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Thread: 2018.10.17 Brooklyn, NY @ Kings Theatre

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    2018.10.17 Brooklyn, NY @ Kings Theatre

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  2. #2
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    Part of me was going to be bummed about the simalarities between tonight and Saturday.

    But damn, that setlist was fantastic. It was 110mph until the Encore and the Encore was great. TBW is such a fucking jam. Kings Theatre was a much better experience than RC.

    I hope Trents not lying about being back soon.

    Thank you NIN for the great fucking shows.

  3. #3
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    As I said in another thread, I did 3/4 shows in NYC and what with Broken it couldn’t help but be incredibly high energy tonight and old schoolish NIN. Each of the 3 shows was very different and yet wonderful. I was in the second row just behind GA so particularly felt the energy but the whole theater was moving. TR was quite jolly (I rememer NME or someone calling him “Joyboy” in a headline but tonight that would’ve been apt rather than sarcastic). He kept threatening to return soon. And said things like “We should do this more often.” Said he had to think of something sad to bring down his good mood to sing Even Deeper. As per someone’s post about yesterday, the sound was muddier than RC which had crisp and clear acoustics but the intimacy of the theater made up for it. Big smile on my face having been there for the entire DS at Webster years back and for Broken tonight.

  4. #4
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    People were moshing during Even Deeper.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    People were moshing during Even Deeper.
    Guilty as charged! It was the only Fragile song I saw across the two nights (Saturday being the first). I thoroughly enjoyed the show though. The band has never sounded better. The venue was sick. Last was a personal highlight. Only bummer was gettimg my narcotics taken away (THC cartridge). What fucking year is it when you get in trouble for a vape pen?? Anyhow, my only complaint is lack of Fragile. I’ve made the analogy before, but it’s like going to a Pink Floyd show and not hearing anything off The Wall or Dark Side. Simply would never happen.

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    Unrelenting setlist.

    As I mentioned in the the BK1 thread I invited a friend to come with me for BK2. He was casually aquatinted with NIN but loves live shows and was super pumped to see a band he'd never seen before. He had been asking about the other shows and I was telling him about the typical setlist progression and how they usually build up and slow down and build up again. And then they just come out and fucking blast through, pedal down from start to finish. Anyway, when it was all said and done my friend thought it was one of the best shows he's ever seen despite only being familiar with a handful of the songs. "Now I understand why you went to all of them" he says. Now he gets it.

    I thought it was really interesting to hear the crowd around me start to realize what was happening. I noticed the blue lights come up after Last and saw Ilan shuffling around...I didn't want to get too excited until I heard the opening to Slavery. After the Fragile troll at Radio City I was really expecting another curveball. Needless to say I was not disappointed. And knowing they'd been playing 3-song encores pretty regularly The Background World was a nice surprise before Hurt.

    Glad to hear the tease of more shows beyond this tour. Trent and the band seem to be enjoying these shows as much as we are. +50 different songs over 4 nights? That's a fuckin jam band level stat. Incredible.
    Last edited by cdm; 10-18-2018 at 09:42 AM.

  7. #7
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    So to everyone discussing Trent’s hints last night about “we should do this more often”. And “you might see us soon” comments I have some possibly interesting info. Was outside talking w that awesome security guard w the merkin top hair cut. And he says to me,” hey man. I think they are gonna do more shows here in NYC.” “Really,” says I, “why is that?” “I just let in a bunch of managers and scouts from Terminal 5. They had me take them back stage and were checking out the bamd and their rigging etc. they’d only do that if they are thinking of booking the band.” Me: “you don’t think they just came to see the show and used their Terminal 5 name to get backstage?” He: “nah, man. I know. They was checking them out cause they are thinking of booking.” I come back in and then TR is dropping all kinda sly hints. And he had that shit eating grin on his face as he’d say them. Only time will tell. But if some T5 shows drop I wanna say I told ya so!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Daveveal View Post
    So to everyone discussing Trent’s hints last night about “we should do this more often”. And “you might see us soon” comments I have some possibly interesting info. Was outside talking w that awesome security guard w the merkin top hair cut. And he says to me,” hey man. I think they are gonna do more shows here in NYC.” “Really,” says I, “why is that?” “I just let in a bunch of managers and scouts from Terminal 5. They had me take them back stage and were checking out the bamd and their rigging etc. they’d only do that if they are thinking of booking the band.” Me: “you don’t think they just came to see the show and used their Terminal 5 name to get backstage?” He: “nah, man. I know. They was checking them out cause they are thinking of booking.” I come back in and then TR is dropping all kinda sly hints. And he had that shit eating grin on his face as he’d say them. Only time will tell. But if some T5 shows drop I wanna say I told ya so!
    Why would people from T5 need to see them before booking them? They've already played there twice.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Daveveal View Post
    So to everyone discussing Trent’s hints last night about “we should do this more often”. And “you might see us soon” comments I have some possibly interesting info. Was outside talking w that awesome security guard w the merkin top hair cut. And he says to me,” hey man. I think they are gonna do more shows here in NYC.” “Really,” says I, “why is that?” “I just let in a bunch of managers and scouts from Terminal 5. They had me take them back stage and were checking out the bamd and their rigging etc. they’d only do that if they are thinking of booking the band.” Me: “you don’t think they just came to see the show and used their Terminal 5 name to get backstage?” He: “nah, man. I know. They was checking them out cause they are thinking of booking.” I come back in and then TR is dropping all kinda sly hints. And he had that shit eating grin on his face as he’d say them. Only time will tell. But if some T5 shows drop I wanna say I told ya so!
    My wallet!

