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Thread: Comics!!!

  1. #511
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    I couldn't sleep Tuesday night so I read the last 50-60 books of 100 Bullets. I get the mechanics behind having 100 books in a storyline called 100 Bullets but maybe look at not having so many of them be absolutely inconsequential to the actual plot? Holy crap. Entire story lines where it's just "these people, with the established characters doing something in the background". And trying to keep track of who was on which team? hell, the fact that suddenly there were teams? Or that in the end it didn't fucking matter because literally no one made it out of the story alive?

    Or the painting that was so important to the story that two or three narratives came together for it and then it's just buried with a dead woman? Is it a story-telling device I'm not familiar with where the book doesn't tell you about the story you're reading? hell, there was one book that opened with one of the guys getting a fancy ring and they talked about it for pages and then...nothing. and the art - while nice - wasn't good enough for the fidelity to see if he was still wearing the ring throughout so why?

    I could go on and on about how many ways this book wasn't for me. I'm not a Marvel/DC guy where if they don't have spandex it's not fun so that's not it. It's just an idea that seemed pretty neat and then suddenly it's a thousand-year-old conspiracy theory and revenge on top of revenge on top of revenge and so random and then it's not even about the 100 bullets anymore because that guy's dead too!

    There were a couple places where an alt-history angle was attempted but it fell flat because they wouldn't lean into it, the Roanoke 'massacre' for one. And the violence? Sometimes it felt like violence for the sake of violence, like when dude had his lower jaw ripped off by a bear trap. no shit that happened.

    I'm ranting so I'm not saying anything creative or positive about it. I also fully admit that reading that many books in a row probably caused most of my reaction, as was reading them all from midnight to 5:30 in the morning. never mind the 24+ hours awake by the time I got to the last book.

    Anyway, I can't recommend the book. I mean I kept going because of the Eisner awards and I was like "this book is going to be the one where I figure it out" but no.

  2. #512
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    Reading DCeased right now is pseudo order. Apparently book 14 of "Hope" is due out later this month and yet it's in the 'middle' of the stories proper? it's just weird because that reading order has not been updated in a year so it's had to have changed, right?

  3. #513
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    OK, finished DCeased and DCeased: The Unkillables as well as the five available books of DCeased: Dead Planet. using that reading order I was also reading the DCeased: Hope at World's End which apparently is digital only so may not have a collected version? Anyway, there's also supposed to be 14 chapters and yet at the end of 14 it said something about concluding in the next chapter so bah.

    To start off, I don't like zombie stories unless there's something unique to be offered and this is interesting enough, though it does turn it's own logic on itself a time or two, especially since apparently in one series *redacted* is dead and in another *redacted* isn't? But that's a particular annoyance of comics in general. The part where *redacted* is 'immune' to the virus but *redacted* isn't is dumb. There are too many places where I was into the story and the world it was building and then it would do a hard left for the sake of having a sequel setup or to further the plot. And some characters change immediately - like nanosecond fast - and others are like "forsooth, though dawn does break..." and I get story beats but come on.

    And ripping your own heart out? It's metal af but also how would that even work?

    plot armor abounds, but this is the way.

    The artistry is wildly different at times and it is strange to see.

  4. #514
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    Are here fans of the Sin City series by Frank Miller? That is the most atmospheric comics ever (my opinion).

  5. #515
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    Finished "Hope at World's End" and it's like, DCeased.v2? like what if there was a happy ending for some of the heroes instead of what is happening in the other story? and an actual ending?

    such a weird thing, comics.

  6. #516
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    The other day bought Ladykiller on the advice of my colleague from work. The techniques of drawing is good and the plot itself too.

  7. #517
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  8. #518
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    My partner is Deadpool fan... so, this was an early anniversary present for her.

  9. #519
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    I had read a few issues of Sandman a decade or so ago (JFC, decades?) when I was visiting a friend. The Netflix series popped up on my radar. I was casually thinking it would be fun to read them before seeing the series.
    Any recommendations for purchasing? There's options on amazon, but I was wondering if someone has a reliable comic book store online they could recommend?

