Quote Originally Posted by Trains View Post
Permission to join the bandwagon? I've started getting into comics in a big way this year. I've always been kinda interested in comic book 'culture' and enjoyed them from afar, but decided it was time to finally take the plunge. Been reading up on a lot of Marvel and DC 'big' titles: Killing Joke, Watchmen, Superman: Earth One, Civil War. Also, really been enjoying the Marvel Now and New 52 series like All-New X-Men, Guardians of the Galaxy and Superman Unchained. The Massive is pretty good too...I think someone mentioned it earlier.

So, any recommendations for a n00b?

Also, Space Suicide I'm totally going to get that Harley comic for my sis's Christmas based on your review, she's all about Harley Quinn.
Better hurry if you intend to get that Harley Quinn issue, that's Issue #0 and has been out since November. Soon it'll be gone as next week Issue #1 comes out.

I'll recommend things but it all depends on what you like? DC? Marvel? Superhero? Supervillain?