  10. #10
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    Terminal 5 fucking sucks.

  11. #11
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    Only shows I've seen at T5 that didn't sound like complete shit were...NIN in 2009.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by imail724 View Post
    Why would people from T5 need to see them before booking them? They've already played there twice.
    9 years ago. T5 is under different mgmt now, part. at the top. Bowery Presents has gone through a ton of changes as they've gotten bigger and bigger and got bought up as well.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    Only shows I've seen at T5 that didn't sound like complete shit were...NIN in 2009.
    they got a new soundsystem recently, which is a big improvement overall. but the sight lines are still absolute bullshit there.

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    Quote Originally Posted by frankie teardrop View Post
    they got a new soundsystem recently, which is a big improvement overall. but the sight lines are still absolute bullshit there.
    I did not know this. A google search turned this up: https://www.l-acoustics.com/en/hotnews/hotnewsfrom680/ dated Nov 2015. I think the last time I was at T5 was in March 2015 so I guess I haven't heard the new system.

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    Ha, I wasn't expecting to start entertaining the logistics and cost of MORE NYC shows so soon...so I'll put that thought on hold and reflect on last night instead.

    While I can't necessarily say the setlist alone made it my favorite of these past 4, my individual crowd experience put this one on top by a huge margin. I had the pleasure of meeting and rocking out with Frankie Teardrop (my first IRL ETS encounter) and lurker Kal for the duration of the show. While I typically go to shows alone for a variety of reasons and without complaint, friendly interactions with fellow obsessives really heighten and validate the experience. I suppose that's a fairly obvious statement, but I seem to forget it from time to time!

    That said, and I'm really burying the lede here, the above was only possible due to a truly awesome random act of kindness.

    Being highly dedicated and clever fans, Frankie and Kal were at the edge of the stage, right in front of Robin, in the orchestra pit-turned-security/VIP area. Having fallen short on the latter front if not the former, I was not - initially. Rather, I was one row removed from the rail, conversing with a couple of younger fans - twin sisters - who despite being college-aged had managed to rack up an impressive number of NIN shows between them in a few short years. The twins had lined up excruciatingly early for this show and a few prior. As such, they were known to one of the individuals able to dispense the much sought-after sparkly wristband permitting entry to the VIP area, namely NIN's head of security. Shortly after the end of JAMC's set, he appeared and was cruising around in front of the stage when the twins managed to get his attention. After a brief negotiation, he appeared to acquiesce, and I was happily contemplating moving just a step forward to occupy their rail spot and rest my tired back.

    But, as it happens, he only produced a solitary wristband...and made it clear a second wasn't forthcoming. In a touching display of sisterly devotion, it took only a split second for the twins to resolve to stay together. A split second after that, I found myself wearing said wristband and heading into the VIP area. As I said to them at the time, it was the most significant random kindness I've experienced in a long, long time. Twins, if you happen to be lurking again and read this - thank you so much again for making my night and restoring a bit of my faith in humanity!

  16. #16
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    For anyone who is interested in some statistics on the entire NYC run, I've updated my analysis of the first 3 shows and added a few metrics as well. Stating the obvious, there was an amazing level of variety, offset somewhat by the expected hits/casual fan service.

