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    The Predator

    With Shane Black directing and Joel Silver producing this might have a chance to be up to the standards of the original (and the 2nd one which I like).

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    New trailer I saw a teh movies tonight. Looks like it may actually be pretty good.

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    Hmm, it's directed by Shane Black and he directed one of my all time favorite films, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, but he also directed the atrocious Iron man 3 (most of which he had no direct input/say) so I don't know how to fell about it.
    I'll definitely go see it but I hate that the entire trailer just gave away not only the entire plot but the twist that would have been excellent to have seen unspoiled.
    I guess whoever did the trailer saw the entire film or had input from someone that did and thought it was a very hard sell, otherwise why spoil the entire movie?

  4. #4
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    The tone of it looks quite good but this sure will fail.

    I am truly baffled how no ones makes a decent movie out of that material... Robert Rodriguez directing a Predator movie would have been a dream come true but his original script was bad and what his friend did with Predators was bad aswell despite a good casting. I would love to see the Predator lore be combined with alot of Mexican tropes, play in the jungle, and just be over the top brutal but not an action vehicle all the way through.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ziltoid View Post
    Hmm, it's directed by Shane Black and he directed one of my all time favorite films, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, but he also directed the atrocious Iron man 3 (most of which he had no direct input/say) so I don't know how to fell about it.
    I'll definitely go see it but I hate that the entire trailer just gave away not only the entire plot but the twist that would have been excellent to have seen unspoiled.
    I guess whoever did the trailer saw the entire film or had input from someone that did and thought it was a very hard sell, otherwise why spoil the entire movie?
    uh...iron man 3 is my favorite of the three...

    Quote Originally Posted by dlb View Post
    The tone of it looks quite good but this sure will fail.

    I am truly baffled how no ones makes a decent movie out of that material... Robert Rodriguez directing a Predator movie would have been a dream come true but his original script was bad and what his friend did with Predators was bad aswell despite a good casting. I would love to see the Predator lore be combined with alot of Mexican tropes, play in the jungle, and just be over the top brutal but not an action vehicle all the way through.
    the casting in predators was awful. we were cracking up the whole time.

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    the actors didn't fit and played like shit, but I actually enjoy Adrien Brody, Laurence Fishburn and Walton Goggins in other movies so I was rather dissapointed with them in Predators. Plus Danny Trejo who was totally underused.

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    Regarding Predators: The entire character idea Fishbourne was portraying ended up being weak as shit. Like, they meet him, he's some super badass, he's survived longer than anybody; he's got his hands on some actual pred-tech, then when he finally meets a Predator, it's a one-liner, one shot from a shoulder cannon, and dead. Total backstep from how they tried to portray him and a total waste of an actor with talent.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Demogorgon View Post
    Regarding Predators: The entire character idea Fishbourne was portraying ended up being weak as shit. Like, they meet him, he's some super badass, he's survived longer than anybody; he's got his hands on some actual pred-tech, then when he finally meets a Predator, it's a one-liner, one shot from a shoulder cannon, and dead. Total backstep from how they tried to portray him and a total waste of an actor with talent.
    After reading what you posted I can cant shake the idea that Predators was just an Expendables movie, except that Expendables knew that it was playing on everyone's nostalgia and rolled with it for over the top action.
    In my opinion, the premise of Predators was excellent but the execution was shit, the movie had a lot going for it including the casting. The trailers fooled me into believing it was going to be a decent movie.
    This is the same issue that plagued AVP 1&2. At least with AVP2 we knew that it was going to be horrible before it was in theaters just by the looking at the trailers.

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    Haven't watched any footage from this film yet. Can't wait. Going in completely blind. The best way to view a movie you're excited about!

