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Thread: 11/08/2022, The Midterms, aka build on 2020 aka The Election Thread

  1. #361
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    the only reason I THINK Biden was propped up as "help us Joe Biden, you're our only hope" is cuz that idea was seeded to influence people in who they'd support in the primaries. I've seen this "GO BIDEN!" shit aggressively promoted in FB groups with bad moderation.

  2. #362
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    I think older or more conservative Democrat voters see him as this nice safe “EVEN REPUBLICANS LIKE HIM!” Grandpa choice.

    I was watching “Windy City Live” this afternoon and they polled their live audience and asked them to clap if they thought what Biden did was inappropriate. NOBODY CLAPPED.

    My Mom just called me, all PISSED OFF at “what they’re saying about poor Joe Biden.” When I gave her an earful about how it IS inappropriate, and how women aren’t being taken seriously if men are touching and kissing them in professional settings, she scoffed like I’m an idiot. I said, hey, you old farts are gonna LOSE this one; the times are changing, GOOD RIDDANCE TO THAT! And I’m pushing SIXTY!

    Who the FUCK wants to RETAIN the “good old days” of guys being AFFECTIONATE at WORK? Or being overly touchy to little kids whom they don’t even know??

    Here’s the other thing: Joe Biden has lost a Presidential bid. TWICE. He didn’t even make it anywhere near the PRIMARIES. What makes things different, now? Oh, he can ARGUE with Trump? Gonna “take him out to the wood shed?” Like that equals VOTES?

    Last edited by allegro; 04-01-2019 at 06:39 PM.

  3. #363
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    and all I'm saying is, there's a reason Republican leaning DINOs are suggesting that "Biden was our only hope."

    And there's a similar (but diametrically opposed) reason why they hate Beto and ACO. Who should we believe in? Let's bank on the people Republicans are telling us are a long shot, and let's ignore them when they tell us things like "The ONLY dem candidate Trump is afraid of is Biden!!!!!"

  4. #364
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    I totally agree with what you’re saying. But MSNBC is selling the same shit, is what I’m saying. The CHICAGO TRIBUNE and VANITY FAIR have published pieces about Biden being “the only” threat to Trump. As if that’s all that matters; as if VOTING has nothing to do with any of it. It’s like they think the winner of a debate is going to win the White House.

    I really think this election is going to be a lot less about Trump and all about issues like healthcare, prescription drug prices, taxes, foreign policy, equality, the “dignity of work,” the economy, etc.

    And it should also include PUERTO RICO and how this administration has totally abandoned the people of Puerto Rico and left them to die.
    Last edited by allegro; 04-02-2019 at 01:47 AM.

  5. #365
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    The Biden thing: I saw this coming a mile off.
    I swear to god,he's creeped me out with his touchy-feely bullshit for YEARS.
    I WISH it had been some sort of conservative smear campaign, but video doesn't lie.
    THAT'S why I've never been very excited about a Biden candidacy. I hate to say it, but some of that shit... IDk. It just doesn't look right to me, especially the stuff with the younger girls.

    Furthermore, I'm GLAD this is coming out now, rather than later.

  6. #366
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    I just donated $10 to Pete Buttigieg and $20 to Elizabeth Warren for two reasons - I like underdog stories that make sense for our progress as a nation and I appreciate that someone is covering the finer details of policy and proposals. That's the message I'm sending with my money right now.

  7. #367
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    Pelosi basically slaps Biden on the wrist and says that, while he needs to be less "touchy feely", it doesn't disqualify him from a presidential bid:

  8. #368
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    There is no more rumbling of Cuomo entering? He's been laying the groundwork in NY HARD the last few years. I'll be shocked if he doesn't run.

    Not that I think he would make a good president - just surprised after all of the obvious moves he has made in the state recently.

  9. #369
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    I still think the field is too crowded. Yeah, i know how many candidates the Republicans had in 2018, but the difference between those folks and this crop of Dempocrats is stark. I mean, the Republicans, almost every one of them, were a bunch of schlubs. Ted Cruz? Jeb? Chris Christy? Nah. This field of Democrats are far and away a smarter and better qualified group of people, and each one of them has a slice of the base that will want to vote for them alone or not at all. The DNC nomination is going to be a bloodbath. I'd like to be wrong, but we won't know til 2020.

  10. #370
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    Don’t you think it’s going to REALLY shake out during the caucuses, though? I don’t see it staying that large past the spring of ‘20.

    The Republicans kept their field too big for too long. I don’t think this will happen with Democrats.

  11. #371
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    There is no more rumbling of Cuomo entering? He's been laying the groundwork in NY HARD the last few years. I'll be shocked if he doesn't run.

