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Thread: Puscifer

  1. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by JessicaSarahS View Post
    I can't stand Paul Shaffer, but his little solo made that performance last too long
    Fixed. That little addition was unbearable. I watched it a second time to see if it would grow on me, and I hated it even more then. It just doesn't fit with the song. At all. It may not be so bad on it's own, but it's a horrific clash with the rest of the music.

  2. #92
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  3. #93
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    Tm and Eric! Yay!

    I could see more of Maynard being involved with them. He was in an episode of Awesome Show! as a scientist before and he sang. I don't recall.

    Also, I finally bought a physical copy of Conditions of My Parole. I was lucky enough to find it at FYE when I went to the big mall we have about an hour away. Love it. He couldn't have made an even gayer album artwork collection than this even if he tried.

  4. #94
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    Could someone with more free time than I have turn this into a Toma instrumental, please?

    Here's a cookie for your efforts and I will give a muffin afterwards too.

  5. #95
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    I fucking love cookies.

    Go to and with a little bit of creative editing, you can probably filter out the white noise swishes that accompany the scene changes.

  6. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Seaward View Post

    I have absolutely no idea what just happened here, but it furthers my love for Maynard as a strange, strange man.

  7. #97
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    Could anyone tell me or if you have pics that would be amazing of the merch they have had on this tour that you cant get on Puscifer website...


  8. #98
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    Puscifer will be on Jimmy Kimmel Feb 16.

    Also, I like how he talks about that video being a propaganda film while showing off a his Puscifer shirt/poster.

  9. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Seaward View Post
    Puscifer will be on Jimmy Kimmel Feb 16.

    Also, I like how he talks about that video being a propaganda film while showing off a his Puscifer shirt/poster.
    I'll sure as hell watch that. Wonder what will be performed...Man Overboard probably and maybe an older tune, Queen B?

  10. #100
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    Just got my hands on the new album, and wow.. not what i was expecting at all and i'm loving it so far. Telling Ghosts and Horizons are my favs so far.

  11. #101
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    Shame there isn't a NYC date. I'd love to see them again.

  12. #102
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    Agreed, the BAM show was great. Inspired me to go see them in Vegas. I'd consider going if it was anywhere within like 4-5 hours drive from here.

  13. #103
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    Telling Ghosts Music Video debut

    Which is awesome, one of my favorite tracks from Conditions!

  14. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Telling Ghosts Music Video debut

    Which is awesome, one of my favorite tracks from Conditions!
    Great Track indeed, but didn't care for the video. I'm not a big fan of bands just playing "live". I like a story in my videos, kind of like how the conditions of my parole video was.

  15. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    Great Track indeed, but didn't care for the video. I'm not a big fan of bands just playing "live". I like a story in my videos, kind of like how the conditions of my parole video was.
    I haven't watched the video yes but is it bad to say from Puscifer I don't expect too music great music video work? I'd take a live performance footage of them over another CGI based video.

  16. #106
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    Agreed... totally tired of the Meats Meier videos.

  17. #107
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    I'm sick of Meats animation, but he (and Tim Cadiente) filmed this one. I don't mind live music videos, but this one was just annoying while trying to pass as artistic.

  18. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Seaward View Post
    I'm sick of Meats animation, but he (and Tim Cadiente) filmed this one. I don't mind live music videos, but this one was just annoying while trying to pass as artistic.
    True, but it was much better than any of the same old animation videos we've been getting.

    Oh, and from

    We are currently working on some form of reciprocal exchange. Almost 100% of the copyright infringement on uTube from other channels never gives a nod to the source. No mention of or being the official channels for Puscifer, Caduceus, A Perfect Circle, and Tool. No traffic is sent our way. This recent barrage of cease and desist notices is an attempt to correct this. People/artists doing videos using our work without permission deliver an added sting when they don't even mention our sites. We are independent. We NEED the traffic to OUR URL's and channels to survive as an independent project. So some form of reciprocating gesture needs to be put in place for us not to be pricks about it all. Then and only then will we consider allowing people to use our art and product in conjunction with theirs.
    Having said that, NO live footage is EVER permitted. The live experience is to be enjoyed in the moment. Not on the internet.
    We'll be in touch.
    Last edited by JessicaSarahS; 02-01-2012 at 06:19 PM.

