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Thread: Trump 2019 - There are still children in detention separated from their parents

  1. #61
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    I loathe the man to very bone but it must be understood that he himself loves fast food. I think he truly believes he was giving them the best meal imaginable: that's what he would eat

  2. #62
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    I suspect he succeeded as a business man as most of the other business men he worked with are just as racist, sexist and hungry for money that they get alone like a bank on fire, difference is most of those guy's stay in the shadows with their money while burgers for brains LOVES attention.

    Edit: Additionally the guy loves fast food, and the guys he dines with love money so they don't care what they're eating (though they probably laugh at him about it behind his back)! I imagine he is also a tight wade, so getting in fast food instead of something more upper class saves money. I have nothing against loving fast food, i do too, but i imagine at that level you should make a bit more of an effort then a few cheese burgers...
    Last edited by Haysey_Draws; 01-16-2019 at 02:46 AM.

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    I loathe the man to very bone but it must be understood that he himself loves fast food. I think he truly believes he was giving them the best meal imaginable: that's what he would eat
    of course he loves fast food. And of course he’s bad at thinking and stuff, so of course, the McNugget sauce packets go in the silver gravy boats.

    So... I’ve been thinking, and I don’t see this government shutdown (or future discourse at some point) going anywhere. Trump has backed himself into a corner that only the greatest negotiator could spin his way out of, and (surprise!) he’s not the great negotiator he promised he was. Instead, it appears that the art of the deal is to dig in your heels and whine until you get your way.

    which might work if you’re playing chicken in a business deal, and you inherited 400 million dollars... not so much when you’re bargaining with the US economy. I don’t think he’s willing to accept the fact that he’s not going to win this... and no matter how this ends, I doubt it will be his last shutdown, and I guess we’ll see if he learned anything next time he pulls this shit
    Last edited by Jinsai; 01-16-2019 at 09:11 AM.

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    of course he loves fast food. And of course he’s bad at thinking and stuff, so of course, the McNugget sauce packets go in the silver gravy boats.

    So... I’ve been thinking, and I don’t see this government shutdown (or future discourse at some point) going anywhere. Trump has backed himself into a corner that only the greatest negotiator could spin his way out of, and (surprise!) he’s not the great negotiator he promised he was. Instead, it appears that the art of the deal is to dig in your heels and whine until you get your way.

    which might work if you’re playing chicken in a business deal, and you inherited 400 million dollars... not so much when you’re bargaining with the US economy. I don’t think he’s willing to accept the fact that he’s not going to win this... and no matter how this ends, I doubt it will be his last shutdown, and I guess we’ll see if he learned anything next time he pulls this shit
    Yeah, and the shutdown isn't going to affect him personally, so he doesn't really care either.

    The shutdown could go on for the rest of his presidency and he wouldn't care.

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post
    Yeah, and the shutdown isn't going to affect him personally, so he doesn't really care either.

    The shutdown could go on for the rest of his presidency and he wouldn't care.
    This is so true and terrifying!

  6. #66
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    this bit where Pelosi is encouraging Trump to postpone the state of the union address or to submit it in writing is kind of hilarious. I would assume that Trump already intended to ditch it, but now, if he does it's going to look like "he's avoiding it because Nancy told him to."

    So... now... is Trump going to try to defy her advice to look tough or something? I'm trying to picture how sadly that will roll out. "So...uh... as we sit through the longest government shutdown in American history... I can proudly say that the state of the union has never been stronger..."

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    this bit where Pelosi is encouraging Trump to postpone the state of the union address or to submit it in writing is kind of hilarious. I would assume that Trump already intended to ditch it, but now, if he does it's going to look like "he's avoiding it because Nancy told him to."

    So... now... is Trump going to try to defy her advice to look tough or something? I'm trying to picture how sadly that will roll out. "So...uh... as we sit through the longest government shutdown in American history... I can proudly say that the state of the union has never been stronger..."
    LOL like Trump will actually write his SOTU speech.

