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Thread: 11/08/2022, The Midterms, aka build on 2020 aka The Election Thread

  1. #1501
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    I’m not sure why it always gets framed as it only being his supporters, though. He sucks plenty himself. Yes, I know. Biden does too. We are left with two crappy choices from my point of view. I’m personally playing a numbers game from here on out. I will follow the lead of Black voters.
    Can you elaborate on why you think Bernie sucks? Honest question.

  2. #1502
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfkiller View Post
    Can you elaborate on why you think Bernie sucks? Honest question.
    I'm interested too as in 2016 Sarah was a huge bernie supporter until she eventually moved over to the Hillary camp (if I remember properly it was because she thought Hillary had a better chance of actually getting stuff done). I'm curious on what about him has changed that made him suck this time around.

  3. #1503
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    We are left with two crappy choices from my point of view. I’m personally playing a numbers game from here on out. I will follow the lead of Black voters.
    That’s exactly the way I’ve been viewing it; which is how exit polls have shown it playing out across the country: women following the lead of black voters. And I think women and black people can rally for the general, and make a Democrat the President. (And I hope make Democrats a lot more Senators!)

  4. #1504
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    1) I never said people are morons for supporting Warren. Hell, she was my first choice.
    No, you said Warren voters are morons if they decide to vote for Biden because Sanders voters abused them and their candidate for several months. You’re basically saying: “That’s not a good reason. Ignore abuse and don’t be morons.” Yeah, that’s kind of hard for a lot of people. Women, in particular.

    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    And regardless of who that Democrat is, if someone is out there saying "well I'm not voting for him because some of his fans are idiots", then you're an idiot too - at least, in regard to your voting stance.
    You know who I think are real idiots?

    Not Sanders voters.

    Trump voters.

    I interacted with a lot of Yang voters. Some of the nicest people on the planet. A few were pretty radical (some were Libertarians who crossed over from Republican, so they were kinda anti any other Democrat and hardcore), but most were dedicated and respectful and thoughtful. Fellow nerds. #MATH!

    The Harris voters? Really nice, too. Dedicated. TONS of Khive people on Black Twitter I’m now following make my day, every day.

    The Warren voters online have been such a fun, nice, dedicated group. One of her (blue check trans women) followers recently conducted a last-minute Twitter fundraiser based on the promise of spilling some tea, and I think she raised over $10K and it was fun, people stayed up all night.

    But the best “bonding” I’ve seen is the anti-Trump stuff shared, especially where people share experiences of how their families or friendships have been affected or even torn apart by Trump or Republicans following Trump.

    I have nothing against people’s choice, and what drives that choice, whatever it is. I think it’s perfectly fair to use any reason you want to choose a candidate. I don’t judge it.

    EXCEPT if that choice is TRUMP.
    Last edited by allegro; 03-06-2020 at 12:38 PM.

  5. #1505
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    My money's on Trump winning in November.

    It's all just one big ass-blast.

  6. #1506
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    yeah, that's the spirit

  7. #1507
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    I'll circle back to why I think both options suck later tonight. At work right now, and don't have time for a well thought out post.

    But just wanted to swing by and drop this off... For anyone interested in grabbing a memento or two, here is a code for 50% off at the Warren store. It should still be up for a few more days. <3


  8. #1508
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    But just wanted to swing by and drop this off... For anyone interested in grabbing a memento or two, here is a code for 50% off at the Warren store. It should still be up for a few more days. <3

    Ohhhhh, I really wanted this!

    Attachment 536

  9. #1509
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    I'll circle back to why I think both options suck later tonight. At work right now, and don't have time for a well thought out post.

    But just wanted to swing by and drop this off... For anyone interested in grabbing a memento or two, here is a code for 50% off at the Warren store. It should still be up for a few more days. <3

    thanks for this, bought my wife a scarf.

  10. #1510
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    Heart attack or not Bernie is at least the most mentally lucid.

  11. #1511
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post

    Heart attack or not Bernie is at least the most mentally lucid.

    Read this:

    Joe Biden was lying on the operating table and about to get surgery for his second brain aneurysm when the doctor told him he might not recover.

    “What's the most likely thing that will happen if I live?” Biden asked him. “Well,” the doctor replied, “the side of the brain that the first aneurysm is on controls your ability to speak.”

    That’s when the gaffe-prone Biden thought to himself: “Why in the hell didn’t they tell me this before the '88 campaign?’ It could’ve saved us all a lot of trouble, you know what I mean?”

    That joke, which Biden told in a speech in 2013, has taken on new relevance now that he’s on the campaign trail for president again and facing questions about his gaffes. Though Biden has a longstanding reputation for verbal flubs, they’re now inextricably linked to the 76-year-old’s age.