  19. #109
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    and Maynard continues to be a massive prick for no good reason. im referring mostly to the last few lines. fuck off dude, and get over yourself.

  20. #110
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    You know, I understand not wanting your stuff put out there without your permission, but if we're talking about music videos that are free anyway, already floating out in the ether, then who cares if someone posts it, with or without linking back to your website? It's FREE fucking publicity for your band, dude. Jesus. There's no downside to posting Puscifer videos that I can see and only upside- it's out there anyway and the more people see it, the more people get exposed to your band and might end up buying music and/or concert tickets. The more you have taken down, the fewer people are going to see it. They're not selling it, they're sharing something that's already free.

    Not to mention, whatever traffic is lost because people aren't putting the band's website/Youtube address on the bottom is nothing compared to the potential viewers they're losing by having all these videos taken down. And who, in the year 2012 and the age of Google, can't open a new window and punch in the band's name if they're really motivated to find out more? Or just copy/paste their name into the Youtube search box. I'm sure it happens, but come on.

    All he's doing is screwing himself over with that, and spreading ill-will among his fan base. Get with the freaking times, Maynard.

    And good luck with the live thing, dude. I don't blame him for feeling that way, but at some point you just have to accept it and move on, don't you? Adapt or die. I hate to bring his name into it, but seriously, he could learn a few things from Trent.
    Last edited by theruiner; 02-01-2012 at 10:15 PM.

  21. #111
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    Edit: Okay, not cool of me, but still can we stop every other post from being MAYNARD SUCKY ME LIKE TRENT.
    Last edited by think i'm a fire engine; 02-01-2012 at 10:33 PM.

  22. #112
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    Edit: You know what? I just ran through the last couple of pages of this thread and I barely saw any Maynard bashing. In fact, quite the opposite.

    On top of that, it's pretty rare outside the NIN section to see Trent's name being thrown around. Personally, I try to avoid it in the rare instance when there's even a place for it, but this time I felt it was justified.
    Last edited by theruiner; 02-01-2012 at 10:45 PM.

  23. #113
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    I agree with you guys. When bands don't care about their taping policies, I find much better quality videos and it gets me excited for upcoming tours. And I tend to spend more time on their official websites and more time FOLLOWING THEM ON TOUR! What a concept, eh?! With Puscifer, Tool, etc., the bootleg quality usually sucks because people are ultra cautious, there's very little publicity from the band, and the website is rarely updated or easy to navigate so it just doesn't capture my attention like it should. That doesn't mean that the shows aren't good. I think Puscifer is great live! I think little justice is being done to it officially and unofficially. There should have been a live dvd of the first tour by now to get us all amped for the second tour and now the second leg of that tour. Having a live video recording DOES NOT satisfy the way an actual concert does. Fans know this. But without these videos, fans don't know what to expect, or if they should even give a damn. They hear everything from critics and word of mouth. People don't post much on the official Puscifer message board. So what the hell is a fan to do? We're not just going to dive head first into the unknown with such a steep ticket price. Maybe if it was $15-25. But $55+ for tickets will make people a bit more cautious.

    If he wants more traffic to the website, the first order of business should be to revamp the website! That is an issue independent of the live recording issue.

  24. #114
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    If you have a tight camera policy, it might be cool to give some cameras to tout staff and have them "bootleg" shows. Ever notice that since about 2005, whenever a shitty radio rip of a NIN song made its way online, within a few days, a pristine CD rip would turn up?

    If there were already decent quality vids, I think people would be less inclined to take shitty blackberry videos.

    And I think it's actually decent to ask for a link if you're using music of theirs in your video. It's really fucking simple and really effective. That's a battle I've whined about on the NIN hotline before sites like MTV and Rolling Stone started hiring people aware of blog culture. My exclusives would get ripped off, without a mention, let alone a link.

    It's the Internet. The Internet is amazing because you can link to things for people who want deeper knowledge than what you're able to fit in what you have created.

    So, I think that "if you are going to use our music without asking, please link to us" is a smart move.

  25. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leviathant View Post
    If there were already decent quality vids, I think people would be less inclined to take shitty blackberry videos.