    --Total songs played: 81
    --Total unique songs: 54

    --4x repeats: 2 (HLAH, Hurt)
    --3x repeats: 5 (God Break Down the Door, MotP, Shit Mirror, The Lovers, Wish)
    --2x repeats: 11 (Ahead of Ourselves, Closer, Copy of A, Even Deeper, Gave Up, HMIAIH, HiS, Mr. Self Destruct, Reptile, THTF, TPD)
    --Not repeated: 36

    --Most represented releases: TDS (13 played, 7 unique), Broken (12 played, 7 unique), The Fragile (10 played, 7 unique). Note - treating the Trilogy as a single release yields new number one with 17 played, 10 unique.
    --Least represented releases: The Slip (1 played/unique), NTAE (2 played/unique), Hesitation Marks (3 played, 2 unique), Year Zero (4 played/unique)
    --Most repeated releases (total songs played/total unique songs): Bad Witch (2.3x), TDS (1.9x), PHM (1.8x), Broken (1.7x). Note - Trilogy as single release: 1.7x

    If I were to tweak the run for my own very specific preferences and prior show experience, I would have loved to see Dear World squeezed in somewhere, as well as a bit more YZ, WT and HM, but always good to have lots of reasons to keep coming back!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdm View Post
    I did not know this. A google search turned this up: https://www.l-acoustics.com/en/hotnews/hotnewsfrom680/ dated Nov 2015. I think the last time I was at T5 was in March 2015 so I guess I haven't heard the new system.
    Interesting @frankie teardrop & @cdm . I saw Hum, Touche Amore & Basement at T5 last year. The sound was unbearable as always. I actually stayed back under the overhang on the right where the bar is b/c it helped it not sound as grating. I had earplugs too. Place sucks...turn it back into Carbon or Club Exit and stick to EDM acts.

    btw, thanks for your concern Tuesday night after you thought I got tossed! We'll connect for the next shows in the area I'm sure.
    Last edited by bobbie solo; 10-18-2018 at 03:30 PM.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    People were moshing during Even Deeper.
    so guilty lol

  19. #19
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    I do so hate the sight lines at T5 (I'm under 5 ') but do have fond memories of the WG tour. But sadly I'll go anywhere for NIN. Whether or not that's the place, TR definitely was riling us up for more in NYC and not so long into the future. We can only hope.

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    Tl;dr - seeing Broken was the highlight of my fucking life.


    I don't even know where to begin with describing my experience with this show. I was extremely fortunate, and I was able to attend all four NYC shows, but this night was far and away the best one.

    I want to talk about one thing that happened before the show even started that brought tears to my eyes and served as a good reminder as to why I have historically loved this community. The day before, everyone around me got those VIP bracelets to go into the pit within a pit. One the second night, the person in charge of it stated that they were going to be giving them to people who did not get in the first night. Which, that seems pretty fair. I did not get one again - boo! Oh well, I finally have a pit ticket for tonight after being in seats the last three shows. I go inside, get my posters, and then hang around and chat with some line friends. They ask if I got a bracelet for tonight, and I said no. They are all much more familiar with the person giving out the bracelets, so I ask if they thought that I could use the next day being my birthday as leverage to get one. They all said "YES!". Then... at least three people who I barely know took off to try to get me into that VIP pit. When I spotted the gatekeeper, I found one of the people and she took me to him and asked if I could get in. He said that he had already given them all out. So I did nto get into that special area, but the fact that multiple strangers were trying to do what they could to help me get in there was an overwhelming feeling for me. Recently, someone within the NIN world did something exceptionally shitty to me, and it was making me doubt if I still wanted to do all of this. but this gesture reaffirmed my faith in most of this community and the way that they typically care for one another. I cannot let the 10% of shitheads ruin something that has brought me a ton of happiness.

    Onto the show!

    As the show started, I found myself in a very weird place crowd-wise. If you have read about this show, you have likely learned about the dudes just straight moshing the entire show, regardless of what was being played. At least one group doing this was located to my left and behind me. I was on the edge of their little circle. To the front of me and to my right was a group of folks who wee just standing there and they already looked P I S S E D, and we're in song one. I typically fall somewhere in the middle of these two groups - I'm not running around like crazy, but I'm also not just straight up standing there. I was not sure what to do. I did my best to not get knocked into the mad folks, but there was also not too much I could do when everyone around me was going nuts. I apologized a few times for getting pushed into them (Midwesterner), but eventually just kind of gave in. The people in front of me seemed understanding that any contact from me was unintentional.