    Not that I think he would make a good president - just surprised after all of the obvious moves he has made in the state recently.
    He's pretty unpopular - I think he's only held the office so far because no one better has challenged him. And I think he's smart enough to realize that if his own state isn't huge on him, there's no way in hell he'd ever get the nomination, let alone win the general.

  12. #372
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    2016 had two Democrat powerhouses for the majority of the race. Establishment choice Clinton, and firebrand progressive choice Sanders. That in itself was a mess, and voters are still angry about how that turned out. This time around, i just don't see any of the current crop pulling as much of an emotional reaction. It's going to be a real trick to get the base to rally behind just one, and that one is going to have to be real damn special. The only thing keeping voter apathy down is a near universal hatred of Trump, and i honestly don't think that will be enough. The Democrats need somebody to really step out of the crowd and own the race, and i don't think they can afford to wait for the caucuses to figure it out.

  13. #373
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat Mom View Post
    I really think this election is going to be a lot less about Trump and all about issues like healthcare, prescription drug prices, taxes, foreign policy, equality, the “dignity of work,” the economy, etc.
    Oh I wish... if this upcoming election was about ISSUES, I'd sleep soundly at night.

    It's going to be about optics, which is weird, because Trump is an orange clown with a frog neck and a pear-shaped body and a stapled-on pubic toupee... but on the "pro" side of issues, he's a green light for bigotry and misogyny, and that's a one-issue sort of appeal there. Other issues don't permeate a sphere dominated by xenophobic bullshit and identity-destiny.

    So the morons who love him don't care about issues really, and the issues they care about all desperately revolve around Trump. Nobody else is going to be this sort of lightning rod... and the idiots in his cult couldn't tell you how many branches there are in our government, let alone what they're called. They may care about prescription drug costs and taxes, but they don't understand the factors that contribute directly to the money they're paying. If they did, they'd run away screaming from Trump's tax cuts for billionaires.

    These are people so stupid they don't comprehend how stupid they are, and they're proud of it. If/when Trump completely obliterates our economy and sends us into the next Great Depression, they'll blame Hillary.

    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    The Biden thing: I saw this coming a mile off.
    I swear to god,he's creeped me out with his touchy-feely bullshit for YEARS.
    I WISH it had been some sort of conservative smear campaign, but video doesn't lie.
    It's not a conservative smear campaign in so far as it was conceived... it was a huge flaw laying in plain sight, which is why republicans were like "oh no, please don't threaten us with Biden!!! Oh god, what will we do if he wins the democratic primary and becomes your candidate! Save us!!!"

    Which is also why the woman who outed him for his behavior felt the need to publicly address it. She saw how clearly the skeletons in his closet were arranged, and she knew why none of the people saying "yeah, Biden sounds like a GREAT idea" wanted to mention them.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 04-02-2019 at 01:33 PM.

  14. #374
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Oh I wish... if this upcoming election was about ISSUES, I'd sleep soundly at night.
    A bunch of Democrats were elected to the House and Democrats flipped the House based mostly on healthcare.

    NOT on “we hate Trump.”

    I don’t care about Trump’s base. They’d vote for him if he was brain dead hooked up to life support.

    We are discussing what motivates Democrats to vote; in the Midterms, it was issues, mostly healthcare.

    And I believe that issues MUST be the Democrats’ focus in 2020 if they want to win.

    HRC focused WAY too much on “Trump sucks” and not NEARLY enough on the issues in 2016.

  15. #375
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    I 100% agree that it should be about issues. The problem is that the base has been soaking in the briny "Trump Bad Trump Trump Bad Bad Bad Trump" solution ever since his election that it's going to be difficult to separate it now. I mean, just look at the last 10 pages or so of this very thread for a fairly clear sample. The media has pushed it, the Democrat leadership has pushed it, civil rights groups have pushed it. The midterms were ugly; the next general election is going to be even uglier.

  16. #376
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    Whoa, progress ...

    WGN and the AP are calling Lori Lightfoot as the winner of the Chicago mayoral race.

    Lori Lightfoot is an African American lesbian married woman with a young daughter.

    Several firsts.

    This is awesome.
    Last edited by allegro; 04-02-2019 at 09:07 PM.

  17. #377
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat Mom View Post
    A bunch of Democrats were elected to the House and Democrats flipped the House based mostly on healthcare.

    NOT on “we hate Trump.”

    I don’t care about Trump’s base. They’d vote for him if he was brain dead hooked up to life support.

    We are discussing what motivates Democrats to vote; in the Midterms, it was issues, mostly healthcare.

    And I believe that issues MUST be the Democrats’ focus in 2020 if they want to win.

