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Thread: 11/08/2022, The Midterms, aka build on 2020 aka The Election Thread

  1. #3721
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    all valid points. that makes me feel better.

    the establishment needs to put the rocket on her and not clamp her down.

  2. #3722
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    The establishment put Jeffries in place for a reason, I think.

  3. #3723
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    Jeffries is to the right of Pelosi. He is no friend of the left. He seems to have an actual desire to play politics/to WIN unlike Pelosi, who has spent the last 15-20 years publically lamenting the loss of a sane Republican party. Like, who cares Nancy? Your job is to pummel them, win every single seat you can & push through a Dem agenda. Jeffries at least seems to have no interest in playing nice with Republicans and hoping they return to sanity. Plus, he was born after the Revolutionary War, unlike the rest of Dem leadership. But again, complete corporate shill, and has made it his goal to hurt leftists like the Squad.

  4. #3724
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  5. #3725
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    What the fuck is wrong with the Trump jury foreperson?

  6. #3726
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    Trump Could Definitely Beat Biden

    It could happen. WTF is wrong with people?

  7. #3727
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    Rep. George Santos charged with 13 counts of fraud, financial crimes

    George Santos in federal custody as feds unseal 13-count indictment

    Santos has been charged on seven counts of wire fraud, three counts of money laundering, one count of theft of public funds, and two counts of making materially false statements to the House of Representatives.
    Just two?

  8. #3728
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    Watching the Trump town hall. Telling how half the audience applauds him while the other half looks on in horror.

  9. #3729
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    It's pissing me off that 30 minutes in, all the questions come from Trump supporters or voters who are undeclared.

  10. #3730
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  11. #3731
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    Donald Trump’s CNN Town Hall Was a Disaster

    The discussion, moderated poorly by CNN’s Kaitlan Collins, was simultaneously a triggering flashback to the bad old days of Trump’s presidency, a frustrating preview of what we can likely expect over the next 18 months, and a conclusive repudiation of CNN CEO Chris Licht’s doomed plan to restore the network’s fortunes by tacking to the imagined middle.
    The network gave a seditious would-be despot carte blanche to openly lie on live television for an hour, in front of an adoring crowd, with ineffective pushback from a reporter who, if Wednesday night is any indication, is nowhere near ready for prime time.
    Last edited by GulDukat; 05-11-2023 at 09:46 AM.

  12. #3732
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    ‘One of the worst hours I’ve ever seen’: Critics explode at CNN for ‘spectacle of lies’ Trump ‘spewed’ for his ‘MAGA zombies’

    CNN, announcing the event on May 1, claimed the audience would be comprised of “New Hampshire Republicans and undeclared voters,” but on its own website Thursday morning CNN fully admitted it actually was a “mostly Trump-loyal audience.”“Where are the never Trump Republicans? Where are the skeptical independents? This is not even a balanced audience of Republicans. It is gathering of MAGA zombies,” observed foreign policy, national security and political affairs analyst and commentator David Rothkopf.
    In other words, this was not an event designed to help undecided voters make up their minds, 18 months before Election Day. This was an event designed to help CNN’s ratings and designed to promote Donald Trump to his already-decided fans.

  13. #3733
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    I'm just curios why Trump would even want to be on CNN?

  14. #3734
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    The new head of CNN is a terrible person and Trump loves to hear himself talk. Those two combine together to form!

    A shit sandwich!

  15. #3735
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    This is the more real consequences of the Warner Discovery merger and of mergers in general

  16. #3736
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyvicky View Post
    I'm just curios why Trump would even want to be on CNN?
    He doesn't really have a lot of networks to choose from at this point. He's talked too much shit about Fox News (and cost them money thanks to the whole Dominion lawsuit), so odds are he won't be back on there for a while. He could go to Newsmax, but they don't have the number of viewers that he wants (and far too many nutjobs). MSNBC is never going to happen.

  17. #3737
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRoswell View Post
    He doesn't really have a lot of networks to choose from at this point. He's talked too much shit about Fox News (and cost them money thanks to the whole Dominion lawsuit), so odds are he won't be back on there for a while. He could go to Newsmax, but they don't have the number of viewers that he wants (and far too many nutjobs). MSNBC is never going to happen.
    I'd love to see Trump go on Maddow or O'Donnell.

  18. #3738
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    11/08/2022, The Midterms, aka build on 2020 aka The Election Thread

    he could never go on maddow. he would lose his mind and call her names.

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  19. #3739
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    This is worth watching:

    The man you heard from last night, that man is the frontrunner for the Republican nomination for president. And according to polling, no other Republican is even close. That man you were so upset to hear from last night, he may be President of the United States in less than two years. And that audience that upset you, that's a sampling of about half the country. They are your family members, your neighbors, and they are voting. And many said they're voting for him. Now, maybe you haven't been paying attention to him since he left office. Maybe you've been enjoying not hearing from him, thinking it can't happen again, some investigation is going to stop him. Well, it hasn't so far. So if last night showed anything, it showed it can happen again. It is happening again. He hasn't changed, and he is running hard.

  20. #3740
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    This is worth watching:
    why do you think it’s worth watching? i think he’s full of shit and it’s a really dumb attempt at damage control. keyword: control. he’s trying to guide the narrative so it’s not negative for cnn, the people who pay him. fuck anderson cooper. he’s the one in a silo.

