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Thread: Twin Peaks - Spoilers

  1. #991
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    So we're all sure that The Final Dossier is going to be a flipbook that spells out "FUCK YOU," right?

    Okay. Theory time. I think that Cooper's final question was the wrong question. The right question might be "Where are we?" I wonder if Cooper and Diane crossing the power lines meant that they began to vibrate at a different frequency and that they traveled to a new dimension/universe.

    Regarding Carrie's scream - I think it was her tapping into a ripple in that dimension, which was a source of great evil in the life of Laura Palmer, and she was able to feel it, especially when she heard Sarah's voice. The 8 represents infinity and the dot is where Cooper is in that loop. The scream was that realization and the lights going out meant that they either escaped that reality or are now doomed to repeat it over and over. Did Cooper try to fix too much? That's the question.

    I need to go back and watch Part 18 again specifically for Cooper's mannerisms, because he changed once they crossed the line. I wonder if the Cooper he is now is the same man that we knew from before.

  2. #992
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    So, Lynch likes when people get to superimpose their own interpretations, and I, for one, don't buy "it was all one dream of one guy." I think there are a lot of stories and a lot of people's perspectives and dreams that we get glimpses of. I think the overarching binding story of the Twin Peaks world is that Cooper and the Blue Rose team has really discovered there are portals to different realities and times, and they feel the need to close it up. The other world they have discovered also wants to track down Judy and confine it, again. They don't want to interfere too much with humanity, though, so they don't just jump in and save people's lives. The Fireman gives bits and pieces to those he enlists to try to help imprison Judy and close up the wormholes, but little else. However, I think Cooper has gotten it wrong, a few times, now. He has to start over each time, because he's still getting it wrong. I doubt there will ever be anything more as a show from Mark Frost and David Lynch, but since it was left open-ended, perhaps some tribute to it could be made, in the years to come. Whatever the Dossier is about, maybe it'll give us more insight than we have right now.

  3. #993
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    at 1:28 -1:29, you hear the scratching noise (the same one Cooper heard during his meeting with the Fireman at the beginning of the series and shortly before he noticed Laura was gone) for a split second. I think this noise indicates the presence of Judy. While some people have already figured this out, I mention it specifically because not many have noticed it at the end.
    Last edited by Frozen Beach; 09-06-2017 at 11:08 PM.

  4. #994
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    did anyone else notice the diner in ep18 was called Judy's, probably don't mean much tho

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  5. #995
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsecureSpike View Post
    did anyone else notice the diner in ep18 was called Judy's, probably don't mean much tho

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    Yes, I thought that was the whole reason Cooper went in there.

  6. #996
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsecureSpike View Post
    did anyone else notice the diner in ep18 was called Judy's, probably don't mean much tho

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

    It probably does; apparently the real diner is call Rudy's

  7. #997
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Beach View Post
    at 1:28 -1:29, you hear the scratching noise (the same one Cooper heard during his meeting with the Fireman at the beginning of the series and shortly before he noticed Laura was gone) for a split second. I think this noise indicates the presence of Judy. While some people have already figured this out, I mention it specifically because not many have noticed it at the end.
    You sure that wasn't just someone adjusting their foot on the pavement?

  8. #998
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    ^^I've heard elsewhere that it's the same noise. I'm not great on picking up audio cues so it's interesting to hear from elsewhere.

    Someone noted today that the car Coop drives when the motel changes is the same car that EvilCoop drives when he squishes that guy's face off.

    I think it's going to be a very long time before we work everything out.

  9. #999
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post
    You sure that wasn't just someone adjusting their foot on the pavement?
    It could be, but I don't think it's Cooper because his lower body seems motionless when it happens, and "Carrie" is off screen but she's seems to not have moved a muscle because she's in the same position she was in before she was offscreen. I recorded it in audacity and boosted the volume, and it sounded fairly reminiscent of the scratching noise to me.

  10. #1000
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    Have we talked about how Mary Reber is the actual real life owner of the Palmer residence?

    the sequence—like the real-world owner of Laura Palmer’s house turning up at the door in the finale—marks a rare intrusion of our reality into Twin Peaks’ carefully quarantined dream world

  11. #1001
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    Quote Originally Posted by mostlymad View Post
    So, Lynch likes when people get to superimpose their own interpretations, and I, for one, don't buy "it was all one dream of one guy." I think there are a lot of stories and a lot of people's perspectives and dreams that we get glimpses of. I think the overarching binding story of the Twin Peaks world is that Cooper and the Blue Rose team has really discovered there are portals to different realities and times, and they feel the need to close it up. The other world they have discovered also wants to track down Judy and confine it, again. They don't want to interfere too much with humanity, though, so they don't just jump in and save people's lives. The Fireman gives bits and pieces to those he enlists to try to help imprison Judy and close up the wormholes, but little else. However, I think Cooper has gotten it wrong, a few times, now. He has to start over each time, because he's still getting it wrong. I doubt there will ever be anything more as a show from Mark Frost and David Lynch, but since it was left open-ended, perhaps some tribute to it could be made, in the years to come. Whatever the Dossier is about, maybe it'll give us more insight than we have right now.
    reminds me of the talk of the degrading loop at end of the background world, no?
    so will coop/richard keep resetting until they disappear?
    Last edited by Lew; 09-07-2017 at 01:15 PM. Reason: lol emoticon spectrum to encompass all possible fan reactions

  12. #1002
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    What the hell was the point of the girl with the bad rash and whatever they were talking about? What about the girl who crawled through the crowd then started screaming? What about Billy? Where is Audrey? So many odd, subplots that seemingly didn't lead anywhere.

