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Thread: COLD and BLACK and INFINITE - The Fall 2018 NIN Tour SPOILERS THREAD

  1. #511
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    Thanks @teitan. Please play again at some point during your 5 days in NYC. All The Love In The World too? Sure why not, that song is absolutely gorgeous.

    I'm more curious to see this festival setlist than I have been in a very, very long time. If he's willing to play some of these older gems this tour, alot of them would work just dandy at a festival. A festival/casual crowd would be into songs like Mr. Self Destruct, Happiness & especially The Perfect Drug (was a single).
    After seeing these setlists I'm seriously considering picking up a ticket for the other Brooklyn show. Bigtime FOMO.

  2. #512
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    Just watched the video of HIS from the first show of the tour. Maybe it's because I was there, but it definitely sounded much better last night. Trent did not hold back on the screams at the end. He did have some help from the megaphone of course. God, that show was something special. Would have loved to have gotten "Shit Mirror," but considering I got to experience HIS, Dead Souls, AND All The Love In the World, I really don't have much to complain about.

  3. #513
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    I didn't think it was the last tour until recently. Between the career spanning deep cuts setlists, him telling the crowd at Mad Cool it may be his last show in Europe ever, the 6 night residency to in LA to finish the tour (same way he ended the Wave Goodbye tour)...Even the symmetry of touring with the Mary Chain (the first band NIN ever went on tour with...and the last?).......I dont think its the end of NIN as a whole, I can def see him still releasing NIN music....But as a live vehicle, I am starting to think this is it

  4. #514
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdm View Post
    After seeing these setlists I'm seriously considering picking up a ticket for the other Brooklyn show. Bigtime FOMO.
    Same. I currently only have a ticket for the Sunday Radio City show, but I think I'll sorely regret not going to at least one of the of the others.

  5. #515
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    Quote Originally Posted by imail724 View Post
    Same. I currently only have a ticket for the Sunday Radio City show, but I think I'll sorely regret not going to at least one of the of the others.
    I figured i'd regret not going to one of each of the NY shows. Luckily my wife felt the same way and I wasn't stabbed over the amount of $$ I spent lol

  6. #516
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    So no MOTP last night, that legit might've been the first full length headlining show that it hasn't been played at since I don't know 2000?

  7. #517
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    Never thought I'd see people be hype about getting, now rare, WT tracks live. Feeling lucky now as it definitely has some gems.

    Considering getting tickets for the last 2 L.A. shows.

    Quote Originally Posted by Helpmeiaminhell View Post
    I didn't think it was the last tour until recently. Between the career spanning deep cuts setlists, him telling the crowd at Mad Cool it may be his last show in Europe ever, the 6 night residency to in LA to finish the tour (same way he ended the Wave Goodbye tour)...Even the symmetry of touring with the Mary Chain (the first band NIN ever went on tour with...and the last?).......I dont think its the end of NIN as a whole, I can def see him still releasing NIN music....But as a live vehicle, I am starting to think this is it

    Had not thought about it that way. Hmm...

    Tbh, looking back at Wave Goodbye Tour, it didn't feel like bye for good. More like, I need a long break."
    Last edited by Miss.Selfdestruct; 09-20-2018 at 01:04 PM.

  8. #518
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss.Selfdestruct View Post
    Tbh, looking back at Wave Goodbye Tour, it didn't feel like bye for good. More like, I need a long break."[/FONT]
    Wave Goodbye was even explicitly an "I need a long break" kind of thing, despite the name. TR was upfront about that in interviews or whatever at the time. I remember going into those knowing that he'd probably get back to it eventually.

    I'm not personally worried about live NIN throwing in the towel after this tour, though I wouldn't be surprised if they stuck close to the major markets and didn't play much compared to their usual expansive tour schedule.

  9. #519
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    Wow, these setlists are something special. So glad the wife and I decided to buy tickets to night 2 at Radio City when we were originally just supposed to go to night 1 in Brooklyn.

  10. #520
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    Slowly uploading some videos, I was ready before the encore started because you never fucking know now. Also got Trent’s talk about squatting at Red Rocks and the joke about the unpredictable setlists.
    Phone didn’t want to re-focus for All a The Love In The World, but I left it in since it gets it eventually, plus the audio is decent for until we get the pro stuff.

  11. #521
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    I figured the easiest way to post here was to comb through posts from the last 24 hours and reply all at once, heh.

    Quote Originally Posted by themethatyouknow View Post
    "So, we were talking backstage, and we decided we're going to move here. We're actually going to squat right here at Red Rocks. And were gonna take up a residency and play here for the rest of our years... so get comfortable."
    I don't know if he understands, but if that were to happen, it would absolutely solidify my pre-existing plans to move to Colorado and I'd start making plans immediately. TRY ME, TRENT. I'll be at every show. I have a bigger feeling that he was saying that in slight jest, but at the same time...Shit, anything is possible in NIN land right now, and we're just starting the tour. Very curious to see what the next year or two brings.

    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Hell yeah @fillow .

