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Thread: The Brett Kavanaugh shitshow - ELECTION DAY IS NOVEMBER 6TH

  1. #181
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    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post
    Yeah, I didn't think it was likely that the republicans would have allowed for an investigation that could possible turn up anything. The FBI didn't even interview Dr Ford.

    Instead of checking out Kavanaughs suitability for the court they're trying to paint the democrats as evil. Sadly, it'll probably play well with Trump's base and people who like lord of the rings too much to leave a message board after being shown the door.

    Hate is a very strong emotion.
    Hate is a strong emotion. It allows people to believe a woman making accusations on face value if the target is a Republican. The Democrats sat on this information for two months. Why not start an investigation then instead of at the last minute? There could have been a full investigation.

  2. #182
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    Cool story, broski. Why don’t you just talk to her about it?
    Talk to my wife about what?

  3. #183
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narsil View Post
    Talk to my wife about what?
    About which Lord of the Rings sword you're going to name your third account after.

  4. #184
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narsil View Post
    My wife knew right away that Dr. Ford was lying. She pointed out how she couldn't even cry and was mocking her little girl voice. Kavanaugh actually showed emotion because he's being put through Hell simply based on the words of a woman without proof.
    Your wife mocked a woman claiming to have been sexually assaulted for not sufficiently crying enough? Is your wife... a republican?

  5. #185
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    These clown shoes always do that...just spout their rhetoric that anyone with half a brain can read and say 'ummmmmmm....'

  6. #186
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    Okay, let's get back to Kavanaugh-related things.

    To no one's surprise, the FBI "investigation" has turned out to be a show to get the Democrats to stop asking for one. Lots of people who volunteered to talk to the FBI about relevant information were ignored.

    "...Despite President Trump’s outright lie when he said that the FBI would have “free reign” in their probe, [Deputy Press Secretary Raj] Shah told CNN that the White House had actually instructed the FBI to investigate what the Senate was “interested in,” later making clear that by the Senate he meant the Republican leadership of the Senate. ..."

  7. #187
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick_Nicholas View Post
    Okay, let's get back to Kavanaugh-related things.

    To no one's surprise, the FBI "investigation" has turned out to be a show to get the Democrats to stop asking for one. Lots of people who volunteered to talk to the FBI about relevant information were ignored.
    I kind of feel like in the Democrats questioning, when they repeatedly asked for an investigation into the allegations that was probably a weak response that they are going to be punished for soon. Only asking for an investigation was softer and has allowed the Republicans this farce to say "look, we gave you what you wanted, why aren't you happy now?". I mean, it was an obvious farce of an investigation, but asking for that instead of asking questions about his temperament, or for him to be removed as a candidate in favour of someone who doesn't come with this kind of baggage would have been a better response.

    In an effort to appear less aggressive they seem to have left the republicans room to create the illusion that they're being reasonable.

  8. #188
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    Guys, Heitkamp is a no!

  9. #189
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick_Nicholas View Post
    Okay, let's get back to Kavanaugh-related things.

    To no one's surprise, the FBI "investigation" has turned out to be a show to get the Democrats to stop asking for one. Lots of people who volunteered to talk to the FBI about relevant information were ignored.
    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    The FBI investigation is a brilliant move by someone in Trump's office (there's no way he was smart enough to come up with this). Give them a week, they'll find zero forensic evidence to move forward with any sort of criminal prosecution, then the GOP can say "see? We gave it due diligence and there wasn't enough evidence to charge him". The entire party can then say that Brett has been vindicated and vote him in while going "what more do you want from us?".

    Watch this post. Guarantee you that this is exactly how it pans out.
    I hate being right.

    Here's hoping that the actual vote proves me wrong.

  10. #190
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    I hate being right.

    Here's hoping that the actual vote proves me wrong.
    Nah... Collins and Flake look like there are voting for him. I bet D Joe Manchin will vote for him as well.

