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Thread: 11/08/2022, The Midterms, aka build on 2020 aka The Election Thread

  1. #871
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    I mean, I don't disagree with you. I guess what I'm saying is I'd rather him live a longer life, still fighting for what he wants, rather than (God forbid I hope it never happens) passing away on the trail from overdoing it after a heart attack.

  2. #872
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    Quote Originally Posted by versusreality View Post
    I mean, I don't disagree with you. I guess what I'm saying is I'd rather him live a longer life, still fighting for what he wants, rather than (God forbid I hope it never happens) passing away on the trail from overdoing it after a heart attack.
    I get you, but what good is a longer life if you don't spend it doing what you want to do with it? To me this echoes my grandfather's final years - he *could* have been sent to a home with 24/7 care or a hospital or something and hooked up to all sorts of things, medicated to high hell, etc. Instead he stayed in the house that he literally built with his own two hands, continued to live with his wife of 50+ years, continued to engage in the hobbies that he'd enjoyed his whole life. It's entirely possible that removing him from that for the sole purpose of extending his life could have achieved that, but his quality of life would have plummeted. I say live your life doing what you love, not extend your life sitting on the sidelines.

    This would be a different story and Bernie was a much younger man (let's say 50s). I'd say yeah, maybe this sit this round out, continue doing your current job, and jump right back in to the next election. But he's quickly running out of "next times". Not the time to give up on one's dreams. Ultimately though, what I'm really getting at is I want him to do what HE feels is right. If he can truly tell himself that he's at peace leaving the race, then good for him. But if that's not where his heart is (no pun intended), then I'd be sad to see him give up prematurely.

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  4. #874
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    Goddamn, this is good. It says everything (and more) I’ve ever said in response to Bernie’s detractors and the BS narratives that get tossed at him with visual proof, no less.
    I wish he was younger. The health situation was always a real concern going into 2020 but obviously more so now. It sucks he got screwed in 2016; I think it’s over for him now. Just like 2016 though, I will vote for the nominee whom I hope is Warren and not Biden.

  5. #875
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    Not to be a conspiracy theorist or anything, but if we were to get word at some point that the Trump administration had some connection to Bernie’s heart attack, would any of us be surprised?

  6. #876
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bachy View Post
    Not to be a conspiracy theorist or anything, but if we were to get word at some point that the Trump administration had some connection to Bernie’s heart attack, would any of us be surprised?

  7. #877
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    I know it's tempting, but you can't blame Trump for EVERYTHING.

  8. #878
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bachy View Post
    Not to be a conspiracy theorist or anything, but if we were to get word at some point that the Trump administration had some connection to Bernie’s heart attack, would any of us be surprised?

    The man has no morals, but he's not there yet.

    There's a good chance he gets there one day, but if he gets to the point where he's launching physical assults on his opponents, he's probably doing so in ways that are extremely obvious to everyone. Secrets are not his strong suit.

    That's how I know beyond a doubt that there are no aliens in area 51. If there were, Trump would have blown that secret by now.

  9. #879
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    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post

    The man has no morals, but he's not there yet.

    There's a good chance he gets there one day, but if he gets to the point where he's launching physical assults on his opponents, he's probably doing so in ways that are extremely obvious to everyone. Secrets are not his strong suit.

    That's how I know beyond a doubt that there are no aliens in area 51. If there were, Trump would have blown that secret by now.
    I’m of the belief that there are certain things the intelligence community may keep hidden, even from the President. The existence of aliens possibly being one of them. I mean, they definitely would want to keep that from Trump regardless. Like you said, the guy would have blown it by now. He’d probably tweet a photo of the briefing and claim he was the one that made first contact.

  10. #880
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    Goddamn, this is good. It says everything (and more) I’ve ever said in response to Bernie’s detractors and the BS narratives that get tossed at him with visual proof, no less.
    I wish he was younger. The health situation was always a real concern going into 2020 but obviously more so now. It sucks he got screwed in 2016; I think it’s over for him now. Just like 2016 though, I will vote for the nominee whom I hope is Warren and not Biden.

    beat me to the punch on posting this!

  11. #881
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    I met Beto O'Rourke yesterday. Yes, I wore that shirt (bummer I forgot to ask him how he felt about NIN or the new Tool).

    Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

  12. #882
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  13. #883
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    Warren's campaign is excellent at trolling. The campaign took out a facebook ad saying Zuck endorsed Trump to highlight their shitty policy on allowing misleading and/or false information to be allowed in political ads.

  14. #884
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    Warren's campaign is excellent at trolling. The campaign took out a facebook ad saying Zuck endorsed Trump to highlight their shitty policy on allowing misleading and/or false information to be allowed in political ads.
    What's the overlap on Trump Voters v "Zuck is the Antichrist" crowd, though? Does the ad serve any actual benefit to her campaign and/or harm to Trump's base? Or did they just pick a random half-truth based on the platform's ownership that no one will really care about?

    To me, the better option would have been a Zuck deepfake video showing him endorsing Trump while proclaiming that Facebook will gladly air any lies as long as the check clears. THAT might have sent a message.

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  17. #887
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    Stuff like this is literally the only thing Twitter is great for

  18. #888
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Stuff like this is literally the only thing Twitter is great for
    Off topic, but disagree. Read this yesterday; it hit me really hard.

  19. #889
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Off topic, but disagree. Read this yesterday; it hit me really hard.
    Yeah I contributed to that thread (saying hi to David, etc.); so uplifting.

    This, too:

  20. #890
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    Deval Patrick, former Governor of Massachusetts, good friend of President Barack Obama, and employee of Bain Capital, has allegedly entered the Presidential race as a member of the Democratic Party0

    This via the Washington Post, the NY Times and Bloomberg, which I won't bother linking here because of their fucking paywalls.
    Last edited by allegro; 11-22-2019 at 12:13 PM.