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    I almost feel the opposite. I keep seeing new trailers for it and I just can't get excited about it. It just looks very "meh" to me. I LOVE the original movie and I like Predator 2 as well, but this looks and feels nothing like them. It looks like it's missing the slow build up and they just went full-on action movie with it. It even has the trope of having a new, bigger, badder predator (something the Jurassic Park/World movies can't seem to stop doing). I guess I've been burned too many times by AVP, AVP:R, and even Predators, which I was excited for, but ultimately felt like a missed opportunity and left me feeling disappointed. I couldn't take Adrien Brody serious in that role either.

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    this looks like complete garbage

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    I don't have high hopes for this movie, but I will definitely catch it opening weekend! I'm hoping that the struggle to put together a decent trailer rests on a weak marketing team rather than on a mediocre movie.

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    From the few reviews i've seen (from people i trust and tend to agree with) it sounds like it's a funny movie, like more of a dark comedy then anything else. Also sound like the re-shoots to make it more gory are half-arsed and look bad, whilst the plot is a bit of a mixed bag.

    I'll see it, but i can't say i'm really mind though, it might be great.

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    Was that supposed to be a joke? That was one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I think I get what they were trying to do, but it didn’t work at all. This franchise has become sort of a train wreck.

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    Innocent, crazy fun, had a great time with it. Not in the same league as the original two, and it's less elegant than Predators, but it has a heart and likable characters which carry the lame premise, although your enjoyment will largely depend on whether you can take five big... uh, I mean whether you can take its flavor of jokes or not. Blood and spaceships aside this is a straight-up action comedy, which might disappoint you. I was on board.

    Unfortunately those test screenings and infamous re-shoots really left their mark. The pacing is noticeably off, there's some really awkward editing at times (blink and you'll miss a crucial scene involving one of our main characters and a shoulder cannon), uneven CGI and gore effects are prominent during the second half and it has one of the most out-of-place, obviously tacked on, half-assed, terrible fucking three minutes of and ending scene you'll ever witness. Can't believe someone thought this was a good idea, or at least significantly better than Edward James Olmos' whole subplot and those two other predators, now completely absent from the final film.

    Fans (I'm one of them) are already in high-gear bitching over the additions to the lore, but it's a far cry from the spectacular legacy-tarnishing Covenant treated us last year. Overall one of the more enjoyable pieces in the franchise. It deserves a chance.

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    I went in without watching any trailers or previews before hand, and I gotta say I walked out satisfied. It wasn't movie of the year, nor would I run out to buy it on blu ray or watch it again for that matter, but I got what I was looking for out of it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey View Post
    From the few reviews i've seen (from people i trust and tend to agree with) it sounds like it's a funny movie, like more of a dark comedy then anything else.
    Totally on the nose with this description.

    Quote Originally Posted by buckaroo View Post
    Was that supposed to be a joke? That was one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I think I get what they were trying to do, but it didn’t work at all. This franchise has become sort of a train wreck.
    It wasn't THAT bad, but the movie does have it's flaws. The movie is a tad long, maybe 20 mins too long. Near the end, I found myself saying "Ok, wrap it up guys. we all know what's going to happen" For a movie that's nearly 2 hours long, it spends little to no time actually fleshing out an of the human characters. You really don't care about any of them. I found myself rooting for the Predator near the end of the movie over the clumsy humans. They only exist as cannon fodder. And it's super unbelievable as well. The end scene with the space ship, jumping around on it and "Let's take it down" *ping* *ping* *ping* yeah fuckin right... as if your petty bullets with make a dent in an alien spacecraft lol...

    Quote Originally Posted by Microwave Jellyfish View Post
    it has one of the most out-of-place, obviously tacked on, half-assed, terrible fucking three minutes of and ending scene you'll ever witness. Can't believe someone thought this was a good idea.

    but it's a far cry from the spectacular legacy-tarnishing Covenant treated us last year. Overall one of the more enjoyable pieces in the franchise. It deserves a chance.

    I enjoyed the ending actually. Sure, it makes no goddamn sense at all. But, I thought that Spoiler: predator killer suit for the humans was bad ass.
    I also thoroughly enjoyed Alien covenant and do not understand the hate it gets.

