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Thread: Trump 2019 - There are still children in detention separated from their parents

  1. #541
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    In terms of legitimate, electoral politics, Omar is 100% safe. The 5th district is overwhelmingly left wing. The entirety of Minneapolis is contained within the 5th district, and this city is pure left wing. She's become a fucking hero to us. The right knows they have no chance whatsoever of getting her voted out in a district like this, so instead they're launching one of their typical, GOP-style hate campaigns against her. They'll get get their base all worked up, and when one of their unhinged maniacs murders her they can lie some more and pretend that they had nothing to do with any of it. It's moments like this that the Republicans always reveal their true colors. The threat of violence is always there with them.

    This is why I took the day off to go protest that shithead at his stop in Burnsville today. How dare he show his fucking repulsive face in our state after pulling this shit. And man, it was such a fun and encouraging experience too. I think the anti-trump protesters outnumbered the MAGA losers about 20 to 1. It was awesome. Plus we all got that sweet George Soros money

  2. #542
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    Trump is awarding the Presidential Medal of Freedom to....*checks notes*....

    Tiger Woods.

    I...I don't get it.

    edit: strike that, I get it. Woods is the most popular black guy in the country right now. By attaching himself to Woods, prezzie can keep himself in the papers for doing something great for the African American community.

  3. #543
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    Nah, the average black person don’t know shit about golf. The average working class white person don’t know shit about golf.


  4. #544
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mantra View Post
    They'll get get their base all worked up, and when one of their unhinged maniacs murders her they can lie some more and pretend that they had nothing to do with any of it. It's moments like this that the Republicans always reveal their true colors. The threat of violence is always there with them.
    This is true, and if it gets the rest of you as pissed off and scared for her as it does for me, donate to her and get a message to her campaign that you want her to beef up her security as much as possible.

  5. #545
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    Most gingers have no souls!

    It's ironic or tragic, America has lost it's soul. It's still there but it's gone AWOL, probably stuck in traffic or on a banana boat somewhere.

    I miss the old America, The land of opportunity and distinct capitalisation that actually works, not like FO76, which I may or may not have bought.

    Drumpfus Z aka "Biff Tannen" was born for biz in NYC, whats he doing in Casablanca?

    Obama had style and ettiquiette, Bush had strategy and cunning, Senor Bush was anti-vax (possibly), Gates had entertainment and character, Kennedy was...Ford was...good for business FDR, ok. Jnr. Good. Washington and Lincoln. Legends before fake news.

    Was there anyone I forgot?

  6. #546
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  7. #547
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    Quote Originally Posted by bRoot View Post
    It's ironic or tragic, America has lost it's soul.

  8. #548
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    So, Mueller found ten cases of obstruction but Barr just ignored mentioning that when he handed Trump that victory lap

  9. #549
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    Yeah I've been trying to skim this really quickly while I'm in between meetings, but yeah, holy fucking shit. This shit is crazy.

    I should have taken the day off of work to read this, FUCK.

  10. #550
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    Can we impeach him now?

  11. #551
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    So, Mueller found ten cases of obstruction but Barr just ignored mentioning that when he handed Trump that victory lap
    What I'm seeing on MSNBC is "illegal, but not indictable" because of this whole "not being able to indict a sitting President" shit. In other words, not indictable but possibly IMPEACHABLE. It's semantics and a technicality. By a court of law, not prosecutable due to the no-indict-President shit. But, impeachable by CONGRESS, probably. Because Congress doesn't have the same standards of law. Now, all bets are certainly off. You can't put this toothpaste back into the tube.

    The part that was hilarious to me is how many times the President "didn't remember" shit. One MSNBC expert said this is like an Alzheimer's test; how on Earth can a President "not remember" THIS MUCH STUFF? (It's bullshit, he's lying. Obstruction.) And, this is where Barr is full of shit by saying that the White House "fully cooperated." Not remembering anything isn't cooperating. It isn't like this stuff happened TEN YEARS AGO.

    Funny thing is, I've been in law forever, love research, love law, but I haven't bothered to read this, yet. I just have no fucking energy to delve into it. I've been relying on MSNBC lawyers to do it for me, so that I don't get a migraine over this shit. I just don't care. It won't lead anywhere, anyway, so I'm not caring.
    Last edited by allegro; 04-18-2019 at 03:51 PM.

  12. #552
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    what I'm seeing is a lot of analysis that says that Trump TRIED to do a lot of crazier shit, and the only thing that saved him from being clearly indictable here is that his aides told him no...

    Don't worry everyone, the mad king did no wrong, because people stood up to him and said "no."