    Anyway, my concern with them was short lived, because a couple more songs in, I realized what the fuck might be happening. Broken was being played for only the second time ever, and I was there. Like holy shit, there are only two NIN things that could ever possibly top that for me - a TDS show, or a small club show, neither of which I am likely to get. This setlist was just so close to perfection that I cannot stand it. I remember when HMIIH was playing, I thought that it could still be a troll like how he does for The Fragile. The whole entire time during that song I am willing Ilan to hop up from that cello and spring to his drums for HIS. AND THEN HE DID AND THEN I JUST LOST MY FUCKING MIND FOR THE REST OF THE SHOW. Trent seemed to also be having the time of his life, and as always with this tour, the band is tight as hell. Throughout this four show NYC run, I got so many songs that I have never heard before - many that I thought I would never see! This las week has truly been the experience of a lifetime for me, and I just cannot explain how this show made me feel. I recently told someone that I have heard all of these wonderful stories for so long, and now I somehow find myself right in the middle of one of them.

    I cannot say that I have felt love very often in my adult life, but I saw and felt the love that night, day, and entire week. I will remember it forever.

    See you in Chicago and Vegas.

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    best NIN show I've ever attended.

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    The show was great. A lot of other things about the experience were not. When tickets for King's Theater went on sale, I expected a seated venue. But up popped super expensive GA tickets for what looked like a super tiny pit. We thought, "okay, this is way more than we've ever paid for a concert, but for a tiny pit, we'll make a special occasion of it." As the show grew near, I repeatedly looked online for confirmation of the pit size, in order to plan travel, line-up time, etc. Everything pointed to a tiny pit. I should have picked up the phone. I found out the day before the show that it was a GIANT pit for 433 people. I would never have paid $250 had I known. So we got up early, drove 6 hours and lined up for 5 hours. Learned that the tiny pit was in front of the main pit and, the night before, it was given to the first people in line. I was in good position to be in that group had they done it the same way today. But no. Today's group was cherry-picked by Drew, NIN security. It was all about who looked good or who sucked-up the most or had the best story. It was never going to be me. I'm not pretty or charming. I don't wear a costume. I show up early and wait. So who cares. My favorite band made me feel shitty. Boo-hoo for me. Move on.

    I have 11 hours into this thing. Time to get in the venue and secure a decent spot on the rail behind the tiny pit. Everything depends on the next 2 minutes. Doors open, line splits into multiple doors. Staff fumbles with scanners and searches. It takes forever, and no one says anything about the second line for pit bracelets. I passed it without knowing what the line was for and came back. Again, more poorly trained staff, fumbling with tickets and bracelets. Finally get onto the floor and secure a decent spot left of center. Phew. The rest of the rail fills in. After awhile a GIANT security guard plants himself DIRECTLY in front of me, completely blocking my view and proclaims, "just so you know, I'm going to be standing here for the whole show." And I'm thinking, seriously? This is how you treat your $250 customers? I waited 5 hours for this spot. Over the course of the next hour, I managed to skooch out of range of his massive body, but he pretty much blocked my view of stage right. It would have to do.

    So now, I think I can relax. Clear view of center stage. I'm right behind a taped-off area of the tiny pit where people weren't allowed to stand. But pretty soon the tape is pulled up and the cherry-picked are are allowed to stand directly in front of me. I don't begrudge them. They are about to have the time of their lives. And I ended up with a very nice rail mate. But come on. I know, I know. I was at the rail at a NIN show. My favorite place to be. It was a great show. But my expectations of a special occasion fell one by one, like a house of cards. I came out of there feeling kind of humiliated, disrespected. Poor me. Whatever. Bitch, bitch, bitch. Get over it.

    This was show #46 for me. It probably wasn't my last NIN show, but it WAS my first and last show at King's Theater.

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    A repost from the NIN tour thread but I feel it'd be nice to leave it in the archive if imgur keeps it up that long.

    Finally found a place to put up my photos for the King's Theatre shows.

    Some may be blurry but that's because I literally just uploaded every shot I took and didn't bother to proof read. Only reason for that, I used to upload photos to Facebook in a gallery but since I don't use Facebook anymore (and Flickr got weird) not sure where i should put up my photos. Figure I'd just share it for fun.

    Also another reason for the delay, imgur was giving me issues.

    Also some videos.

    Night 1 Photos (10.16.18)

    Night 1 Videos (10.16.18)

    Night 2 Photos (10.17.18)

    Night 2 Videos (10.17.18)

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