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Thread: 11/08/2022, The Midterms, aka build on 2020 aka The Election Thread

  1. #2161
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    I don't know how I feel about Harris > Rice, but I expected it to be between them. So, like I am with everything, I'm 100% team Harris until the election, and you're not going to hear me say a goddamn negative thing about her until after November 3rd.

  2. #2162
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    I’m not criticizing anything about her for a long long while, if at all. She’s a candidate for VP, not Jesus.

    I’m sick of these dudes running things.

    Double standards and misogyny be damned.
    Last edited by allegro; 08-12-2020 at 08:16 AM.

  3. #2163
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdm View Post
    I guess it’s now up over $20 million.

  4. #2164
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    An open letter to General Milley.

    That was definitely a great read. Wow.

  5. #2165
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  6. #2166
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    So the donors got their way. Harris has been who the party insiders, big $ bundlers & their ilk have wanted since Trump won:

    Freshman Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) has recently become the subject of much speculation about a potential 2020 presidential run. Several majornewsoutlets have run feature-length profiles of Harris, and top Democratic donors are starting to coalesce around her as their preferred candidate to take on President Donald Trump.

    She is the preferred candidate of extremely wealthy and out-of-touch Democratic party donors,” said Winnie Wong, co-founder of the group People for Bernie, which played a prominent role the grassroots movement behind Sanders in 2016. “Her recent anointing is extremely telling. These donors will line her coffers ahead of 2020 and she will have the next two years to craft a message of broad appeal to a rapidly changing electorate.”
    Now, she ran an absolutely horrible campaign, waffled on over a dozen issues & did not appeal to enough actual normal people that aren't in the DNC $ bubble. She had to drop out b/c real people saw through that fake laugh & the rest of her bullshit. But the donors got their way in the end, as they usually do. She checks all their boxes: the right skin color & gender to cover their woke asses on the identity politics front, but bathing in Dem donor & Wall St $ so she won't upset the apple cart there. There is zero chance she pulls Biden left on almost anything. Althought she is certainly to the left of Joe, so if she took over the presidency things would shift left at least nominally.

    As said, she will do well on TV this fall, as well as on the campaign trail if that exists.

    Wonder how long it will take the right wing machine to dig up those old, unsubstantiated stories of who she has slept with ( I don't even know the specifics, just remember some smears I read a long time ago). They don't really have anything to attack her on from the hard right. So expect them to just go in the gutter post haste.
    @Jinsai , the day after inauguration day we all need to start to do something to make our voices heard. Peaceful protests, call to our reps, becoming ungovernable in the streets like we did in June, threats to primary these clowns in 2024 (yes I mean it) if they don't follow through on progressive ideas...some combination of these. I fear a Biden win will let many feel comfortable going back to sleep though like they did for 8 years under Obama.

  7. #2167
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post

    Wonder how long it will take the right wing machine to dig up those old, unsubstantiated stories of who she has slept with ( I don't even know the specifics, just remember some smears I read a long time ago). They don't really have anything to attack her on from the hard right. So expect them to just go in the gutter post haste.
    @Jinsai, the day after inauguration day we all need to start to do something to make our voices heard. Peaceful protests, call to our reps, becoming ungovernable in the streets like we did in June, threats to primary these clowns in 2024 (yes I mean it) if they don't follow through on progressive ideas...some combination of these. I fear a Biden win will let many feel comfortable going back to sleep though like they did for 8 years under Obama.
    I suspect they will call her out for the high amount of black males incarcerated under her watch, as well as some of the lies she said (like smoking weed while listening to snoop dogg in college) . Essentially, they'll play the race game and Trump will say "I've done more for blacks than her, she locks them up" . It's going to get ugly. Uglier, I should say.
    But I agree with everything you said about the donors getting their way. And yes, that fake laugh annoys the hell out of me!

  8. #2168
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    Quote Originally Posted by versusreality View Post
    I suspect they will call her out for the high amount of black males incarcerated under her watch, as well as some of the lies she said (like smoking weed while listening to snoop dogg in college) . Essentially, they'll play the race game and Trump will say "I've done more for blacks than her, she locks them up" . It's going to get ugly. Uglier, I should say.
    But I agree with everything you said about the donors getting their way. And yes, that fake laugh annoys the hell out of me!

    The Snoop Dogg / weed comment was already shown to be comments taken out of context.

    There is no perfect VP.

    Only unelectable ones.

    Fake laugh is just ... Jesus Christ, now we are in sexist territory. Again.

    I’m going to hate a bunch of you motherfuckers by November, for sure.

    I have some blocked. Time to block some more.
    Last edited by allegro; 08-13-2020 at 09:46 AM.

  9. #2169
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    Who cares what dirt the right will dig up on her?!??

    They will drag ANYONE! They turned Hillary's emails into a campaign-destroying scandal, Obama was a Muslim, Al Gore "claimed that he invented the internet", and let's not forget that they beat Kerry ON his military service in Vietnam! Not despite, but on his service, during a war-time election! They will make up stuff if there is nothing to attack, so don't worry about them! Fuck 'em!