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  21. #3741
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    The lack of awareness on display here is "Maybe you haven't been paying attention to him since he left office." My man, we haven't had A CHOICE to ignore him! He dominates so much of the conversation, whether we want him to or not. That's exactly why we DON'T need to hear more from him. We've had to listen to him for almost a decade. We know what he's like, and so does his cult members. Do you really think CNN showed us something new? No. You just gave more airtime to someone who has already had more than enough. Cut him the fuck off already and stop feeding his ego, you morons.

  22. #3742
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    why do you think it’s worth watching? i think he’s full of shit and it’s a really dumb attempt at damage control. keyword: control. he’s trying to guide the narrative so it’s not negative for cnn, the people who pay him. fuck anderson cooper. he’s the one in a silo.

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    I think Cooper offered a pretty nuanced POV as to why CNN hosted the town hall. He was very critical of the network and I didn't see his comments as damage control. Trump could very well be elected president next year. Ignoring him won't make him go away. The town hall is a red alert. Hopefully it will motivate people to vote for Biden (assuming that he is the nominee).

    I am on the fence about whether or not it was a good idea for CNN to host the town hall, and I am getting very nervous about 2024.

    ETA: The town hall did suck.
    Last edited by GulDukat; 05-12-2023 at 11:26 AM.

  23. #3743
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    Ignoring him won't make him go away.
    Neither will giving him a platform to speak while fielding softball questions. It wasn't meant to be a warning. It was meant to enable him, and no amount of backpedaling or corporate ass-kissing on the part of CNN's employees will change that.

  24. #3744
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRoswell View Post
    Neither will giving him a platform to speak while fielding softball questions. It wasn't meant to be a warning. It was meant to enable him, and no amount of backpedaling or corporate ass-kissing on the part of CNN's employees will change that.
    The town hall was terrible. It was a joke. I understand that he's running for the Republican nomination so it makes sense to have him speak to Republican voters, but where were the "no Trumper" Republicans? The audience members were told not to boo. They were only allowed to applaud. And you are right, they did only field soft-ball questions. It was disgusting. If you looked at the audience during the town hall, it looked like maybe half the audience didn't applaud and just sat there, many probably disgusted. But the optics were still bad. The loud cheering made Trump look more popular with the audience then he was.

    CNN really fucked it up, but I sort of understand their argument for hosting a Trump town hall.
    Last edited by GulDukat; 05-13-2023 at 10:49 AM.

  25. #3745
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRoswell View Post
    The lack of awareness on display here is "Maybe you haven't been paying attention to him since he left office." My man, we haven't had A CHOICE to ignore him! He dominates so much of the conversation, whether we want him to or not. That's exactly why we DON'T need to hear more from him. We've had to listen to him for almost a decade. We know what he's like, and so does his cult members. Do you really think CNN showed us something new? No. You just gave more airtime to someone who has already had more than enough. Cut him the fuck off already and stop feeding his ego, you morons.
    I've been on the fence about the whole Trump town hall, but I think that you are right. CNN should not have done it.

  26. #3746
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    It's not going to happen, but ignoring him is the secret sauce. Not just Trump, all the Senators who go on to be TV personalities instead of actually governing, the Lindsey Grahams, the Ted Cruz's. We don't need to hear about every stupid little fucking thing these people say. And every time we give them a headline, it's a major disservice to everyone else.

    We don't owe Donald Trump any sort of Town Hall or public Q&A we don't owe him all this new coverage. He thrives on it, absolutely..

    This town hall is a different beast entirely, CNN, under new ownership, choosing a deliberately right wing direction over the last year, thre a fucking propaganda rally for him. I'll never watch or click them again
    Last edited by Wretchedest; 05-13-2023 at 02:42 PM.

  27. #3747
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    Unfortunately, I think the only person who could have stopped Trump was Mitch McConnell. If he had told the Senate Republican Conference to vote guilty during the second impeachment trial, Trump would now be ineligible to run.

  28. #3748
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    He's a private citizen who has just been indicted and held liable for rape. The ship has *not* saled. The people in a position to fail us are democrats who are afraid to move to a paradigm where people in power can be held accountable. People who are continuously, bafflingly self conscious about the prospect of being painted as partisan.

    The media still fails us too, and they failed us with this town hall, both by holding it, and allowing the conversation to become *about the town hall* instead of the sexual assault verdict, which is less than a week old. Media that continues to give a stronger voice to transphobia than to transgender people, media that lost the thread of "Dont Say Gay," as Disney sues DeSantis. "Was this in retaliation?" They suddenly ask! Those are the people who fuck us. And David Zaslov, who decided CNN wants to be Fox now
    Last edited by Wretchedest; 05-13-2023 at 07:45 PM.

  29. #3749
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    The media still fails us too, and they failed us with this town hall, both by holding it, and allowing the conversation to become *about the town hall* instead of the sexual assault verdict, which is less than a week old.
    Excellent point.

  30. #3750
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    ...and allowing the conversation to become *about the town hall* instead of the sexual assault verdict, which is less than a week old.
    Not only that, but letting the motherfucker make a joke about it.

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