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Thread: 11/08/2022, The Midterms, aka build on 2020 aka The Election Thread

  1. #841
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    "We're not here because of famous arches or famous men. In fact, we're not here because of men at all." is a moment that will stick with me for quite some time.

    I was watching some of it on livestream last night but the stream was really glitchy and kept cutting out and freezing up.

    At the NH convention, she got a standing ovation for two whole minutes; no other candidate came close to that.
    Last edited by allegro; 09-17-2019 at 11:26 AM.

  2. #842
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    Here is what the selfie "line" looked like when I decided to head home instead.

  3. #843
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    Meanwhile, in the NPR page comments regarding Trump's SF rally....someone mentioned that Warren had 20,000 people show up and the response was "yeah, and where did you hear THAT...the New York Times?" "No, my friends went. They sent pictures." "Oh yeaaaaaaaaaah, that's a wayyyyyy better source."

    Jesus fuck. I wish I knew whether they were trolling or really that stupid, but ultimately I don't think either one is really going to help me sleep at night.

  4. #844
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    Joe P. Kennedy the third will challenge Ed Markey for his senate seat:

    I'm 100 percent for Markey. Kennedy is not entitled to the seat because of who his grandfather and grand uncles were.

  5. #845
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    a new memo from the Booker camp is saying he may be dropping out soon. good. I'm from NJ and I'm not a fan.

  6. #846
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    Quote Originally Posted by versusreality View Post
    a new memo from the Booker camp is saying he may be dropping out soon. good. I'm from NJ and I'm not a fan.
    Here's the link -

    I would've expected him to at least hang on until the October debates since he's qualified for those, but money talks and if he's running out, then I guess it'd make sense for him to pull out if he already knows he isn't getting past October.

  7. #847
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    Jesus Christ, this stuff with Trump trying to get Biden investigated now....this could be a nightmare.

    I was just reading about how Biden has staked out the moral high ground with his campaign, but lets be honest here, Trump supproters have no morals, nor any concern for decency.

    I can see it now, Biden VS Trump 2020, Trump trailing badly with a month to go. For months Trump supporters have been chanting "lock him up" over whatever Hunter Biden is accused of. Russia invades the Ukraine and Trump says "no, no aid for you unless you re-open your investigation", and the Ukrainian government suddenly relaunches the investigation (with similar pomp and circumstance to Comey announcing a renewed investigation in Hillary's emails), and then Putin's suddenly backing off.

    The USA is fucked. It doesn't even matter anymore.

  8. #848
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    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post
    Jesus Christ, this stuff with Trump trying to get Biden investigated now....this could be a nightmare.

    I was just reading about how Biden has staked out the moral high ground with his campaign, but lets be honest here, Trump supproters have no morals, nor any concern for decency.

    I can see it now, Biden VS Trump 2020, Trump trailing badly with a month to go. For months Trump supporters have been chanting "lock him up" over whatever Hunter Biden is accused of. Russia invades the Ukraine and Trump says "no, no aid for you unless you re-open your investigation", and the Ukrainian government suddenly relaunches the investigation (with similar pomp and circumstance to Comey announcing a renewed investigation in Hillary's emails), and then Putin's suddenly backing off.

    The USA is fucked. It doesn't even matter anymore.
    Who knows... after this debacle, maybe Trump won't want to try this angle further... one thing is for sure though, he's not going to "play fair." He never has.

  9. #849
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    Quote Originally Posted by versusreality View Post
    a new memo from the Booker camp is saying he may be dropping out soon. good. I'm from NJ and I'm not a fan.
    Me too. He's definitely not presidential material. He's so angry all the time and he looks like he's on meth.

  10. #850
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    Well folks, the time undisputed high crimes are here. This president just broke constitutional law. What are Senate Republicans going to do about it?


  11. #851
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    Even if you Dems in NY aren't voting Yang, you must register by October 11, 2019, to vote in the March 2020 Primary.

  12. #852
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  13. #853
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    So, now Warren is polling ahead of Biden. This Trump Biden thing has delivered a giant gift to the Warren campaign. I’m not gonna lie; I’m glad. Biden has a LOT of baggage. Biden had to drop out of the 1988 Presidential campaign because he plagiarized a speech. He’s been tied to some legislation that is not kind to him in modern times. He is still negatively tied to Clarence Thomas.

  14. #854
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    The news I've been reading is already calling Biden the democratic nominee for 2020......I don't even mean calling him a potential candidate or a possible candidate, but they're calling him the democratic candidate for 2020. That's wierd.....

    I still prefer Warren to Biden, but honestly, as long as Trump's gone, IDAF.