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by ltrandazzo View Post
    LOL like Trump will actually write his SOTU speech.
    Sean Hannity is running the country, now, so he probably wrote it.

  9. #69
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    Nancy is smart... take away baby's TV time. No media for you. thats how he needs to be handled.

  10. #70
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    Sean Hannity, Anne Coulter, and Rush Limbaugh run the fucking country.

    Wouldn't it be a crazy plot twist if the three of them were compromised Russian agents all along?

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by dvdglss View Post
    Nancy is smart... take away baby's TV time. No media for you. thats how he needs to be handled.
    Yup, she handled this one like a FUCKIN’ BOSS!!

    This all is a fucking MESS, though. 50,000 more government workers were just called to work, without pay. People can’t give IOUs to mortgage companies, and this could lead to the a huge loss in the real estate market. Child support isn’t being deducted from pay. Low income seniors’ subsidized rent isn’t being paid by HUD.

    I personally don’t think a “wall” is Trump’s sole motive: he and his crazy followers want to rid the government of the majority of these agencies, and privatize or dissolve them. This is all going to be his Exhibit “A.”
    Last edited by allegro; 01-16-2019 at 03:34 PM.

  12. #72
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    A post shared by on

  13. #73
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    Last edited by allegro; 01-16-2019 at 07:17 PM.

  14. #74
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    MEANWHILE: WHAT THE FUCK regarding sanctions against Oleg V. Deripaska???


    In addition to Collins and Hawley, the Republican senators voting with Democrats were John Boozman of Arkansas, Tom Cotton of Arkansas, Steve Daines of Montana, Cory Gardner of Colorado, John Kennedy of Louisiana, Martha McSally of Arizona, Marco Rubio of Florida, Ben Sasse of Nebraska and Jerry Moran of Kansas.
    Not voting today? Bernie Sanders - "He was meeting with women who had accused his 2016 presidential campaign of sexual misconduct, his spokesman, Josh Miller-Lewis, told CNBC."

    "Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, who had warned as a presidential candidate in the 2012 election that Russia is the United States' top geopolitical foe, voted against Schumer's resolution." <--- WTF
    Last edited by allegro; 01-16-2019 at 08:17 PM.

  15. #75
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    From the Atlantic:

    Impeach Donald Trump:

  16. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    You forgot fake Christian. They forgive him for the pussy grabbing because he pretends to love their Christ. The old white Christians I grew up with love him and think he’s just great. On face book they post border wall memes and claim trump’s working for free. Because Jesus, y’all.
    oh yeah, that's fucking infuriating.
    I saw this video where some Christian interviewer was asking him about asking God's forgiveness for things.

    And Red Don said he had NEVER done that and didn't believe in the concept. It was fucking baffling. Everyone seemed stunned. He doesn't know ANYTHING about Christianity, the awful bastard.

  17. #77
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    so... this new Cuomo interview with Giuliani... "I never said that there was no collision between the campaign or between people in the campaign... I have not. I said the president of the United States."

    So... the official stance is now, "well, there may have been collusion between Russia and the people HANDLING the Trump campaign, but Trump didn't know anything about it." That is, literally, unbelievable. However, if it were believable, it makes Trump sound like the most aloof idiot ever.

    Also, of course, YES, Giuliani is lying, he did insist this, and so did Trump.

  18. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    oh yeah, that's fucking infuriating.
    I saw this video where some Christian interviewer was asking him about asking God's forgiveness for things.

    And Red Don said he had NEVER done that and didn't believe in the concept. It was fucking baffling. Everyone seemed stunned. He doesn't know ANYTHING about Christianity, the awful bastard.
    In this age where fewer and fewer younger people are accepting religion alot of these desperate Christians will latch onto anyone willing to say he is their man...even this absolute twat!

  19. #79
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    Oh god now Trump is “cancelling” some international trip Pelosi was supposedly planning to Egypt and Afghanistan?