    HRC focused WAY too much on “Trump sucks” and not NEARLY enough on the issues in 2016.
    to dismiss the mid-terms in 2018 (which had a historic youth turnout) as largely fueled by anti-Trump sentiment?

    Let's just call things what they ARE, not what we'd like them to be.

    RE: Healthcare being a primary issue.... Besides "build the wall," Trump's biggest campaign promise was to kill Obamacare, and he convinced people ON OBAMACARE to follow him down that road. A lot of people don't understand the ramifications of what they're chanting for, but it's a mistake to dismiss them and their equal (or, due to our electoral college system, undue) influence as a voter.

    I hate to say it, but we have to analyze and read the voting inclinations of the other side, even if it means evaluating what motivates bigots. I hate it, but it's a game that republicans are MUCH better at. If, for no other reason, to just alert them to the fact that they're fucking themselves out of brand loyalty.

  18. #378
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    But “kill Obamacare” was dead in ‘18 as far as Trump was concerned.

    The Democrats revived the fight because now Democrats want Medicare for All, or some BETTER and CHEAPER version of the ACA.

    They’re doubling down, not just “saving” the ACA but replacing it with what SHOULD have been in the ACA in the first place: the Medicare public option.

    That’s not an anti-Trump sentiment. That’s a demand.

    We have to stop analyzing the motivations of the opposition. It eats the left like a cancer, waters down arguments, wears down resistance. Fuck the right.

    The way to victory is to build an enlarging coalition on the left that outnumbers the idiots on the right. It must cast a wide net, and be inclusive. Labor unions, working class, uneducated, educated, immigrants, people of all colors, all backgrounds, using the Constitution to support and protect civil rights and the right to basic needs like healthcare, an equal wage, an education, a career, equal housing, equal treatment under the law.

    People won’t get this by sitting on their asses behind a computer.
    Last edited by allegro; 04-02-2019 at 09:32 PM.

  19. #379
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat Mom View Post
    But the “kill Obamacare” was dead in ‘18 as far as Trump was concerned.
    Now that he's enjoying his victory lap, he's bringing it back. Hopefully it bites him in the ass because people will see he DOES NOT HAVE A PLAN, but like I'm saying, we need to blast that message to his supporters.

    This is a fight against a bunch of people who don't know what they're talking about, and they're plugging their ears, but there's got to be a way to bring it to their attention. There HAS to be. People fooled by this bullshit are the biggest threat when it comes to a Trump re-election.

  20. #380
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Now that he's enjoying his victory lap, he's bringing it back. .
    He already changed his mind on that. His own party leaders pushed back. Now Trump’s saying he can’t do anything until after 2020.

    You CANNOT change the minds of people who love him.

    No more than they can try to convince US to like him.

    It’s futile to try. Forget it.

    Focus on the Democratic voters who didn’t vote in 2016. Or COULDN’T vote in 2016.
    Last edited by allegro; 04-02-2019 at 09:25 PM.

  21. #381
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Now that he's enjoying his victory lap, he's bringing it back.
    What do you mean? He's already said "nah fuck it" and put it back off his radar. He killed the notion of striking the ACA almost as quickly as he rekindled it.

    edit: on another topic, a poll has found that "almost 70%" of Americans would be okay with a gay candidate.

    Which means, for those who are good at math, over 30%, or roughly 1/3 of the country, would still be "not okay" with a candidate just because they're gay.

    I know I keep saying this, but what a fucking stupid country this is.
    Last edited by theimage13; 04-02-2019 at 09:32 PM.

  22. #382
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    What do you mean? He's already said "nah fuck it" and put it back off his radar. He killed the notion of striking the ACA almost as quickly as he rekindled it.
    Yeah now he’s saying his father was born in Germany.

    But his father was born in the Bronx.

  23. #383
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    What do you mean? He's already said "nah fuck it" and put it back off his radar. He killed the notion of striking the ACA almost as quickly as he rekindled it.
    Then I guess he's testing the waters? I don't know, I can't keep up. I decided that until the fucking complete Mueller probe is released to someone other than Barr, I can't handle the stress of paying close attention to this shit anymore.

    edit: on another topic, a poll has found that "almost 70%" of Americans would be okay with a gay candidate.

    Which means, for those who are good at math, over 30%, or roughly 1/3 of the country, would still be "not okay" with a candidate just because they're gay.

    I know I keep saying this, but what a fucking stupid country this is.
    And that's just the 30% that's honest. You can bet your ass that a very upsetting chunk of that 70% would flip that opinion around in the privacy of a voting booth. There's a lot of things that have been coming out of the woodwork lately. A lot of it lands as "no shit, what rock have you been hiding under?" A lot of it is just stuff we don't want to admit; like that there's a scary number of ACTUAL NAZIs in America mobilizing under the guise of conservatism.