  21. #891
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    Here is a REALLY good article about Joe Biden and his stutter.

    I hadn’t seen it, hadn’t noted it, until I read this article. Now, it all makes sense.

    One of my degrees is in communication and for a while I wanted to go on to get a Masters in speech pathology, primarily because my little brother had a strong speech impediment that was helped through speech therapy.

    The above-linked article brought me to tears.

  22. #892
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    Okay I totally love Bernie Sanders again:

  23. #893
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    Kamala Harris:

  24. #894
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat Mom View Post
    Yeah I contributed to that thread (saying hi to David, etc.); so uplifting.

    This, too:
    I just read this article on Rolling Stone this morning.

    Sadly, looking at that tweet I can't help but think it is exactly what they are talking about in the article. something that might be real, true, and even beautiful, used to gain followers of a certain kind, then later tweets sprinkled with information designed to divide. I didn't click on the tweet or the story, so i don't know anything about the OP, might be totally legit. Obviously, the subject in the post really is the some of the best of humanity at work. I found the article very interesting and came here moments later to see this post, i couldn't help but make a connection.

  25. #895
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    Kamala's response felt completely genuine actually, and it's refreshing to see that given how often this sort of thing is disingenuous and coddling. It's weird to call this sort of thing "refreshing" but here we are.

  26. #896
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    Quote Originally Posted by talkingnothing View Post
    I just read this article on Rolling Stone this morning.

    Sadly, looking at that tweet I can't help but think it is exactly what they are talking about in the article. something that might be real, true, and even beautiful, used to gain followers of a certain kind, then later tweets sprinkled with information designed to divide. I didn't click on the tweet or the story, so i don't know anything about the OP, might be totally legit. Obviously, the subject in the post really is the some of the best of humanity at work. I found the article very interesting and came here moments later to see this post, i couldn't help but make a connection.
    This article really needs to be spread far and wide if we want to understand the war. Key quotes (but the whole thing is really quite illuminating):

    Internet trolls don’t troll. Not the professionals at least. Professional trolls don’t go on social media to antagonize liberals or belittle conservatives. They are not narrow minded, drunk or angry. They don’t lack basic English language skills.


    Professional trolls are good at their job. They have studied us. They understand how to harness our biases (and hashtags) for their own purposes. They know what pressure points to push and how best to drive us to distrust our neighbors. The professionals know you catch more flies with honey. They don’t go to social media looking for a fight; they go looking for new best friends. And they have found them.


    As good marketers, professional trolls manipulate our emotions subtly. In fall 2018, for example, a Russian account we identified called @PoliteMelanie re-crafted an old urban legend, tweeting: “My cousin is studying sociology in university. Last week she and her classmates polled over 1,000 conservative Christians. ‘What would you do if you discovered that your child was a homo sapiens?’ 55% said they would disown them and force them to leave their home.” This tweet, which suggested conservative Christians are not only homophobic but also ignorant, was subtle enough to not feel overtly hateful, but was also aimed directly at multiple cultural stress points, driving a wedge at the point where religiosity and ideology meet. The tweet was also wildly successful, receiving more than 90,000 retweets and nearly 300,000 likes.

    This tweet didn’t seek to anger conservative Christians or to provoke Trump supporters. She wasn’t even talking to them. Melanie’s 20,000 followers, painstakingly built, weren’t from #MAGA America (Russia has other accounts targeting them). Rather, Melanie’s audience was made up of educated, urban, left-wing Americans harboring a touch of self-righteousness. She wasn’t selling her audience a candidate or a position — she was selling an emotion. Melanie was selling disgust. The Russians know that, in political warfare, disgust is a more powerful tool than anger. Anger drives people to the polls; disgust drives countries apart.
    Warriors are literally keyboard warriors now. #dumbesttimeline

  27. #897
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    Quote Originally Posted by talkingnothing View Post
    I just read this article on Rolling Stone this morning.

    Sadly, looking at that tweet I can't help but think it is exactly what they are talking about in the article. something that might be real, true, and even beautiful, used to gain followers of a certain kind, then later tweets sprinkled with information designed to divide. I didn't click on the tweet or the story, so i don't know anything about the OP, might be totally legit. Obviously, the subject in the post really is the some of the best of humanity at work. I found the article very interesting and came here moments later to see this post, i couldn't help but make a connection.
    Yup, I see those kinds of questionable tweets or IG posts all the time; if they don't post a link to more information, and even sometimes when I see a VIDEO, I don't instantly believe it. Even with shit like "This black man was arrested for doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! He was walking his Grandma to the house and BAM!" I don't believe all of those, either. Because there's sometimes the "other side of the story," like "That ain't his grandma, he just robbed her" or whatever. So before I retweet or even LIKE lots of stuff, I look into it further. You can get info online about just about ANYTHING, these days. I stopped using Google for research because THAT, TOO, is totally weighted by Russian troll searches. I now use Bing for everything; way better search results (vs. 900 top hits that all link to right-wing conspiracy theories).

  28. #898
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    I dropped Google and went to Bing years ago because of that point, better search results. People act like i'm tech stupid when i say that, but Google being more and more useless as a search engine isn't a myth.

  29. #899
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    Expanding on the above, the thing that REALLY gets me are these comments IN the conspiracy theory tweets:

    "Q sent me here."

    The threads are like a petri dish of stupid. But, making matters worse, the OTHER side then troll that shit, and bots really get their way all the way around.

  30. #900
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    233 Post(s) this a Simpsons Did It First or is this a new Simpsons Inspired It thing?


    uh...donny boy?
    Last edited by allegate; 11-27-2019 at 04:12 PM.

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