    Also, I was just thinking, and someone correct me if I'm wrong, but the only songs played both nights at Red Rocks were Hurt and HLAH, meaning we got 39 unique songs, right?
    You bet your bippy, dude! These two shows might have been two of my favorites in all these years of seeing them. The first night was about 50% songs I'd never heard live, and the second was a three-way split between songs I'd seen multiple times, songs I haven't seen in YEARS, and songs I'd never heard live before. SO much material there, especially considering the modest setlist length. I'd actually given up thinking that I'd see "All The Love In The World" played live, to the point that it wasn't even on my radar. Lo and behold...Expectations are being set, and then being subverted in the absolute best way.

    Quote Originally Posted by FULLMETAL View Post
    I REALLY wish NIN would pull a Peter Gabriel & sell nightly concert recordings.
    YEEESSS. Or, given such an extensive back-catalog of unreleased live material (both audio and video), I'd even be willing to pay monthly for an all-access "vault" style membership, with downloads and access to recording archives and what not. You KNOW it's all there, sitting. Both of these ideas would be a hell of a way to generate some extra income, especially if we may be seeing a "winding down" of sorts with NIN's touring habits in the coming years. I'd probably keep putting money into something like that for as long as it exists. Take my money!!

    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Also, this tour needs a fucking DVD boxed set.
    Like I was saying last night, I don't know whether I'd rather see an HD release of this tour in black and white or in color. BOTH would be ideal. The video they were using for the screens was so intimate-feeling and crystal clear, and the stage setup is exactly what it needs to be to fit the mood and title of the current tour.

  12. #522
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    Quote Originally Posted by sick among the pure View Post

    Slowly uploading some videos, I was ready before the encore started because you never fucking know now. Also got Trent’s talk about squatting at Red Rocks and the joke about the unpredictable setlists.
    Phone didn’t want to re-focus for All a The Love In The World, but I left it in since it gets it eventually, plus the audio is decent for until we get the pro stuff.
    Sweet, last night I was looking for a video of ATLITW. I was curious to hear how this version sounded without the female backup singers. Looks like Ally took the falsetto parts, that's what I figured would happen. I love Robin's raspy "Love in the world" yelling, and him playing the tambourine is just the cheery on top of this performance.

    I also laughed at the "What could be next" part, haha. So funny.
    Thanks for recording and posting!
    Last edited by ManBurning; 09-20-2018 at 03:14 PM.

  13. #523
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    Looks like Ally took the falsetto parts, that's what I figured would happen.
    I saw Ilan singing the falsetto parts too on the in-house video during that part. He had a hanging microphone or something back there.

  14. #524
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    I didn't realize it until now, but Red Rocks got nearly all of the Add Violence EP, too, exception being "Not Anymore." Between the two nights, it certainly didn't FEEL like we got so much of the new material, but 2/5 of NTAE, 4/5 of AV, and 4/6 of BW really isn't bad at ALL, especially considering the closing tracks for all three were played, and that was what I was really hoping for most from that trilogy.
    Last edited by ImTheWiseJanitor; 09-20-2018 at 03:53 PM.

  15. #525
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    I was just driving home while listening to Still and thought that with TPD being played, AATCHB is now very possible. I bet it would be amazing with Ilan on drums. I’m not giving my hopes up for it, but there is at least a chance now.

  16. #526
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    So I've had this sort of dream setlist in my head for awhile now, and had figured it was always just a pipe dream, but given the setlists this tour, and with this band, it seems like it might be within the realm of possibility. I figure by the time they swing around to Chicago, they'll probably be all warmed up and rarin' to try something a little different, so in case they've got some intern or something watching ETS, here's my humble request:

    1. All of Pretty Hate Machine
    2. All of Broken
    3. All of The Downward Spiral

    I figure at this point the band (and the audience) will be a bit tired, so I figure a 15, 20 minute break for bathrooms, gatorade, that kind of thing. Then back on to:

    4. All of The Fragile
    5. All of With Teeth
    6. All of Year Zero

    At this point I imagine all sides are gonna be feeling a bit of fatigue, which is good timing because we can all just chill out a little bit to

    7. All of Ghosts

    before taking another little bathroom/gatorade break. Then it's on to:

    8. All of The Slip
    9. All of Hesitation Marks
    10. All of Not the Actual Events
    11. All of ADD VIOLENCE
    12. All of Bad Witch

    Simple! I figure for the first encore they could do all the "original" stuff from Still/AATCHBd2, just as another little breather, before heading into the second encore, which'll start diving into their various soundtrack and b-side effords (so, y'know, Home, Dead Souls, Metal, Reptilian, 10 Miles High, Closer to God, A Violet Fluid, Deep, At the Heart of It All, Get Down Make Love, etc). Bring Mariqueen out for a few HTDA tracks as well. Close out the evening with The Perfect Drug and you're golden!

    Which leaves them plenty of time for a bit of a snooze, some showers, and a couple meals before the next night's show.

    So anyway, yeah, here's hoping a dream'll come true this time around. It's not like I'm asking for Purest Feeling or anything.

  17. #527
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    You'll have to excuse me but I just found out about TPD being played and...

