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Thread: Worlds of DC Thread

  1. #841
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    The lighting plus it's odd to have the small red Batman logo above the 2022 right in front of the bigger logo on his chest. What Photoshop amateur made this?

    Why not just have a close up of the chest with the logo fill the poster and have 2022 written or carved.

    Personally, I wouldn't even want the batsuit to have a logo on it. The suit itself is what represents Batman. Batman is the symbol. He doesn't need a logo emblazoned on him like some sports team. "Oh, thanks for including that logo or else I wouldn't have known you were Batman with just that getup."
    Last edited by neorev; 05-19-2021 at 09:26 PM.

  2. #842
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    Ah I knew that the delays due to the pandemic will hit that movie in the ass to some extent. Now we have all kinds of shitty leaked or half-assed semi-official material out there, that probably won't to any of this justice. A clearer look at the Riddler is floating around as well and people are going crazy over it... in good and bad ways.

    I just want this movie to come out and give me a new spin on Batman that I enjoy when they won't let me have that Affleck movie with Deathstroke.

  3. #843
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    Image is from a preorder page for a 2022 Batman calendar, which is why it’s garbage quality. For what it’s worth the other images from it like the new Riddler close up are badass.

  4. #844
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    I like the idea of treating The Riddler like the Zodiac Killer, but I have to say, the mask with glasses looks kinda dumb to me.

  5. #845
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonic_discord View Post
    I like the idea of treating The Riddler like the Zodiac Killer, but I have to say, the mask with glasses looks kinda dumb to me.
    I'm wondering if this isn't the final look. Like maybe the mask is like that to make sure he doesn't leave any trace of dna at the scene. Riddler is the type that would take such a precaution. If batman isn't in his final form yet it makes sense the criminals aren't yet either. At least, not all of them. I think there's a good chance Riddler "wins" in this film and maybe his story could run through the whole trilogy. That's just speculation but we've yet to see a batman film that had a down ending. The Dark Knight comes closest probably. And this is supposed to take inspiration from the Long Halloween and that doesn't exactly have a clean happy ending either.

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  8. #848
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    I saw a comment on a Facebook post that made me laugh. I'm paraphrasing, but it said something like "You know your Flash movie is gonna suck when the first image released from it, and all hype surrounding it, is for Batman." I am actually excited to see how this movie turns out, but he had a point – the main reason for my excitement is the involvement of the two versions of Batman (Batmen?).

  9. #849
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    Well you have a lot of anti-sentiment directed towards Ezra Miller so maybe focus on the good stuff to start.

  10. #850
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonic_discord View Post
    I saw a comment on a Facebook post that made me laugh. I'm paraphrasing, but it said something like "You know your Flash movie is gonna suck when the first image released from it, and all hype surrounding it, is for Batman." I am actually excited to see how this movie turns out, but he had a point – the main reason for my excitement is the involvement of the two versions of Batman (Batmen?).
    Agreed, everything has to be about Batman.

  11. #851
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    Set pics out, including Ezra as Barry (not in costume) as well as Bruuuuuce!

  12. #852
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    no thank you

  13. #853
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    no thank you

  14. #854
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    Are you in or out?

  15. #855
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    First possible leaked footage of Affleck's Batman in The Flash movie.

    I really hope this doesn't mean all these different versions of characters are going to be minimized in any way. I just wanna see Keaton whoop some ass.

  16. #856
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    The last couple days I watched the animated Long Halloween that just came out and...

    They botched it. I was on board with the first part but became skeptical about half way through the second part and then they drop the ball so hard at the end I actually was a little angry at the amount of time I wasted. I mean people got paid to write that shit? One of the best stories ever sitting on the page and they go and do that? At least with Killing Joke, the movie only ruined the beginning. This ruined the ending and imo it's much worse.

  17. #857
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    it's so annoying when they do that. I get that changes/adaptations in film happen because of those pesky things like physics and kill counts but in an animated film it should either be an original story or a faithful panel-to-screen reproduction with a little bit of some flair.


    there are so many cults now. what happened that they are an accepted part of li...oh wait, never mind.
    Last edited by allegate; 07-28-2021 at 11:13 AM.