    But concerns about Biden’s age and mental fitness are likely overblown, according to experts on aging and the brain, as well as actuarial tables used by the insurance industry to estimate the health and longevity of customers.

    The two brain aneurysms Biden suffered in 1988 were fully treated and he showed no signs of mental trouble as a result, said Dr. Neal Kassell, who performed the surgery on Biden three decades ago. Nor did Biden suffer any brain damage that could come back to haunt him in old age, Kassell said.

    “He is every bit as sharp as he was 31 years ago. I haven’t seen any change,” Kassell said. “I can tell you with absolute certainty that he had no brain damage, either from the hemorrhage or from the operations that he had. There was no damage whatsoever.”
    Last edited by allegro; 03-06-2020 at 02:47 PM.

  12. #1512
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post


    Heart attack or not Bernie is at least the most mentally lucid.
    Kyle did two great videos that, if you watch them in full and are being honest with yourself, show why Biden will most likely lose to Trump if he is the nominee. The best evidence presented is the comparison videos from an extremely lucid interview he did in just 2016 versus all the stuff he's been blundering more recently. It's 15 minutes total, and I would strongly recommend showing these to casual/low info voters who aren't as plugged into everything like all of us in this thread are...aka the vast majority of people we all know irl and live in this country. Seriously, pass it around, especially to people in primary states that havent voted yet. You might not like Bernie, but the case is clear (for me, at least) after watching these. And I'm not even really a Kyle fan.

  13. #1513
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    You know, I have a B.A. in Communication, which includes speech forensics and pathology. I’ve also studied neuroscience on a Graduate level.

    And that’s just mean. It’s Trump-level mean.

    Focus on issues of your candidate and how they will benefit voters, etc.

    But, Biden had two surgeries for a brain aneurysms years ago, both of which affect speech; not mental clarity or actual cognitive function. Speech is complex. It involves complex neurological function, cooperation between the brain and the speech mechanisms. Sometimes that’s affected by things like surgery, then further affected by speech handicaps, time constraints, stress, low blood sugar.

    Here’s a speech from Iowa. Every candidate was given a strict time limitation. Biden keeps checking his watch. The mic keeps cutting out (it’d been a problem all day). Yet, he sticks to his prepared bullet points, overcomes obstacles, etc. There’s no way anyone with dementia could do this.

    Signs of cognitive decline include digression from the topic with the inability to remember the original topic, inability to use complex words or thoughts, repeated use of “filler” words such as “like” or “it” or “they” instead of specific words or people, decreased and limited vocabulary, etc. Also, balance and gait issues. All of this points more to Trump than Biden.

    Last edited by allegro; 03-06-2020 at 03:22 PM.

  14. #1514
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    I just don't understand how the right thinks they're gonna take down Biden by focusing on his muddled communication and suspicions of dementia while simultaneously propping up Donald fucking Trump as their candidate of choice. Trump's brain is rotting away. The man's on borrowed time.

  15. #1515
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    Exactly. Trump has severe gait issues. He walks like a duck. Any geriatric doctor will tell you this is a sign that Trump has fallen, likely several times. He’s afraid of stairs and ramps. He has a weird forward lean that people are blaming on a combo of lifts and obesity that’s likely more related to balance and Alzheimer’s. Trump’s Dad had Alzheimer’s. It’s hereditary. Trump makes shit up, all the time; also a hallmark sign of dementia. Trump said his father was born in Germany (Trump’s father was born in Brooklyn; Trump’s grandfather was born in Germany). Mixing up history is often a sign of dementia. There’s the aforementioned phonemic paraphasia, combining words to form non-words. Plus, the “accordion hands.”

    Last edited by allegro; 03-06-2020 at 11:25 PM.

  16. #1516
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    Awful awful awful.

  17. #1517
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    More info about this awful maniac.

  18. #1518
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    Universal Healthcare: Nixon tried passing a version of it:

  19. #1519
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    I could watch this all day

    Last edited by allegro; 03-09-2020 at 02:12 PM.

  20. #1520
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    The orange man has to go, this trade war against China will be easy to win. Look who's laughing now, they mostly have it contained and shit is just starting to hit the fan here. I'm sure they knew they could weather this out and it would just wreak havoc on the economies of the west. Where are those Free HK protestors now? Cutting funding to the CDC and dismantling the Pandemic Response Team, because "Obama did it" hopefully if we survive this, history does not forget!

    Sorry I'm ranting about multiple things here guys, all I can hope is that the elections in November still happen, and Trump doesnt declair a national emergency and cancels them.