  11. #191
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    iam going to do my best to stay out of partisan banter, look i don't believe all women should automatically be believed, they also should not be immediately dismissed, look we are undergoing a huge cultural shift in America, and having to wake up and look ourselves in the mirror, and it can be pretty damn ugly. look i never try to pin issues or problems on one source. a lot of things i approach the same way I way i approach my job. in penetration testing it's usually not one vulnerability but a group or cluster of things that result in systems issues or flaws. so when defining an attack surface or threat I use a method called "chaining" which is using not one tools but a group of tools in series of tools in conjunction to slowly by pass the defenses in place. so whereas much as i would like trump i don't think it's all his fault although he hasn't helped anything. look 8 years of a smart reflective president. has taken it's toll. the average fox viewer sees their world being ripped apart. remember allies O'rilley. all had accusations of sexual misconduct against them. most old school conservatives believe their right and should never be questioned and no exaggeration god ordained right. and no woman or anyone with skin darker than a paper bag is going to deny them of that so shut up and do as your told

  12. #192
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    This is worth flagging. Also, some folks were throwing early parades for Flake last week but this takes real courage from Heidi Heitkamp. She's trending down in the polls and this may cost her ND, but she did the right thing here.

  13. #193
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    Quote Originally Posted by Louie_Cypher View Post
    iam going to do my best to stay out of partisan banter, look i don't believe all women should automatically be believed,
    I'm going to stop you right there. All women should automatically be believed. Period.

    What that does not mean is that all accused should immediately be found guilty and run out of town / jailed / lynched / whatever.

    What that does mean is that we should treat every single claim as though it is true, investigate it, and do our due diligence. IF a woman is lying through her teeth about it (and I reiterate, this is rare), maybe that investigation takes all of 30 seconds before her story unravels. Whatever happens afterwards depends on what information comes to light. But to do anything else is to say "we don't believe you".

  14. #194
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narsil View Post
    My wife knew right away that Dr. Ford was lying. She pointed out how she couldn't even cry and was mocking her little girl voice. Kavanaugh actually showed emotion because he's being put through Hell simply based on the words of a woman without proof.
    If I had the ability to facepalm your post, I would. First off, I'm sorry, but your wife doesn't know shit. That is her simply her opinion and she (like 99.99% of the world) is purely speculating. Also, mocking the voice of a victim of sexual abuse (even if it was 36 years ago) is morally fucked up. I partially agree that IF Kavanaugh isn't guilty of these accusations, it would be hell to go through this and would cause a lot of anger and pain for him and his family (who are innocent in this despite what he did or didn't do). BUT, even if he were innocent (in my opinion, he's clearly not), his statements as a candidate for Supreme Court Justice should be bipartisan, which they very much were not (this article articulates this sentiment rather well). Regardless of all of that, if the guy is as innocent as he claims, then why the hell didn't he (and all of his republican allies) agree to the FBI investigation immediately to clear his name? His aversion to the investigation is a strong implication that he has something to hide. It seems to me that the republicans are just pissed because this is their guy and he happens to believe that the current president cannot be indicted and he also seems to want to overturn Roe vs. Wade and make abortions illegal. Not to mention the fact that his confirmation would cement the court majority conservatives have dreamed of. The combination of those things makes them rock hard and willing to do whatever is necessary to push him through and get him confirmed ASAP. If Kavanaugh were a democrat, they'd want his head on a platter. When Al Franken's accusations arose, his democratic peers called on him to resign and he did. The end. However, like so many things these days, it's party over country for the republicans. Facts don't matter, they don't want an investigation, and their supporters don't seem to be bothered by multiple sexual assault allegations. The fact that Trump is still the president despite all of his sexual assault and rape allegations and the fact that the infamous leaked Billy Bush tape didn't put a grinding halt to his presidential campaign is all the proof you need.
    Last edited by sonic_discord; 10-04-2018 at 04:16 PM.

  15. #195
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    Man, what is it with Canadians with neo-fascist sympathies always trying to insert their two cents into U.S. policy? Stefan Molyneux, Gavin McInnes, Lauren Southern, Jordan Peterson, Steven Crowder, this asshole a few posts above...

    Fuck off, how aboot?
    Last edited by Aladdinsanity; 10-04-2018 at 05:31 PM.