  10. #2170
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    Harris wasn't my first choice nor was she my last so I'm OK with this. I'm also OK with her past record as long as she acknowledges times and viewpoints have changed. I don't have the same political views I had 10 years ago and I think it's fair to allow some political and social introspection and growth. Now with that said, I didn't play a part in a state's prison pipeline...but I digress.

  11. #2171
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    I am a fan of her wanting to give $2,000 a month to Americans during the pandemic. If that had passed, none of this ridiculousness going on now with stimulus/unemployment would be going on.

    I'm going to give her a chance. I'd give anyone who Biden picked a chance. The number 1 goal is to get the orange idiot out of the office.

  12. #2172
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    I wouldn't be surprised if some of y'all would defend Hitler if he was reincarnated as a black woman.

  13. #2173
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfkiller View Post
    I wouldn't be surprised if some of y'all would defend Hitler if he was reincarnated as a black woman.
    Hitler Hybrid Selector:




    Pick 2

  14. #2174
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  16. #2176
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    First of all, as someone who will end up voting Biden/Harris, something important for us white people to keep in mind:

    As for my opinion on the selection, pretty much what I expected with this VP pick. For a while I've been thinking/saying that it would be either Harris or Klobuchar, and once George Floyd's murder put a damning spotlight on Klobuchar's record she was obviously done. So I was expecting Harris, and while it is unsurprising, it could be a lot worse. Yes, she (like a majority of DAs I would imagine) has done some really regrettable things in her career but all of the potential options had baggage of some sort or another. Joe Biden's running mate was never going to be some far left insurgent - this is Joe Biden we're talking about - so we should probably be grateful that her voting record as a senator is as left-leaning and progressive as it is. It would be nice to imagine the administration would actually lean in this direction (rather than just using a seemingly-progressive appearance to get votes and promptly ignore the issues once elected), but again, this is Joe Biden so I'm not going to hold my breath.

    She has charisma and public speaking ability, which is definitely a plus considering that Biden's campaign strategy seems to be hiding him as much as possible.

    Part of me imagines (only half jokingly) that Biden promised most of his primary opponents save Sanders the Vice Presidential slot - separately asking Buttigieg and Klobuchar to drop out before Super Tuesday, asking Warren to drop out after it - only to award it to the woman whose campaign folded before voting even began, whose biggest moment of the election cycle was bodying him during the debates. I can't stand the fact that Biden got the nomination but the fact Buttigieg dropped out and endorsed Biden when he was leading him in delegates, giving him a big boost against Sanders, and got seemingly nothing out of it does admittedly warm my heart.

    And to wade into this rough discussion of identity politics...obviously, it is important that our elected representatives have insight into and passion about rectifying the systemic issues facing people of color, women, the disabled, and the LGBTQA community, and people from those groups are clearly the most likely to have that insight and passion through experience and so thusly their presence in the political system should be encouraged. But I find it discouraging how often idpol talking points allow people to flatten the humanity and intellectual diversity of entire demographics, and the corporate weaponization of that language has done a lot of damage to progressive momentum. We should strive for a political system where the actors are as diverse as the country they represent, but someone embodying a marginalized identity does not inherently mean their political agenda will serve the group they represent (one would hope Obama had illustrated this clearly enough), and if diverse representation does little more than continue the typical Washington injustice and the political inequities of the past, how beneficial is it?

  17. #2177
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post
    Hitler Hybrid Selector:




    Pick 2
    Insight Check D30

  18. #2178
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    Biden/Harris joint presser going on now:

    Biden's giving a good speech so far. Harris isn't out yet. I am assuming she'll be there in person. edit: yes, she's there sitting close to Biden. she's speaking now. I'm liking her approach.
    Last edited by versusreality; 08-12-2020 at 04:24 PM.

  19. #2179
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfkiller View Post
    I wouldn't be surprised if some of y'all would defend Hitler if he was reincarnated as a black woman.
    Wait... I... eh... what...?

    Are you implying Kamala Harris is sorta like Hitler?

  20. #2180
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    The Snoop Dogg / weed comment was already shown to be comments taken out of context.

    There is no perfect VP.

    Only unelectable ones.

    Fake laugh is just ... Jesus Christ, now we are in sexist territory. Again.

    I’m going to hate a bunch of you motherfuckers by November, for sure.

    I have some blocked. Time to block some more.
    I'm trying to PM you, but it seems I have been blocked. would like to speak with you if possible. thanks.

  21. #2181
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deacon Blackfire View Post
    First of all, as someone who will end up voting Biden/Harris, something important for us white people to keep in mind...
    This whole post is a good perspective. Thanks.

  22. #2182
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    Quote Originally Posted by versusreality View Post
    I'm trying to PM you, but it seems I have been blocked. would like to speak with you if possible. thanks.
    I don't think you've been blocked if you're able to quote someone's post.

  23. #2183
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I don't think you've been blocked if you're able to quote someone's post.
    ah ok. I was given an error message when trying to send a PM.

  24. #2184
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    Quote Originally Posted by versusreality View Post
    ah ok. I was given an error message when trying to send a PM.
    I think you can also disable PM on here, so that might be it.

