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Thread: 2018.09.18 Morrison, CO @ Red Rocks

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    2018.09.18 Morrison, CO @ Red Rocks

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    The Perfect Drug

  3. #3
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    I’m actually ready to die now. I’m good. FUCK.

    I did manage to get a show poster, but the show shirts sold like hot cakes, damn. So if anyone has a spare show-exclusive large shirt they’re willing to part with, I might be able to sweeten the deal for you a bit.

    I’ll probably say more after I have a minute, but...I REALLY got everything I wanted and more from this set. Burning Bright. The Great Destroyer. THE PERFECT DRUG. A tease of playing The Fragile. I’m beyond excited for another night. I’m actually going to come early this time, since I won’t be driving for 8 hours immediately prior.

    Also convinced that I’m going to obtain tickets to the other two Chicago shows I need tickets for, and promising myself that I’m not going to miss another tour by this band as long as I live. Even if it’s one show rather than five. Bravo, gentlemen!
    Last edited by ImTheWiseJanitor; 09-19-2018 at 12:40 AM. Reason: Accidentally posted all this in the wrong thread, oops.

  4. #4
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    Amazing show! Goddamn what a treat. Pinched myself about 20 times during TPD. How was that real?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheWiseJanitor View Post
    I’m actually ready to die now. I’m good. FUCK.

    I did manage to get a show poster, but the show shirts sold like hot cakes, damn. So if anyone has a spare show-exclusive large shirt they’re willing to part with, I might be able to sweeten the deal for you a bit.

    I’ll probably say more after I have a minute, but...I REALLY got everything I wanted and more from this set. Burning Bright. The Great Destroyer. THE PERFECT DRUG. A tease of playing The Fragile. I’m beyond excited for another night. I’m actually going to come early this time, since I won’t be driving for 8 hours immediately prior.

    Also convinced that I’m going to obtain tickets to the other two Chicago shows I need tickets for, and promising myself that I’m not going to miss another tour by this band as long as I live. Even if it’s one show rather than five. Bravo, gentlemen!
    I'm still bitter about one of the assholes who skipped me in the merch line getting the last poster tonight. Sigh. Hopefully I can find one on eBay for a moderately-gouging price. I'm getting there earlier tomorrow, too. Hopefully I won't have to walk 24 minutes from my truck to the venue again...

    Are you GA tomorrow night?

  6. #6
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    Highlights for me:

    God Break Down the door(much heavier live)
    Reptile(Best I've ever seen them play it out of at least 10 times)
    The Great Destroyer(with super long Atticus solo at the end)
    After 23.5 years and 16 shows, The MotherFucking Perfect Drug!!!

  7. #7
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    I feel like most of the crowd didn't realize the significance of TPD, here's my recording.

  8. #8
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    Yeah, I was pretty shocked at how little reaction there was when it started. Seemed like most people didn't even recognize it.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by klyrish View Post
    I'm still bitter about one of the assholes who skipped me in the merch line getting the last poster tonight. Sigh. Hopefully I can find one on eBay for a moderately-gouging price. I'm getting there earlier tomorrow, too. Hopefully I won't have to walk 24 minutes from my truck to the venue again...

    Are you GA tomorrow night?
    You know it! And that’s a raw deal. I had about a 15 minute walk after spending 20 minutes in traffic just going up the slope to park, and I had it waaay better than most people who showed up after me probably did.

    Did YOU know that there were two merch booths? Because I waited in the monolithic line at one, found out the tour poster was sold out, and the guy at the booth goes, “I don’t have em, but the other guy across the seating area might still have them.” “Um....excuse me, what??” I get to the other booth, and it’s just an ever-shifting mass of people globbed together in a “line” around this booth. I was leaning on the table for 10 minutes before one of the girls working it finally helped me.

    I get that it’s busy, and difficult. I can only imagine. But they were literally helping people that just walked up and cut the line before they got around to me. And apparently other people had similar issues with that business.

    My ass is getting there early as FUCK tomorrow. I’m not gonna miss both openers again because of a merch line shit show.
    Last edited by ImTheWiseJanitor; 09-19-2018 at 02:12 AM.

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    My ass is getting there early as FUCK tomorrow. I’m not gonna miss both openers again because of a merch line shit show.
    That reminds me. I had no idea who the opener was, but was anyone else totally surprised when they busted out the Silicon Valley theme as their second to last song?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by themethatyouknow View Post
    That reminds me. I had no idea who the opener was, but was anyone else totally surprised when they busted out the Silicon Valley theme as their second to last song?
    I admittedly hadn't listened to aaanything by Tobacco or JMC until the road trip yesterday. Tobacco is fucking killer on record, so if I can afford to get a something of his on vinyl tomorrow I might have to. Same goes to JMC, although to a slightly lesser degree. They're fine and I'd really like to see their set tomorrow, but I took a gamble and listened to Tobacco's latest release (all previously unreleased and rare stuff apparently?) and I listed to that thing TWICE on the way here. I really dig it, but I think he would sound way better in a club setting (OR THE ARAGON BALLROOM) than a large outdoor stage during the evening light.

