebration that never happened.

    We have to try our best to not be frightened or influenced by the media pumping out what amounts to propaganda, especially via these cherry-picked polls. Democrats and Independents just need to show up, en masse, regardless of any crap the media is spewing.

    Sorry for long post. :/
    Last edited by allegro; 08-30-2023 at 03:47 PM.

  7. #3787
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    Mitch McConnell freezes, struggles to speak in second incident this summer

    Maybe the governor should have a talk with him about retiring? ha!

    oh I made myself sad.

  8. #3788
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    I see there's still some issues with the McConnellBot 3000.

  9. #3789
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    It's better than the headlines can do justice. The question was: are you planning to run for reelection in 2026? That's when the robot turns off. Amazing

  10. #3790
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I used to gather and analyze data for a living for several years. And it bugs me when the media cherry-picks data re elections, not to report the data but to INFLUENCE the election results; because the latter is what they’ve been attempting, for many years.

    This poll sample: 1500 U.S. Adult citizens (1303 registered voters)

    (Number of voters in 2020 U.S. Presidential Election: 154.6 million)

    Survey Mode: Web-based interviews

    Look at all of the answers to the questions in the poll.

    2. Do you have a favorable or an unfavorable opinion of the following people?

    Donald Trump: Very Unfavorable: 46%, Very Favorable: 24%

    Joe Biden: Very Unfavorable: 44%, Very Favorable: 17%, Somewhat Favorable: 24%

    Look at Number 9 on this poll.

    If election for president were held today, who would you vote for:
    The Democratic Party candidate: 42%
    The Republican Party candidate: 41%

    The people in this poll aren’t serious people; their answers are all over the place. If you truly analyze their answers, they’re far too inconsistent to take seriously.

    Remember the 2012 Presidential Election? Romney’s people were SO confident in national polls and in their own polling, they went out and spent a small fortune in fireworks for the celebration that never happened.

    We have to try our best to not be frightened or influenced by the media pumping out what amounts to propaganda, especially via these cherry-picked polls. Democrats and Independents just need to show up, en masse, regardless of any crap the media is spewing.

    Sorry for long post. :/
    But most national polls have Trump and Biden in a statistical tie.

    The Trump-Biden voter in a handful of purple states could easily swing back to Trump in 2024.

    If it is a Trump-Biden rematch, it will be a coin toss.

  11. #3791
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    But most national polls have Trump and Biden in a statistical tie.

    The Trump-Biden voter in a handful of purple states could easily swing back to Trump in 2024.

    If it is a Trump-Biden rematch, it will be a coin toss.
    Trump’s January 6 Federal trial is set to start in March of 2024. There are states already fighting to keep Trump off the ballot in 2024 based on his violating the 14th amendment.

    Biden creamed Trump in 2020, by a HUGE margin. Black voters showed up, and so did women who support black voters. I hope Trump is the candidate, because he’s easier to beat. He’s polarizing. People hate him. He gets people who hate him to the polls. The only thing better would be if Trump loses the primary then runs as an independent and bleeds off Republican votes so they lose. I hope there’s a brokered GOP convention, and Trump loses and he starts his own party and takes Vivek with him. And, that Liz Cheney runs as an independent and bleeds off some Republican votes.
    Last edited by allegro; 08-31-2023 at 12:32 PM.

  12. #3792
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    Be careful what you wish for.

  13. #3793
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    Be careful what you wish for.
    What if it’s Nikki Haley? We have ZERO idea how Haley would perform in a national election. Especially against Biden. She has a lot of foreign policy experience. She was the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. She was also a Governor. And she’s a POC (Indian American). She’s won MANY awards. She’s a 4th-level black belt in taekwondo.

    I hope SHE doesn’t win the nomination. (Although, she’s a lot less scary than a lot of those OTHER awful Republicans.)

    Let’s look at some prior polling:

    Here’s 2007, Clinton was “the favorite” to win the primary according to all polls:

    Here’s 1991:
    Last edited by allegro; 08-31-2023 at 01:15 PM.

  14. #3794
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    All I know is I'm going to vote, and I'm not voting for Trump, and I'm sad my vote won't matter, but that's how it is if you live in California.

  15. #3795
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    All of the Republican candidates are awful. Asa Hutchinson is probably the least worst.

  16. #3796
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    All I know is I'm going to vote, and I'm not voting for Trump, and I'm sad my vote won't matter, but that's how it is if you live in California.
    Your vote absolutely matters, 100%.

    California chose Nixon (twice), George HW Bush, and Reagan (twice).

    In the Presidential race, when you vote for a Presidential candidate you are actually voting for your candidate's preferred electors.

    If enough people think their vote doesn’t matter and they stay home? The state flips red.

    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    All of the Republican candidates are awful. Asa Hutchinson is probably the least worst.
    Ugh, he’s awful, too. Pandering right-wing weirdo. They’re ALL awful extremists. It’s, like, how bad a Nazi do we get if enough of our side doesn’t get to the polls?

    And we can’t ONLY focus on the Presidential race; Congressional races are equally important. So are state races (probably MORE).
    Last edited by allegro; 08-31-2023 at 03:07 PM.

  17. #3797
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    I'm in MA and my vote is worthless. There are 5-6 states that will determine the election. They might as well only have the election in those states, and the winner of the popular vote becomes president. It's basically what he have now.

    Nixon and Reagan were a long, long time ago. Trump ain't winning CA.