    And I think it's actually decent to ask for a link if you're using music of theirs in your video. It's really fucking simple and really effective. That's a battle I've whined about on the NIN hotline before sites like MTV and Rolling Stone started hiring people aware of blog culture. My exclusives would get ripped off, without a mention, let alone a link.
    So, I think that "if you are going to use our music without asking, please link to us" is a smart move.
    I agree. But I think more people would link to the site if they knew outright that it was more "acceptable." I think this is a step forward, and I think more people will link to the site now. I'm sure many were probably avoiding linking anything official to their video to avoid it being found out. Even so, the YouTube police will always find you.

  26. #116
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    Instead of worrying about youtube videos, Maynard should work on making Puscifer merch interesting again. I want to give my money to the guy and support his musical endeavours, but on this tour there was just nothing worth buying, and the t-shirts were horrible: not funny horrible, just horrible horrible.
    Last edited by aggroculture; 02-03-2012 at 12:05 AM.

  27. #117
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    I never thought I'd see Maynard get to this level of being a douche with recordings or any other unofficial endeavors. I don't see how APC needs to acknowledge the golden rule on that, it's just as much (if not more) Billy Howerdel's than it is Maynard. As for Tool, they've always been particularly assholes when it comes to live recording and etc. Guess Maynard felt even more justified to bring it to Puscifer. I think he's brilliant but his actions and words sometimes are so up his own ass ego wise and outrageous that it's too much and well...annoying.

  28. #118
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    This is his art. He should get to decide what's appropriate. People tacitly assume these days that the digital age means they can do what they please, but that doesn't make it right. Maynard isn't UMG or some other conglomerate trying to maximize corporate profit margins; he's doing this on his own, because it's what he believes in doing. He isn't asking for much, just attribution to the source. This is not an evil bullshit demand, it's kind of a good thing, considering the super-ephemeral nature of online distribution.

    A parable: I worked for months slaving over the English-language Wikipedia article on Nine Inch Nails, only to see it repeatedly ripped off by commercial media outlets any time they ever interview Trent Reznor. In lieu of bothering to do their own research, to this day I still see major periodicals copy-and-paste my work (and many others') without attribution, in direct violation of the usage license attached to it. It's a shitty feeling when you try and put something out there for people to benefit from and enjoy, with some small caveat attached, and then see people do exactly what you don't want them to do with it out of ignorance, laziness or entitlement.
    Last edited by botley; 02-03-2012 at 12:15 PM.

  29. #119
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    Like he said in Blood Into Wine, he's "made a career of not giving the whole farm away."

    The live show videos subject is a tricky one. One on hand, his views are straight on. You get absolutely no where near the same experience as you would seeing it live. Not in the same ballpark, not the same sport, not on the same planet.

    On the other hand, there are quite a few reasons for people to watch live videos. 1) Some people simply can't afford to see the band(s) live. 2) Some people live in crazy places like Indonesia or Iran or Australia, where any sane band would never tour. 3) Some people were 5 years old in 1996, so it's not like they could have went to see a band back then.

    I think the win-win choice would be for bands to release a live DVD. It's really not like someone will be satisfied with that and refuse to see the band live. It will only increase the urge to see the band live. It doesn't hamper ticket sales, and it stops people from being forced to watch shitty YouTube rips.

    But I agree that it's not so hard to add a '' to the video details.

  30. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leviathant View Post
    I think it's actually decent to ask for a link if you're using music of theirs in your video. It's really fucking simple and really effective. That's a battle I've whined about on the NIN hotline before sites like MTV and Rolling Stone started hiring people aware of blog culture. My exclusives would get ripped off, without a mention, let alone a link.

    It's the Internet. The Internet is amazing because you can link to things for people who want deeper knowledge than what you're able to fit in what you have created.

    So, I think that "if you are going to use our music without asking, please link to us" is a smart move.
    Pretty much this.

    I don't know how you and the other Hotline staff have managed to keep up all the amazing work that goes into what y'all do, because it was disheartening enough for me to stop working on Wikipedia after seeing the extent to which my work was pilfered/ignored. I guess if you're doing something innately creative, like Maynard is, then that's also something you may feel compelled to keep doing as a form of expression whether you earn a living from it or not. But for me, I had to constantly justify myself by finding other reasons for doing that much work with no compensation ("it was a tremendous learning experience figuring out how to do research in that much depth/the knowledge base out there is now of a higher calibre for it/NIN was on the front page of Wikipedia for one day/etc").

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