  15. #855
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    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post
    The news I've been reading is already calling Biden the democratic nominee for 2020......I don't even mean calling him a potential candidate or a possible candidate, but they're calling him the democratic candidate for 2020. That's wierd.....

    I still prefer Warren to Biden, but honestly, as long as Trump's gone, IDAF.

  16. #856
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    Remember during the Fall of 2003 everyone said Howard Dean would be the inevitable Democratic nominee?

    Not saying Warren won't win the nomination, but it could still be Biden or Sanders. Iowa is still a ways off.

  17. #857
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    Remember during the Fall of 2003 everyone said Howard Dean would be the inevitable Democratic nominee?
    And then he made a weird squeaky noise, and THAT was the deal-breaker there...

  18. #858
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    And then he made a weird squeaky noise, and THAT was the deal-breaker there...
    Unbelievable. Not that he would have had any more luck than Kerry.

  19. #859
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    Iowa is February 3rd.

    4 months.

  20. #860
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    Bernie Sanders had surgery this morning to insert stents. I wish him a full and swift recovery.

  21. #861
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    Bernie Sanders had surgery this morning to insert stents. I wish him a full and swift recovery.
    See this is how politics should be. Bernie is having a health issue and those running against him are calling him a friend and wishing for a speedy recovery.

    I obviously hope he recovers quickly too.

    Why can't we have that in the oval office? His rivals are showing concern and compassion which is really just a basically decent thing to do.

    They disagree but they don't hate each other. They're competing with each other for a nomination but they're not vicious.

    Get well soon Bernie and let's get a Democrat into office who can restore civility to the White House.

  22. #862
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    Ugh, I hope this doesn't hurt my guy's chances too much. Hope he recovers quick enough to get back in the fight. Of course this happens now, right as non-politics junkies are starting to pay attention more. Not good though, no way for me to spin it. Now those pointing to his age finally have something concrete behind their argument.

  23. #863
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    Sanders has needed to drop out for a while now in my opinion. The progressive vote is behind Warren now.

  24. #864
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    This! I'm not trying to be a dick, but he would already be the oldest man elected to the Presidency, and this heart surgery is not exactly reassuring that he's physically fit to tackle the next... let me check... 8 fucking years in the oval office!!!

    It's a weird line, because I do believe that ageism sucks and maybe saying that he's too old to run is shitty, but it's hard for me to get excited for yet another old dude for president. And it's hard to imagine his health not being brought up in the general elections, and I hate to say it but if this same surgery happened after he got the dem nomination it would be quite a disaster. I like him enough, my wife voted for him in the primaries (I wasn't a citizen yet so I couldn't), but he could use his popularity and platform for good by bowing out and getting behind and champion a candidate he believes in.

    As far as the other candidates, I agree that Warren is a good one, and I also really like Harris.

    If Bernie somehow wins the nomination, I will gladly vote for him, but at this stage I prefer someone else.

  25. #865
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    I understand honest apprehension over Bernie's age. Of course there is alot of gaslighting & fake /hypocritical critiques over it too from certain sectors & people.

    In terms of Bernie vs Warren for progressives, the question comes down to how far do you want your candidate to go in terms of fighting for fundamental changes to our broken system, if elected? Bernie talks about a revolution. His tagline is "Not Me, Us". He wants to go in there & break up the facets of our country that are not working. Try and change what he can from the ground up, and sustain that change by creating a groundswell of support that will stay in place even after hes out of office. Create a new voting bloc that has to be reckoned with by both parties in the future. Which makes sense b/c the big ideas he has will not all be implemented in just 4 or 8 years. Or, as we are seeing with Trump reversing so much of what Obama did, you need that sustained movement in place in the future to help prevent against the right altering things later on. That voting bloc is clearly already starting to form with the push left of the party in general, the rise of the Squad & their followers, etc. But having Bernie as president will solidify that bloc alot more b/c it would have an agreed upon leader.

    The centerpiece, and this is downplayed a bit for now b/c it's early, is reducing the role of unbridled capitalism in our gov't & our country. If you're looking for one solid difference at this point, look at how Warren talks about our military vs. Bernie. I don't trust her to truly fight to reduce our military spending & world footprint. But we all know Bernie will be attacking that head-on. Warren is awesome in many ways & I certainly could vote for her proudly if need be, but she talks more about change within our current system. Alot of those changes being around the edges. Bernie wants to go in & dismantle whole facets of the system that are oppressing us. Sure he wouldn't necessarily be successful with all that, but you know he can be trusted to fight as hard as possible for progressive ideals at every step. No wavering, and not compromising nearly as much as Warren or god forbid Biden would. I think Warren would be quicker to crack on the big ideas she has when it came down to brass tacks in the 11th hour of a plan being concocted. The right and the lobbyists will get to her somewhat. With Bernie, they won't get to him at all, and they all know that. He has the track record for his entire adult life as proof, basically. That's why he scares them the most.

