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Thread: 11/08/2022, The Midterms, aka build on 2020 aka The Election Thread

  1. #1
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    11/08/2022, The Midterms, aka build on 2020 aka The Election Thread

    It's coming up sooner than you think. The Iowa caucus is a mere year and half away and a lot can happen.

    Some questions to ask:

    1. Will Trump still be president in 2020? Will he serve out his term or possibly resign because of Mueller's conclusions?
    2. Will Trump be the Republican nominee in 2020? He has a 90% or so approval rating with Republican voters, but that can change.
    3. Who will the Democrats nominate? Biden? Sanders? Warren? Someone we haven't thought of?


  2. #2
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    My guess...

    1. No.
    2. Trump will be the nominee, although he might be challenged if his numbers erode.
    3. Biden.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    1 - 6 more years
    2 - yes. 6 more years
    3 - Chelsea/Zuckerberg 2020
    I'm guessing (hoping) he won't win reelection (although who actually thought he would have won in 2016?). In 2016 you had two historically unpopular canidates running, someone had to win. But a more likeable, less divisive canidate should be able to beat Trump next time.

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    I hate how plausible that story is.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    I hate how plausible that story is.
    Absolutely. People underestimate Trump at their own peril. Look, I like Warren (will be voting for her this November in MA) but she would be a terrible choice for the Democratic nomination in 2020.

  7. #7
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    the answer to this will be easier to predict after the mid term elections

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    the answer to this will be easier to predict after the mid term elections
    I think herein lies the answer. If the "blue wave" actually comes to pass, as long as the foot can stay on the gas for the next two years it shouldn't be difficult to get him out unless the candidate is a total fucking disaster (like a Zuckerberg, or a third Hillary run). If there's no blue wave... well, God help us.

    I have a hard time even fathoming what a second term would even look like though. The mass protests would probably escalate to riots a lot more frequently, yeah? If the Trump train can't be stopped diplomatically (be it because he legitimately gets more votes or because of an unfair election), what else do people turn to? For my part, the half-hearted emigration threat would become much more serious. Donald Trump becoming president wasn't enough to force such a hugely dramatic course of action, but Donald Trump winning a re-election following a term of even greater incompentency and fascistic bullshit then I could have foreseen? It becomes time to accept that the shit is getting far, far worse before it gets better and reconsider whatever plans I have for life in what would be a very frightening America.

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    Here's the biggest problem I see: I have yet to find a Democratic potential candidate who I'm actually even remotely enthusiastic about. And without any enthusiasm, actual swing voters are either going to sit out or be persuaded to go to the guy who's already in charge. Bad news either way.

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    There are a few I'd be excited about, but the basic qualifier would be:

    1) Not Trump.

    I can think of a few who meet that criteria. I'm excited for many to run.

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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Here's the biggest problem I see: I have yet to find a Democratic potential candidate who I'm actually even remotely enthusiastic about. And without any enthusiasm, actual swing voters are either going to sit out or be persuaded to go to the guy who's already in charge. Bad news either way.
    I was really hoping that Jason Kander would run, as he is really amazing and was responsible for the push for voting fraud last year. But he chose to make a bid for Mayor of KC instead, which I'm fine with. In a dream world, Occasio-Cortez would be fantastic to see run but I don't think this country is ready for that yet unfortunately.

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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    In a dream world, Occasio-Cortez would be fantastic to see run but I don't think this country is ready for that yet unfortunately.
    Uh...she's not constitutionally qualified to run anyway, so thankfully we don't have to blame the country not being ready.

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    Trump will run but I am confident he will not win this time.

    Democratic nominee stands a chance if it isn't Hillary Clinton.

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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    While it feels like a strange and refreshing relief to read this, it's still a smutty (and potentially harmful) fantasy scenario, played out in what borders on masturbatory detail and desperate wish-fulfillment.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    While it feels like a strange and refreshing relief to read this, it's still a smutty (and potentially harmful) fantasy scenario, played out in what borders on masturbatory detail and desperate wish-fulfillment.
    I feel that this article and the other posted (how Trump won reelection) sort of balance each other out.

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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    I feel that this article and the other posted (how Trump won reelection) sort of balance each other out.
    Sure, but if both sides just keep jacking off about fantasy scenarios... well, only one side loses: the REAL FUCKING NEWS. We are seriously losing perspective, seeing how this masturbatory fantasy is playing so well (respectively) to their readers.

    We are falling into a trap.

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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post

    It's coming up sooner than you think. The Iowa caucus is a mere year and half away and a lot can happen.

    Some questions to ask:

    1. Will Trump still be president in 2020? Will he serve out his term or possibly resign because of Mueller's conclusions?
    2. Will Trump be the Republican nominee in 2020? He has a 90% or so approval rating with Republican voters, but that can change.
    3. Who will the Democrats nominate? Biden? Sanders? Warren? Someone we haven't thought of?

    I will answer these questions after the midterms. Everything else is a thought exercise that will make me nauseous.