    It just baffles me, with all our technology, the richest and most powerful country in the world, crippled by a virus that alleged came from people eating uncooked bats on the other side of the world. (I still think it was engineered.
    How else could it have a 2 week incubation, spreadible even though you show no symptoms, and largely ignores the young. The day I believe that it's naturally occurring is they day I've been convinced that Oswald killed Kennedy and jet fuel took down the world trade center) Fuckingg bullshit.
    Last edited by SM Rollinger; 03-09-2020 at 09:52 PM.

  21. #1521
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    We are a Democratic Republic; we don’t have a national election. Each state conducts its own election.

    Dude, over 3,100 people are dead in China. With SARS, not a single person under the age of 24 died. And nobody has figured out how to cure a flu-type virus, let alone how to “engineer” one.

    Anyway, this is drift; we have a Covid-19 thread.
    Last edited by allegro; 03-10-2020 at 01:00 AM.

  22. #1522
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    Voted for senator Bernard Sanders today. Polling place was a clusterfuck and all their machines were down. Glad I got there when it opened, it took me 30 minutes from counter to casting my ballot.

  23. #1523
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    Holy shit, I went to school grades 7-12 in Sterling Heights. This is ... whoa!


    "I think Joe Biden is the candidate who can unify all of the Democrats and he's the candidate who can appeal to moderates and Republicans like me who don't want to see four more years of President Trump," Taylor said, according to the Chicago Tribune on Monday.

    "I remember thinking this Trump thing is insane, but when it was down to him and Hillary, I kind of said, 'Well, you are a Republican, and yeah he's nuts, but maybe he'll get better and you know he's going to lower taxes," Taylor said. "I slowly talked myself into it. 'He can't seriously be this deranged once he gets in there,' and he's even more deranged now than I thought then. So, I take the blame. I voted for him.”
    Last edited by allegro; 03-10-2020 at 09:12 AM.

  24. #1524
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    Because Biden is a centrist. Taylor won’t have to worry about Trump scandals/criminal activities/wiping his ass with the constitution or on the other hand, having to do things that would actually help non rich people if Sanders won. He’ll likely get to keep his fucking tax cuts lol.

    Not a real “holy shit” moment.
    Last edited by Swykk; 03-10-2020 at 09:23 AM.

  25. #1525
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    Because Biden is a centrist. Taylor won’t have to worry about Trump scandals/criminal activities/wiping his ass with the constitution or on the other hand, having to do things that would actually help non rich people if Sanders won. He’ll likely get to keep his fucking tax cuts lol.

    Not a real “holy shit” moment.
    It’s “Holy Shit” to ME. I grew up with these people. They’re hardcore lifelong Republicans. Meaning they have never voted for a Democrat in their ENTIRE LIVES. They’re mostly upper-middle class. Sterling Heights is the 4th biggest city on the state. When I grew up there, it started out as a lot of developing farmland. It’s built up a ton, not so affectionately know as Sterile Whites.

    This Mayor won’t get re-elected, that’s for sure.

    See also:
    Last edited by allegro; 03-10-2020 at 10:39 AM.

  26. #1526
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    Andrew Yang endorses Joe Biden live during a CNN panel discussion.

  27. #1527
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    So depressing.

  28. #1528
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    Biden wins Michigan. It's all over for Sanders.

  29. #1529
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    Yup. Looking at results this morning, I'm convinced it's gonna be Biden.

    And I'm pretty sure it's gonna be Trump in November.

    Republicans are going to have an absolute field day with Biden gaffs. It doesn't matter that it's because of the surgeries. It doesn't matter that it's not actually indicative of his mental capacity. It doesn't matter that Trump is a thousand times worse and most likely is completely riddled with dementia at this point. They're just going to take the piss while completely ignoring their own cult leader's flaws. They're going to post meme after meme of Biden with his hands on someone and scream about sexual predators. He's given them so much propaganda fuel. They've gotta be thrilled that it's "Creepy Joe" looking like the nominee.

    And since Biden could hardly be considered progressive, a lot of Democratic voters who are desperate for change will stupidly sit this out in protest. It's gonna get into their heads that "if he's not progressive, what's the point in voting for him", ignoring the fact that there's a SCOTUS position riding on this election. The entire foundation of our democracy is crumbling, but just enough people are likely to ignore it that the freaking cult members who want to "make libs cry again" will get enough EC votes to win.

    I hope to god I look back at this post some day and go "ha, boy was I wrong about this". But I don't see it happening any other way.

  30. #1530
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    We're getting Clinton'd again. JFC

    I'm voting Biden, but this is Clinton part 2.


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