  13. #1003
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    I think the ending makes the statement that twin peaks, and therefore, life, is an infinite loop in which we are always changing and good and evil are eternally at war across and endless number of dimensions.

    And I don't think it's meant to be SOLVED.
    I think it is utterly open to subjective interpretation.
    And this is the genius of the ending: there are 1,000,000 different interpretations and all of them are equally valid.
    Last edited by elevenism; 09-07-2017 at 10:33 PM.

  14. #1004
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    Sorry for double post, but we just got two new kittens and the male is named Special Agent Dale Cooper aka Mr. Jackpots

    Edit:damnit, POST something y'all! I've got theories and such but I can't very well get into triple and quadruple posting.

    Since this is just a double post, I'll put this here: there's a possibility that coop never left the lodge. This whole journey has been his pseudo dream and it probably wasn't the first, nor will it be the last. He's STILL trapped in the lodge because he entered with imperfect courage. This is why he and Laura wind up BACK in the lodge, and perhaps what she whispered to him is something like "you can't save me."

    I've got more theories and I think all of them are right and none of them are right
    Last edited by elevenism; 09-08-2017 at 12:35 AM.

  15. #1005
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    I find it a little bit annoying that David decided to cling on so many characters/actors that didn't return (Harry, Mjr Briggs, etc), making them omnipresent through repeated mentions and references, yet completely disregarded a lot of others, without so much as a mention (Annie, Donna, Hank, Windom Earle, Pete, Mike Nelson).

  16. #1006
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    Quote Originally Posted by imail724 View Post
    What the hell was the point of the girl with the bad rash and whatever they were talking about? What about the girl who crawled through the crowd then started screaming? What about Billy? Where is Audrey? So many odd, subplots that seemingly didn't lead anywhere.
    Well I am guessing that they were mostly introduced to us to showcase the side effects of the town being such a nexus of dark or evil energies.

    Twin Peaks: Bad shit happens here.

  17. #1007
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    Quote Originally Posted by fillow View Post
    I find it a little bit annoying that David decided to cling on so many characters/actors that didn't return (Harry, Mjr Briggs, etc), making them omnipresent through repeated mentions and references, yet completely disregarded a lot of others, without so much as a mention (Annie, Donna, Hank, Windom Earle, Pete, Mike Nelson).
    Mike Nelson was the guy interviewing Stephen in the episode where we meet him and Becky.

  18. #1008
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    OK, my bad. Still, the point stands.

  19. #1009
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    Quote Originally Posted by fillow View Post
    I find it a little bit annoying that David decided to cling on so many characters/actors that didn't return (Harry, Mjr Briggs, etc), making them omnipresent through repeated mentions and references, yet completely disregarded a lot of others, without so much as a mention (Annie, Donna, Hank, Windom Earle, Pete, Mike Nelson).
    While I get where you're coming from, this is largely what Secret History is for. A lot of these people are ancient history and wouldn't have any relevance whatsoever 25 years on.

    Annie - is alive. See FWWM: The Missing Pieces.
    Hank - Stabbed to death in prison.
    Windom Earle - Was dead and done with by the end of S2.
    Pete - Aside from the knowledge that he died in the explosion, I'd argue he got an EXTREMELY important scene at the end, with some of the best use of old footage.

    The only omissions I feel are glaring are that Catherine Martell could have done with one mention of her recluse status at least, and Donna is so ridiculously absent as to be conspicuous.

  20. #1010
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    Donna could have just moved away long ago or something, after what happened with her parents and Ben Horne.

    But yea, there were a metric shitload of subplots in this that went absolutely nowhere. The whole scene outside of the RR with Bobby and the kid with the gun, Red's character, Jerry running around aimlessly, Ben and Beverly, Becky Johnson, the weird conversations at the Bang Bang Bar...they had ample time for troll scenes like the French girl and the bar-sweeping guy, but so much felt like an afterthought in hindsight.

    It's one thing to leave stuff to the imagination, but that's hard when a large majority of it ended up feeling so inessential to the main storyline of this..

  21. #1011
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    @Prettybrokenspiral so all in all, were you disappointed by the Return?

  22. #1012
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    @elevenism Absolutely not! Quite the opposite, actually. I savored every moment of this revival and I'm legitimately sad to see it end.

    I think I went into this like everyone else did, expecting something entirely different to what we were presented. I knew it would be weird, but holy shit. This whole thing screwed with my emotions something awful, yet in the best ways possible.