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    a tiny bit biased but still interesting


  20. #20
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    All the comments Trump makes about other politicians and journalists are so unprofessional. He sounds so juvenile. It's like he's in high school or something. If he were a doctor or a lawyer, then he would get removed from his profession.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boots View Post
    All the comments Trump makes about other politicians and journalists are so unprofessional. He sounds so juvenile. It's like he's in high school or something. If he were a doctor or a lawyer, then he would get removed from his some of profession.
    some of his supporters actually consider this a positive being an outsider and not part of the political "eleet" this form of logic eludes me would you see a doctor that had nothing to do with the medical profession? look i get the distrust of rich life time politicians like fientsien it stinks of western feudalism which if history is to be believed is the antithesis of US democracy this is one of the many reasons i did not vote for hillary. look she was "anointed" the heir apparent because she lost to Obama and was a woman, she was far from a democrat and a progressive which is were I sit in the spectrum, look when she was in the senate she voted for the Iraq war and nowhere to be seen or heard during the ACA debate both of which are deal breakers for me i try, try to vote with my head and not my heart. her is my simple criteria for president put the county interests as a whole above your own to have enough moral fortitude as to not be compromised or provide scandals that would serve as a distraction for the before mentioned interests of the nation. I don't feel those are to hard to reach trump fails these every day

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    All these tweets now about "I didn't do it, but even if I did, it's not a crime" are getting my hopes up that there's about to be some publicly released evidence of conspiracy (remember: "collusion" is not a crime; it's just the tag that's been used to describe a number of other illegal things).

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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    All these tweets now about "I didn't do it, but even if I did, it's not a crime" are getting my hopes up that there's about to be some publicly released evidence of conspiracy (remember: "collusion" is not a crime; it's just the tag that's been used to describe a number of other illegal things).
    This congress still won't do anything about it except send out sad tweets and give sad speeches on both chamber floors. We have to get more Dems in there to start holding these assholes accountable.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lt. Randazzo View Post
    This congress still won't do anything about it except send out sad tweets and give sad speeches on both chamber floors. We have to get more Dems in there to start holding these assholes accountable.
    You're absolutely right. My hope is that if more concrete evidence comes out, it might help with voting in the fall. I mean, it probably wouldn't. But at this point, I can use all the hope I can get.

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    he getting bad information from idiots who think it sounds good hanity that can be debunk by anyone with any knowledge of law so while collusion may not be a crime but conspiracy is but if i rob a bank any individuals i plan said bank robbery with can be guilty of a crime this includes any emails or phone conversations of a crime so maybe collusion cannot be easily defined as a crime hacking by definition is a crime by international definition so it's clear that breaking into the dnc server is a crime any planing or meeting with others is a crime one could even the idea of hacking could be considered intent to commit conspiracy this only show how stupid and dense trump actually is hearing something that on the surface sounds good and putting zero effort in to see if a statement holds water my belief is trump's own stupidity and narcissism will be his down fall he i think he never considers consequences.

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    1. At this rate, yes.
    2. See above answer
    3. Mark Cuban.

  27. #27
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    2020 isn't going to be Trump vs. The Democratic Nominee.

    It's going to be Trump vs. The Media.

    Voters are going to decide do they hate Trump or do they hate the media.

    That's how I see it playing out.

  28. #28
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    Former NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg has officially re-registered as a Democrat to possibly run in 2020, after spending six years as a Republican then eleven years as an independent. Because the only thing that stops a bad NYC Republican businessman is a GOOD(ish) NYC (ex)Republican businessman!

    I have been thinking of finding out which possible candidates have the least amount of dirt on them. I think his infamous proposal to limit soft drinks to 16 ounces may not sit well with some Americans. That being said, I'd probably accept sugar taxes if they actually contribute to expanding our healthcare and education. Oh, and there's also him changing his party to Republican for political reasons. He's probably not the best option, but there aren't many Democrats aiming for 2020 at the moment.

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    I think Kamala Harris has a good chance, and her being a "cop" could work to her advantage.
    I like Chris Murphy, he should run.

    NO to Bidens, Kerrys, and any other old bland middle of the road boring af career Dems. Surely everyone hates them at this point: conservatives, progressives, and I'm pretty sure liberals are damn tired of them too. Gore, Kerry, H. Clinton = all lost. It's time to try something else.

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    Maybe I'm way off on all this but...For a while now I've had this theory that whoever comes after Trump will represent, in some form or another, a sort of "return to order."

    I've just been thinking about the way that this exact scenario has played out in the past, albeit usually on the Republican side of things. For example, Nixon was chosen as a kind of "law and order" candidate (which is ironic in retrospect) because people were bothered by all the crazy shit that was going on through the '60s, all the protesting, the race riots, etc. He was, at least in the minds of his supporters, meant to come in and calm that shit down and restore order.

    So I've just kind of been wondering if something like that will play out, only this time the "chaos" will be on the Republican side, with Trump's insanity, the Nazi marches, the Russia shit, the constant turn over rate of the WH staff, etc. There is this general sense that our government has gone crazy, so I just wonder if our next candidate will win by selling themselves as the antidote to all the insanity.

    I could be wrong of course. It's just a thought I had, and not necessarily something I'm happy about, as I suspect that such a dynamic would favor the less radical candidates.

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