  13. #553
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    MSNBC lawyers are saying that this doesn't get Trump off the impeachment hook; just because his obstruction doesn't get carried out doesn't mean it's not ATTEMPTED obstruction, which is still an impeachable offense.

    High crimes and misdemeanors doesn't require the same burden of proof as in a criminal court of law; it could include something like "unpresidential behavior."
    Last edited by allegro; 04-18-2019 at 04:43 PM.

  14. #554
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat Mom View Post
    It won't lead anywhere, anyway, so I'm not caring.
    This is the bottom line.

  15. #555
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    Man, I had recently become so disillusioned and pessimistic about the prospects of the Russia investigation, but I'm genuinely blown away by some of the stuff in here. There's just way more shit than I was expecting.

    Like it's crazy that something this brazenly corrupt is now part of the public record...

    Seriously WHAT THE FUCK

  16. #556
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  18. #558
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    Unless this report can actually get the senate republicans to stand up for what’s right for the country (not going to happen), the best bet is for house dems to keep up the investigations and keep piling up the corruptible facts (Trump should be in deep shit in NY). By November of next year, if even 3% of voters have drifted away from Trump and are sick of Senate republicans covering for his ass, it should be a clean sweep for dems in the presidential and congressional elections. Maybe I’m being too hopeful.

  19. #559
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    the more I'm reading from this report... If THIS IS NOT OBSTRUCTION, what the hell is?! This makes Nixon look like a saint.

  20. #560
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    Well, if anything, this sure explains why Assange is in deep poopoo:

  21. #561
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat Mom View Post
    Well, if anything, this sure explains why Assange is in deep poopoo:
    What I don't get, on this issue alone, why hasn't Don Jr been indicted?

  22. #562
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    What I don't get, on this issue alone, why hasn't Don Jr been indicted?
    Yet. The SDNY and the grand jury are still at work.

    Meanwhile, George Conway wrote THIS REALLY GREAT OPED today in the Washington Post.

    Still, the special counsel’s report is damning. Mueller couldn’t say, with any “confidence,” that the president of the United States is not a criminal. He said, stunningly, that “if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state.” Mueller did not so state.

    That’s especially damning because the ultimate issue shouldn’t be — and isn’t — whether the president committed a criminal act. As I wrote not long ago, Americans should expect far more than merely that their president not be provably a criminal. In fact, the Constitution demands it.

    The Constitution commands the president to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” It requires him to affirm that he will “faithfully execute the Office of President” and to promise to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.” And as a result, by taking the presidential oath of office, a president assumes the duty not simply to obey the laws, civil and criminal, that all citizens must obey, but also to be subjected to higher duties — what some excellent recent legal scholarship has termed the “fiduciary obligations of the president.”

    Fiduciaries are people who hold legal obligations of trust, like a trustee of a trust. A trustee must act in the beneficiary’s best interests and not his own. If the trustee fails to do that, the trustee can be removed, even if what the trustee has done is not a crime.

    So too with a president. The Constitution provides for impeachment and removal from office for “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” But the history and context of the phrase “high Crimes and Misdemeanors” makes clear that not every statutory crime is impeachable, and not every impeachable offense need be criminal. As Charles L. Black Jr. put it in a seminal pamphlet on impeachment in 1974, “assaults on the integrity of the processes of government” count as impeachable, even if they are not criminal.

    And presidential attempts to abuse power by putting personal interests above the nation’s can surely be impeachable. The president may have the raw constitutional power to, say, squelch an investigation or to pardon a close associate. But if he does so not to serve the public interest, but to serve his own, he surely could be removed from office, even if he has not committed a criminal act.

    By these standards, the facts in Mueller’s report condemn Trump even more than the report’s refusal to clear him of a crime. Charged with faithfully executing the laws, the president is, in effect, the nation’s highest law enforcement officer. Yet Mueller’s investigation “found multiple acts by the President that were capable of executing undue influence over law enforcement investigations.”

    Trump tried to “limit the scope of the investigation.” He tried to discourage witnesses from cooperating with the government through “suggestions of possible future pardons.” He engaged in “direct and indirect contacts with witnesses with the potential to influence their testimony.” A fair reading of the special counsel’s narrative is that “the likely effect” of these acts was “to intimidate witnesses or to alter their testimony,” with the result that “the justice system’s integrity [was] threatened.” Page after page, act after act, Mueller’s report describes a relentless torrent of such obstructive activity by Trump.
    Last edited by allegro; 04-18-2019 at 09:19 PM.

  23. #563
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    what I'm seeing is a lot of analysis that says that Trump TRIED to do a lot of crazier shit, and the only thing that saved him from being clearly indictable here is that his aides told him no...