    I said it before, and I'll say it again - Trent has a way of picking openers that seem really strange picks, most of which are new to me, but immediately start to grow on me. Boris, Mew, Street Sweeper Social Club, Explosions in the Sky, Tobacco...

  13. #13
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    @ImTheWiseJanitor I didn't fucking know Tobacco was there!!!!

    My bro is big into Tobacco.

  14. #14
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    It was super fucking dope to sit with someone from ets. @ImTheWiseJanitor and I were supposed to meet up in Tulsa for LITS (when he was alrea and I was eleven11) but we didn't.

    My wife is an NIN fan but not like ets folk are.
    So it was bad ass to sit between my wife and a fellow clinically obsessed fan.

  15. #15
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    perfect drug is fantastic! worth the wait...

  16. #16
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    Uploaded my video of The Perfect Drug too even though I'm a ways further back

  17. #17
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    For those who wanted a poster. I would check the Artists website in a day or two. I know the artists from the Phoenix shows made theirs available after, which is frustrating to the people who thought they were a limited run.
    Last edited by abs1nthe42; 09-19-2018 at 12:45 PM.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by greyskies13 View Post
    Uploaded my video of The Perfect Drug too even though I'm a ways further back
    Nice, you weren't too far away from us! I think elevenism and I ended up a few yards to the left of you. I almost got stuck standing in one of the plant/tree areas but managed to find a seat.

    Also, which one of you was one of the ten people I saw snapping pictures of the merch booth?? I KNOW YOU'RE HERE SOMEWHERE...
    Last edited by ImTheWiseJanitor; 09-19-2018 at 12:54 PM.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheWiseJanitor View Post
    Nice, you weren't too far away from us! I think elevenism and I ended up a few yards to the left of you. I almost got stuck standing in one of the plant/tree areas but managed to find a seat.
    We were still walking up when we heard Tobacco end their set and just about when Jesus and Mary Chain started we were finally making our way up into the general admission area and we got lucky and snagged the end of row 56. I'm definitely going to try to get there a little earlier tonight, even though it might be raining.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by greyskies13 View Post
    We were still walking up when we heard Tobacco end their set and just about when Jesus and Mary Chain started we were finally making our way up into the general admission area and we got lucky and snagged the end of row 56. I'm definitely going to try to get there a little earlier tonight, even though it might be raining.
    That's exactly when I showed up. Tobacco played on my way up the slope, finished while I was in line for merch, JMC played the entire time that I was dealing with the merch fiasco, and I finally got to a seat during their last song I think? Earlier is definitely gonna be the way to go tonight, but then again, it sounds like everyone else is doing the same thing, heh.

  21. #21
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    Double post - solely for the purpose of asking if anybody here happens to have one of the show-exclusive t-shirts that they'd be willing to let go of. Those things sold like hot cakes. I wear a large, but I'd take a medium, which was also sold out heh. I'll be happy to pay extra for it! I may also have an extra physical component (NTAE and AV) available if there's any interest in a trade...PC plus cash for you, of course. Shoot me a PM if anybody's interested! Thanks!!

  22. #22
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    Welp, those limited edition prints Jermaine was selling via his website sure did sell out quick. While I was choosing the shipping country they were all taken.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by klyrish View Post
    Welp, those limited edition prints Jermaine was selling via his website sure did sell out quick. While I was choosing the shipping country they were all taken.
    Gah, that sucks. But not surprising. I would’ve tried myself but I put the money into a tattoo instead, and I was lucky enough to walk away with one of the regular variants as late as I got there, so I can’t complain. Hopefully something will turn up online for less than an arm and a leg...

  24. #24
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    That show was soooo great. Got Somewhat Damaged as the opener. finally got to see The Day the World Went Away, Me I'm Not is one of my all time favorites as well. And the Perfect Drug of course, which worked out so well live. When it started, I was thinking to myself "i have no idea what song this is, is it a cover? Hmmm. OMFGASDFASDFASD:FKASFLKA:SDLFKALFKA:LDSKFADSKFASD:LFKA:SDLKFALSDKFA:SLDKFASLDKF"

    Side note: During Me I'm Not, someone a couple rows in front of us opened his phone to a full frontal of some lady, and everyone around him saw it because his screen was so big. Everyone around us was looking around like did that just happen?

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryanmcfly View Post
    Side note: During Me I'm Not, someone a couple rows in front of us opened his phone to a full frontal of some lady, and everyone around him saw it because his screen was so big. Everyone around us was looking around like did that just happen?
    Me, I'm not (looking at porn in public)

  26. #26
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    Just curious - does anybody here happen to have a GA ticket stub from this night that they’d be willing to send my way? I’d even be willing to pay a little for postage and the stub. My ticket was digital. Trying to find a physical ticket for a little framing project because it’ll look better than a printout of my “ticket.” Thanks in advance!

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