    Were there things I found perplexing? Yes, no question. Audrey's virtual non-presence. The subplots that seemingly went nowhere, like the couple watching the glass box in the pilot, or Dougie's entire storyline with the Mitchum brothers. The end result of those were...what exactly? If you compared the actual main narrative of DougieCoop/DoppelCoop to everything else that was happening in the meantime, you could have probably told the story of Cooper's re-emergence from the Black Lodge in half the episodes this encompassed.

    But I understand that, outside of Dale, this was never supposed to be about the characters returning from the first two seasons. It was about the new characters we were introduced to and came to enjoy, or loathe. It was fascinating to see great actors and actresses like Naomi Watts, Jim Belushi, Eamon Farren, Jennifer Jason-Leigh, Tom Sizemore and Tim Roth become compelling new additions to the Twin Peaks lore. It offset the returning characters like Nadine, Ben, Shelly and James just kind of...being there.

    If there's one criticism I have of the whole thing, it's the way it came to a head in the 17th episode. Just felt very underdeveloped. We went through all that for a rush gang meeting at the sheriff's station so some character we only just met can defeat an evil we've been haunted by for over a quarter century? That sort of thing belongs in the second half of season 2, before Lynch stepped back in. However, once Coop gave his "curtain call" line to Gordon and Diane, it was one hell of a final hour. I'm still trying to process it..

    In the end, if this is truly over and this is all we get, then I love the fact that I waited 25 years for answers to something that's only left me with more questions than ever before. I love that. It was so worth it. I have no idea what the fuck I watched in that final hour, or what it's all supposed to mean, but somehow it's strangely satisfying. C'est la vie.

    I would gladly welcome another season or two. But...if there's never another episode of Twin Peaks, it came to one hell of a motherfucking end

  23. #1013
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    Quote Originally Posted by icklekitty View Post
    ^^I've heard elsewhere that it's the same noise. I'm not great on picking up audio cues so it's interesting to hear from elsewhere.

    Someone noted today that the car Coop drives when the motel changes is the same car that EvilCoop drives when he squishes that guy's face off.

    I think it's going to be a very long time before we work everything out.

    The best analysis I've seen is that the world of Twin Peaks is both a collaborative dream between several of the characters, and a separate world in its own right. Just as Cooper visited the Lodge in his dreams in the original seasons, so do Richard, Carrie Page (and possibly Linda) dream Twin Peaks from a "real" world (ours). Hence why Laura screams and vanishes as she's saved in the past- she's waking up. Judy's influencing all of this- Sarah Palmer smashes Laura's picture, possibly waking Laura up. The sound we hear before this scream is indeed Judy too- it's the same sound the Fireman plays Cooper on the gramophone at the beginning of the season. Note, he tells Cooper that "it is in our house now" and "all cannot be explained now"- meaning Judy's presence is being felt in his domain so he needs to be cagey.

    However, as all these worlds are real, and while Laura has been saved, it's ultimately futile, because as Carrie's scream at the end suggests, after hearing her name called (again, Judy's influence)- they're doomed to repeat similar scenarios.

    This explains Audrey losing her shit- she realizes she's contributing to the dream that needs to be woken from.

    Jiào Dé (sp?) can be translated as "to explain" in mandarin, too. Also, the sound we hear before Laura wakes- someone's found that this is actually a sped-up sample of The Arm walking in the Black Lodge, from season one.
    Last edited by DF118; 09-10-2017 at 09:20 AM.

  24. #1014
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    Good interview with MacLachlan on CBC's show Q

    Last edited by botley; 09-19-2017 at 08:48 AM.

  25. #1015
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    Has anyone tried putting together a definitive playlist for the new series using all three soundtracks that have been released? I started it last night, but it's a hell of an undertaking.

  26. #1016
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    Has anyone tried putting together a definitive playlist for the new series using all three soundtracks that have been released? I started it last night, but it's a hell of an undertaking.
    3? I thought it was just the Angelo soundtrack and the music from the series? What's the third?

  27. #1017
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    Quote Originally Posted by imail724 View Post
    3? I thought it was just the Angelo soundtrack and the music from the series? What's the third?

    also worth of note is Johnny Jewel's Windswept album, the tracks Slow Dreams and The Flame were featured in the series. He apparently recorded 20 hours of music for Twin Peaks. Some of the tracks on Windswept are probably from that material.

  28. #1018
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    Enjoy it while it lasts.

  29. #1019
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    while trying out this improbable sync theory, I noticed that when coop comes out of the lodge to meet diane, he isn't wearing his fbi pin. Hmmmmm.
    Last edited by elevenism; 09-10-2017 at 09:09 PM.

  30. #1020
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    Sunday nights feel so empty and sad without new Twin Peaks episodes to look forward to all week

    Guess I'll just rewatch the last two episodes, then start all over again from the beginning. If you include both pilot episodes and the film, there's 50 episodes. That's one episode per week including the film, take a week off to read the Secret History, go back into The Return, a week off to read the Final Dossier, then loop back to the beginning again. For the rest of my years.

    Also, this track by Angelo off the new soundtrack is beguiling af..

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