  20. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post
    Already posted above you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Oh god now Trump is “cancelling” some international trip Pelosi was supposedly planning to Egypt and Afghanistan?
    He canceled the use of military aircraft and told her she's welcome to go; it just won't be with government transit. Which, yeah, is effectively canceling it. The bigger concern is that the trip was previously unannounced, so POTUS yelling "HEY NANCY YOU CAN FLY COMMERCIAL INTO A WAR ZONE IN AN HOUR IF YOU WANT" isn't exactly going to convince her to keep the trip. It's 100% a tit-for-tat for her SOTU letter.

  21. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    He canceled the use of military aircraft and told her she's welcome to go; it just won't be with government transit. Which, yeah, is effectively canceling it. The bigger concern is that the trip was previously unannounced, so POTUS yelling "HEY NANCY YOU CAN FLY COMMERCIAL INTO A WAR ZONE IN AN HOUR IF YOU WANT" isn't exactly going to convince her to keep the trip. It's 100% a tit-for-tat for her SOTU letter.
    Yep. Shit is getting completely absolutely fucking insane... and I hate that I feel redundant by saying that.

  22. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Already posted above you.

    He canceled the use of military aircraft and told her she's welcome to go; it just won't be with government transit. Which, yeah, is effectively canceling it. The bigger concern is that the trip was previously unannounced, so POTUS yelling "HEY NANCY YOU CAN FLY COMMERCIAL INTO A WAR ZONE IN AN HOUR IF YOU WANT" isn't exactly going to convince her to keep the trip. It's 100% a tit-for-tat for her SOTU letter.
    AAAAAAAAND Madam Speaker is 2nd in line to the Presidency. Trump IS President, Pence is 1st in line, Pelosi is 2nd in line. So her safety - as Speaker of the House - is to be highly protected. Trump is a moron.

    Okay and THIS here is ... omg ... I hope Cohen has tapes ... SUBORNED PERJURY

  23. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat Mom

    isnt there enough with just the testimony though? I almost feel like if the mountain of evidence isn’t sufficient, then no recording is going to really make the difference.

  24. #84
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    Holy shit

  25. #85
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    ...what the fuck?!

    *edit this was the story posted above. Sorry i'm a bit slow today!

  26. #86
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    I know we need a smoking gun or something here, but did anyone ever really doubt that Trump regularly instructs his minions (and children) to do this sort of thing?

  27. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    isnt there enough with just the testimony though? I almost feel like if the mountain of evidence isn’t sufficient, then no recording is going to really make the difference.
    You need evidence that Trump directed it (suborned), yes. I don’t THINK Cohen’s word, alone, is enough for suborned perjury. But I don’t think that the Mueller team would be wasting time with this guy if they didn’t have evidence of all kinds of stuff.

    Cohen is going to be testifying before Congress about all of this, so we shall see.

    The Tweet above said it all: “If they can prove this, checkmate.”

    Note that no other news outlet has verified Buzzfeed’s report as of now.

    But Ivanka’s response is interesting.
    Last edited by allegro; 01-18-2019 at 11:12 AM.

  28. #88
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    How did we ever prove this sort of thing in the days before audio/video devices though? I ask this without sarcasm... the circumstantial evidence is incredible and it’s almost a “duh of course” kind of thing... did Trump do what we all know he did? Well, it’s not enough without a photo and a recording? Even if there is an audio recording, it likely won’t be clean enough to pass the plausibility smell test... I could fake the audio and a jury wouldn’t know the difference

  29. #89
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    I’ll never understand why we protect the president like this. This is well beyond a reasonable doubt... feels like it should be the other way around, given the stakes at hand

  30. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat Mom View Post
    You need evidence that Trump directed it (suborned), yes. I don’t THINK Cohen’s word, alone, is enough for suborned perjury. But I don’t think that the Mueller team would be wasting time with this guy if they didn’t have evidence of all kinds of stuff.

    Cohen is going to be testifying before Congress about all of this, so we shall see.

    The Tweet above said it all: “If they can prove this, checkmate.”

    Note that no other news outlet has verified Buzzfeed’s report as of now.

    But Ivanka’s response is interesting.
    What was Ivanka's response?

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