    This is a dream, Coop

    We live inside a dream

  18. #528
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    Quote Originally Posted by xolotl View Post
    So I've had this sort of dream setlist in my head for awhile now, and had figured it was always just a pipe dream, but given the setlists this tour, and with this band, it seems like it might be within the realm of possibility. I figure by the time they swing around to Chicago, they'll probably be all warmed up and rarin' to try something a little different, so in case they've got some intern or something watching ETS, here's my humble request:

    1. All of Pretty Hate Machine
    2. All of Broken
    3. All of The Downward Spiral

    I figure at this point the band (and the audience) will be a bit tired, so I figure a 15, 20 minute break for bathrooms, gatorade, that kind of thing. Then back on to:

    4. All of The Fragile
    5. All of With Teeth
    6. All of Year Zero

    At this point I imagine all sides are gonna be feeling a bit of fatigue, which is good timing because we can all just chill out a little bit to

    7. All of Ghosts

    before taking another little bathroom/gatorade break. Then it's on to:

    8. All of The Slip
    9. All of Hesitation Marks
    10. All of Not the Actual Events
    11. All of ADD VIOLENCE
    12. All of Bad Witch

    Simple! I figure for the first encore they could do all the "original" stuff from Still/AATCHBd2, just as another little breather, before heading into the second encore, which'll start diving into their various soundtrack and b-side effords (so, y'know, Home, Dead Souls, Metal, Reptilian, 10 Miles High, Closer to God, A Violet Fluid, Deep, At the Heart of It All, Get Down Make Love, etc). Bring Mariqueen out for a few HTDA tracks as well. Close out the evening with The Perfect Drug and you're golden!

    Which leaves them plenty of time for a bit of a snooze, some showers, and a couple meals before the next night's show.

    So anyway, yeah, here's hoping a dream'll come true this time around. It's not like I'm asking for Purest Feeling or anything.
    you forgot Fixed

  19. #529
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadaloo View Post
    You'll have to excuse me but I just found out about TPD being played and...

    This is a dream, Coop

    We live inside a dream
    Is it fuutuuure or is it past?

  20. #530
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    I just noticed The Big Comedown hasn’t been played recently. It seemed to become a staple the last few tours. I’m not complaining since I’ve seen it I think every show I’ve been to. I would like to see other Fragile songs get some love like The Fragile, WITT, Great Below, Just Like You Imagined, Into the Void, or The Mark Has Been Made. Or just play the whole album

  21. #531
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    Real talk rather than my absurdity above: I wonder what the chances are that we'll ever hear Closer to God again. They played it during Outside, so it's not entirely out of the question, but I'd consider it a longer shot than most. That version's legit been on my "would just die to hear" list for just about my whole fanhood.

  22. #532
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    Quote Originally Posted by K-Rice View Post
    I just noticed The Big Comedown hasn’t been played recently. It seemed to become a staple the last few tours. I’m not complaining since I’ve seen it I think every show I’ve been to. I would like to see other Fragile songs get some love like The Fragile, WITT, Great Below, Just Like You Imagined, Into the Void, or The Mark Has Been Made. Or just play the whole album

    What about “No You Don’t” “Where is Everybody?” And “Please”

    Those songs would sound amazing live and havent been played since 2006 maybe longer? WIE never got played live too.

  23. #533
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    I also want to hear “Kinda i want too” “Down in It” and “Thats What i get” live. Especially since the “I don’t relate to those songs” excuse doesn’t matter anymore. Would be nice to have Sin return as well.

  24. #534
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    Last post to my trio of poss but I hope We’re in This Together & Perfect Drug get dropped last might of brooklyn. Wanted to see those songs live all my life. Doubt I can afford two NYC shows this year which sucks with this whole deepcuts tour

  25. #535
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    I’m just so damn hopeful they do a tour like this with some dates in Canada. There’s so many songs I want to see live that they’re doing right now. Very impressed with this so far. I’m sure this is way more fun for Trent as well.

    And more With Teeth cuts! Love that album to bits

    just a fantastic thing right now!

  26. #536
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    This is turning out to be a very special tour!

    If we're talking about songs we'd like to see now TPD is out, i'd throw the Still version of The Fragile, AATCHB, The Idea of You and for a really left field suggestion..Tetsuo Theme from the Bullet Man!

  27. #537
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    Now that The Perfect Drug has been played, I think AATCHB will take its place on the wishlists

  28. #538
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    I bet The Great Below is going to show up. It was on the setist for the final Wave Goodbye show but wasn't played. AATCHB was rehearsed at this time too.

    Last edited by nooneimportant; 09-21-2018 at 05:12 AM.

  29. #539
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    I don't think this tour is really spoilable, except if people don't want to know that there are amazing surprises going on unique to each show.

    I guess it's POSSIBLE that they could start repeating the last four sets, but I REALLY don't think that's what's going on here.

  30. #540
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    It's really surreal to me that River City Rockfest has two of my all time favorite bands ever in Primus and NIN playing on the same stage back to back and I can't even witness that live because I live in California. Two wildly different styles but two very good bands, especially when it comes to live shows. San Antonio is getting a really good time.

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