    Sorry, bloviating over.
    Last edited by bobbie solo; 10-03-2019 at 04:20 PM.

  26. #866
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    Bernie Sanders dropping out will be the best thing to happen to progressives in this election

  27. #867
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    While I agree, I certainly hope that it isn't this that does him in - that would be a sad ending.

    His legacy will be pushing the platform a few steps to the left, which is a monumental achievement.

  28. #868
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    The largest group of black voters are middle-aged to older black voters, the majority of whom tend to be moderates (not progressive).

    Hence, a huge reason why they're polling so strongly behind Biden.

    While less committed to many of the broad social and cultural issues important to white liberals, black Democrats remain more committed than their white counterparts to progressive stands on economic issues of the type that characterized the New Deal coalition of the last century that also established the Great Society programs of the 1960s like Medicare and Medicaid.

    Asked to rate the importance to them of jobs and wages, 84 percent of black Democrats said both are “very important,” 20 points more than the 64 percent of white Democrats who said so.

    Black Democrats showed more caution than their white counterparts when it came to their views of several major changes in public policy that Democratic presidential candidates have proposed.

    Asked by CBS “Would you favor or oppose the U.S. creating a national, government-administered ‘Medicare for All’ program, available to all individuals?” 59 percent of white Democrats said they support it, compared with 47 percent of black Democrats.

    CBS posed a broad question testing whether Democratic primary voters want a moderate or more radical approach: Should the message in 2020 be that the party and its candidates will try “to return the country to the way it was before Donald Trump took office” or “to advance a more progressive agenda than the country had under Barack Obama”?

    On this question, white Democrats preferred to advance a more progressive agenda 64-36, while black Democrats leaned toward a return to a pre-Trump era, 52-48.

    Asked if they “must hear” from candidates about their policies on creating jobs, 39 percent of whites agreed compared with 68 percent of African-Americans. Conversely, 76 percent of white Democrats and 48 percent of black Democrats said they must hear candidates’ proposals to combat climate change.

    One of the largest divisions was over whether they must hear candidates’ proposals to lower taxes: 25 percent for whites, 55 percent for African-Americans. Another big gap was on the question of keeping the country safe: 41 percent of white Democrats said it was “extremely important” while a much higher percent of black Democrats, 69 percent, ranked it that high.

    Tasha Philpot, a political scientist at the University of Texas, emailed in response to my inquiry: “In my own work, I’ve found a growing number of self-identified black conservatives over the last 5 decades.”

    She stressed, however, that among African-Americans of all ideological leanings, “levels of group consciousness remain high as does Democratic Party identification.” African-Americans, she argued, “hold two beliefs simultaneously — the belief that blacks should take responsibility for their own success but also that there still are systemic barriers to doing so.”

    In her 2017 book “Conservative but Not Republican: The Paradox of Party Identification and Ideology among African Americans,” Philpot reports that “when group consciousness is high, blacks regardless of ideology will identify with the Democratic Party,” adding that “blacks use a different set of criteria when placed on the liberal-conservative continuum than” whites do.

    The result? “Black conservatives behave more like black liberals than they do white conservatives,” according to Philpot. “In 2012, for instance, 96 percent of black liberals and 78 percent of black conservatives identified with the Democratic Party.”
    Last edited by allegro; 10-04-2019 at 01:56 PM.

  29. #869
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    it is confirmed that Bernie had a heart attack.

    I don't think it's a good idea for him to return to the trail so soon, if at all. I mean, I admire his passion but health first regardless of who you are or what you do...

  30. #870
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    Quote Originally Posted by versusreality View Post
    it is confirmed that Bernie had a heart attack.

    I don't think it's a good idea for him to return to the trail so soon, if at all. I mean, I admire his passion but health first regardless of who you are or what you do...
    Bernie Sanders: less than a month over 78.
    Life expectancy, US: 78.69 years

    He's been in politics his entire adult life. It is clearly his passion. Why would "health first" be his take? By baseline statistics alone, he'll be dead any day now. But this isn't just some guy who wants to keep working at the factory because his buddies are still there or something. He is passionate about, and firmly believes in, what he's doing, which is something that has a direct impact on the lives of thousands and thousands of people. To some people, that's more important than sitting in bed resting, and we should respect that. And this is coming from someone who would rather cast a ballot for a different candidate.

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