  24. #384
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    Elizabeth Warren -

    Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., will unveil legislation Wednesday that would make it easier to criminally charge – and lock up – executives for a company's wrongdoing.

    The bill, called the Corporate Executive Accountability Act, continues the presidential candidate's push to hold leaders more accountable for a firm's alleged abuses. Warren will also reintroduce a plan Wednesday that would ramp up scrutiny of big bank executives.

    Warren's bill would widen criminal liability to include "negligent executives" of corporations with more than $1 billion in annual revenue that have reached certain terms related to alleged wrongdoing.
    Dan Pfeiffer for Crooked Media -

    Last week’s most alarming piece of political news was not that President Trump won’t face criminal charges for conspiring with Russia to sabotage the 2016 election, or for obstructing the investigation of his own campaign. It was a report from Acronym, a progressive digital organization, which showed that the Trump campaign has spent $6 million on digital advertising since the 2018 midterm election.

    While more than a dozen Democrats are criss-crossing Iowa and New Hampshire talking to Democratic primary voters, Trump is already running a general election campaign. Trump can be beat in 2020, but not if he is allowed to strengthen his position in 2019.

    And right now, too many Democrats and progressives are distracted by the primary or Trump’s latest tweet for our own good. If we don’t focus, and soon, Trump may get the berth he needs to bolster his standing and beat us again.

  25. #385
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    But what is the actionable suggestion to do something about Trump running an endless re-election campaign, ask him nicely to go back to work and do his actual job? You can’t fight fire with fire there, and you can’t do anything to legally pin anything to him it seems.... so?

  26. #386
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    But what is the actionable suggestion to do something about Trump running an endless re-election campaign, ask him nicely to go back to work and do his actual job? You can’t fight fire with fire there, and you can’t do anything to legally pin anything to him it seems.... so?
    Dan has some ideas in the second half about Dem organizations and super PACs needing to spend more money on digital adverts to address the many controversies that have come up in just the last few weeks. He's not talking about taking legal action - he's talking about talking about these developments using an online megaphone in the form of digital adverts.

    But it is a call for the Democratic establishment to get in the game, starting by investing millions of dollars in digital ads to make the case against Trump while the Dems fight it out amongst themselves.

    Every day Trump gives Democrats more ammunition. Imagine the ads that could have been run last week when the Trump administration tried to eliminate funding for the Special Olympics to help pay for tax breaks for corporations and billionaires. There are only so many opportunities that we can allow to slip by before it is too late.

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    For those ads to hit the target audience, you’d need to get Fox News to carry them. I’m not sure how effective net based ads would be either... his supporters live in a bubble that would never run the ads. And even then I don’t see the special olympics thing getting much traction... after all, he came out and said it was someone else’s mistake, and we don’t have him on tape saying “fuck the special olympics!” ...and even if we did, it’d be like “we didn’t elect Trump because we were asking for a saint” or something about Hillary

    it’s really exhausting

  28. #388
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    For those ads to hit the target audience, you’d need to get Fox News to carry them. I’m not sure how effective net based ads would be either... his supporters live in a bubble that would never run the ads. And even then I don’t see the special olympics thing getting much traction... after all, he came out and said it was someone else’s mistake, and we don’t have him on tape saying “fuck the special olympics!” ...and even if we did, it’d be like “we didn’t elect Trump because we were asking for a saint” or something about Hillary

    it’s really exhausting
    The target audience of Obama/Trump voters, undecided voters, casual voters, low-information voters and independents don't live on Fox News. They live everywhere else on the internet. Those other places care solely about ad revenue and based on undertakings by groups like Sleeping Giants, individual websites don't always cater their ads to their audiences and vice-versa. Living in Memphis, TN and having Google ads disabled so they're just region-focused, I don't see any ads that look favorably upon Democrats. Dem groups with money could change that by opening up their coffers and spending money on ads that highlight things Trump says outside of them being reported on CNN.

    It's about reminding people of the things Trump says and the things his administration is trying to do. Digital advertising would surely help spread that around and would do a lot to ask questions like "Will YOU continue to allow this administration jail children and defund the Special Olympics?" and "Send a message to the Trump administration that the wall is a waste of YOUR money." etc.

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    I'd like to believe that it'd be effective. I just don't understand people who haven't made up their mind one way or the other about Trump at this point.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I'd like to believe that it'd be effective. I just don't understand people who haven't made up their mind one way or the other about Trump at this point.
    They exist?

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