  18. #858
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    it's so annoying when they do that. I get that changes/adaptations in film happen because of those pesky things like physics and kill counts but in an animated film it should either be an original story or a faithful panel-to-screen reproduction with a little bit of some flair.
    Yeah, I have never understood the whole "well they can't just do the same thing the book did" mentality. If your ideas aren't better than the book then you better damn well stick to the book. I'm not against making changes either, they just need to be good. Some of the things they did with this in part 1 I thought were great and I was ready to go along for the ride. But in the end they changed too much of it by tweaking little things here and there until the end they had lacked the tragedy, ambiguity and nuance of the original. I mean Batman himself makes a choice at the end that just doesn't make sense for the story or for his character and the worst part is it could have been left out entirely. The original comic has one of the greatest last panels to end a story I've ever seen and the movie tries to wrap it up all nice and neat and it just doesn't work.

    And no one can argue, well it's a cartoon they have to make it that way for the kids, because this one is rated R so clearly it was not made for that demographic. Bit of a shame too since the artwork and voice cast and overall production value was very well done.

  19. #859
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    I have seen The Suicide Squad...and i bloody loved it! I'll do a mini review thing in a bit but i will say this, they somehow made a film where one of the best characters is Polka-dot man...i'm as surprised as you are!

  20. #860
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    Yeah just finished it and it's surprising in a whole lot of ways. some of them are "oh right it's a James Gunn movie" but most are pretty good.

    I do wish that a lot of the story/character beats were left out of the trailers. almost zero surprises other than the usual i.e. it's called The Suicide Squad, it's not like you thought they'd all make it.

    Spoiler: pissed they killed Flag, that was a stupid move as he was one of the best characters from both movies. the end scene with Peacemaker was a "oh right there's a television show coming...." moment that didn't really need to be there.

    edit: imagine my surprise when the movie opens with a Jim Carroll Band song! and then there's a scene where wooing is going on to the strains of a Fratellis song. Some tunes were way too needle-dropy but again...James Gunn, yeah?
    Last edited by allegate; 08-05-2021 at 10:25 PM.

  21. #861
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    Well, that was surprisingly fun and entertaining. Possibly the best DC movie we've gotten so far, followed by Shazam. Not including Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy, of course.

  22. #862
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    Yeah just finished it and it's surprising in a whole lot of ways. some of them are "oh right it's a James Gunn movie" but most are pretty good.

    I do wish that a lot of the story/character beats were left out of the trailers. almost zero surprises other than the usual i.e. it's called The Suicide Squad, it's not like you thought they'd all make it.

    Spoiler: pissed they killed Flag, that was a stupid move as he was one of the best characters from both movies. the end scene with Peacemaker was a "oh right there's a television show coming...." moment that didn't really need to be there.

    edit: imagine my surprise when the movie opens with a Jim Carroll Band song! and then there's a scene where wooing is going on to the strains of a Fratellis song. Some tunes were way too needle-dropy but again...James Gunn, yeah?
    Absolutely agree with your spoiler, BUT i already knew the body count would be high. And i'm still amazed after 3 films Harley's not only still one of DC's best film characters, but she's gotten better with every film! I really REALLY want her to be with Ivy in the next film, it's the natural progression of her character and how she's been treated by the men in this universe!

  23. #863
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey_Draws View Post
    I'm still amazed after 3 films Harley's not only still one of DC's best film characters, but she's gotten better with every film! I really REALLY want her to be with Ivy in the next film, it's the natural progression of her character and how she's been treated by the men in this universe!
    As much as I thought the original Suicide Squad was pretty lame (especially the trademark DC ending with the messy CGI boss fight), Harley was easily the best character in that movie. I haven't seen THE Suicide Squad yet (hope to remedy that soon-ish), but I personally thought Birds of Prey was just fucking awful and a step back for her character. I have no doubts that James Gunn did her justice and that she's great in the new movie. I still wish we had gotten a (good) movie with Margot Robbie's Harley that included a good version of The Joker. Jared Leto is a legitimately great actor (despite his annoying method acting shenanigans), but his take on Joker SUUUUUCKED (including the version in the Snyder Cut of Justice League).

  24. #864
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    Well, that was surprisingly fun and entertaining. Possibly the best DC movie we've gotten so far, followed by Shazam. Not including Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy, of course.
    for some reason "Yeah, well obviously the roads! I mean, the roads go without saying, don't they?" from Life of Brian popped into my head.
    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey_Draws View Post
    Absolutely agree with your spoiler, BUT i already knew the body count would be high. And i'm still amazed after 3 films Harley's not only still one of DC's best film characters, but she's gotten better with every film! I really REALLY want her to be with Ivy in the next film, it's the natural progression of her character and how she's been treated by the men in this universe!
    Right? that she's respected and a member of a team that wants to rescue her? pretty great.