  25. #2185
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Wait... I... eh... what...?

    Are you implying Kamala Harris is sorta like Hitler?
    No, merely commenting on the ridiculousness of identity politics (Deacon did a better job.) But then again, keeping people in prison for cheap labor...
    Last edited by Wolfkiller; 08-12-2020 at 06:33 PM.

  26. #2186
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I think you can also disable PM on here, so that might be it.
    that could be it, thank you!
    @allegro I wanted to apologize in private, but will do so here. I want to apologize for ruffling any feathers and coming across as insensitive. I'm sorry if I offended you/angered you. that was not my intention.

    I'm willing to learn, listen, and grow.

  27. #2187
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    Quote Originally Posted by versusreality View Post
    that could be it, thank you!
    @allegro I wanted to apologize in private, but will do so here. I want to apologize for ruffling any feathers and coming across as insensitive. I'm sorry if I offended you/angered you. that was not my intention.
    I think she's probably fine... I think if she was mad she'd be more direct. She's told me to go fuck myself a ton of times.

    I'm reminded how hostile this board used to be. That was a different era.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 08-12-2020 at 06:52 PM.

  28. #2188
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    ah ok, thanks!

    sorry for derailing for a bit. back on topic:
    Trump's presser tonight, I guess his response to Biden/Harris, was very very low energy. out of sorts. repeated himself, word for word, multiple times throughout. bizarre. if this is is response, he's in trouble.

  29. #2189
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    the thing is, him sounding deranged isn't new.

    How do we bring the heat to the people enabling this? I think we're putting that consideration on the sideline because we're so sure we're gonna win the election, but really...
    Do we really have no other option than to just wait around until November 3rd? It's hard to believe that it's been allowed to go on for this long.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 08-12-2020 at 09:36 PM.

  30. #2190
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellospaceboy View Post
    Who cares what dirt the right will dig up on her?!??

    They will drag ANYONE! They turned Hillary's emails into a campaign-destroying scandal, Obama was a Muslim, Al Gore "claimed that he invented the internet", and let's not forget that they beat Kerry ON his military service in Vietnam! Not despite, but on his service, during a war-time election! They will make up stuff if there is nothing to attack, so don't worry about them! Fuck 'em!
    I don't actually care. It was just a thought I had while watching Fox last night for 30 minutes. Laura Ingraham spent that 30 minutes with very weak, scattered attacks on Harris. Some about her being a radical leftie, some attacking her tough stances as DA. None of it stuck. It sincerely felt like grasping as straws. Then I remembered some really scummy things I had read years ago. Turns out it is true sadly. She was sleeping with former SF mayor Willie Brown while he was still married, and he had admitted to putting her in certain positions as a result. She kind of got her political start from this. You can expect the smear merchants on the right to bring this up plenty over the next few months.

    Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown addressed his past relationship with Sen. Kamala Harris in a letter to the San Francisco Chronicle on Saturday and acknowledged giving her appointments that furthered her career. "Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago," wrote Brown, who said he had "been peppered with calls from the national media about my 'relationship' with Kamala Harris, particularly since it became obvious that she was going to run for president."
    Harris' office did not immediately respond to USA TODAY's request for comment on Brown's letter to the Chronicle.
    Brown was married at the time he and Harris dated, but – because he had been "estranged from his wife" Blanche Brown since 1981, according to People magazine –the relationship was not kept secret. A Sacramento Bee reporter told People that Brown "had a succession of girlfriends" and would "go to a party with his wife on one arm and his girlfriend on the other.”

    A 1994 Los Angeles Times report about then-California Assembly Speaker Brown's "rush to hand out patronage jobs" described Harris as Brown's "frequent companion" and said several people referred to her as Brown's girlfriend. That report also cited a column from the Chronicle's Herb Caen that called Harris "the Speaker's new steady." When they met, she was 29 and Brown was 60.
    According to Caen, the couple split up in 1995, which "flabbergasted" those "who found Kamala the perfect antidote to whatever playboy tendencies still reside in the mayor-elect's jaunty persona."
    Although Brown supported Harris in her successful 2003 run for San Francisco district attorney, she tried to distance herself from him in that race, telling SF Weekly that Brown – whose career was dogged by corruption allegations – was an "albatross hanging around my neck."
    "His career is over; I will be alive and kicking for the next 40 years. I do not owe him a thing," she told SF Weekly, vowing, "If there is corruption, it will be prosecuted."
    Among the issues that followed Harris from her time with Brown was the allegation of cronyism in his appointment of her to two well-paying posts.
    "Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker," Brown wrote Saturday. Brown was the speaker from 1980 to 1995, prior to his stint as San Francisco mayor.

    Brown appointed Harris to the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and then to the Medical Assistance Commission – positions that paid her more than $400,000 over five years, according to SF Weekly. Brown also gave Harris a BMW.
    "And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco," he said in his Chronicle letter Saturday..
    "I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians," he added.
    "The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I 'so much as jaywalked' while she was D.A.," Brown wrote. "That’s politics for ya."

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