    My friend that I went with to see this movie last night, hated it. Absolutely hated it. He's a huge fan of the franchise, and thought this was the worst entry in it. He gave it a 3/10. I honestly don't understand the hate. I don't know what he or anyone else is expecting at this point. The 3rd entry, "Predators" tried to bring it back to the basics, like the 1st movie did, and people ragged on that movie as well. I have no idea what people expect.

    This goes for all "continued" franchaises from the 80s, not just Alien or Predator. Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, Halloween etc. People always continuously hate on the new ones. Of course they will never be as good as the originals, I think people are expecting too much out of these movies. They need to go in with low expectations and put the rest of the movies aside. Watch and judge the movie as though the other ones don't exisit and watch the movie as though you are seeing something for nthe very first time. That's what I do.

    I'd give it a 6/10. Was by no means a perfect movie, but I had fun. The jokes and back and forth banter between the characters was top notch. Some of the best of this movie. My friend said the humor took him out from the movie and it ruined it for him. I think it made the movie better.

    Quote Originally Posted by thefragile_jake View Post
    Yeah, this was easily one of the worst movies I've seen all year.
    Then you obviously haven't seen "Mom and Dad" with Nick cage. God awful film.
    Last edited by ManBurning; 09-15-2018 at 12:19 PM.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    Then you obviously haven't seen "Mom and Dad" with Nick cage. God awful film.
    No I have not, but I actually heard that was ... kind of fun in a dumb way? I raise you a shitty Nick cage movie with a good one in Mandy.

    My friend and I did a double feature and watched The Predator in the afternoon and watched Mandy at night. The whiplash from seeing a lazy movie that was an utter letdown to a movie that may be my favorite of the year and surpassed expectations was insane.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thefragile_jake View Post
    No I have not, but I actually heard that was ... kind of fun in a dumb way? I raise you a shitty Nick cage movie with a good one in Mandy.

    My friend and I did a double feature and watched The Predator in the afternoon and watched Mandy at night. The whiplash from seeing a lazy movie that was an utter letdown to a movie that may be my favorite of the year and surpassed expectations was insane.
    Been hearing really good things about Mandy. I think I'll add it to my watch list.

  20. #20
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    Yeah, this was easily one of the worst movies I've seen all year. I knew it wasn't going to be over the top surprising in any way, but I figured it was going to be at least a little bit competent with a pretty good ensemble cast and Shane Black directing ...

    ... but NOPE ...

    I am dumbfounded by how disappointing and all over the place this was. This is easily the worst in the series, hell ... I think I may have even enjoyed Alien vs. Predator more than this. The tone is so mismatched and goes in directions that feel completely off the plot's path that I got so immensely bored. The humor doesn't work and the CGI Predator (which probably was more expensive to render than just having the actual costume) looked TERRIBLE in most shots. I really hated this.

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    I went in with extremely low expectations, I hated the trailers leading up to the release. I ended up liking this movie a LOT, it was funny and gory, and was actually taking the predator lore somewhere... Felt like an intentional throwback to late 90s action flicks, and it did not take itself seriously at all. Which, if you're a hard core fan of the franchise, could be its biggest fault, that it's a dark comedy, which is weird for a 6th entry in a series (-ish, I know, 4th in Predator proper, and the 2 AVP movies).

    It's a blash and I recommend it, just roll with it and have a good time!

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    Quote Originally Posted by hellospaceboy View Post
    I went in with extremely low expectations, I hated the trailers leading up to the release. I ended up liking this movie a LOT, it was funny and gory, and was actually taking the predator lore somewhere... Felt like an intentional throwback to late 90s action flicks, and it did not take itself seriously at all. Which, if you're a hard core fan of the franchise, could be its biggest fault, that it's a dark comedy, which is weird for a 6th entry in a series (-ish, I know, 4th in Predator proper, and the 2 AVP movies).