  10. #520
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrLobster View Post

    My partner is Deadpool fan... so, this was an early anniversary present for her.
    A must for any Domino fan also - her (sort of) first appearance.

  11. #521
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrLobster View Post


    one of my favorite runs of X-Men books!!

  12. #522
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    Holy shit. Now, this is boulder of salt stuff IMO but there's a report circulating online that a number of very wealthy private investors are making a move to try to out and out buy DC Comics.

  13. #523
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    Fuck me this Raf Grassetti variant cover for Joker #1 next month.

    Sweet zombie jesus.

  14. #524
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  15. #525
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    no thank you, please.

  16. #526
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnetic View Post
    I had read a few issues of Sandman a decade or so ago (JFC, decades?) when I was visiting a friend. The Netflix series popped up on my radar. I was casually thinking it would be fun to read them before seeing the series.
    Any recommendations for purchasing? There's options on amazon, but I was wondering if someone has a reliable comic book store online they could recommend?
    Did you ever find a good option? I bought the original 10 volume box set a few years back but it looks like they don't sell that one anymore and it has been replaced by a new edition. I'm also excited to see what they do with the Netflix show but there's just no way it'll live up to the comic. Best graphic novel series of all time and it's not even close for me.

  17. #527
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post


    no thank you, please.
    Can't lie. I most definitely picked up that Quitely variant for Joker #1 lol.

  18. #528
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    Looks like Marvel has dropped Diamond now as well........

  19. #529
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrLobster View Post
    Looks like Marvel has dropped Diamond now as well........
    Wow. Guess that's the end of Diamond.

  20. #530
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    Just picked up Joker #2 and Batman: The Detective #1. Both were amazing reads. Loving where both are headed!

  21. #531
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    This is legitimately one of the worst things I've ever read in my life. You know those times when a book title and all of the reviews and even the blurb are telling you the book is going to be terrible? No? Because that never happens. I didn't know it could happen! Heck, I didn't even know I could dislike a book as much as this one. Mark Millar was either working through some stuff or needs to talk to someone because

    By Millar's own account, when he gave a copy of the first issue to his wife, she read the first six pages of it, and then threw the book back at him while calling it "the most horrible thing she'd ever read in her life" as he frantically attempted to explain to her that "the crow was sucking cock for a REASON."
    And I can totally see what he was trying for in the meta. It's just that a story of a serial killing pedophile that infects happy-go-lucky cartoon characters with his madness is not the best way to do it. It's not even A way to do it ffs.

    Liking this book is indicative of a lot of things. No one should like it, even to say "I got it". It's a terrible book.

  22. #532
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    ^wow, that review made me want to read it

  23. #533
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    he appears to have 'forgotten' about it.
    The title is wholly absent from the Millarworld art book, as well as the line's official website; when reached for comment by Bleeding Cool, both Avatar Press editor-in-chief William A. Christensen and art book publisher Image Comics claimed that Millar had not brought up including The Unfunnies in either. Millar and Williams also both failed to respond to any of Bleeding Cool's queries relating to the apparent "excommunication" of The Unfunnies from their bibliographies.

    The only reason I'm reading it - and other of his books - is that the trailer for Jupiter's Legacy looked interesting and I saw a few other of his books at the same time. I read Wanted (it's basically a 13-year-old's idea of a comic book after binging red bull and eminem for a week straight), Chrononauts (too short, since the setup is like 2.5 books long and the series is 4 books total), and Superior (Superman after the author is told to stop stealing Marvel characters by Stan Lee; No seriously, that's from Mark's intro to the book) and that was just this week. I'd already read the first Kingsman book and it was alright so this ping ponging quality this past week is taking me for a spin. And I look at his Marvel/DC output and see the stories he was responsible for and it's remarkable.