  16. #196
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    i think i heard over 600 can't remember it was a really big number of law professors saying NO! but like all things trump they go forward anyways. he'll always have a stain and go to work knowing his fellow college neither like or respect him. the state of our country and saying we're a democracy is kind of laughable, did call my reps, but unless your holding a check with a lot of zeros you will be unheard

  17. #197
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    Question, wouldn't this be witness tampering?

  18. #198
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    Flake is a yes. Murkowski is a no.
    Collins will announce at 3pm.

  19. #199
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    trumps tweet blame soros again they really need a new bogeyman how can this guy still be rich or even has a job since he's behind every left wing confederacy and constantly bussing and paying protesters all over the country

  20. #200
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    The way Collins is speaking right now... she sounds like a yes, which should close the deal.

    Edit: Manchin is a yes. Kavanaugh will be confirmed
    Last edited by Deepvoid; 10-05-2018 at 03:00 PM.

  21. #201
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    Everyone who can vote in the US needs to double check and make sure you're registered because deadlines in most states are next week. After that, get three of your friends who tweet, post on Facebook and whatever else that don't show up for each elections registered and make sure their asses are at the polls November 6th. No excuses. If we fuck this up and don't take anything back this Fall, this feeling that many of us are feeling right now about this bullshit will continue and get worse.

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  23. #203
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    The things I want to say about Flake & Collins right now. I will edit myself to "grandstanding, egomaniacal cowards". At least Manchin, who I want to spit in the face of as well, didn't turn his pussy coward vote into a public circus for the last week. I wish West Virginians had given his Justice Dem primary opponent a better look. That woman was great.

  24. #204
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    What an awful, deppressing day.

  25. #205
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    You guys may not be old enough to remember the Clarence Thomas hearings in 1991, but it resulted in “the Year of the Woman” in 1992, with a large number of women elected to Congress, AND George H.W. Bush lost his 2nd term.

    These things come with consequences.

    Also, the U.S. Supreme Court is still NOT partisan. It’s liberal or conservative in interpreting decisions, but it’s not partisan. Be assured that the other sitting justices, especially Chief Justice Roberts, will maintain the integrity of the high court. They always whip new justices into shape. They’re still doing it with Justice Gorsuch. SCOTUS justices aren’t pawns. The other justices will be sure to keep the integrity of the Court. THAT I am sure of.

    As has been said: Elections matter. Go vote.


    You should watch the entirety of Thomas's hearing. He may have very well been lying in defense of Hill's accusations of sexual harrassment, but at least he was respectful and befitting of someone's stature as a federal judge, carrying himself with dignity and answering questions thoroughly.

  26. #206
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    Murkowski will vote "present" and not an actual "no". This is done so another Rep. can miss the vote (daughter's wedding) without affecting the outcome. She could still vote no and have Pence break the tie but that would also open the door for Manchin to change his vote at the last second and defeat the nomination.

  27. #207
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    Murkowski will vote "present" and not an actual "no". This is done so another Rep. can miss the vote (daughter's wedding) without affecting the outcome. She could still vote no and have Pence break the tie but that would also open the door for Manchin to change his vote at the last second and defeat the nomination.
    This all sounds like wishful thinking at this point.

    I mean, I want to believe it too, but I think this ship has sailed.

  28. #208
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    Collins sure does love listening to herself talk, doesn't she.

  29. #209
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Manchin isn’t voting no. Kavanaugh is going to be confirmed.

    Conservatives on the SCOTUS was guaranteed when Clinton lost. Just pray the the Notorious RBG lives a lot longer.
    What sucks for Ginsberg is the enormous pressure on her for the remainder of her career. She already deserves a retirement and rest. SCOTUS judges have busy schedules even if they have a large supporting cast. Life sure as fuck isn't fair.

    Edit: Ginsburg
    Last edited by pulse; 10-06-2018 at 12:01 AM.

  30. #210
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    Have you seen those girls on youtube who sing pro kavanaugh songs? Don't look it up

    I said DON'T

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