    It's a blash and I recommend it, just roll with it and have a good time!
    I was thinking about going this weekend but am too burnt out from work last week. So, doing the monster football veg. Probably will go after work 1 day this week. Looks fine to me. I'm not expecting Lawrence of Arabia, haha.

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    Meh? Is how I felt after watching this. It wasn't bad really it just seemed like maybe the editing was off or something, the pacing was strange. Not a bad movie overall but it seems like maybe the producers got too up in the final production or something.

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    I saw it two nights ago and its probably the worst movie I saw in the theaters this year, but it wasn't terrible. I think the first 30-45 minutes were fun and after that I found myself really bored in the theater. I would recommend waiting and seeing it at home for a discounted price or the alternative , Is this the last predator movie made by fox before disney gives it a try?

    One thing I really I liked was the dog predator, it reminded me of my bulldog Daphne.
    Last edited by Rdm; 09-20-2018 at 12:52 PM.

  25. #25
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    Thought it was offensively dumb. Disappointing.

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    I feel like there are all of these franchises with great potential, but they just can't seem to get it right after so many tries (e.g. Terminator, Aliens, RoboCop, etc.). It seems like every time they do something good (in my opinion) they never follow through. I thought Preditors had it's flaws, but showed great potential for the next films... then this. Terminator salvation was also pretty great, then they totally went off the rails, etc., etc.

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    Quote Originally Posted by buckaroo View Post
    I feel like there are all of these franchises with great potential, but they just can't seem to get it right after so many tries (e.g. Terminator, Aliens, RoboCop, etc.). It seems like every time they do something good (in my opinion) they never follow through. I thought Preditors had it's flaws, but showed great potential for the next films... then this. Terminator salvation was also pretty great, then they totally went off the rails, etc., etc.
    And the most infuriating thing about it is that there is a wealth of amazing content in the form of comics for Aliens, Predator, and Terminator, yet for some reason it goes almost entirely ignored in favor of this regurgitated diarrhea they keep producing. Aliens is my favorite movie of all-time and franchise but I've given up on ever getting anything remotely close to the quality of Aliens again. They can't even license a serviceable game using these properties. It's absolutely baffling.

    I was really intrigued by The Predator at first but now I doubt I'll ever waste the time watching it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by klyrish View Post
    And the most infuriating thing about it is that there is a wealth of amazing content in the form of comics for Aliens, Predator, and Terminator, yet for some reason it goes almost entirely ignored in favor of this regurgitated diarrhea they keep producing. Aliens is my favorite movie of all-time and franchise but I've given up on ever getting anything remotely close to the quality of Aliens again. They can't even license a serviceable game using these properties. It's absolutely baffling.
    Not an Alien Isolation fan?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vertigo View Post
    Not an Alien Isolation fan?
    I wanted to like it but could never get into it. It is the best Alien game released though, I'll admit that. It just wasn't for me. I can't even remember what it was that was so off-putting but I've tried to beat the game multiple times over the years but always gave up out of frustration.

    I also forgot about the AvP PC games from the late 90s/early 2000s. Those were amazing and it sucks they never continued on with them. Aliens: Colonial Marines (game, not the comic series) may have been the greatest letdown in franchise history.

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    Try playing on a lower difficulty level. Higher levels are pretty frustrating because the AI won't leave you alone and the Working Joes can absorb a nuclear blast. Easy difficulty gives you more breathing room to enjoy what they created. In my opinion it's the best piece of Alien screen media since 1992.

    AvP2 (game, not film!) is pretty damn good, and actually has quite an interesting story. It's by Monolith, who were fresh off Nobody Lives Forever. The first game was made by Rebellion, it's an arcade-horror sort of thing with negligible story; impressive design but very 90s. Rebellion also made one more AvP game in 2010, but it's a heavily console-ised shooter in the worst way (mass of quick time events, limited movement, small arsenal, dodgy aiming, no customisation) and although the art and graphics were great for the time, in most respects it's pretty mediocre. It basically killed the series.

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