    I'm reading the synopsis for Nemesis and wtaf is wrong with him? is it one of those things where he has to have an editor to say "fuck no Mark we're not putting a plot line where he kidnaps someone's children, forcing them to reveal secrets like his wife having had an affair; his son is gay; and his daughter had a secret abortion. And that all of these secrets were kept from him as he is a devoted Catholic. The bad guy then releases the children but he has artificially inseminated the daughter with the son's sperm, with her womb rigged to collapse if an abortion is attempted. I mean shit, what kind of fucked up person thinks that's OK?"

  24. #534
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    he appears to have 'forgotten' about it.
    Yeah, after reading about it in here, i tried to buy it with no success, seems it's not available on Amazon US (or at least they don't deliver to my location) and it's pretty much forgotten from the "Millarverse".
    I've always liked Millar's work, i know he's not perfect, but like most of his stuff, i had no idea about it, in a way it looks like Millar's "The Aristocrats" joke, but the more i read about it i can see why it pissed many off and why it's not required reading.

  25. #535
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    So, I thought about posting this in NIN Spotting, but it’s comics-related.

    X-men fans: FYI, Warpath is a NIN fan. I think it was Second Coming.


    So, does anybody know specific books - like the earliest - that were on the new paper, with the new printing techniques? Specifically when Marvel (or DC, I guess) went from printing on pulp to printing on gloss?

    Sometime under Joe Q.; I know he was a part of that change in paper and printing, but I would really like to know the specific book/books.

    Anybody know?

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  27. #537
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    And, X-men readers:

    Can they (the 5) bring back any mutant, even those that died before?

    I think so, right? That’s why Mystique is so pissed- Xavier won’t bring back Destiny.

    If anybody can be brought back, including those from before Krakoa, where is Thunderbird? Why hasn’t Xavier brought him back?

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  28. #538
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    Quote Originally Posted by punk View Post
    So, I thought about posting this in NIN Spotting, but it’s comics-related.

    X-men fans: FYI, Warpath is a NIN fan. I think it was Second Coming.
    Kyle Rayner (Green Lantern) is also a NIN fan!

  29. #539
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    Restarted East of West while at the vet Saturday and finished it on Sunday.

    Set in the dystopian 2064 United States, the series explores an alternate timeline where in the past, the Civil War never ended and an extended war continued until a comet hits present-day Kansas in 1908. The six warring parties met at Armistice-the site of the comet's impact-and made a truce. This resulted in the signing of the treaty forming "the Seven Nations of America": the Armistice, The Union, The Confederacy, the Kingdom of New Orleans, the Endless Nation, the Republic of Texas, and the People's Republic of America.

    On the day of the treaty signing, Elijah Longstreet, a Confederate Army soldier under Stonewall Jackson, and Red Cloud, the chief of chiefs to the Native American tribes of the Endless Nation, simultaneously prophesied what would later become part of The Message. Both immediately collapsed and died after delivering their respective prophecies.
    In 1958, Chairman Mao Zedong of the PRA wrote the addendum to his Little Red Book; this addendum was the third piece of the prophecy meant to complete The Message, which foretold the Apocalypse.
    It's everything I love about comics: tell a bat-shit story that has an ending. The art is amazing and the story goes to some places. Sure there's a time or two where you see it going right but then it zigs left predictably enough and you're left with "oh of course that happened". But it doesn't do that enough to be annoying.

    Don't read the synopsis on the wikipedia. There's a lot more to it than what's above and it ends with "Here begins the story of East of West #1." except it actually tells you close to the whole story, some of which is not revealed until the last couple of books. Heck, one of those things I'm pretty sure wasn't in the book I read because it didn't make a lick of sense in the book and the explanation there leaves me with more questions than I had before.

    Anyway. It's over and done and collected and great.

    Only question that I had at the end - because pretty much every story was wrapped pretty well - is Spoiler: what happens to the four horsemen next? it's already said that they reincarnate after death so they're going to start up again in another decade or so? And all four are going to...what, exactly? They didn't leave on good terms. Oh well. point of setting up a sequel is to not answer everything.

  30. #540
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    I was looking for a good sci-fi comic, so thanks for that!

    On that note: Anyone read Heavy Liquid?

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