    I kind of love that Spoiler: Taika was as small a character as that. I was in constant "where are the cameos" scanning faces and such and sussed it from his profile while he was dead.

    I wish the timing of the first credits scene was explained so that you'd know if it were the same night as the firefight or if it was later on. Though the "Did no one check to see if he could swim" line was pretty good.

    Spoiler: Starro Mom was the thing that cracked us all up and my wife isn't one for actually loling at much in a movie that isn't a comedy.

    side note: while trying to find information on above character this image came up:

    Last edited by allegate; 08-06-2021 at 10:14 AM.

  25. #865
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    Don't care for the politics of comic book films, but I fucking loved THE Suicide Squad and personally enjoyed it way more than either of the Guardians movies. This was probably one of my favorite action movies in a long ass time. It was so fun.

  26. #866
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  27. #867
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    So I saw TSS. Kinda wish I didn't have high expectations going in because of so many people saying this is the greatest DC film since TDK. It's most certainly not imo. But it isn't all bad and my thoughts on it are kinda all over the place.

    I hate cgi of this type so I'll just say that Starro and the King Shark did not work at all for me. All I see is actors running around green screens. The Sly version of Shark is very much inferior to the one from the animated show too so that doesn't help either. John Cena's character was just fucking lame but I knew that going in and it could have been worse. Harley remains to be a wasted character by putting her in these team up movies, but her stuff was good, probably the best depiction of her character yet. They could have done more with Flag, Idris Elba was good in this and I liked his character a bit more than the Will Smith version. But it did feel like a copy/paste retread. The rat girl was pretty cool, like something straight from ninja turtles.

    People said this movie was edgy and gory and maybe for some it was but that is not at all how I would describe it. The word I would use is cartoony. The violence is so absurd its comical, and that's ok. Maybe it's just the horror fan in me but I really wish the general movie going public could discern the difference between comical shit like this and serious, grounded violence. This was closer to Bugs Bunny than anything else. I mean there's a scene where they shoot two people standing next to one another and it leaves a large perfectly shaped hole in them. That has to have happened in a Bugs Bunny cartoon.

    It's better than the first one. But I think my main takeaway from this is to just ask, really? This is what people want out of DC? It's pretty much just an R rated version of the Marvel formula with no real substance or story depth whatsoever that means you can forget about it as soon as you leave the theatre. It did have some good fun and was fast paced enough that it wasn't a chore to sit through and it was a good representation of TSS so I guess it did it's job.

  28. #868
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    for some reason "Yeah, well obviously the roads! I mean, the roads go without saying, don't they?" from Life of Brian popped into my head.Right? that she's respected and a member of a team that wants to rescue her? pretty great.

    I kind of love that Spoiler: Taika was as small a character as that. I was in constant "where are the cameos" scanning faces and such and sussed it from his profile while he was dead.
    Fun Fact, Taika was actually offered a much BIGGER role by Gunn, but turned it down due to him directing Akira. Then that completely fell through and he called Gunn asking if there was anything he could do now he had a big empty space in his diary, so Gunn gave him the cameo.

  29. #869
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonic_discord View Post
    As much as I thought the original Suicide Squad was pretty lame (especially the trademark DC ending with the messy CGI boss fight), Harley was easily the best character in that movie. I haven't seen THE Suicide Squad yet (hope to remedy that soon-ish), but I personally thought Birds of Prey was just fucking awful and a step back for her character. I have no doubts that James Gunn did her justice and that she's great in the new movie. I still wish we had gotten a (good) movie with Margot Robbie's Harley that included a good version of The Joker. Jared Leto is a legitimately great actor (despite his annoying method acting shenanigans), but his take on Joker SUUUUUCKED (including the version in the Snyder Cut of Justice League).
    Ah see i loved Birds of Prey, each to their own i guess. Agree with everything else though, Leto just absolutely sucked as Joker, i know he gets a lot of flack for how he looked, but his performance is just so terrible. Someone i follow said it best, he isn't playing the Joker, He is more like the Mask, and not in a good way!

  30. #870
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey_Draws View Post
    Ah see i loved Birds of Prey, each to their own i guess. Agree with everything else though, Leto just absolutely sucked as Joker, i know he gets a lot of flack for how he looked, but his performance is just so terrible. Someone i follow said it best, he isn't playing the Joker, He is more like the Mask, and not in a good way!
    Yeah, the more we got of Leto's Joker, the worse it got. I didn't find his take fresh or unique. He's especially bad in the extended Justice League and that terrible epilogue scene.

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