    Don't worry everyone, the mad king did no wrong, because people stood up to him and said "no."
    This just happened here at home. We've had a judge who has been in the shitter for YEARS now because she got nailed for DWI, was somehow STILL on the bench, then continued to brazenly disregard the terms of her probation, sent to jail, STILL a judge and still on the payroll. The shit was crazy. We thought we finally had her finished when she went into a Dick's and tried to buy a gun. She even went to a second location when the first one told her no.

    She was found not guilty.

    The reason? The law said they had to be "dangerously close to completing the transaction", and since Dick's wouldn't even let her fill out the paperwork, she was never "dangerously close". She got a get-out-of-jail-free card because someone else literally stopped her from following through with the crime, even thought she was literally charged with ATTEMPTING to purchase a firearm. She wasn't even charged with buying one. Attempting to buy one - which she did, unquestionably - but not to the full letter of the law. Fucking hell.

    Can you imagine if we didn't arrest people for robbing banks just because the teller managed to beat their ass instead of handing over the money? "Your honor, it really wasn't an attempted robbery; the bank stopped it from happening!"

  24. #564
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    So now, as in right now, Trump’s pinned tweet is that Game of Thrones shit where he’s gloating about how the Mueller report totally exonerates him, and then right beneath that it’s all a bunch of “bullshit” from “angry democrats.”

    fucking make up your mind and stick to that lie... you can’t lie about two opposing truths at the same time. Holy shit. This is the most brazen thing ever...

  25. #565
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  26. #566
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    So now, as in right now, Trump’s pinned tweet is that Game of Thrones shit where he’s gloating about how the Mueller report totally exonerates him, and then right beneath that it’s all a bunch of “bullshit” from “angry democrats.”

    fucking make up your mind and stick to that lie... you can’t lie about two opposing truths at the same time. Holy shit. This is the most brazen thing ever...
    He can fuck off with the GOT memes about him. It’s beyond gross that he feeds his useless ego that way. But also. Dude. You’re not cool. He thinks he’s winning the game of thrones. He thinks he’s the king of the world. That’s what the pinned meme is saying to me. It makes me want to puke.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  27. #567
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    HBO must be so fucking annoyed that Game of Thrones just started airing their big final season, and there's Trump tweeting GOT memes about himself. lol

  28. #568
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    Nadler has issued a subpoena for the full, unredacted report with a May 1st deadline -

    House Dems are working on getting Mueller in to give sworn testimony no later than May 23rd at the absolute latest -

    Steny Hoyer has reversed himself after giving his dumb statement about not seeking impeachment -

    It also seems like the first impeachment that needs to move forward is William Barr after his press conference yesterday that confirmed he is a legal adviser for the president now and not the nation's AG. On top of that, Joe Manchin, Doug Jones and Kyrsten Sinema need to be called to account for their "Yeas" during his confirmation and the first thing they can do is call for this after Barr wasted their trust in him. I know why they did it, so now they need to start fixing it. -

  29. #569
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    What is the goal of Congress getting the unredacted report?

    I mean, I know transparency is good and I want them to get it. But what do we expect to come of it? If they get it but still can't share it, I feel like any information learned from it will still matter exactly zero to anyone in the GOP voter base.

    So what do we hope comes of it? Is it so that they can potentially see if further investigations need to be opened after seeing what has been left out? Or is it literally just for transparency's sake, with no goals or expectations of any kind?

  30. #570
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    What is the goal of Congress getting the unredacted report?

    I mean, I know transparency is good and I want them to get it. But what do we expect to come of it? If they get it but still can't share it, I feel like any information learned from it will still matter exactly zero to anyone in the GOP voter base.

    So what do we hope comes of it? Is it so that they can potentially see if further investigations need to be opened after seeing what has been left out? Or is it literally just for transparency's sake, with no goals or expectations of any kind?
    It's truly so they can do their jobs. Mueller has made it clear that the report should serve as a big, giant referral for congress to hold the executive branch accountable. It's also so that hearings can be guided and prevent inaccuracies. I get why ongoing investigations and facts obtained through our intelligence agencies are redacted for the general public, but grand jury testimony should be available as well to congress at the very least. We elect them for this reason.

    The goal should be for congress to keep this in the news since the Republican senate will sit on their hands and do nothing about this. Every time Trump starts to get some good news, here comes another subpoena for witness testimony at a congressional hearing to remind everyone that this guy is corrupt as hell. This will either hurt polling numbers for Republicans so that they start to get in line with impeachment, or just simply hurt them enough so that they lose re-election in 2020 along with Trump.

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