  18. #3798
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    I agree with your sentiment @allegro, but the end truth is that the presidential vote in CA at this point is predetermined. That doesn't mean it won't change though. After all, this entire country once voted for Reagan.

  19. #3799
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I agree with your sentiment @allegro, but the end truth is that the presidential vote in CA at this point is predetermined. That doesn't mean it won't change though. After all, this entire country once voted for Reagan.
    A lot of the country voted for Reagan because they bought his bullshit and he CHEATED with the Iran hostages. That’s now been PROVEN.

    Carter was WAY ahead of his time. Reagan, obviously, was a total piece of shit; a former union rep who sold blue collar workers a bunch of dreamy shit, then fucked them all over for generations.

    Nobody is saying that Trump will win California; all I’m saying is, don’t let your guard down. I grew up in Michigan, which has been totally blue since Reagan; then Michigan voted for Trump - WHICH WAS PRETTY FUCKING SHOCKING. I believe this was due to people not showing up (vs. pro-Trump people in Michigan). It didn’t help that a lot of voting machines broke down in Detroit on election night in 2016.

    In the recent midterms, Michigan flipped the entire legislature totally blue, and the governor retained her seat. Because blue voters SHOWED THE FUCK UP. They weren’t letting 2016 happen again. Look what happened with the state Supreme Court seat in Wisconsin, recently. The blue voters SHOWED THE FUCK UP, EN MASSE! And flipped the Wisconsin Supreme Court to liberal. This is HUGE, because the court can now rule on the state’s bullshit gerrymandering that’s made the state’s legislature totally red, even though its largest populated areas are totally blue.

    The national Democratic primaries switched the order, and the first primary is now in SC (instead of those bullshit caucuses in Iowa and the useless primary in New Hampshire). EVERY state’s Electoral Vote counts. ESPECIALLY California’s. They all have to add up to a majority of 270. Dems would be fucked if it wasn’t for California’s votes.

    Obviously, I hate the EC and want to get rid of it. But an Amendment to the Constitution in THIS political climate is damned near impossible (see requirements for a Constitutional Amendment).

    Sorry for long post again :/
    Last edited by allegro; 08-31-2023 at 09:06 PM.

  20. #3800
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Reagan, obviously, was a total piece of shit; a former union rep who sold blue collar workers a bunch of dreamy shit, then fucked them all over for generations.
    Throw in his religious pandering and there you have the reason the GOP was lionizing him before they jumped on the desperate Trump train.

  21. #3801
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Throw in his religious pandering and there you have the reason the GOP was lionizing him before they jumped on the desperate Trump train.
    Yes, and look how very different the two of them are. Sure, they’re both awful. But, Trump somehow makes Reagan look LESS awful and I didn’t even think that was fucking POSSIBLE.

    I guess it shows us how much more far right the country has gone since Reagan, and maybe how much dumber they’ve gotten? How much more selfish and capitalistic they’ve gotten? It’s just so much fucking worse. Trump’s been INDICTED 4x! And they still love him! The Republicans are SUPPORTING him! They’re equally criminal! It’s insane!
    Last edited by allegro; 09-01-2023 at 12:21 PM.

  22. #3802
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    "In 2016, I declared, I am your voice," said Trump in one clip. "Today, I add that I am your warrior, I am your justice, and for those who have been wronged and been betrayed, I am your retribution. In the end, they're not coming after me, they're coming after you, and I am just standing in their way. Here I am, standing in their way." In a second clip he said, "Every time the radical left Democrats, Marxists, communists, fascists indict me, I consider it a great, great, great badge of honor ... because I am being indicted for you."

    This shit is getting scary.

    I live in a suburb of Boston, and on my jog today I saw three houses with Trump flags and homemade banners. It's just anecdotal, but I think it points to something--people are angry and frustrated and going to Trump. I am afraid.

    "When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross"?--Sinclair Lewis

  23. #3803
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    This shit is getting scary.
    It's always been scary, but the amount of people who see Trump as a modern day Jesus is incredibly disturbing. As a child, my father always warned me to look out for false prophets that would lead me astray. Now he's part of the Trump cult. It's a shame that a lot of people who believe that can't see the false prophet that's right in front of them.

  24. #3804
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    "Every time the radical left Democrats, Marxists, communists, fascists indict me, I consider it a great, great, great badge of honor ... because I am being indicted for you."

  25. #3805
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    I'm so worried that the first thing that came to mind is "indict me harder daddy"

  26. #3806
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  27. #3807
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    How the Electoral College Was Nearly Abolished in 1970

    Thurmond sent personal telegrams to Black and Jewish leaders in New York, Chicago and Detroit, explaining that a direct popular vote would erode their political influence. If minority voting blocs could no longer ensure a winner-take-all electoral victory, they would risk losing their seat at the table.

    To Bayh’s dismay, a group of NAACP lobbyists came into his Senate office in 1970 and asked him to drop the amendment.

    “I said, ‘Look, I busted my tail to see that each of you and your constituencies got one person, one vote,’” recalled Bayh in a 2009 interview. “‘Now you’re telling me that if you have 1.01, you want to keep it? Get your rear ends out of my office and don’t come back.’”
    Strom Thurmond and the NAACP(?!) combined to get this cancelled. WTAF.

  28. #3808
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  29. #3809
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    well he is good at crying about shit and getting attention

  30. #3810
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    People blame Biden for inflation and gas prices and buy the narrative that Republicans are better at handling the economy.

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